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Talking with Robert Plant

misty mountain

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Prior to Plant doing this project how many of you actually said, "Tonight, I'm going to listen to some bluegrass music, listen to some guy play the banjo"?

Great point! Many of us are finally tired of Plants games. He may be true to "Himself" but it sure would be nice if he would think more of the fans that got him in the position to do what ever he wants in the first place. If it were not for his LZ fame he would not be able to experiment with all of this other nonsense in the first place.

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With music sales down in general, I think the sales volume has stunned the country industry. They saw this as a project that would appeal to a tightly-defined niche audience. Then, both local country and rock stations gave "GGG" heavy airplay here in Nashville and the critics all went wild for the project. I simply think the project appeal to the music-purchasing public caught the old guard "off-guard", ie. a little bit of professional jealousy maybe.

after 32 weeks, "Raising Sand" has just made 1 million in sales US. by contrast, the eagles have done 7 million and rascal flatts have done 2 million: all three albums with less than 35 weeks.

billboard album charts/top 50-100

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It would not bother me so much if Plant decided to sing NO ZEPPELIN songs on this tour, but he decided to do a few. Why? What's wrong Bob, you don't think you can draw in enough fans with the bluegrass music alone? Need to jerk Zeppelin fans around some more by rehashing Zeppelin songs? cd not selling so well, so for a six figure sum you and Krauss needed some extra money and decide to sell one of your songs fo JC Penny, looking for some mainstream exposure?? If this project is so strong then play all the songs from this project and redo some bluegrass classics on stage! Leave the Zeppelin stuff out of it!! I've seen the various Plant/Krauss Zeppelin video clips on the net, not impressed! The hair on my arms does not stand up. Sorry. BlueGrass + Zeppelin?? What's next, a collaboration with Elvis from Dread Zeppelin?? Come on people, be true to yourself. Prior to Plant doing this project how many of you actually said, "Tonight, I'm going to listen to some bluegrass music, listen to some guy play the banjo"?

You don't need to lap up like a little puppy, everything Plant throws to you. Plant can do whatever makes him "happy". Well, I can show him how unhappy I am too. After watching the CMT concert, I decided not to buy his latest cd project and not bother with going to see him live either (I have attended all his prior tours). Screw it. We the fans can play this game too you know. Since I cant get you to read how unhappy MANY folks are with you then maybe you'll hear me better with less then expected cd sales and less than expected ticket sales.

This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on this board.

And I've been here a long time.

Unless you're like 13 and in that case we can overlook it.

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Wow, and Hanna Montanna has sold 3 million in 49 weeks. Anything with Plants name on it is going to sell, thanks to his LZ fame.

but he ain't stunning anybody with sales figures. perhaps gently impressing them...

i think more people are stunned by the fact that robert can do a show singing backup and harmony as well with a woman that no-one ever would have thought he'd even say hi to 5 years ago...

...and do it so well.

Edited by beatbo
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This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on this board.

And I've been here a long time.

Unless you're like 13 and in that case we can overlook it.

Who the hell made you the authority on peoples opinions? What just because you have been here for "a long time", you over rule other peoples' opionins?

Maybe I hit a nerve with you cause a few of use are speaking up and not toeing Plant's management line? Something you can't see to overlook.

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Who the hell made you the authority on peoples opinions? What just because you have been here for "a long time", you over rule other peoples' opionins?

Maybe I hit a nerve with you cause a few of use are speaking up and not toeing Plant's management line? Something you can't see to overlook.

Since Plant doesn't do what he does with an eye primarily to sales figures, I don't think that particular line of argument takes you very far--he's not going to change his musical direction because you don't buy his CD.

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It would not bother me so much if Plant decided to sing NO ZEPPELIN songs on this tour, but he decided to do a few. Why? What's wrong Bob, you don't think you can draw in enough fans with the bluegrass music alone? Need to jerk Zeppelin fans around some more by rehashing Zeppelin songs? cd not selling so well, so for a six figure sum you and Krauss needed some extra money and decide to sell one of your songs fo JC Penny, looking for some mainstream exposure?? If this project is so strong then play all the songs from this project and redo some bluegrass classics on stage! Leave the Zeppelin stuff out of it!! I've seen the various Plant/Krauss Zeppelin video clips on the net, not impressed! The hair on my arms does not stand up. Sorry. BlueGrass + Zeppelin?? What's next, a collaboration with Elvis from Dread Zeppelin?? Come on people, be true to yourself. Prior to Plant doing this project how many of you actually said, "Tonight, I'm going to listen to some bluegrass music, listen to some guy play the banjo"?

