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Well nice job Manders!! :rolleyes:


I'm not saying it doesn't say spats! I'm just saying... it looks like "apata." That ain't Manders's fault!




Back on the subject? :P

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I would answer you spats, but I think I might have a brain hemorrhage trying to... lol, j/k. Honestly, spats, it's just how it is for some people. I want to be married because I see what my parents have.

Let me tell you something. I was born a year and a week before my parents were married. I am part of the reason my parents got married (Dad was already planning on proposing, of course, but he didn't until about a week after I was born, and she wouldn't have said yes right away if I hadn't been born... she would have taken time to think about it... in fact, they married a year later on the exact date my Dad proposed to my Mom). When I turned three, due to issues with his family and the fact that he was off-track (he needed to find himself, as I do now), plus because of his job, Dad moved to Georgia while we stayed in Connecticut. Not only were my parents legally separated, but Dad did, in fact, have a girlfriend in Georgia, one whom I had met and even hung out with once as a kid... she and Dad once took me to the zoo when I visited him by myself. I did find out later that they never slept together, though, and, in fact, in those 9 years, Dad didn't sleep with anyone.

Partly thanks to this girlfriend (she basically sat my Mom and Dad down and told my Dad that he loved my Mom and he should stop being a dick and get back with her), my Mom and Dad did not go through with any divorce, and after 9 years of separation, Mom, my younger brother, and I moved in with Dad in Georgia, they renewed their vows, and they have been happily married ever since. The two love each other madly (at times it can be embarrassing), and even though they get pissed with each other, often (mainly over money), they always make up, they never go to bed mad at each other, and I promise you they will never, ever divorce.

I have grown up with this happiness since I was in 3rd grade, and so I want to have that happiness myself. At the moment I'm single, but I know what I'm looking for in a girl. Someone who's as in to music as I am and maybe plays an instrument, will give me the independence I need, will understand that music is my life, and will trust me. I want that girl to be independent as well, and also trustworthy. What I do not want, however, is a trophy wife or a controlling wife.

But I want to spend the rest of my life with someone I love because that is, for me, at least, the fullest form of happiness. All I'd ever need to be truly happy is my music, a great wife, and two great kids. I'd need nothing else.

Oh, I'd have much else... if I get to the level I want to be at in my life, I'll have tons of money. And you can bet I'll use it. I'm horrible with money... I make money and I rush to spend it. It doesn't just burn a hole in my pockets... it burns a hole in my skin... but those are wants. It's only a fulfillment of our needs that can make us truly happy.


Why does this:


look like it says "Don't feed the apata"?

Fair enough. I just have trouble understanding why the masses want that. Because i have never wanted it. I just want to have fun with a pretty girlfriend. That seems to be looked at as a negative. Society seems to push the "get married, have kids, buy a house, yadda" as if that is the best way to go and the masses seem to go along with that. I don't get why that is looked at as the ultimate.

You and i seem to want the same things in a woman. Except i don't want her forever. Just different versions of her over time.

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If you don't like me fine. We have been doing a good job of not paying attention to each other. But don't brush off my thoughts as nonsense and try and influence others to. We are all talking about the same things involving relationships.

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Fair enough. I just have trouble understanding why the masses want that. Because i have never wanted it. I just want to have fun with a pretty girlfriend. That seems to be looked at as a negative. Society seems to push the "get married, have kids, buy a house, yadda" as if that is the best way to go and the masses seem to go along with that. I don't get why that is looked at as the ultimate.

You and i seem to want the same things in a woman. Except i don't want her forever. Just different versions of her over time.

