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Del Zeppnile

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yeah, I think we're basically on the same page politically, just differ on minor views.

good stuff, good stuff. I never care if someone disagrees with me, you need variety in the world.

Just as long as they don't go about disagreeing in a douchebag sort of way, it's all good :hippy:

Anywho, does anybody think that Israel will have peace with this truce they got going on?

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You should just be happy that some of the youth out there are as concerned as me B)

I am, buddy! I am! :)

And I'm even more happy that millions of those concerned

and interested youth will be voting for Obama in November. :thumbsup:

Indeed, :beer:

Again! :beer:



seems the DelZeppnile PIPS machine has slowed down a bit.. :whistling:

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I am, buddy! I am! :)

And I'm even more happy that millions of those concerned

and interested youth will be voting for Obama in November. :thumbsup:

"If you're not a liberal when you're 20..." :whistling:

That quote obviously doesn't apply to me, as I do have a heart and I'm not liberal ;) but hey, the younger generations always get more liberal don't they?

Edited by wanna be drummer
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As a rule, a majority of young people usually start out liberal-minded, especially these days with the teacher's union machine ramming their agenda down our children's throats. However, as they mature, get jobs, PAY TAXES and start realizing where those taxes go, they begin to shake those ideologies in the face of reality.

On a side note, to clarify, I'm NOT a McCain fan. He's just the only choice that's even close to representing the values I have.

Obama's radically left voting record (the absolute farthest left member of the entire senate, including the self-proclaimed socialist senator Bernie Sanders) will be his undoing. The average American (no matter their party affiliation) is just that - AVERAGE - and no matter how he tries to couch his radical ideologies in seemingly moderate terms/descriptions, his record speaks for itself, and will repel moderates wholesale. The only way this election will even be close is if McCain's campaign makes the mistake of playing small-ball. McCain has large-scale reputation not only through his distinguished service as a service member, but also as a politician. He possesses the gravitas that no amount of media snake-oil can give the flyweight, flash-in-the-pan Obama.

The funny part is how he'll be practically forced to take Hillary as running mate after all the nastiness of the primaries, further proving his opportunism.

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I would like to think that most young adults are smart enough to form their own opinions, not take the ones force-fed to them by college professors or their parents or any other people in a position of authority.

I'm liberal because that's what I believe, not because some teacher I had sophomore year told me he voted for Gore in 2000. I have never had a teacher/professor try to instill in me their political views. See, I have this thing called a brain, and that allows me to think for myself.

I have a job, I pay taxes just like anyone else. And that doesn't affect my political views. My parents were both Republicans when they were my age, long before they supposedly hit the age they were supposed to turn into Republicans.

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I would like to think that most young adults are smart enough to form their own opinions, not take the ones force-fed to them by college professors or their parents or any other people in a position of authority.

Hard to when your grade depends on whether or not you agree with the professor...

My uncles a professor at U of M, and he's a very liberal dude. He teaches statistics and probability or something though, so his beliefs don't become a teaching agenda. However, he's told me stories of his colleagues not grading conservative students' as fairly simply because they refuse to cave in.

Go figure

(PS, this goes both ways)

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Obama's radically left voting record (the absolute farthest left member of the entire senate, including the self-proclaimed socialist senator Bernie Sanders) will be his undoing.

Yeah,.. Obama's "undoing" is already happening.. right before our very eyes! :huh:

Obama Leads McCain by 15 Points as Voters Reject Republicans

June 25 (Bloomberg) -- Democrat Barack Obama has opened a 15-point lead in the presidential race, and most of the political trends -- voter enthusiasm, views of President George W. Bush, the Republicans, the economy and the direction of the country -- point to even greater trouble for rival John McCain.

Illinois Senator Obama, winning support from once skeptical women and Democrats, beats McCain 48 percent to 33 percent in a four-way race, a Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows. Independent candidates Bob Barr and Ralph Nader get 7 percent combined, with the remainder undecided.

Obama's margin and most of the poll's findings in other areas give the Democrats a commanding advantage more than four months before the November election, says Susan Pinkus, the Los Angeles Times polling director.

"The Obama voters are much more energized and motivated to come out to vote than the McCain voters; McCain is still struggling to win over some of his core groups,'' she says. "The good news for Obama is also that he seems to be doing better on the issue that is uppermost in voters' minds, and that is the economy.''


Obama Has Edge on Key Election Issues

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans see Barack Obama as better able than John McCain to handle energy issues and the economy, the two most important election issues in the public's eyes, according to a recent Gallup survey. Six other issues were tested in the poll, with the two candidates positioned roughly evenly on Iraq, moral values, and illegal immigration, while Obama has an edge on healthcare and taxes. McCain's only advantage is on terrorism.



You keep right on telling yourself those comforting

bedtimes stories about "Obama's undoing", TypeO. :P



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I would like to think that most young adults are smart enough to form their own opinions, not take the ones force-fed to them by college professors or their parents or any other people in a position of authority.


really, the same group that thinks beer bongs and a drunk girl walking into a room with four guys, is a good idea. Do really think they have what it takes to form their own opinions. It seems to me, all college students (and almost all young adults)are naive. What experienced does any young adult have that allows them to make a well informed opinion, when the only side they have heard of any issue, is the one their professor showed them.

My high school Political science teacher, was a Conservative. Channel One News took a poll during the 2000 election. We were the only high school, out of 700, that voted for Bush. and my high school is 30% black and we invented the word busing. (the act of busing kids from one poor high school, to another high school, so state funds can be achieved). Which also led to the highest class size and one of the lowest dollars per pupils, in the state.