You don't need to lap up like a little puppy, everything Plant throws to you. Plant can do whatever makes him "happy". Well, I can show him how unhappy I am too. After watching the CMT concert, I decided not to buy his latest cd project and not bother with going to see him live either (I have attended all his prior tours). Screw it. We the fans can play this game too you know. Since I cant get you to read how unhappy MANY folks are with you then maybe you'll hear me better with less then expected cd sales and less than expected ticket sales.

Actually this album sold way more than I think anticipated, but as Aqua said, he isn't driven to do things based on sales. For him it's the challenge and being inspired. There may be some unhappy fans of his who maybe only want him to reunite with Zep but there are many fans that actually like his solo stuff too and are happy with what he does. Neither is right/wrong, better or worse, just a fact. I just don't see making Robert out to be evil or selfish because he's not doing what you want.

As far as listening to country/bluegrass, well I've been listening to that music long before Raising Sand was even an idea. Some Zep fans actually do listen to other forms of music.

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Something you can't see to overlook.

"something you can't see to overlook" is not only grammatically bad but impossible to do. plenty here (okay, almost everybody) wants our band back onstage or at least in the studio. fans of our band also have members that, since the demise of zeppelin (1980), they have followed their artistic career as they would have had the band continued.

robert plants' body of work sans led zeppelin speaks for itself. but perhaps it does not speak to everyone.

that is not important.

neither is how long you have been here (this forum).

there is room for all-and their opinions.

there is also room for respect.

it has been my experience that if you post at a forum dedicated to a band and spend most of the time slagging one or all the members, you are probably "trolling"{------antiquated but still valid nineties term

there isn't anything anyone here can say that will change the course of anything.

led zeppelin broke up in 1980.

that band has reappeared from time to time-it may contunue to do so, it may not.

so, whatever your (or anybody's) opinion is of robert's solo career, it is irrelevant to that fact.

we now return you to our regularly scheduled programming....

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it has been my experience that if you post at a forum dedicated to a band and spend most of the time slagging one or all the members, you are probably "trolling"

Lets see, there are several reasons many get a little tired of Plant and it's not trolling:

Since his last colaboration with Page,"Walking into Clarksdale" RIA Gold, there has been very little to get excited about.

Dreamland, Sixty six to Timbuktu, Mighty, Re Arranger and nine lives have yet to even score Gold. While his legions of fans wish he would do the real deal, he hooks up with Alison Krauss. I do admit that this was a good bussiness decision (since it is such a chore for him to do anything LZ) because with her (7 grammies, I think) fame and talent he knew that teaming with her would sell. Just look how many here on this forum have run out and bought the album, and are waiting to see them. Most are folks that probably never even listened to "Whatever you call" that kind of music before.

Yes, you can think that LZ is the greatest band of all time. Yes, you can think that Plant is the greatest Rock singer of all time. And yes, you can get fed up with Plants antics and attitude about LZ over the past years.

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And you can get real fed up of this line of argument, too.

Since his last colaboration with Page,"Walking into Clarksdale" RIA Gold, there has been very little to get excited about.

Dreamland, Sixty six to Timbuktu, Mighty, Re Arranger and nine lives have yet to even score Gold.

You might base your musical "excitement" on sales figures, but I don't think most of us do.

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Lets see, there are several reasons many get a little tired of Plant and it's not trolling:

Since his last colaboration with Page,"Walking into Clarksdale" RIA Gold, there has been very little to get excited about.

Dreamland, Sixty six to Timbuktu, Mighty, Re Arranger and nine lives have yet to even score Gold. While his legions of fans wish he would do the real deal, he hooks up with Alison Krauss. I do admit that this was a good bussiness decision (since it is such a chore for him to do anything LZ) because with her (7 grammies, I think) fame and talent he knew that teaming with her would sell. Just look how many here on this forum have run out and bought the album, and are waiting to see them. Most are folks that probably never even listened to "Whatever you call" that kind of music before.

Yes, you can think that LZ is the greatest band of all time. Yes, you can think that Plant is the greatest Rock singer of all time. And yes, you can get fed up with Plants antics and attitude about LZ over the past years.