Marry me a little

Love me just enough

Cry but not too often

Play but not too rough

Keep a tender distance

So we'll both be free

That's the way it ought to be

I'm ready

Marry me a little

Do it with a will

Make a few demands

I'm able to fulfill

Want me more than others

Not exclusively

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready now

You can be my best friend

I can be your right arm

We'll go through a fight or two

No harm, no harm

We'll look not too deep

We'll go not too far

We won't have to give up a thing

We'll stay who we are

Right? ok then

I'm ready

I'm ready now

Someone marry me a little

Love me just enough

Warm and sweet and easy

Just the simple stuff

Keep a tender distance

So we'll both be free

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready

Marry me a little

Body, heart, and soul

Passionate as hell

But always in control

Want me first and foremost

Keep me company

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready now

Oh how gently we'll talk

Oh how softly we'll tred

All the stings, the ugly things

We'll keep unsaid

We'll build a cocoon

Of love and respect

You promise whatever you like

I'll never collect

Right? ok then

I'm ready

I'm ready now


I'm ready

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That's just your impression Spats, not reality. I was married for three years in my 20's, and that was over twenty years ago. I'm not interested in doing it again, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. Most couples I know that are married, can't take a vacation with their spouse any longer than I can with my current girlfriend. 4-5 days seems to be about the limit before a potential homicide starts to brew. The older people get, the less patience they have. It doesn't matter what your status is. Everyone has a vision of how their life is supposed to plan out in the future, but as Lennon once sang, "Life is what happens while your busy making other plans". You can only plan so much, and that includes relationships. If you don't want a wife and kids, don't have them. It's not as unusual as you might think, and quite common in certain walks of life like the teaching field. You need to stop worrying about what other people think. You should also stop taking advice, because no one can tell you what you want to do...only you can do that. There is no right or wrong way....only your way. There's 3 Billion women in the world, and it's your job alone to find the one(s) that interest you. You want a trophy wife ?....go find one. Or, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, get an ugly woman to be your wife." If you want to smoke some cigar, you can cut those odds in half. Nobody really cares. Personally, I think you need a horny, seasoned, 40 year old mother with some stretch-marks to turn off the lights and show you some magic...suck that poison out of you that seems to be clouding your ability to reason about such things....but that's just me.

I agree that people should do what they truly want. That's what i a trying to do with my life. I just don't like how like the idea out there that a person has some issues or a problem if they don't want a wife and kids....."Fears commitment, only cares about themself, etc,". And i have trouble understandng why people want the wife and kids, the beautiful wedding, blah, blah".

I would never want to hook up with an older woman. It would just feel wrong. :o

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If you don't like me fine. We have been doing a good job of not paying attention to each other. But don't brush off my thoughts as nonsense and try and influence others to. We are all talking about the same things involving relationships.

Knock it off, Spats, and quit playing the naive act. While I think you're considerably stupid, you're not so stupid as to think that you can post a whole paragraph with a rhetorical question 'why do people think marriage is great', and comment that the masses are like sheep for wanting it, and not think that you're going to get a ton of response. Things have been quiet, with not a lot of people arguing with you, so you just decided to post something like that to get things riled up? You know damn well a writing a paragraph like that is going to turn things into a Spats-fest. Don't act like you don't know that. You know exactly what you're doing.

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Knock it off, Spats, and quit playing the naive act. While I think you're considerably stupid, you're not so stupid as to think that you can post a whole paragraph with a rhetorical question 'why do people think marriage is great', and comment that the masses are like sheep for wanting it, and not think that you're going to get a ton of response. Things have been quiet, with not a lot of people arguing with you, so you just decided to post something like that to get things riled up? You know damn well a writing a paragraph like that is going to turn things into a Spats-fest. Don't act like you don't know that. You know exactly what you're doing.

You are the one starting it. No one in this thread is arguing about anything. I got sensible responses and i am talking back and forth with them. You decided to start something with your sign. I was just saying what was on my mind and was looking for conversation like everyone else.

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When's the last time ya got laid pal?

2 years ago. (Don't laugh). I am definatley ready for a another one. I don't need a long term one. I am not asking for the world. Just a pretty girl to have a fun time with, do stuff with like going to the movies and concerts and sporting stuff. Not holding my breath for the love of my life or anything. Just some female attention and company in a easygoing way.

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2 years ago. (Don't laugh). I am definatley ready for a another one. I don't need a long term one. I am not asking for the world. Just a pretty girl to have a fun time with, do stuff with like going to the movies and concerts and sporting stuff. Not holding my breath for the love of my life or anything. Just some female attention and company in a easygoing way.


