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Got a memory for Knebworth Exhibit Programme?

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Hi everyone! Just thought I would put out a call to all the fans here that have a memory of attending a Zeppelin show or perhaps meeting the band or talking to people who have met/worked with them. I'd like to include them in the programme for the Knebworth Memorabilia Exhibit this August. As well as scattering them around the programme I will also feature them on their own page. If you want to participate, keep it as short as you can and include your name and where you are from (i.e. Jack from Anytown, UK). I'll need them no later than June 16th. You can email them to me, or I'll grab them from here.

Thanks! :)

Edited by PageAngel
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Hi everyone! Just thought I would put out a call to all the fans here that have a memory of attending a Zeppelin show or perhaps meeting the band or talking to people who have met/worked with them. I'd like to include them in the programme for the Knebworth Memorabilia Exhibit this August. As well as scattering them around the programme I will also feature them on their own page. If you want to participate, keep it as short as you can and include your name and where you are from (i.e. Jack from Anytown, UK). I'll need them no later than June 16th. You can email them to me, or I'll grab them from here.

Thanks! :)

hey, PA! we have a member named BIGDAN who just posted his personal knebworth photos on the photos page....perhaps he can be induced.

good luck!

beatbo-from USA (wish i could be there to see it)

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Hi beatbo! :wave: Wish you could be here too! But, for those that can't I have arranged for the exhibit to be photographed and put in the programme. It will be available to purchase online, and buying it will help cover the cost of the exhibit and benefit the ABC Trust. Not as fun as a trip to Knebworth, but not bad.

If you run across BIGDAN send him my way! :)

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No. No PG-13. G-rated only. Sorry...I don't mean to be, but with everything I am doing, I am fairly humorless about this. My humor will probably return on July 31st after the set-up of the exhibit and the reception is under way. :)

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hello Graeme from Workington, UK here, my memories are getting invited down to meet Jimmy in London because i donated a Led Zeppelin 3 fully signed album to Jimmy's charity the ABC trust, it is without doubt the best day of my life, to personally meet a living legend of mine since the age of 13 was overwhelming. Also i stood outside Newcastle City Hall for almost three and a half hours once in the pouring rain to meet Robert at the stage door, soaked but worth it. Ive got great photos of all three occasions that will stay with me forever, if you want any for your programme im willing to supply.

Edited by poortom
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hello Graeme from Workington, UK here, my memories are getting invited down to meet Jimmy in London because i donated a Led Zeppelin 3 fully signed album to Jimmy's charity the ABC trust, it is without doubt the best day of my life, to personally meet a living legend of mine since the age of 13 was overwhelming. Also i stood outside Newcastle City Hall for almost three and a half hours in the pouring rain to meet Robert at the stage door, soaked but worth it.

sorry forgot to mention the O2 arena concert, I WAS THERE, best night of my life, a 43 year old man actually crying :-)

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sorry forgot to mention the O2 arena concert, I WAS THERE, best night of my life, a 43 year old man actually crying :-)

Well I was crying too, and I'm your age. The guy next to me was crying as well. In fact, I think almost everyone around me was crying at some point, so you weren't alone!

I'd love to use your stories in the programme. Thanks so much for replying. If you send me your email in a pm I'll be in touch! Give me a while though as I am buried in things to do. :wave:

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