Sales figures mean nothing. It's just a matter of taste. Clearly you don't like Robert's solo work but many do. That's fine but why be so nasty about it as though the only thing he was/is capable of doing relates to being in Zep. Just for the record, she has 21 Grammy's now including one with Robert. Not that it matters one iota.

He didn't work with Alison as a business decision. Robert doesn't do this for the money. He's genuinely passionate about making music that moves him. He heard Alison's voice and was blown away by it and through a friend, it was suggested they consider working together. Nothing to do with business.

Many people here do listen to roots music. Just because we like Zep doesn't mean we don't listen to anything else.

Robert has had nothing but a genuine love and pride for his time in Zep. His not wanting to reform it has nothing to do with that.

Your Robert bashing is getting old.

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I just think that many are fed up with the fact that he finds it so hard to bear the legacy of LZ. 28 years ago when the band first broke up, it was understandable. It showed lots of guts to go on and just about all LZ fans (including myself) supported him. But time after time, (in the past 10 years) his constant Rambling On with his music direction has ceased to work for all but the "Plant Hero" worshipper crowd. Now, he hooks up with one of the most talented Ladies singing today to feed his enormous ego.

You might call it trolling, but some are not falling for it "Again".

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I just think that many are fed up with the fact that he finds it so hard to bear the legacy of LZ. 28 years ago when the band first broke up, it was understandable. It showed lots of guts to go on and just about all LZ fans (including myself) supported him. But time after time, (in the past 10 years) his constant Rambling On with his music direction has ceased to work for all but the "Plant Hero" worshipper crowd. Now, he hooks up with one of the most talented Ladies singing today to feed his enormous ego.

You might call it trolling, but some are not falling for it "Again".

He just had the biggest album of his solo career. :huh: Not, again, that that's his motivation.

Sorry, I don't get your logic, so I think we'll agree to disagree.

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Sorry, I don't get your logic, so I think we'll agree to disagree.

Hey, no problem there. That's what these forums are all about. I do think Robert Plant is the greatest "Rock" singer of all time.

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Robert Plant bears the legacy of Led Zeppelin quite well, but I can certainly appreciate why he needs to do what he thinks is right for the here and now. I'll just have to trust him to make his own intelligent artistic choices. I am sure he will learn from any mistakes if he must.

I seriously doubt that he has chosen the company of Alison Krauss merely to feed his ego, but from a genuine interest in exploring a musical form that is partially new to him. She herself has a unique combination of musical abilities and talents, which appears to naturally intrigue him.

Artists invariably require fresh material to feed their creative appetite, and that is what has happened with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. For the same reason if you feed your cat the same dry food over and over, he will tire of it at some point, yet be quite pleased if you give him something different and appealing every now and then.

To assume that he has engaged her collaboration merely to indulge a veiled sense of lechery is at least possibly a mistaken view. There are certainly plenty of women for him to access for the purposes of lechery alone, and he has no need to unduly compromise Alison Krauss even though she is attractive.

True he occasionally explores his sensual side but he has consistently endeavored to maintain a sense of integrity over the years despite the excesses. Exploitation gets old fast in the entertainment business and he doesn't really need to do that.

Edited by eternal light
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I just think that many are fed up with the fact that he finds it so hard to bear the legacy of LZ. 28 years ago when the band first broke up, it was understandable. It showed lots of guts to go on and just about all LZ fans (including myself) supported him. But time after time, (in the past 10 years) his constant Rambling On with his music direction has ceased to work for all but the "Plant Hero" worshipper crowd. Now, he hooks up with one of the most talented Ladies singing today to feed his enormous ego.

You might call it trolling, but some are not falling for it "Again".

I don't think it's a matter of bearing the legacy of Zep. I think he's very proud of it. But much like Zep was always moving in new directions, that's how Robert is musically. So it's more he's focused on whatever he's doing at the moment, rather than looking back or wanting to be stuck in the past.

I happen to like his solo work. I don't think that makes me a Plant Hero worshipper. I dig what he does and I'm happy he's still moved to create new music. I think I too shall have to agree to disagree :beer:

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I just think that many are fed up with the fact that he finds it so hard to bear the legacy of LZ. 28 years ago when the band first broke up, it was understandable. It showed lots of guts to go on and just about all LZ fans (including myself) supported him. But time after time, (in the past 10 years) his constant Rambling On with his music direction has ceased to work for all but the "Plant Hero" worshipper crowd. Now, he hooks up with one of the most talented Ladies singing today to feed his enormous ego.

