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it's kinda sad...

zetty twine

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I recognize that you were also around back in the day but my guess is that your Zep experiences were vastly different from my own (which I cannot/will not detail on a public forum) so I wouldn't expect you to feel the little pang that I feel.. My response to the OP has nothing to do with my being bothered about getting older or wanting to be a teenager again. btw, nothing that anyone can write here will change my memories, perceptions, or feelings about my LZ experiences - and that is a good thing.

Probably wiser not to guess . . . :whistling:

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I think Robert looks much hotter now than he did back then, perhaps because my own taste has changed with the years, but I sure don't feel sad when I look at him! (We DEFINITELY need that drooling smilie back!)

I'm definitely with you on that one. He spreads that....tingly....feeling

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Zetty, I think I know what you mean. I am not quite sure that "sad" is the word that I would choose but I do get what you're saying. I do feel a pang and a wave of nostalgia when I see them now because I do remember them from back in the day, when they were all young and seemingly invincible and all four Zep members were alive and at their peak. I know it sounds like a cliché, but seeing the recent pics of them reminds me of how short our time here is. Seems like only yesterday...

I think they look great! I mean Robert is well Robert *drool*, Jimmy looks better than he did a decade ago and Jonesy looks smashing...but I totally get what you mean! Eventhough I wasn't around back in the 70s (I would come to this world 16 years later...) I also feel a sort of nostalgia. My dad and my mom always tell me about the band back in the days. I have had this image of Led Zeppelin since early childhood of 4 young men who had the world at their feet (I'm not saying they don't anymore! They proved to us with the O2 gig that they still do!). I mean, its natural to grow old but sometimes for men like Robert, Jimmy and Jonesy...I wish they could stay young and beautiful forever! When I see them now, I can't help but to think that they won't be around forever and that in the 15 years to come they might...**eek I can't even say it...makes me too sad!**

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I recognize that you were also around back in the day but my guess is that your Zep experiences were vastly different from my own (which I cannot/will not detail on a public forum)

It didn’t have anything to do with sharks did it?

I’m sorry, just kidding... : )

Regarding aging. It’s inevitable, but premature aging is not inevitable and not something to aspire to.

Take care of your health and use sun block (extremely important) and one can stay younger looking much longer.

Edited by TangerineWannabe
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...to see how, um, old they are looking. Then again, they probably have more energy than me, and hell, at least they are still ROCKING!

I hope when I get their age I have their get up and go....

I think it would be sad only if they pretended to be younger.

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I think they look great! I mean Robert is well Robert *drool*, Jimmy looks better than he did a decade ago and Jonesy looks smashing...but I totally get what you mean! Eventhough I wasn't around back in the 70s (I would come to this world 16 years later...) I also feel a sort of nostalgia. My dad and my mom always tell me about the band back in the days. I have had this image of Led Zeppelin since early childhood of 4 young men who had the world at their feet (I'm not saying they don't anymore! They proved to us with the O2 gig that they still do!). I mean, its natural to grow old but sometimes for men like Robert, Jimmy and Jonesy...I wish they could stay young and beautiful forever! When I see them now, I can't help but to think that they won't be around forever and that in the 15 years to come they might...**eek I can't even say it...makes me too sad!**

That is great that your parents talk to you about how the band was back in the day. It's nice to learn firsthand about another time. My husband and I have always done the same thing with our own kids. It's a nice image to have of that time. Re: you last sentence - I try not to think about that either. I can't imagine the grief I will feel.

It didn’t have anything to do with sharks did it?

I’m sorry, just kidding... : )

Regarding aging. It’s inevitable, but premature aging is not inevitable and not something to aspire to.

Take care of your health and use sun block (extremely important) and one can stay younger looking much longer.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I know you're j/k but I feel compelled to clarify: No, no, no, no no. NO sharks. No octopus either. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just don't ask about lemons. :whistling:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: I know you're j/k but I feel compelled to clarify: No, no, no, no no. NO sharks. No octopus either. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just don't ask about lemons. :whistling:

Okay, no sharks, that’s a good thing. :)

I don’t know if you’re serious about lemons. How can any of us know for sure who is on a message board.

