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Tone on Misty Mountain Hop

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This is for the guitar players. Anyone know what setting I could set my Line 6 pocket pod to get a tone resembling that on Misty Mountain Hop? It's just for a school talent show, (I teach Gr. 8 and some students wanted me to play on it) so it's not a big deal. I just want it to sound cool.


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I wish I could help you, but I'm not familiar with the Line 6 Pocket Pod. I can only say you'd need a mild overdrive (not too fuzzy, more of a boost) and a short room echo, and a modest reverb. The most inporatnt thing for that feel is the echo. The guitars are doubled, so you need a really quick single repeat to emulate that. Keep your mids up too. I hope that helps. Sorry I couldn't help you more. Good luck with the class.

Edited by Evster2012
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