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A moment for Bonzo


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Today would have been John's 60th birthday. Take a few mins and give Moby Dick, When The Levee Breaks, IMTOD or any other great Bonzo beat track a spin today and remember a unique talent that left us far, far too soon.

RIP John Bonham

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The sound of Bonham's drums on the first album was what really got me into the band. More so than Jimmy or Robert. He was a brilliant drummer. We miss you JHB

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Today would have been John's 60th birthday. Take a few mins and give Moby Dick, When The Levee Breaks, IMTOD or any other great Bonzo beat track a spin today and remember a unique talent that left us far, far too soon.

RIP John Bonham

Ditto! :)

Edited by Bitchin Soul
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Listening to the "Bonzo's Birthday Party" boot as I write.

Like many others, John Bonham's drumming -both the style and the sound- is what really got me into Led Zeppelin in the first place, and is certainly what inspired me to pick up the sticks myself (though I'm primarily a guitarist/bassist). I'll never forget, having been exposed to Zeppelin and the Stones, among others, all my life, but never really having sat down and listened to them- the drummer in my old junior high school garage band (I played bass) bringing his parents' old Houses Of The Holy LP over. He looked like someone had hit him over the head with the Hammer Of The Gods itself. Dropping the needle on "Dyer Maker", he goes, "Listen to the sound of these fuckin' drums!" That was the precise moment I became a Led Zeppelin fanatic, before Page and Jones even enter in the song.

Sure, there may be drummers who are technically better than Bonzo. Neil Peart is constantly mentioned as the prime example, as is Keith Moon (the "Badgeholders" drum duel between Bonzo and Moonie is next on my playlist- think I'll put it on 'repeat'). But, to me, despite his arguably superior ability (not to mention bigger kit), what Neil Peart makes up for in precision he totally lakes in feeling or soul. He plays drums like a neurosurgeon, not a rock drummer. Keith Moon was great, but when did the man not overplay? Moonie had his moments of greatness, but most of the time I hear The Who and wish the man would have just layed back and played the beat. The exact opposite of a human metronome like Charlie Watts. John Bonham managed to combine -in a wholly original way- Keith Moon's ability to play crazy fills with Charlie's swing groove and transcended both. He was one of a kind, and the overindulgence in his vices which laid him low is without doubt one of the biggest tragedies in popular music history. Zeppelin's decision to pack it in following his death was a good one (The Who should have done the same thing IMO.) No Phil Collinses or Michael Lees can replace Bonzo. Only his son can come closest, and, it must be said, fits his old man's shoes admirably.

I have no doubts John Henry Bonham is up there, still swinging, and probably jamming alongside the likes of Hendrix, Entwhistle and Lennon. I quit drinking a while back, but today is the day for me to raise a symbolic Heineken to the memory of the one and only John Henry Bonham.

As should we all...

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Since I was about 11 or 12, I used to listen to Zeppelin (stoned of course) and lay on my bed and play the drums on my pillow. I learned alot about rythem at a young age. All thanks to Bonzo. He's my hero, His legacy lives on through the music he left behind, and of course his son Jason. He's a great drummer. He had a GREAT teacher.

I love and miss you John Henry.


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Today would have been John's 60th birthday. Take a few mins and give Moby Dick, When The Levee Breaks, IMTOD or any other great Bonzo beat track a spin today and remember a unique talent that left us far, far too soon.

RIP John Bonham

Well I just listened to The Levee, Trampled Under Foot, and one of my favorite songs, (one of MANY) Achilles Last Stand. You HAVE to listen to Achilles under head phones if you have them. And just listen to Bonham's driving force behind Jimmy. And his PRECISE and CLEAN hits. His drum rolls are flowing. I say it is a Jimmy-Bonzo song. They play sooooo good together.


I miss him......... :boohoo:

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Did you know he had a number one hit right after his death?

In franky goes to hollywood's Relax, a part of Moby Dick was remastered.

One has to be a very special man to THIS succesful!

requiescat in gallows pole!

(did you notice how awesome are the drums in this one. It is always forgotten to mention!)

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