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Bitchin Soul

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I am currently on the dating scene and "hawtness" is a big factor. It's pretty brutal out there. I get passed over for guys that are a lot better looking than me all the time.

Spats, when they were talking about your high standards for women, do you have other high standards for things in life or is it just women?

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Why dont you all hook up Spats with Gainsbarre and we will all be happy ever after?? They deserve each other. Two boys that are like two teenage girls.

Gainesbarre and I may disagree on quite a bit, but absolutely not. Gainesbarre is a clear, astute, and educated individual. He has never said or done anything to deserve anyone like spats (sorry, spats, but you know it's true). And quite frankly, I rather enjoy debating with Gainesbarre. I have never enjoyed debating with spats, except maybe once or twice.

So no. This one just won't happen.

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Spats, when they were talking about your high standards for women, do you have other high standards for things in life or is it just women?

That's a good question. What do mean? Like food, friends, job, place to live, stuff like that?

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I'm currently in a "funk" with two girls. I like them both, but I don't know which one I like more. I talk to both a lot, but it's tough trying to make up my mind.

What you need to do is find out what you have in common with each girl. I mean, on a deeper level then what friends would have in common. Once you find out, choose the one who you think you're more compatible with.

I could say go by astrology, too, but don't. And if you do, don't put much stock in it (And I can say that because no Gemini horoscope, even ones I have paid for, have ever been right about me... I was born on May 22, 1987... that makes me a Gemini).

I did have a friend once who was into two girls. He found out something interesting, though. Both were bi, and as long he didn't show any favoritism, they didn't mind him dating them both at the same time. Which he did... Just saying... :D

Edited by Nathan
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That's a good question. What do mean? Like food, friends, job, place to live, stuff like that?

Yeah, basically, like do you think you are a hard person to impress with food, or music, movies, that sort of stuff?

Gainesbarre and I may disagree on quite a bit, but absolutely not. Gainesbarre is a clear, astute, and educated individual. He has never said or done anything to deserve anyone like spats (sorry, spats, but you know it's true). And quite frankly, I rather enjoy debating with Gainesbarre. I have never enjoyed debating with spats, except maybe once or twice.

So no. This one just won't happen.

Flattery, my dear sir, will get you absolutely everywhere ;)

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What's a ringer?

There is stuff I love about some women. I don't just point out the negative.

A ringer means a pro, a sandbagger. You do this too well to be an amature. I have no issue with you Spats but everything you post is all about you. However, having said that..... you are part of the furniture around here

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Oh lets get offensive now. NO Im not ridiculing. Im only asking if she believes in it. I always find it curious to see who believes in it and who does not. Its in the damn newspaper everyday so I suppose there are many who do believe in it. My own personal opinion is that most of the stuff you read as forcasts are broad generalizations that a person born in any month can experience. Many times what they say is way off of my personal life. For what its worth, Im Leo.

Typical Leo response :hippy:

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Yeah, basically, like do you think you are a hard person to impress with food, or music, movies, that sort of stuff?

Flattery, my dear sir, will get you absolutely everywhere ;)

I am not a hard person to impress with food. I eat at fast food places a lot. But i am hard to please with music and movies. But i think a person should have high standards about who they have sex with.

Edited by spats
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A ringer means a pro, a sandbagger. You do this too well to be an amature. I have no issue with you Spats but everything you post is all about you. However, having said that..... you are part of the furniture around here

I am just being me. But i think most people here post mostly about themselves.

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I am not a hard person to impress with food. I eat at fast food places a lot. But i am hard to please with music and movies. But i think a person should have high standards about who they have sex with.

Maybe you're just an aesthete...

you like zee beautiful girls, you like zee beautiful food and wine, you could just have a high appreciate of aesthetic things

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I am not a hard person to impress with food. I eat at fast food places a lot. But i am hard to please with music and movies. But i think a person should have high standards about who they have sex with.

So you're out of luck then right?

Edited by wanna be drummer
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OK, I don't know all the players here but I am guessing Spats is definatley young! And Spats...why SHOULD you settle! Every individual has their own quirks and needs. You will one day find the Lady yer lookin for and if you think you need to decide between two?? Neither one of them! Cuz...you should just kinda KNOW! The right woman will be one you WANT to spend more time with, one that you can do the things you do with your guy buddies with. One that your guy buddies like too!

