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Madonna and the Zep


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Madonna is the strangest phenomenon of pop culture. i mean, her music isn't exactly good ( we're talking about POP music...) and I thik she even cannot sing very good!

And SHE is in the ROCK'N'ROLL hall of fame! Can you imagine!?!?!

OK, calm down lucy... Sorry but I get angry about this.

i hear you, sister! her and kylie are the 2 biggest scammers in recent history.

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I agree with Gainsbarre totally.

But it pisses me off thinking of her even anywhere near the same stage as Zeppelin members. She's like a piece of cold plastic compared to them. Look out, Madonna's coming through! :hysterical: You tell 'em, slowhand. What a fuckin joke.

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I agree with Gainsbarre totally.

But it pisses me off thinking of her even anywhere near the same stage as Zeppelin members. She's like a piece of cold plastic compared to them. Look out, Madonna's coming through! :hysterical: You tell 'em, slowhand. What a fuckin joke.

One can only imagine what Peter Grant's response to the knuckle dragging security guards would have been!

Colourful and entertaining I bet!

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One can only imagine what Peter Grant's response to the knuckle dragging security guards would have been!

Colourful and entertaining I bet!

:o:hysterical: Oh god, I spit out my cereal.

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The words "Madonna" and "Led Zeppelin" don't belong in the same fucking sentence, let alone anyplace else. The woman's not worthy of wiping the finger gunk off of Jimmy Page's guitar strings, okay! I cannot believe this woman is still famous and making music. It depresses me that I can remember when Madonna first made it big -I was just a kid- and she's still around while many artists who actually possessed varying degrees of talent are not.

I'm sure she is a Zeppelin fan (sarcasm)...it must make her absolutely sick hearing a band that actually had songwriting talent but also had musical ability as a group unlike any other. Does Madonna write her own songs (as opposed to getting credit for them along with whoever she 'collaborates' with)? Play any instruments (assuming there are actual instruments on her records these days, or is it all pre-programmed/sampled crap)? Does she have Page's production abilities? Nope...she's a total fuckin' con, and probably the biggest example/representation of why popular music has declined so much in the last twenty five years or so. All style, no substance and particularly no talent or sincerity whatsoever.

So she's still around...congratulations. The woman is fifty years old, for Christ sakes...the way she still dresses and carries on like some eighteen year old skank makes me sick. Madonna should start acting her age, 'cos pretty soon she's just going to look ridiculous the way she carries on. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the hell is the last time the woman's music actually made headlines -if it ever did- and not her publicity seeking antics? Hats off to her PR people; they earn their pay and then some. Imagine the reactions of her kids ten or fifteen years from now if they're ever presented with that goddamn "Sex" book. Or exposed to any of her horrible films? I feel sorry for them, and can only imagine the therapy bills. Will they desire to change their names when they grow up, ala Bart and Lisa Simpson, to "Steve Bennett" and "Lois Sandborn"?

I know...I probably sound pretty bitter, and should get of my soapbox, but there's a good reason why I don't listen to a hell of a lot of music that came out after about 1980 or so (bands of the classic rock era's latest albums aside): the majority of what's come along since then just ain't music. Madonna and Minogue and their ilk are an insult to so-called Popular Music.

End of rant...

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agreed. another kylie minogue. cant sing , cant play an instrument, cant write songs, but there they are selling millions of cds.

Actually Kylie is the real genius, because she's had a career that long, but she got away with it without having to appear like an attention-grabbing whore for the media like Madonna had to...

Actually Kylie was pretty much washed up after her 1997 Impossible Princess album was flop. The only thing that saved her was that the album was a hit in Australia.

Then of course she went back to her pop roots, and I have to say, she did it far more convincingly than she did when she was with Stock Aitken & Waterman

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I can't stand Madonna. She has a few good pop tunes but most of her stuff is crap. Most of all, I really can't stand how people act like she's beautiful. She is one ugly chic....kinda looks like Skeletor with blond hair!

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I can't stand Madonna. She has a few good pop tunes but most of her stuff is crap. Most of all, I really can't stand how people act like she's beautiful. She is one ugly chic....kinda looks like Skeletor with blond hair!

And not to mention a real arrogant bitch to boot.

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Movies notwithstanding, what's so wrong about her?

well nothing back then...

But she's a bit dorky now because she thinks she's a cultural icon, and when she's in concert these days, she does kinda look like somebody's slightly drunk middle-aged Mum dancing around at a 21st party...

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From the looks of this thread, I really should'nt add my two cents, becouse I can tell she is not well liked, to say the least. But here I go. It is kinda of hard to explain, but I do have respect for her. She did what she did, like it or not she did it her way. She did'nt follow trends, she made trends. She did'nt follow fashion , she made her own fashion statement. And wether people liked it or not, her music and dancing was always new and exciting. She was always a little too in your face for me, as I am more conservative, but she was willing to always take that chance, and as far as I can see, it always payed off. I guess what I am trying to say,is that she really had the blanks, to raise the bar in the music industry, no matter what anyone thought. The down side to that is now that she has children, does she regret any of the sexual nature that was often in her videos. From the looks of a recent one she did, I have to say she does'nt. Oh well wether I agree with her ethics or not, I still think she deserves a place in the history of music.

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well nothing back then...

But she's a bit dorky now because she thinks she's a cultural icon, and when she's in concert these days, she does kinda look like somebody's slightly drunk middle-aged Mum dancing around at a 21st party...


You perfectly said all I had on my mind!

In a funnier way!

Thank you for that good laugh. :D

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she does kinda look like somebody's slightly drunk middle-aged Mum dancing around at a 21st party...

Oiy, nothing wrong with that. Milfs can be great fun, especially when they are half pissed.

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