You might call it trolling, but some are not falling for it "Again".

Hi all, new to this forum but used to post on the old one.

SCS, although I do somewhat understand your frustration, at what point does a fan decide that they can't support an artist as the artist "rambles on" exploring new music? How does one decide that enough time has passed since the break-up of LZ and that RP should stop and turn back to the past?

If the only reason for him to work with Alison was to "feed his enormous ego" then why did 3 years pass between the first time they sang together and them producing an album/CD? During that 3 year time span he wrote and produced Mighty Rearranger, so I don't think his collaboration had anything to do with ego. Nor did it have anything to do with trying to ride on her coat-tails, I don't think he has a great need for massive commercial success. This collaboration started months before the O2, should he drop his commitments to this project to go on a LZ reunion tour? That wouldn't be very professional. The Raising Sand project has taken on a life of it's own and I think they have to go with it and make the most of it, that's what the music business is all about. Artists and record companies dream of having a success like this. Also, don't forget that the issue of money goes way beyond RP and AK, I doubt either of them need the money but there are alot of others that make a living from the success of this project (the others in the band and record company employees).

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Lets see, there are several reasons many get a little tired of Plant and it's not trolling:

Since his last colaboration with Page,"Walking into Clarksdale" RIA Gold, there has been very little to get excited about.

Dreamland, Sixty six to Timbuktu, Mighty, Re Arranger and nine lives have yet to even score Gold. While his legions of fans wish he would do the real deal, he hooks up with Alison Krauss. I do admit that this was a good bussiness decision (since it is such a chore for him to do anything LZ) because with her (7 grammies, I think) fame and talent he knew that teaming with her would sell. Just look how many here on this forum have run out and bought the album, and are waiting to see them. Most are folks that probably never even listened to "Whatever you call" that kind of music before.

Yes, you can think that LZ is the greatest band of all time. Yes, you can think that Plant is the greatest Rock singer of all time. And yes, you can get fed up with Plants antics and attitude about LZ over the past years.

buddy! you gotta lotta energy! some anger issues, too.

what does any artist owe YOU other than to create a body of work that reminds his/her audience of their own humanity? whether or not each individual is pleased with every step is besides the point. you are obviously paying attention...

what's that have to do with gold records? aren't you aware that the led zeppelin core audience has bootlegged more of this band's work (and solo work)than any other group in history?

(Beatbo looks around the forum and points at various members hiding behind avatars)

see those guys? if any member of led zeppelin could count every cent that these guys (and i) have spent on led zeppelin and their solo work, you wouldn't have enough gold records, mate.

get it?

zeppelin didn't get all that money, not even close! half the zeppelin stuff some people have zeppelin didn't even sell!

this ain't about the money anymore...

and poor AK!

why does she get the big smackdown from you? she isn't a multi-platinum artist. with the exception of her involvement on the "o' brother, where art thou" soundtrack (that's right-I BOUGHT IT! and a few YEARS ago, too! my mom likes Yanni-got sumpin to say?) i don't believe she's sold much out of a small core fanbase.

lemme axe you a question, paisan....

just how many solo robert albums do you have, anyway?

my advice:

1. watch knebworth....or even better ANY of the'80's shows.

2. listen to coda-without the extra songs

recognize that tightness around your chest that you walk around here with all the time? hold on...

3. start with pictures at 11 and proceed everyday through a new plant album. NO ZEP!

4. come back here and lets talk about it.

(what's that? missing more than a few? how did i know....)

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I'd say his collaboration with Alison is anything but a safe, easy bet.

The duet album (or an album with a lot of guest stars on it like the on Santana did) is a pretty common thing for an aging recording artist to do to try to stay relevant when their individual cachet starts to wear out.

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my advice:

1. watch knebworth....or even better ANY of the'80's shows.

2. listen to coda-without the extra songs

recognize that tightness around your chest that you walk around here with all the time? hold on...

3. start with pictures at 11 and proceed everyday through a new plant album. NO ZEP!

4. come back here and lets talk about it.

1. I Have..............many times.........Achilles last stand, all time favorite

2. Like all of Coda............... it's Zep, eh'

I only get tight when Plant pulls his usual "Stuff", you know....the albatros around his neck thing, and how LZ tempermental he has been.

3. I Like 75% of all his solo work up until No Quarter...........from Yallah till now, it's been all down hill. I mean weak!

4. Hey, don't you get up tight. It's just my opinion.

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