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Obsession? Midlife Crisis?


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I am absolutely obsessed lately with this band! I was back in 1980 (was only 13 years old then)... I had every single album, poster, t-shirt, etc. and had to know every single thing I could about them. But of course, we didn't have the internet then. Plus I had never seen them perform live. I've always loved them but I guess some of my obsession died down for a while... Well, with the buzz about this upcoming concert, Mothership, the VH1 Classics show, etc., my obsession is worse then ever! I literally have been listening to them all day, every day... and I'm not even close to being sick of it! I think my family thinks I'm nuts. Is this normal?? :o I'm chalking it up to my mid life crisis... hey, I could think of worse things to obsess over! I know my Zeppelin friends on this board will totally understand but I need some reassurance that I'm not crazy!! This band is just sooooo addictive.. I just can't get enough of them!!! :P

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Wow, I though I was the only geezer who felt that way again! I was 15 years old in 1969 when the first Led Zeppelin album came out, and I was hooked. Bought every LP, was lucky enough to see them live in 1973, even started playing like Bonzo (I was-- still am-- a drummer) and bought an oversized Ludwig kit!!

Then I started getting interested in "other things" (and other music) in the 80s and sort of drifted away from LZ. (The last LZ album I bought/heard was In Through the Out Door.) Then with all the hubbub about the reunion, Mothership, etc., I went back and started listening again... and felt like I was 15 again!

I bought every album on CD-- including Coda, BBC Sessions, and How The West Was Won, all of which I missed "the first time around"-- and I've been listening to nothing but Zeppelin for about a month now!

It's great to feel 15 again. Thanks Pagey, Robert, Jonesey and Bonzo (& son)!

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Not that I can relate in any way age wise (as my name suggests I am only 28) I can relate in relation to passion.

My father, whom I did not grow up with, was a big 60s music/era fan, never someone who really grew out of that I dont think and just grew up. So I think (subconsciously) in a way to get close to him I started listing to his old records and as the saying goes, the rest was history.

I was a young pre-teen and had never heard so vibrato as that produced by Robert, never heard such note combinations as those from Jimmy, such a rhythmic sound from John and a pounding beat from Bonzo. I was instantly hooked.

Since then, I have had the pleasure of purchasing every studio released album in CD/Digital format, some live show imports and even a LP of "three".

As an adult now and a father, I now have the pleasure of passing on my love of music to my son and watching him enjoy some of my favorite music for the first time.

Thank you gentleman, thank you for showing me the way (cliché') to rock! Your influence still extends and is still relevant even today (30+ years) in the future.

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Oh thank goodness... If I am insane, at least I'm not alone! What a great way to go crazy though, huh? I should have known this would happen.. this band had me totally hooked right from the start. In fact, at my 13th birthday party that my friends gave me, everything was LZ. I got no other gifts and did not want any! I got albums, t-shirts, posters.. you name it! It was a perfect day and I still remember it vividly to this day! Ya know how some people remember where they were when Kennedy was shot? I remember exactly where I was when I found out about Bonzo. I was devastated. I got a call from a good friend (yes, she was at the all Zep 13th birthday party!)... she told me she had bad news and boy, she wasn't kidding. I cried! I was still nuts about my boys but like you said, as time went on, I guess my obsession sort of faded, though the love was still there!

I feel the same exact way.. like I'm 13 years old all over again and I must say, it feels damn good! Only, as much as I loved them back then, I think since I am a bit older now, I have a whole new appreciation for their talents, ya know? And with everything that's been going on recently, I feel like I ran into an old flame or something!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one and also real glad to have a place online like this to communciate with others who are just as crazy as I am about LZ. Now I have to start working on my collection of LZ stuff again! What a great hobby!! :D

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Forgot to mention that I have had them playing in my office for days now, on the XM Led channel on XM satellite too! I wish they would leave that channel on forever!

But I also wanted to thank you guys on this board who understand this obsession... thank you, you make me feel good about it! As for everyone else, if they have a problem with my passion for LZ, I will simply tell them to shut up and GET THE LED OUT!!!!! :P

And just in case any of the band members do visit this site, I would like to say thank you for the many years of musical pleasure they have provided. They truly are the very best. Long live Led Zeppelin!!

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When it involves fast cars, women I should not look at, and clothes I should not wear then I'll know it's a midlife crisis!

