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One Night Stands


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Oooh, I've had a few of 'em.

Once with this total wack job that I met on an internet forum.

Who knows what forum that could be... and with what wack job...

Anywho, the worst part of it is, I'm pretty sure I missed a good re-run of Buffy :(

..... and the sex wasn't even that good ..... his ding-a-ling was totally small.

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Oooh, I've had a few of 'em.

Once with this total wack job that I met on an internet forum.

Who knows what forum that could be... and with what wack job...

Anywho, the worst part of it is, I'm pretty sure I missed a good re-run of Buffy :(

..... and the sex wasn't even that good ..... his ding-a-ling was totally small.

Sounds like a total loser.

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One night stands are bad. Period.

In the end, it would be better if people were looking to find the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with.

One night stands can't lead to anything good in the long term.

The mass media has encouraged promiscuous behavior, and that has become the standard unfortunately.

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One night stands are bad. Period.

In the end, it would be better if people were looking to find the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with.

One night stands can't lead to anything good in the long term.

The mass media has encouraged promiscuous behavior, and that has become the standard unfortunately.

I agree with you. I think people who make this type of relationship a lifestyle wind up missing out on the beauty of sharing their life with someone they can find fulfillment with. That and the increased risk of picking up unwanted pathogens.

I personally have never been involved in a "traditional" one night stand. I had a couple of one time only's with guys I already knew (and was dating) at least, but didn't want to continue to know afterwards, lol. I feel lucky that most of my "experience" has been with people i got to know. I also prefer to really dig the person i'm going to be with. It just doesn't feel right if i don't. Dig or love, whichever...

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The norm nowadays is to have sex with whoever you might meet and find somewhat attractive. Basically, have sex with whoever is willing and isn't repulsive to you.

People think this is normal. High school, college people, adults etc.

We can thank mass media for promoting this as the norm.

We can say "People just want to have sex, it is natural", but I can also be naturally attracted to eating McDonald's everyday, but I don't because it isn't healthy and good for my life in the long term.

People need to develop themselves and then worry about other people.

I think schools separating males and females are essential. How can a male or female truly get the best out of their education if they are constantly distracted by the opposite sex?

We are moving in the wrong direction.

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Oooh, I've had a few of 'em.

Once with this total wack job that I met on an internet forum.

Who knows what forum that could be... and with what wack job...

Anywho, the worst part of it is, I'm pretty sure I missed a good re-run of Buffy :(

..... and the sex wasn't even that good ..... his ding-a-ling was totally small.


Whack job, eh?

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Oooh, I've had a few of 'em.

Once with this total wack job that I met on an internet forum.

Who knows what forum that could be... and with what wack job...

Anywho, the worst part of it is, I'm pretty sure I missed a good re-run of Buffy :(

..... and the sex wasn't even that good ..... his ding-a-ling was totally small.


Where did the avatar of you and your crack pipe go?

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Oooh, I've had a few of 'em.

Once with this total wack job that I met on an internet forum.

Who knows what forum that could be... and with what wack job...

Anywho, the worst part of it is, I'm pretty sure I missed a good re-run of Buffy :(

..... and the sex wasn't even that good ..... his ding-a-ling was totally small.


I have never had a one night stand.

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No. (As if it's likely anyway, even if I would... :D )

And I agree, a good one night stand is an elsuive thing. Most of the time it's not worth it and not very healthy, either.

But sometimes "love the one you're with" is ok and no big sin, "to touch is to heal..."

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The norm nowadays is to have sex with whoever you might meet and find somewhat attractive. Basically, have sex with whoever is willing and isn't repulsive to you.

People think this is normal. High school, college people, adults etc.

I think schools separating males and females are essential. How can a male or female truly get the best out of their education if they are constantly distracted by the opposite sex?

We are moving in the wrong direction.

well somebody's obviously got a hang-up about sex...

I guess next you'll be advocating women wear chastity belts, and piano legs should be covered in case any gets aroused...

Listen, whatever your psychological problem with sex might be, sex is just sex. There can be meaningful sex, there can be meaningless sex, there can be sex with love and sex to relieve boredom.

This antiquated notion that sex has to be 'pure' is just a load of shit. Sex isn't dirty and no amount of supposed 'purity' can be obtained by not particpating in it or by limiting your involvement in it.

Which ever way you dress it up, it's still sex...still dog banging dog, there's no two ways about it

It's like crapping on like "I'm going to visit the royal porcelain and deposit a small amount of excess product into the small flushing pond..." man, whatever bullshit you dress it up in, you're still sitting on the toilet doing a shit, it's still a great big turd coming out of your arse. It doesn't matter how sweet the air freshener is...

I think your problem is you're not getting any, so you sure as hell don't want anybody else to be out there having fun...

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