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Aerosmith's Steven Tyler Checks Into Rehab

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I just saw a video in health where he was talking about not doing drugs and how important he felt it was to stay clean. I really hope he gets better soon.

I didn't know Steven Tyler made a video for school health classes to warn kids about the dangers of drugs.

It all begins with a moment of weakness, I'll just try this one for a little buzz then it's like you never quit.

I don't know if it's true but when I was a teenager someone told us that for some people, certain drugs - such as heroin - are instantly addictive. That information was one reason why I never tried hard drugs.

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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He did. It had stuff about Kurt Cobain dying of herion but failed to mention Janis Joplin. I was very mad. Kurt Cobain isn't the only person who died because of drugs in the music buisness.

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He did. It had stuff about Kurt Cobain dying of herion but failed to mention Janis Joplin. I was very mad. Kurt Cobain isn't the only person who died because of drugs in the music buisness.

I wonder if the film-makers left Janis out because they didn't think enough kids would know who she was?

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I almost said that was a sad excuse of a kid, but then I remembered that most kids don't care about the past. I'm not much into Kurt Cobain, I did give Nirvana a chance, but I didn't care for it. Anyway, they showed Steven Tyler so I don't understand why they didn't use Janis. No one but me knew who Steven Tyler was. I had to explain who Aerosmith was.

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I didn't know Steven Tyler made a video for school health classes to warn kids about the dangers of drugs.

I don't know if it's true but when I was a teenager someone told us that for some people, certain drugs - such as heroin - are instantly addictive. That information was one reason why I never tried hard drugs.

Heroin is an opiate. Opiates are said to permanently alter the brain's chemistry so that when the brain notices an absence of the drug in the body it causes a person to react by craving more of the drug.


Scientific researchers have studied the reasons why opiates alter the brain's chemistry and published papers on their findings. Drugs permanently alter the brain's chemistry because they bind to and then chemically alter the receptors in the brain and their structure. Neurotransmitters may also play a role in the altered chemistry by sending messages from the brain to the body's nervous system.

There is a public presentation designed to explain in depth exactly how this works that I recall seeing on television during a science program, though I don't recall the name.


Opioid-binding sites in the central nervous system were proposed by Beckett and Casy (1954) and Portoghese (1965), and demonstrated in mammalian brain tissue in 1973 by using radioligand-binding assays on isolated brain tissue (Pert and Snyder, 1973; Simon et al., 1973). The extensive pharmacological studies performed during the last decades have uncovered a variety of opioid receptor (OR) subtypes. To date, four ORs have been cloned, the mu-(µ) (MOP-R), kappa-() (KOP-R), delta-() (DOP-R) and the NOP-R, the latter initially referred to as ORL-1 (Mollereau et al., 1994), or nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor (Meunier et al., 1995).
Edited by eternal light
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I almost said that was a sad excuse of a kid, but then I remembered that most kids don't care about the past. I'm not much into Kurt Cobain, I did give Nirvana a chance, but I didn't care for it. Anyway, they showed Steven Tyler so I don't understand why they didn't use Janis. No one but me knew who Steven Tyler was. I had to explain who Aerosmith was.

I am really surprised that you were the only one who knew about Aerosmith and Steven Tyler. It sounds like your classmates aren't into rock music. What do they listen to? My own children just grew up listening to all sorts of rock music so they know who everyone is - including Janis.

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Heroin is an opiate. Opiates are said to permanently alter the brain's chemistry so that when the brain notices an absence of the drug in the body it causes a person to react by craving more of the drug.


Thanks for the link. I am thankful that hard drugs have never been a part of my life.

In any case, my prayers and best wishes to Steven Tyler.

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I didn't know Steven Tyler made a video for school health classes to warn kids about the dangers of drugs.

I don't know if it's true but when I was a teenager someone told us that for some people, certain drugs - such as heroin - are instantly addictive. That information was one reason why I never tried hard drugs.

You were smart Mad. I can only say that there is nobody else to blame when it comes to addiction We make our own bed and after recovery, we accept that it really is Nobody's Fault But Mine. The world does become a better place once we do

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Several years ago there were unconfirmed reports of Steven Tyler falling off the wagon but I don't recall it ever becoming much more than that. In other words, I don't think it ever got out of the rumor stage.

As for Kurt Cobain, he didn't die of drugs. He died from a fatal shotgun wound to the head. Drugs may have led to him wanting to take his own life but they weren't the cause of death.

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Aw, I wish the guy all the best too. As our American top-rockers, they have withstood so many hardships, yet always came back to each other for the music and playing.

I've never seen a kinder rock star than Steven. He ALWAYS reaches out to his fans, and is NICE to them. He understands what being a fan is.

They all had the courage and strength to perceiver when drugs were destroying the entire band. Hat's off to them for actually getting "GROUP" as in THE group counseling, when they were all fighting with each other and their wives. That takes some balls if you ask me.

Good luck Steven!

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AEROSMITH Guitarist Comments On STEVEN TYLER's Rehab Stint

AEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry has spoken to Blender.com about reports that after two decades of clean living, the group's 60-year-old frontman Steven Tyler has checked himself into a drug rehab clinic in Pasadena, California.

"I actually haven't talked to [steven] in a while," Perry tells Blender.com during in an interview to promote the upcoming Guitar Hero: Aerosmith game. "We spend most of our time off the road split up — that's just how it goes." Does he know what Tyler's in rehab for? "I'm not sure, but I hope he's doing OK."

Meanwhile, Perry is undergoing his own recovery — from a recent total knee-replacement surgery. "I'm about eight or nine weeks out from it," he tells Blender.com. "I still walk with a cane, but I'll be up and running probably within the next month. We have some press to do for Guitar Hero and hopefully I'll be able to make some of those events."

Tyler reportedly checked into the Pasadena Recovery Center, the site where Dr. Drew Pinsky practices and also the setting for the reality TV show "Celebrity Rehab". There's been no official word about what addiction Tyler is dealing with. The band members had serious drug problems in the late '70s and early '80s, but Tyler has been clean and sober since 1986.

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that's cold.....

....but funny as hell.

It's a bit of a paradox. Back in the 70s their early records kicked ass but they reportedly could suck in concert on occasion due to the drug abuse. After they regrouped their albums weren't so hot but they kicked ass live. Of course I mean no ill will towards Tyler but it's an observation I couldn't pass up.

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It's a bit of a paradox. Back in the 70s their early records kicked ass but they reportedly could suck in concert on occasion due to the drug abuse. After they regrouped their albums weren't so hot but they kicked ass live. Of course I mean no ill will towards Tyler but it's an observation I couldn't pass up.

Saw them in concert this past fall - they were awesome. Joe Perry really did seem to shine more so than Steven Tyler but I thinks that was when he had some kind of illness with his throat. Maybe he is addicted to prescription drugs? That would not be out of the ordinary with ex hard drug users - also what doctors prescribe for addicts. Just guessing. I hope he gets well soon he definitely rocks!

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Steven Tyler UPDATE

STEVEN TYLER checked himself into a rehab facility earlier this month after a series of surgeries and post-operative physical therapy (to correct long-time foot injuries resulting from his trademark athletic performance onstage).

“The doctors told me the pain in my feet could be corrected but it would require a few surgeries over time,” Tyler says. “The ‘foot repair’ pain was intense, greater than I'd anticipated. The months of rehabilitative care and the painful strain of physical therapy were traumatic. I really needed a safe environment to recuperate where I could shut off my phone and get back on my feet. Make no mistake, AEROSMITH has no plans to stop rocking. There’s a new album to record, then another tour.”


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