But just for the sake of argument, suppose I were to take you seriously. What year are we talking about?

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Okay, no sharks, that’s a good thing. :)

I don’t know if you’re serious about lemons. How can any of us know for sure who is on a message board.

But just for the sake of argument, suppose I were to take you seriously. What year are we talking about?

:wave: If you are who I think you are, you already know the answer to that. :beer:

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Hi, No I’m not whoever you think I am.

Seriously, I’m new here, just signed up a few days ago. Was never on the previous board that I’ve read about.

So the year question was a genuine question. : )

:blush: Oops! My apologies. Your writing style and sense of humor are very similar to that of a friend of mine (one who has been known to pop up unexpectedly). We've sometimes gone back and forth with one another on the old board, usually via PM. To everyone else, what we write is cryptic but we know what we're talking about. Sorry for confusing the two of you. :blush:

I like your sense of humor and hope you'll stick around. Hope I answered your question. :beer:

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I like your sense of humor and hope you'll stick around. Hope I answered your question.

Thank you... :) I enjoy your sense of humor as well. Yes, I’ll be sticking around. Nice group of people here.

I don't think it's as cryptic as you think, to be honest, given all the heavy hints! :lol:

You might be right. Mentioning ‘oranges’ however, now that would've been cryptic...

Since almost everyone in this topic seemed to extol the virtues of looking older, has anyone thought about the fact that last I heard, Robert and Jimmy both are with women who are 20 or more years younger than they are. Apparently they're not attracted to women who are 60 years old.

Edited by TangerineWannabe
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Thank you... :) I enjoy your sense of humor as well. Yes, I’ll be sticking around. Nice group of people here.

You might be right. Mentioning ‘oranges’ however, now that would've been cryptic...

Since almost everyone in this topic seemed to extol the virtues of looking older, has anyone thought about the fact that last I heard, Robert and Jimmy both are with women who are 20 or more years younger than they are. Apparently they're not attracted to women who are 60 years old.

Thanks. It is a nice place, isn't it?

I am interested in what you wrote at the end of your post. I wonder if it's the nature of artists or artistic types to be attracted to and find inspiration through younger women? I just finished reading a new bio of Picasso and it covered the years in which he met and feel in love with Marie-Thérèse. I've always wondered about the kinds of "creative" spaces required by great artists (musicians, painters, writers, etc.) and it seems that, within those spaces, one will always find the young muses.

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I think it's simpler than that. Younger partners make people feel younger themselves, and are flattering to the ego. But it seems to be true regarding the attitudes of society as a whole, that older men look mature while older women look wrinkly. Hence all those movies starring guys playing romantic leads opposite women young enough to be their daughters.

(No, even oranges, not that cryptic! ;)

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Yeah somehow its ok and sorta natural for a guy to be with a younger woman...not true the other way round. I still remember how shocked people were when Demi Moore started going out with Ashton Kutcher... :rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't blame younger women to be attracted to guys like Robert and Jimmy! I know I am!!! lol

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Hi All,

My own views on the subject is that it happens because women let it happen. I’ve never bought into the idea that older men with younger women is fine but vice versa is not. And unfortunately for some women, with older businessmen for example, money may have something to do with it.

Aquamarine, for me at least, older men look just as wrinkly as older women. I’m younger than both Robert and Jimmy by quite a number of years (and always will be :) ) and I like them both so much, in fact I like all the band members a great deal.

But I don’t think there is any denying that there was a powerful attraction there when they were in their prime. Even they would probably agree with that. Robert was certainly into himself back then. I know he knows what I’m talking about even if no one else does.

Men are just more honest about this than women are, that’s why some of them look for younger women and ignore their own age group. After I wrote my previous post, I looked up some information about Jimmy’s wife. She was born in the early 70’s so she’s almost 30 years younger than him. So when Robert wrote the lyrics to Going To California with the line, “Trying to find a woman who’s never, never, never been born” that may have applied to Jimmy's future wife. : )

And don’t think for a second that Robert is just really into Blue Grass music all of a sudden and that’s why he’s not interested in getting back with Zep and would rather work with Alison, who’s 36 and single by the way.

