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Bitchin Soul

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Hi all,

Hey,kid,.....that is kind of a 'funk' most of us old farts would like to be in,... :D

Life is so rough these dancing days,...

How 'bout this: let them make up their own minds,do they want to be with you,.....strange I know,.... :)

KB,not noing no thing 'bout no body,..


cool beans

thank you sir.

that helps

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I liked this guy at work but found out on Friday that he has a girlfriend :( . I have no chance, and he's taken so I'm just going to have to back off :'(.

I'm stuck in a bit of a rut with guys at the moment. This sleezy loser asked me out on Tuesday and I couldn't be less interested if I tried. The guy is older than me and is such a tool.

Why is it that I can never get the ones I want?

Oh no, GibsonGirl! :( If it helps, the same happened to me a couple of months ago. I know the feeling

An advice from someone older (I could be your sister :D ) don't lose hope, and don't waste your time with guys you are not interested in or if you don't feel that magical connection. It's not worth it.

I am sure you will soon meet the one who will make you shake when he talks, dream about him all day and night, lose sleep, feel the "butterflies" inside, and ya know...all the sweet things you feel when you are in love! ;) Keep the faith..

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I'm a FIRM believer that you shouldn't look for someone. Stop looking and you will eventually find each other.

I surely was not looking for anyone, then one day, several months ago, me and my boyfriend found each other, and its been great. I didn't expect to be here right now, but I am glad I am.

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I'm going to be honest. Aside from the fact I'm not "officially" in a relationship, I've been with this guy for 8 months, we've been through a hell of a lot and we're in love.

I'm happy about 80-90% of the time. Blissful, delightful happiness, moments of real togetherness and love.

The other 10-20% is lots of screaming rows, crying, anger, exasperation.

Anyone who says their relationship is consistently happy is either lying, in a passionless relationship....or, well, just fucking lucky.

We row quite a lot cause we push eachothers buttons, but really cause we love eachother so much it's actually very frustrating, and more than once I've felt like giving up. It's hard but the good times make it worth it.

Am I always happy with him?


Would I wanna be with anyone else?

Absolutely not.

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Hey Tangerine I am not fooled. People in bad relationships usually do not talk about them because they are ashamed of them. Notice I did not go into full detail about mine. Most of my friends relationships are not bad just boring. We are in the age group of the mid-life crises. One thing I know for sure is the grass is not always greener on the other side. Everyday life is going to be boring sometime as in a marriage or relationship. I am just happy that some people are truly in love and sound content - maybe a little jealous.

Maybe there should be a new thread like how may of you would like to get out our your relationships? There probably would not be alot of responses because they are afraid their significant other might look at the computer.

I felt pretty bad after writing about my relationship. The reply was soooo heavy that I had a long thought about it. I didn´t mean to sound as if my relationship was at its end, just that there was something missing. Bitching soul sums it up. IT´S BORING. The day to day life is fine. The sexlife is awsome but the SPARK is missing. Some people loose the SPARK. We are in that mid-life crisis where he thinks he´s too old to go out and I still feel rather young. We don´t agree on things because we all change and yes I´m a bit jealous or a not believer when people say that they are sooo happy together and there´s nothing wrong. What about a new thread PUT THE SPARK BACK INTO MID-LIFE MARRIAGES THAT ARE IN CRISIS??? We might be able to save some time on having to go to marriage counsellors. Oh I don´t know. What I do know is that my hubby is madly in love with me but women are different they have more feelings. Men argue and forget as soon as you give them a little cuddle (know what I mean). Anyway my kids are the most important thing in life.

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I've experienced that "boring-ness" that a long term relationship can deal you...I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years. We met when I was 20, and we've been together since.

I have to remind myself that after four years of living together and two-and-a-half-years homeownership, we aren't going to super sexy hot all of the time. We WILL want to avoid each other for a while--just as any relationship has its ups and downs--even one with the person you want to spend your life with will also have its ups and downs.

I just remind myself that he's the man for me--packrat or not--he's the one I want to be with.

If there was anyone I ever had to get annoyed at for what he annoys me with, it has to be him.

I also reminded him that he probably wouldn't put up with my annoying habits had they been attached to anyone else in the world.


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^that's very true.

If you think about it, you have to put up with bs from all of your family members, (which you find ways to work around it most of the time); and as long as your partner is not sleeping around on you or treating you like a bag of dogcrap, you should be able to work most everything out.

Most everything....

edited because I made it sound like it's a bad thing if your family members have sex with someone other than you! :o


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We´ve been together for 16 years and will be together for all the years to come as I do not believe in divorce (at the moment) just heaps of patience and a lot of SEE SPEAK AND HEAR NO EVIL.

Not saying you are one, but that's usually the prevailing attitude of either a physically or verbally abused partner.

Life is too short to spend you days in that manner....relationships are full of give and take, but if you can't verbalize the things that you see as "taking" on your part, there's definitely something amiss.

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And I was expecting a "giving" joke..... ;)

Don´t get me wrong we both and I think everyone does this. Takes two to argue and if one backs of and not saying that I´m the one that does it, things go better. I think men back off more than women.

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And I was expecting a "giving" joke..... ;)


I could do one, but I just don't feel like it right now...

Don´t get me wrong we both and I think everyone does this. Takes two to argue and if one backs of and not saying that I´m the one that does it, things go better. I think men back off more than women.

Isn't that the truth?

I usually keep going long after my boyfriend's said, "whatever."


Im fact, I did it yesterday.