This is simply the soundtrack to the best parts of my life whether its 30, 20, 10 years ago or right now.

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Wow, I though I was the only geezer who felt that way again! I was 15 years old in 1969 when the first Led Zeppelin album came out, and I was hooked. Bought every LP, was lucky enough to see them live in 1973, even started playing like Bonzo (I was-- still am-- a drummer) and bought an oversized Ludwig kit!!

Then I started getting interested in "other things" (and other music) in the 80s and sort of drifted away from LZ. (The last LZ album I bought/heard was In Through the Out Door.) Then with all the hubbub about the reunion, Mothership, etc., I went back and started listening again... and felt like I was 15 again!

I bought every album on CD-- including Coda, BBC Sessions, and How The West Was Won, all of which I missed "the first time around"-- and I've been listening to nothing but Zeppelin for about a month now!

It's great to feel 15 again. Thanks Pagey, Robert, Jonesey and Bonzo (& son)!

I feel much better now! I thought I was going insane too! Everyone I know thinks I'm being....weird, I guess. Anyway, I've been doing the same things-listening to them constantly,all day, every day, in the car and at home. It's like I'm 16 again, jammin through town with the radio cranked singing at the top of my lungs and playing air guitar and air drums (yes, while driving). My step-brother turned me on to them in 1983 (I think) when I was about 12, LZ IV, and of course it was Stairway! Then I moved on to Houses of the Holy.

Same exact thing for me, Flipkid. Moved on to other things and more "modern" music. And, when all this bruhaha started, I got interested again. I've realized that I can appreciate the actual talent now, much more than I did when I was younger. It's such a great thing to find a place with other OCD Zep fans!

Edited by mordor_maiden
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I feel much better now! I thought I was going insane too! Everyone I know thinks I'm being....weird, I guess. Anyway, I've been doing the same things-listening to them constantly,all day, every day, in the car and at home. It's like I'm 16 again, jammin through town with the radio cranked singing at the top of my lungs and playing air guitar and air drums (yes, while driving). My step-brother turned me on to them in 1983 (I think) when I was about 12, LZ IV, and of course it was Stairway! Then I moved on to Houses of the Holy.

Same exact thing for me, Flipkid. Moved on to other things and more "modern" music. And, when all this bruhaha started, I got interested again. I've realized that I can appreciate the actual talent now, much more than I did when I was younger. It's such a great thing to find a place with other OCD Zep fans!

I feel the same way... that I can appreciate this in a whole different way now. In fact, I find that some of the songs that maybe weren't at the top of my fav list back then are now. I'm also glad to have the internet to look up some of the lyrics... funny how I've listened to these songs over and over and still don't know what he's singing!! The other good thing about being 40 and in love with this band again is that now I make more money than I did when I was 13!! I just bought the LZ DVD and the collectors edition of the studio recordings. I too, have been listening to nothing but LZ, playing it as loud as I can in my car, and yes, playing air guitar and drums!! I just can't get enough but I don't care. As I recall from when I was obsessed way back though, I always found that listening to them (and looking at them!!) was very calming, relaxing and of course, enjoyable to the fullest. In fact, I would love to see a scan of my brain when I listen!! :) So the way I see it, if this renewed obsession we have has such a good effect on us, why not? There are way worse things to obsess over... some might even get ya arrested! I've decided, thanks in part to you guys, to go with this obsession, feed it and never let it die again!!

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I am feeling the same way as you all...I appreciate them more now than ever. But, my grown kids are looking at me like "mom, what's up with you". I definately feel so young again and am reliving alot of good memories and feelings. I am glad it's not just me...LOL. Guess its just the generation gap thing again.


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Wow, I though I was the only geezer who felt that way again! I was 15 years old in 1969 when the first Led Zeppelin album came out, and I was hooked. Bought every LP, was lucky enough to see them live in 1973, even started playing like Bonzo (I was-- still am-- a drummer) and bought an oversized Ludwig kit!!

Then I started getting interested in "other things" (and other music) in the 80s and sort of drifted away from LZ. (The last LZ album I bought/heard was In Through the Out Door.) Then with all the hubbub about the reunion, Mothership, etc., I went back and started listening again... and felt like I was 15 again!