Everybody on this earth forms their own opinions based on somebody else thoughts. Drunk is the only one who been to Iraq, and everybody seems to have an opinion on it. It's not because they had a moment with god, it's because of what they heard and the values they were brought up with.

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really, the same group that thinks beer bongs and a drunk girl walking into a room with four guys, is a good idea.

Not all college students are like that. I sure as hell wasn't and neither was anyone else I associated with while in school. Those people have no business wasting money anyway, if all they're in college for is to get wasted and fuck as many bimbos as possible.

And if you merely accept the views of a college professor and take them as your own, with no research of your own or no reading to determine if that's the right view for YOU, you suck at life. I listen to what my parents say, I listen to what my teachers say, I listen to what other people say and then I absorb that and form my own opinion based on what's right for me, not what's right for them. It's sad that in this day and age more people my age and younger can't or won't do that.

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Yeah,.. Obama's "undoing" is already happening.. right before our very eyes! :huh:

Obama Leads McCain by 15 Points as Voters Reject Republicans


Obama Has Edge on Key Election Issues



You keep right on telling yourself those comforting

bedtimes stories about "Obama's undoing", TypeO. :P


All that would be great for ya if it were, oh, I dunno, October 30th of this year.

As with most flash-in-the-pan types, they peak.

The only hope they have is peaking at the right time.

But with Nobama, it's wa-a-a-y-y-yyy too early.

Too much time left for all the shallow sound bites he's spouting to be analyzed and revealed as the "say anything and we'll make it sound good" mainstream media spin machine bullshit that it is.

Oh, and was that Nobama interpreting Biblical verses to support his views?

There's a recipe for disaster.

Keep that up and it'll be over before it ever gets started.

Need a solid example of his lack of experience?

There ya go.

He's gonna get raked over the coals by countless evangelists, and he'll find himself fighting to clarify all that mess.

He's "Swift-Boating" himself.

But since his policies don't hold water, he'll embrace the battle as long as possible to avoid detailing his actual positions on real issues.

I predict most of his campaign will be countless charges of the myriad ways he's forced to "defend" himself against unfair/biased rhetoric.

Sorry, Nobama, but asking you to explain how you're going to penalize/increase taxes on the same oil companies you accept campaign contributions from isn't biased or unfair, nor is it rhetoric.

It's called cutting through the bullshit.

And he's piling it pretty deep.

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All that would be great for ya if it were, oh, I dunno, October 30th of this year.

As with most flash-in-the-pan types, they peak.

The only hope they have is peaking at the right time.

But with Nobama, it's wa-a-a-y-y-yyy too early.


You're basing your position on, oh, I dunno,.. at least 3 faulty assumptions:

1. that Obama is a "flash-in-the-pan type"

2. that peaking "at the right time" is Obama's only hope of winning

3. that he's already peaked.

You won't know if he's a flash-in-the-pan until after the election. And what on earth makes you think he's already peaked? The fact of the matter is that he's been steadily gaining momentum; he's got a rock solid base of his own supporters; many Clinton supporters are now on board the O-train and more are surly to get on board; and slowly and surely.. more and more independents are boarding the O-train. If anything,.. the trajectory of his campaign seems to suggest that Obama's lead over McCain is going to keep widening. Anyway.. Obama can maintain a high support rating plateau and still beat McCain.. a guy who hasn't had a peak experience in decades. :P

Btw.. as much as you're hoping Barack Obama is Michael Dukakis redux.. he's not. B)

You keep right on telling yourself those "he's a flash-in-the-pan

who's peaked way too early" comforting bedtime stories, TypeO. ;)


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Whether Obama wins in November or not, I think we all as Americans should be damn proud that a black man is even in the running for that office. In 1958, the idea was absolutely unheard of. The USA has a ways to go before it is truly as progressive and forward-thinking as it claims to be, but this right here.....it's a good start.

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TypeO. ;)


Now THAT's funny! :lolo:

you get reps for that one even though this forum doesn't rep.

back on topic...

I don't think he's already peaked, but it won't sustain, which is why I say it's too early.

But yes, quite frankly I do think his only chance of getting elected is peaking at the right time, because as I said in my previous post, his policies don't hold water, so only peaking with the "rock star" aura the media is assigning him (yeah, I really believe all those women were truly fainting at all his rallies - no plants there, I'm sure) would carry him to the White House despite the lack of substance to his positions/policies.

You are quite correct that he can't be proven a flash-in-the-pan until after the election - poor choice of phrasing on my part for sure.

More accurately he's a manufactured entity, much like the record industry manufactures bands to fit a particular current trend, so has Obama been manufactured as the up and coming messiah of the dems, beginning with the choice to have him speak at the '04 DNC.

It's a set piece, carefully orchestrated to blind the masses with his "brilliance" while simultaneously ignoring/pooh-poohing claims of his lack of experience and substance by the opposition.

Nobama continues to underwhelm...

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Whether Obama wins in November or not, I think we all as Americans should be damn proud that a black man is even in the running for that office. In 1958, the idea was absolutely unheard of. The USA has a ways to go before it is truly as progressive and forward-thinking as it claims to be, but this right here.....it's a good start.


And just as awesome is that of all the things I dislike/disagree with, none have anything to do with his race.

I'd love to see a black president.

Just not someone so diametrically opposed to almost every value I hold dear, or every policy I happen to support.

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