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Del Zeppnile

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Obama in 08 ain't gonna happen my friends.

:lol: Keep telling yourself that, Del. :lol:

I realize you're not one who tends to let

facts get in the way of your beliefs, but..

Large Democratic Base Provides Big Advantage for Obama

Over half of Americans identify as or lean toward being Democratic

June 12, 2008 -- The current political landscape, with the percentage of those identifying themselves as Democrats outnumbering those who identify as Republicans by a 37% to 28% margin, provides a significant advantage for Barack Obama's presidential chances.


*source: Gallup.com*

Obama Leading Among Independents

June 12, 2008 -- Barack Obama now holds a statistically significant

edge over John McCain, 46% to 39%, among independents nationally..


*source: Gallup.com*


Connect the dots, muh-man. Barack Obama's dem base is much broader than John

McCain's repub base.. AND.. Obama also has a significant lead among independents.

You can see that that amounts to a solid 1-2 punch landed by Obama '08,.. right? ;)

Continuing on.. with a look at the overall general election polling trends..


Gallup Daily: Obama 48%, McCain 42%

Obama holds significant lead for third consecutive day

June 11, 2008 -- Barack Obama continues to hold a lead over John McCain in Gallup

Poll Daily tracking -- 48% to 42% in June 8-10 polling of registered voters nationwide.


*source: Gallup.com*




Yes indeedy, it seems to me that

things are looking pretty good for

Obama '08!! :cheer:


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People who have a tendency to count their chickens before their hatched based on early season polls should remember the quote;

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

-- Mark Twain


Dukakis compared to Obama?! :hysterical: Not even close. he didn't connect with people even half as much as Obama. And the whole Wille Horton thing (talk about deeply held fears, Hermit) was as stupid as the "whitey" thing now. Only now we've had 8 years of a trigger happy, barely coherent dipshit. And now we also have massive involvement of young people :whistling:

I just remembered- in '88, we had just had 8 years of Reagan.....back then HE looked like the barely coherent dipshit, to me. Now Dubya makes Reagan (and Bush senior) look like geniuses.

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Dukakis compared to Obama?! :hysterical: Not even close. he didn't connect with people even half as much as Obama.

Say what you will, he was further ahead at this point. There is a lot of time until november. Who knows what will surface next?

on a side note; damn, another tornado warning, <heads for the basement>

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People who have a tendency to count their chickens before [their]

hatched based on early season polls should remember the quote;

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

-- Mark Twain

People who count their "Obama '08 aint gonna happen" chickens before they're

hatched based on nothing more than personal opinion remind me of this quote:

"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."

~ Mark Twain


A few (more) polling facts of the day..


Polls: Women favor Obama

June 12, 2008— Barack Obama has moved into double-digit leads over Republican John McCain in two new polls of women voters, suggesting he is drawing support from women who once backed Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Obama led McCain 51%-38% in Gallup polling of 2,263 registered female voters June 5-9. The 13-percentage-point lead among women was up from 5 points the previous week, before the Democratic nomination ended. Obama now matches Clinton's performance against McCain, Gallup said Wednesday. The Gallup results mirrored Obama's 52%-39% lead among women in a Rasmussen Reports poll of 3,000 likely voters June 8-10. *source: usatoday.com*




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I'm a working class white democrat voting for Obama.

Yeah you and lots of people in Minnesota.

... but we'll see if the same "working class democrats" in Ohio, Florida, West Virginia and Pennsylvania vote the same way.

:lol: Keep telling yourself that, Del. :lol:

I realize you're not one who tends to let

facts get in the way of your beliefs, but..

Large Democratic Base Provides Big Advantage for Obama

Over half of Americans identify as or lean toward being Democratic

June 12, 2008 -- The current political landscape, with the percentage of those identifying themselves as Democrats outnumbering those who identify as Republicans by a 37% to 28% margin, provides a significant advantage for Barack Obama's presidential chances.


*source: Gallup.com*

Obama Leading Among Independents

June 12, 2008 -- Barack Obama now holds a statistically significant

edge over John McCain, 46% to 39%, among independents nationally..


*source: Gallup.com*


Connect the dots, muh-man. Barack Obama's dem base is much broader than John

McCain's repub base.. AND.. Obama also has a significant lead among independents.

You can see that that amounts to a solid 1-2 punch landed by Obama '08,.. right? ;)

Continuing on.. with a look at the overall general election polling trends..


Gallup Daily: Obama 48%, McCain 42%

Obama holds significant lead for third consecutive day

June 11, 2008 -- Barack Obama continues to hold a lead over John McCain in Gallup

Poll Daily tracking -- 48% to 42% in June 8-10 polling of registered voters nationwide.