I bought every album on CD-- including Coda, BBC Sessions, and How The West Was Won, all of which I missed "the first time around"-- and I've been listening to nothing but Zeppelin for about a month now!

It's great to feel 15 again. Thanks Pagey, Robert, Jonesey and Bonzo (& son)!

No you are not alone I was only 12 when the 1st Led Zep album came and I as far as I am concerned no band as even come close to the music they made. JB passed on one month after my wife and I were married and I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard the news.

I have followed all thier solo careers, but it is like being re-born again with all this re-union and tour talk. My wife (yes the same one for 27 years) as already finished my xmas shopping. Guess what I am getting?

She told me today it is amazing all the Led Zep items that are in the stores now. it's like the whole world is caught up in this.

I find myself now on the web and this forum (which is amazing) looking for updates all the time.

Yes it is great to be a Led Zep Fan :D

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I was and still am obsessed with Zep !! its in the blood !!!

Kinda off topic but its to do with the title of the topic.....I am 41 and I was thinking of calling my next band !! Midlife Crisis, what do you think of that for a name ???? no way or ok or Yes indeed cool :)

Edited by leddy
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I was and still am obsessed with Zep !! its in the blood !!!

Kinda off topic but its to do with the title of the topic.....I am 41 and I was thinking of calling my next band !! Midlife Crisis, what do you think of that for a name ???? no way or ok or Yes indeed cool :)

I like the name!! I am also so glad I started this thread. I just knew I couldn't be alone. I am also getting all LZ stuff for Christmas this year! I got the Live DVD, the collector series of the studio recordings (10 CD's)... I even bought a couple of postcards from the 1977 show in NYC... and I'm not done yet!!!

I think it's great though that their music still has such an effect on us. I know this will sound corny, but I have a feeling a few of you at least can relate.. for me, there is just no other music that do what their music does to me. I swear, I would love to see a scan of my brain when I listen to them or even look at them! I love music, period.. all kinds of music but nothing does it for me like LZ. I am only sorry that I was not old enough back in the 70's to have seen them perform live. I am just more in love with them than ever.

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I like the name!! I am also so glad I started this thread. I just knew I couldn't be alone. I am also getting all LZ stuff for Christmas this year! I got the Live DVD, the collector series of the studio recordings (10 CD's)... I even bought a couple of postcards from the 1977 show in NYC... and I'm not done yet!!!

I think it's great though that their music still has such an effect on us. I know this will sound corny, but I have a feeling a few of you at least can relate.. for me, there is just no other music that do what their music does to me. I swear, I would love to see a scan of my brain when I listen to them or even look at them! I love music, period.. all kinds of music but nothing does it for me like LZ. I am only sorry that I was not old enough back in the 70's to have seen them perform live. I am just more in love with them than ever.

Same for me as I got into them at 14/15 yrs old in 1981, !! so near but so far !! Everytime I hear one of their songs on the radio I am still in awe of how good that song is even though I have them all and have heard them so many times before !! As I say its in your blood !! Glad you think the name is ok too !!

Edited by leddy
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I am absolutely obsessed lately with this band! I was back in 1980 (was only 13 years old then)... I had every single album, poster, t-shirt, etc. and had to know every single thing I could about them. But of course, we didn't have the internet then. Plus I had never seen them perform live. I've always loved them but I guess some of my obsession died down for a while... Well, with the buzz about this upcoming concert, Mothership, the VH1 Classics show, etc., my obsession is worse then ever! I literally have been listening to them all day, every day... and I'm not even close to being sick of it! I think my family thinks I'm nuts. Is this normal?? :o I'm chalking it up to my mid life crisis... hey, I could think of worse things to obsess over! I know my Zeppelin friends on this board will totally understand but I need some reassurance that I'm not crazy!! This band is just sooooo addictive.. I just can't get enough of them!!! :P

I can totally relate. I was starting to think I was in a mid-life crisis as well. Hmmm... ok really I think I am. Although I'm going to call it a Third-life crisis. :D

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I am absolutely obsessed lately with this band! I was back in 1980 (was only 13 years old then)... I had every single album, poster, t-shirt, etc. and had to know every single thing I could about them. But of course, we didn't have the internet then. Plus I had never seen them perform live. I've always loved them but I guess some of my obsession died down for a while... Well, with the buzz about this upcoming concert, Mothership, the VH1 Classics show, etc., my obsession is worse then ever! I literally have been listening to them all day, every day... and I'm not even close to being sick of it! I think my family thinks I'm nuts. Is this normal?? :o I'm chalking it up to my mid life crisis... hey, I could think of worse things to obsess over! I know my Zeppelin friends on this board will totally understand but I need some reassurance that I'm not crazy!! This band is just sooooo addictive.. I just can't get enough of them!!! :P

That is ok you are not nuts, I've got the same thing wrong with me, and I think it is unfair that there is no chance for the rest of to see them, I vote for a world tour.