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Marry me a little

Love me just enough

Cry but not too often

Play but not too rough

Keep a tender distance

So we'll both be free

That's the way it ought to be

I'm ready

Marry me a little

Do it with a will

Make a few demands

I'm able to fulfill

Want me more than others

Not exclusively

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready now

You can be my best friend

I can be your right arm

We'll go through a fight or two

No harm, no harm

We'll look not too deep

We'll go not too far

We won't have to give up a thing

We'll stay who we are

Right? ok then

I'm ready

I'm ready now

Someone marry me a little

Love me just enough

Warm and sweet and easy

Just the simple stuff

Keep a tender distance

So we'll both be free

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready

Marry me a little

Body, heart, and soul

Passionate as hell

But always in control

Want me first and foremost

Keep me company

That's the way it oughta be

I'm ready

I'm ready now

Oh how gently we'll talk

Oh how softly we'll tred

All the stings, the ugly things

We'll keep unsaid

We'll build a cocoon

Of love and respect

You promise whatever you like

I'll never collect

Right? ok then

I'm ready

I'm ready now


I'm ready

I can relate to some of this. Who is this song by?? :blink:

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I can relate to some of this. Who is this song by?? :blink:

Stephen Sondheim, from his 1970 landmark Broadway Musical 'Company', about a single guy who can't make (and doesn't want to make) lasting connections with women, and his circle of friends are putting a lot of pressure on him to get married and settle down.

Stephen Sondheim is an American musical genius, not recognised enough as what he should be in America. His work has been largely ignored by people outside of musical theatre.

"Could I leave you?

How could I leave you?

How could I go it all alone?

Could I wave the years away with a quick goodbye?

How do you wipe tears away when your eyes are dry?

Not to fetch your pills again every day at 5...

Not to give those dinners for 10 elderly men from the UN

How could I survive?

Could I leave you and your shelves of the world's best books?

And the evenings of martyred looks,

Cryptic sighs,

Sullen glares from those injured eyes.

Leave those quips with a sting,

Jokes with a sneer,

Passionless love-making once a yearly,

The lies ill-concealed,

And the wounds never healed,

And the game's not worth winning...oh wait...I'm just beginning...

Leave you leave you, how could I leave you?

What would I do on my own?

Putting thoughts of you aside in the south of France,

Would I think of suicide, darling shall we dance?

Could I live through the pain on a terrace in Spain,

Would it pass? It would pass...

Could I bury my rage with a boy half your age in the grass? Bet your ass!"

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I can tell the Sun is in Gemini, an air sign. It's nice to have your head in the clouds, but not advisable to overindulge in unrealistic expectations of marriage.

I am a libra. I can't remember who someone said i would be best matched up with. i can't remember when most of my ex girlfriends birthdays were so i don't know who i was matched best with.

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Stephen Sondheim, from his 1970 landmark Broadway Musical 'Company', about a single guy who can't make (and doesn't want to make) lasting connections with women, and his circle of friends are putting a lot of pressure on him to get married and settle down.

Stephen Sondheim is an American musical genius, not recognised enough as what he should be in America. His work has been largely ignored by people outside of musical theatre.

Gainsbarre, I'm an American and I have always recognized Sondheim as a musical genius - but I may be the exception rather than the rule. I'm a native NYer and I "cut my musical theater teeth" (thanks to student rush tickets) on plays like Sondheim's "Company", "A Little Night Music" and (the original) "Sweeney Todd". I am outside of the world of musical theater but grew up dancing and dreaming of dancing on Broadway so, as much as I love Sondeim, "A Chorus Line" (and Michael Bennett's choreography) will always have a special place in my heart.

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Why does everyone think that having a long lasting marriage is the key to happiness? Why do people want that? Why are people happy to see that? Why can't you just have fun with a lot of different people? Why is that looked at as something to strive for? That's the right way to go. Why do young women dream about this?

Me and some friends were at a my favorite sushi place the other night and there were a group of teenage girls eating and chatting about this stuff? A couple were even saying "i am going to name my first born..blah, blah, blah". We couldn't believe what we were hearing? Is it just that society has beat it into people's head that that is how it's supposed to be?

IMO, people are responsible for their own happiness; relationships should be the icing on the cake. We do go out and do things with other people (he: football, me: theatre).

And there's no sense having a relationship if it's not happy/healthy; better to not have one at all.

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The best match for Libra is Gemini.

True; I'm a Libra and my husband is a Gemini. Only thing is, being air signs, our nature is to procrastinate and be a little disorganized, so one of the pair needs to step up and take charge of paperwork and stuff.

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