Some of the quotes written in previous posts about aging:

“Every crease, every wrinkle brings with it more soul”

“I find the guys in the band more interesting now they're older”

“each line and wrinkle is a badge of honor, a life lived both hard and well. With those lines come a wealth of knowledge”

“Its not even about looks anyways”

I can pretty much guarantee Robert’s not looking for a woman with any of those attributes.

I hope you know I’m laughing as I write this, it’s kind of funny to me for some reason. It sounds like I’m upset with him but I’m really not, I love the man, and luckily I’m still young looking enough that he might even like me. But in ten years from now, I probably won't qualify... : )

Anyways, I guess I’ve written enough for now.

Take care all...


Edited by TangerineWannabe
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Am I the only one here who remembers them from back in the day and feels just a little bit of a pang? :huh: I can’t speak for the OP but I see, from the responses, I interpreted what he/she wrote differently than everyone else who posted. That may be because I am reading the post from my own perspective. When I read “kinda sad” I didn’t interpret it as “depressing” (and I don’t think the OP doesn’t recognize that the band members are looking good or realize that people get old or acknowledge that they look better than they have in years). I interpreted “kinda sad” as "wistful." I suppose that I reacted differently because I have such clear, sweet memories of that time when all four band members were alive and all were still in their twenties. :'(

you hit the nail on the head. i don't think they look bad, i am just wistful....perhaps even of my own lost youth, lol!

oh, seriously, they look awesome for their age...but dammit i AM wistful of when they were in their prime in the early 70's (oh hell, don't slag me for THAT statement either, I think they were in their prime their whole career!) u know, the young rockstar look...

i seem to have opened a can of worms here!

ha ha ha ha ha

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Hi All,

My own views on the subject is that it happens because women let it happen. I’ve never bought into the idea that older men with younger women is fine but vice versa is not. And unfortunately for some women, with older businessmen for example, money may have something to do with it.

Aquamarine, for me at least, older men look just as wrinkly as older women. I’m younger than both Robert and Jimmy by quite a number of years (and always will be :) ) and I like them both so much, in fact I like all the band members a great deal.

But I don’t think there is any denying that there was a powerful attraction there when they were in their prime. Even they would probably agree with that. Robert was certainly into himself back then. I know he knows what I’m talking about even if no one else does. Men are just more honest about this than women are, that’s why some of them look for younger women and ignore their own age group. After I wrote my previous post, I looked up some information about Jimmy’s wife. She was born in the early 70’s so she’s almost 30 years younger than him. So when Robert wrote the lyrics to Going To California with the line, “Trying to find a woman who’s never, never, never been born” that may have applied to Jimmy's future wife. : )

And don’t think for a second that Robert is just really into Blue Grass music all of a sudden and that’s why he’s not interested in getting back with Zep and would rather work with Alison, who’s 36 and single by the way.

Some of the quotes written in previous posts about aging:

“Every crease, every wrinkle brings with it more soul”

“I find the guys in the band more interesting now they're older”

“each line and wrinkle is a badge of honor, a life lived both hard and well. With those lines come a wealth of knowledge”

“Its not even about looks anyways”

I can pretty much guarantee Robert’s not looking for a woman with any of those attributes.

I hope you know I’m laughing as I write this, it’s kind of funny to me for some reason. It sounds like I’m upset with him but I’m really not, I love the man, and luckily I’m still young looking enough that he might even like me. But in ten years from now, I probably won't qualify... : )

Anyways, I guess I’ve written enough for now.

Take care all...


I was talking abut how men perceive women, not vice versa! Obviously I''m not advocating the idea that older men look better than older women. What sense would that make?

Yes, we do get get it regarding Robert's opinions. I know he was into himself then--he's into himself now. And so he should be, for reasons I'd be happy to explain.

And Robert isn't making this album with Alison because of her age or looks. He 's interested in what they can produce together musically.

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