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Wow, I though I was the only geezer who felt that way again! I was 15 years old in 1969 when the first Led Zeppelin album came out, and I was hooked. Bought every LP, was lucky enough to see them live in 1973, even started playing like Bonzo (I was-- still am-- a drummer) and bought an oversized Ludwig kit!!

Then I started getting interested in "other things" (and other music) in the 80s and sort of drifted away from LZ. (The last LZ album I bought/heard was In Through the Out Door.) Then with all the hubbub about the reunion, Mothership, etc., I went back and started listening again... and felt like I was 15 again!

I bought every album on CD-- including Coda, BBC Sessions, and How The West Was Won, all of which I missed "the first time around"-- and I've been listening to nothing but Zeppelin for about a month now!

It's great to feel 15 again. Thanks Pagey, Robert, Jonesey and Bonzo (& son)!

It does take you way back, big memories, and yes it was a good time. I even Listen to Zep with my 27 year younger daughter, and it is great, ooooooh man I really want to see them live.

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I am feeling the same way as you all...I appreciate them more now than ever. But, my grown kids are looking at me like "mom, what's up with you". I definately feel so young again and am reliving alot of good memories and feelings. I am glad it's not just me...LOL. Guess its just the generation gap thing again.


Hi Motherhen~~

Your username is "cracking" me up; I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt. :hysterical: The funniest part is that just yesterday I was chatting with a friend about the "Mother Hen Syndrome" that one encounters so frequently on these fan forums. Maybe not this one but on other ones that I belong to. And now I see you here....ba-da-bing! It's like the universe is sending me validation, LOLOL :D:D I sure do enjoy meeting "peeps" like you! (groan....*ducks for cover*)


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We could start a Zeppaholics Anonymous club but it sounds like it's an addiction none of us want to quit. ;)

You mean something like this board? :rolleyes::huh::lol:

Damn, I have been in midlife crisis since I was a kid then...and I wasn't even aware of it. ^_^

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I am absolutely obsessed lately with this band! I was back in 1980 (was only 13 years old then)... I had every single album, poster, t-shirt, etc. and had to know every single thing I could about them. But of course, we didn't have the internet then. Plus I had never seen them perform live. I've always loved them but I guess some of my obsession died down for a while... Well, with the buzz about this upcoming concert, Mothership, the VH1 Classics show, etc., my obsession is worse then ever! I literally have been listening to them all day, every day... and I'm not even close to being sick of it! I think my family thinks I'm nuts. Is this normal?? :o I'm chalking it up to my mid life crisis... hey, I could think of worse things to obsess over! I know my Zeppelin friends on this board will totally understand but I need some reassurance that I'm not crazy!! This band is just sooooo addictive.. I just can't get enough of them!!! :P

Don't obsesse....admire, respect, honor...but dont obsesse or we will be watching you on tv getting arrested for invading their privacy.

At this point your ready to actually learn how to play the music.....go get yourself a guitar, drums, bass or microphone and some Zep music books. That will open your eyes and mind for sure.

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Don't obsesse....admire, respect, honor...but dont obsesse or we will be watching you on tv getting arrested for invading their privacy.

At this point your ready to actually learn how to play the music.....go get yourself a guitar, drums, bass or microphone and some Zep music books. That will open your eyes and mind for sure.

LOL! No, I promise, I won't let my obsession get to that point. Now if this were back in the 70's and I was a bit older back then, that would be a different story! Kidding... I actually do have too much respect for them. I also think some nostaglia is quite healthy... makes me feel young again!! :) Not to repeat, but I am just glad that so many others feel this way. No other music does this to me like LZ, never has, I guess, never will. As for playing their music, that is a rather good idea! Thanks!!

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