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I felt pretty bad after writing about my relationship. The reply was soooo heavy that I had a long thought about it. I didn´t mean to sound as if my relationship was at its end, just that there was something missing. Bitching soul sums it up. IT´S BORING. The day to day life is fine. The sexlife is awsome but the SPARK is missing. Some people loose the SPARK. We are in that mid-life crisis where he thinks he´s too old to go out and I still feel rather young. We don´t agree on things because we all change and yes I´m a bit jealous or a not believer when people say that they are sooo happy together and there´s nothing wrong. What about a new thread PUT THE SPARK BACK INTO MID-LIFE MARRIAGES THAT ARE IN CRISIS??? We might be able to save some time on having to go to marriage counsellors. Oh I don´t know. What I do know is that my hubby is madly in love with me but women are different they have more feelings. Men argue and forget as soon as you give them a little cuddle (know what I mean). Anyway my kids are the most important thing in life.

Hey M:

Don't feel bad you were just being honest. I totally agree with you. My husband does not want to do anything with me. For all you single people out there it is possible to feel lonely even though you are in a relationship. Yes, you need to start how to put spark back into a mid-life crises. My husband bought a new porsche. Can I buy a new boy toy? :o My child is the most important thing in my life to but I still feel like I am missing out. Let's get the "Spark" thread started. Your Turn!

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The thing about a marriage is that it IS a partnership. You kinda are both working towards the same thing.

This sounds similar to what i was talking about on the pet peeves thread. Sometimes a partnership includes picking up after someone, lol. So maybe instead of doing it so bitchy, you could use a little humor to get your hubby to understand your desire. Train him, Medhb! Ragging on men almost never works! It just leaves you both frustrated.

At this point, i want to hear your man is picking up his own trash!

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^ I wish I could figure out how to get MY man to create a little less work for me.

I've already tried (many, many, many times) explaining to him that his being sloppy creates more work for me.

Funny thing though--the house can be embarrassingly trashed, and he still invites people over and isn't phased by it. I, on the other hand, am mortified when the blinds are open to the street and the front room is visible to anyone who walks by.

We've got different ideals for what is and isn't clean. (He doesn't mind stuff everywhere--that drive me insane.)

His reply? "This is who I am."



Still love the hell out of him and couldn't imagine spending my life picking up after any other man... LOL

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^ I wish I could figure out how to get MY man to create a little less work for me.

I've already tried (many, many, many times) explaining to him that his being sloppy creates more work for me.

Funny thing though--the house can be embarrassingly trashed, and he still invites people over and isn't phased by it. I, on the other hand, am mortified when the blinds are open to the street and the front room is visible to anyone who walks by.

We've got different ideals for what is and isn't clean. (He doesn't mind stuff everywhere--that drive me insane.)

His reply? "This is who I am."



Still love the hell out of him and couldn't imagine spending my life picking up after any other man... LOL

Awww... B)

There are public sections of my house, and private ones....and the private ones generally are pretty... :o

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^ I wish I could figure out how to get MY man to create a little less work for me.

I've already tried (many, many, many times) explaining to him that his being sloppy creates more work for me.

Funny thing though--the house can be embarrassingly trashed, and he still invites people over and isn't phased by it. I, on the other hand, am mortified when the blinds are open to the street and the front room is visible to anyone who walks by.

We've got different ideals for what is and isn't clean. (He doesn't mind stuff everywhere--that drive me insane.)

His reply? "This is who I am."



Still love the hell out of him and couldn't imagine spending my life picking up after any other man... LOL

Give him incentive, lol. Explain "if the living room was neater, i might want to fool around on the floor" for example.

If he needs some "messy" space maybe you can designate one room where he can be a slob, but tell him the rest of the house is a team effort to keep clean. You may need to do more of the work, but in many relationships that's the way it is. My main point has been, consider all the good you receive from this relationship and don't dwell on your part of the bargain. If someone feels it's not worth it (to be a housekeeper to their man, lol) then they should move on. You obviously love your man, so continue to try to persuade him to cooperate, but don't lose sight of what you find most important about the love affair.

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He has a room that he can do whatever he wants with--it's completely and totally trashed.

Not to mention the garage is pretty much his too, save the space it takes to park my little car...

He's actually got a TON of room. We have a pretty big house for two people--it's almost 2,000 square feet.

He's also got a TON of things stored in our attic, in the closet under the stairs, in the garage, in the closet that supposed to be mine.... get the picture? LOL

His dad said that if I ever leave him it will be because I can't handle all of his stuff.


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He has a room that he can do whatever he wants with--it's completely and totally trashed.

Not to mention the garage is pretty much his too, save the space it takes to park my little car...

He's actually got a TON of room. We have a pretty big house for two people--it's almost 2,000 square feet.

He's also got a TON of things stored in our attic, in the closet under the stairs, in the garage, in the closet that supposed to be mine.... get the picture? LOL

His dad said that if I ever leave him it will be because I can't handle all of his stuff.


Time to call 1-800-Junk when he's at work and get the place cleaned up. lol...you better give deep consideration into whether or not he's worth all this trouble :) I'm not a miracle worker. But try my ideas about "incentive" as a last resort.

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I suggested that organization team show on TLC. He told me if I insisted I get rid of anything, I'm the one to be gotten rid of.

I think for now, the "incentives" are the best ideas. Not that I think it will get my anywhere... LOL.

See--the thing is with the two of us: we're both ridiculously bull-headed and stubborn. We both MUST have our way...or at least the last word. :D

My mom says that we deserve each other.

She also says that we're lucky we've found each other because there is no one else in the world who is crazy enough to put up with the shit either of us put out...

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