*source: Gallup.com*




Yes indeedy, it seems to me that

things are looking pretty good for

Obama '08!! :cheer:


Same song and dance that we heard in the 2000 and 2004 elections. I even believed that Kerry was winning on election day based on the the liberal polls... I mean mythology, that they were saying four years ago. :lol:

BTW, why is Obama so afraid of facing McCain at the town hall meetings that McCain has suggested?

Obama is an empty suit, that's why. B)

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Nooooooooo!!! I supported Hillary in the first place, but if McCain gets in, I'm moving to London.

Sydney's better......at least we got rid of that W.A.S.P. RIGHT-WING RACIST PIG just recently (ALSO THANX TO THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY)!!!!




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Yeah you and lots of people in Minnesota.

... but we'll see if the same "working class democrats" in Ohio, Florida, West Virginia and Pennsylvania vote the same way.

Same song and dance that we heard in the 2000 and 2004 elections. I even believed that Kerry was winning on election day based on the the liberal polls... I mean mythology, that they were saying four years ago. :lol:

BTW, why is Obama so afraid of facing McCain at the town hall meetings that McCain has suggested?

Obama is an empty suit, that's why. B)

Did Obama say he wouldn't do the Town Halls?

anyway, I feel sorry for John McCain when it comes time for these debates. I don't think he will do very well debating with Barack, speaking isn't one of John McCain's strong points.

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McCain and nobama are just doing what candidates always do when it comes to debates. The supposed front runner, who has more to lose is more reluctant about format, number etc. The challenger w/ less to lose and more to gain will call for as many debates as possible, and then play the "why is he avoiding debating me?" card. <yawn> Debates are problematical for all. Anyone can screw up/ look bad. I'd like to see something different than the norm for a change. Forget Lincoln- Douglas though, I hate speeches.

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McSame and Obama are just doing what candidates always do when it comes to debates. The supposed front runner, who has more to lose is more reluctant about format, number etc. The challenger w/ less to lose and more to gain will call for as many debates as possible, and then play the "why is he avoiding debating me?" card. <yawn> Debates are problematical for all. Anyone can screw up/ look bad. I'd like to see something different than the norm for a change. Forget Lincoln- Douglas though, I hate speeches.

I agree that they're doing the usual dance, but I'm looking forward to these two debating each other. I think Obama is going to look extremely attractive as a candidate when people see him side-by-side with McSame and hear them speak on the issues. The debates are going to highlight their vast differences on the issues and as people, and I think Obama will look vastly more appealing on both fronts.

Bring on the debates! :thumbsup:


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I agree that they're doing the usual dance, but I'm looking forward to these two debating each other. I think Obama is going to look extremely attractive as a candidate when people see him side-by-side with McSame and hear them speak on the issues. The debates are going to highlight their vast differences on the issues and as people, and I think Obama will look vastly more appealing on both fronts.

Bring on the debates! :thumbsup:


Hitler looked and sounded appealing in his time too.

And the lesson learned is that not all change is good.

Obama is the kind of "change" that is not what people need.


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The truth about Michelle



On May 30th, Rush Limbaugh said he had heard a rumor that a tape exists of Michelle Obama using the word “Whitey” from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ.


No such tape exists. Michelle Obama has not spoken from the pulpit at Trinity and has not used that word.


Proven GOP sleazemeister Roger Stone said on Fox News on June 1st that “there's a buzz, which I believe now to be credible, that some indelible record exists” of a tape of Michelle Obama using the term “whitey.”


Stone conceded on June 2nd that he hasn’t met anyone who has seen the tape and that it therefore may be a hoax.

from the sounds of it, there was no Why'd he or whitey....

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The truth about Michelle



On May 30th, Rush Limbaugh said he had heard a rumor that a tape exists of Michelle Obama using the word “Whitey” from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ.


from the sounds of it, there was no Why'd he or whitey....

If she did I always wondered why'd she do it? If she'd been talking about Nancy Pelosi there'd never been a stink.

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Hitler looked and sounded appealing in his time too.

You don't disagree with a positive assessment of Obama,

but you turn that assessment into a comparison to.. Hitler? :huh:

an apt quote:

"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

~ Joseph Welch June 9, 1954.. spoken to Joe McCarthy

And the lesson learned is that not all change is good.


No, the lesson reiterated than is that you, like McCarthy, are an asshat.

Obama is the kind of "change" that is not what people need.

You couldn't be more wrong, Del-McCarthy.

Obama may not be the kind of change that asshats want,

but he's absolutely the kind of change that America needs. B)

Bush-McCain's America:


Obama's America:


America's next First Couple:




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I think that just gave me the energy continue working for the next 8 hours. Hey del keep it coming, im working 14hr shifts for the next 10 days, i need all the help i need.

Just be careful that you don't work too hard and make too much money. Barack Obama's plan is to take a lot more of your hard earned money and redistribute it to people who don't work so hard... or at all.