I'm a chick...I know a lot of women, I coudn't stand living with most of them either!! Not that I'm not a tad on the high maintanance side but my owner manual is pretty easy. Follow the instructions and there'll be no problems. Don't take care of the minimal things and suddenly a gasket blows.

I do NOT want to spend every moment with my husband and I DO look forward to seeing him! He persues his interests...I pursue mine, and we pursue some together...it's called balance. And yes, Spats...I am a Libra also ; ) on the cusp of Scorpio with the majority of my planets in Scorpio...including Venus.

I'm on my second marriage and still have a wonderful friendship with my first husband...just talked to him on the phone yesterday...he and his wife have dinner with us when they are in town. The weirdest part was holding their child...THAT was strange...cuz I'm 47 and never got on the kiddie bus, just kinda missed it but that's the way life rolls. I'd never want to change that now because I'm very used to a certain 'child free' lifestyle. Too old to change that.

The thing about a marriage is that it IS a partnership. You kinda are both working towards the same thing. To maybe have a nice house to entertain your friends and family in, to travel to places you both want to visit, to dine with mutual friends, to just sit outside after a hard day work and have a glass of wine and discuss your day with....and of course...if hot sex is involved....GREAT!

But good for you Spats for not having sex just to have sex! I think that's pretty admirable...especially in these days of 'icky shit'.

You'll stumble onto her one of these days, don't worry. Maybe you just need to change up your environment...where you're meeting women. Do the things you like to do and you'll find someone there doing the same thing that you might want to know better! Let your guard down and be open.

OK, my .02 for the day....

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I could say go by astrology, too, but don't. And if you do, don't put much stock in it (And I can say that because no Gemini horoscope, even ones I have paid for, have ever been right about me... I was born on May 22, 1987... that makes me a Gemini).

You're almost on the cusp with Taurus; maybe you should check the Taurus profile?

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I've been searching for one of those for 49 yrs, where can I get a copy? :o:rolleyes:


OK, I admit, that's the tricky part :D See we are custom machines so....it's not like we all roll off the same assembly line. HOWEVER, if you happen to buy a car that doesn't come with a manual....use some common sense...Listen for any pings...you hear a little rumbling...don't let it go until it's a loud knocking!! Make sure there's always oil and gas, and don't let the water in the radiator run low....so checking all the gauges on a regular basis will assist in getting the most mileage, make sure the auto is kept clean and shiny, take pride in your finely tuned machine!

Sorry buddy, not the definative answer but I hope it helps :D

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OK, I admit, that's the tricky part :D See we are custom machines so....it's not like we all roll off the same assembly line. HOWEVER, if you happen to buy a car that doesn't come with a manual....use some common sense...Listen for any pings...you hear a little rumbling...don't let it go until it's a loud knocking!! Make sure there's always oil and gas, and don't let the water in the radiator run low....so checking all the gauges on a regular basis will assist in getting the most mileage, make sure the auto is kept clean and shiny, take pride in your finely tuned machine!

Sorry buddy, not the definative answer but I hope it helps :D

Just so happens I'm a Mechanic so I can relate, still nice to have a manual so at least you know where to start :D

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You're almost on the cusp with Taurus; maybe you should check the Taurus profile?

I was born a good bit past the Taurus cut-off date, but I do have some Taurean traits:


disciplined / methodical







Overly self-conscious

Slow to anger, but can become furiously mad

It's odd.

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What you need to do is find out what you have in common with each girl. I mean, on a deeper level then what friends would have in common. Once you find out, choose the one who you think you're more compatible with.

I could say go by astrology, too, but don't. And if you do, don't put much stock in it (And I can say that because no Gemini horoscope, even ones I have paid for, have ever been right about me... I was born on May 22, 1987... that makes me a Gemini).

I did have a friend once who was into two girls. He found out something interesting, though. Both were bi, and as long he didn't show any favoritism, they didn't mind him dating them both at the same time. Which he did... Just saying... :D

thanks dude

that helps.

But unfortunately the bi situation wont work.


however, i have done that with 2 girls before who were both bi.

and they were dating each other.

really, really weird.


Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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