You don't disagree with a positive assessment of Obama,

but you turn that assessment into a comparison to.. Hitler? :huh:

an apt quote:

"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

~ Joseph Welch June 9, 1954.. spoken to Joe McCarthy


Meet Obama Bin Lyin'


Obama-rama type Change?

No thanks!

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Just be careful that you don't work too hard and make too much money. Barrack Obama's plan is to take a lot more of your hard earned money and redistribute it to people who don't work so hard... or at all.

Yeah right

It's nice to get a check for 3500 take home for a week worth of work, but when you notice that they took 1,400+ for taxes. I'm just happy to get my 40 in and go home. fuck this 84hrweek 12hrs day 7 days week shit. I'm so wound up from welding all day, i can't get to sleep and i have to wake up in 5 hr.

give me 4 10 hr days and I'm happy. 3 day weekend, fucking A

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Obama in a debate against McCain. Obama would make ozzy osbourne sound choherant with all his umms. The empty suit is scared. but there is no way obama will debate mcCain while he has the lead. maybe in a month when they are tied, he'll get going.

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Sorry for the delay, monthly deadline combined with an unexpected trip to the emergency room (thought it was food poisoning, just an intestinal virus) kept me AWOL for a few days.

Obama: "We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in".

That's a mighty far cry from "He's gonna pull the troops immediately", doncha think? ;)

Well, I admit I may have used a rather biased source :rolleyes: www.barackobama.com

but here it is, straight from the horse-face's mouthpiece:

Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq.

THAT'S a mighty far cry from "We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in".

Which way is the wind blowing today, muh-man?

And all your graphs and charts showing us how Obama will win -

you assume ALL Dems will vote for Obama.

what you fail to factor into your computations is all the white southern moderate Dems who would NEVER vote for a black man.


And there's quite a few of 'em, muh-man.

to paraphrase an old Who song...

"meet the new South, same as the Old South..."

See how them good ol' boys like all them purty charts ya got there.


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Well, I admit I may have used a rather biased source :rolleyes: www.barackobama.com

but here it is, straight from the horse-face's mouthpiece:

Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq.

THAT'S a mighty far cry from "We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in".

Which way is the wind blowing today, muh-man?

The site's not biased; your interpretation of the info on the site is biased. :rolleyes:

And the wind is blowing in the direction of you being wrong,.. again.., muh-man. :P

"Obama will immediately begin to remove troops from Iraq" is neither a mighty far cry from.. nor is it mutually exclusive with.. "we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were reckless getting in". Surely the US gov't can be "extremely careful" and "immediately begin to remove troops" at the same time,.. right? ;)


Btw.. here's the full statement from Obama's website:

"Bringing Our Troops Home

Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda."

Sounds like a reasonable position to me. B)

And all your graphs and charts showing us how Obama will win -

you assume ALL Dems will vote for Obama.

First of all, the charts dont show "how Obama will win", they simply show that he's currently ahead in the polls. Secondly, I never said.. nor assumed.. that ALL dems will vote for Obama. But the vast majority of dems will vote for him, as will (the polls suggest) a fair number of independents and disaffected moderate republicans. B)

what you fail to factor into your computations is all the white southern moderate Dems who would NEVER vote for a black man.


And there's quite a few of 'em, muh-man.

to paraphrase an old Who song...

"meet the new South, same as the Old South..."

See how them good ol' boys like all them purty charts ya got there.


First of all, most good ol' boys are republicans, not democrats.

Secondly, I acknowledge that a small percentage of democrats will not vote for Obama. I accept that and I consider it no big deal as their numbers will be negligible. By and large they're sure as shit not gonna turn around and vote for a Bush-clone republican whose positions on several key issues run in direct opposition to their own. It aint gonna happen, muh-man. Not in numbers that will have a significant bearing on the election.

I'd bet that for every one of those dems that won't vote for Obama.. relatively few though they are (as a percentage of the democratic party as a whole).. two independents and disaffected moderate republicans are likely to vote for Obama. Why? Because John McCain is such a stale, unappealing, transparently disingenuous (if not downright embarrassing) buffoon of a candidate who represents decrepitude and more of the same failed Bush policies while Barack Obama is such a fresh, dynamic, inspiring, and appealing candidate who represents vitality and change. Obama's appeal will reach beyond the democratic party and he's gonna win in November.

To paraphrase an old Bowie song..


Turn and face the O-Train ch-ch-Changes



[i'm glad you're feeling better from your illness. B) ]

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Have you ever even been to the South?

The good old 'Dixie-crats' are good old boys indeed.

True nuff, Del. 'Dixie-crats' (a-la Strom Thurmond) were good old boys indeed.

And republican racist good old boys of today are a chip off the

ol' block from their Dixie-crat racist good old boy predecessors.

Does mention of Strom Thurmond make you nostalgic for the 'good old' days? :whistling::rolleyes:

[ :P ]

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