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  • 4 weeks later...
I never liked these lists...

As far as rock drummers go... everyone always seems to forget about Grand Funk Railroad's drummer Don Brewer... that dude had great agility and hit pretty hard (not as hard as Bonzo, of course). Heres a good video of Grand Funk in action... and I've yet to see a reason why Ginger Baker should ever be on these lists... watching him play live, he has no emotion and his style reminds me of some 6 year old who has no idea how to play.

As far as guitarists... Page is number 2 IMO only to Hendrix... somehow Hendrix was always in perfect control of the feedback, like his guitar was connected to his brain. Hendrix didn't even have to think about what knobs to move or what to do to create whatever effect he wanted and could put on a show all by himself with the things he could make his guitar do... Page is the number 1 riff-man, but was always considered sort of slow on the fretboard (though Communication Breakdown is blistering fast). Certainly should've been higher than 9. IMO Hendrix and maybe Clapton are the only people capable of beating Pagey.. and thats mostly based on opinions.

YOU are right on the button Don brewer was A VERY UNDERRATED drummer as far as styles of music Blues,funk,rock and roll ;what ever and the man could sing backing while doing it all. :thanku:

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Was it III which Rolling Stone lambasted and to which in an interview Robert Plant said "it takes me months of listening to our own album to try and get the songs, and strangely enough this guy has listened to the album for hours and decided that it sucks."

I don't blame Rolling Stone for disliking Led Zeppelin. Robert Plant is much too good-looking. And with much too much hair than all the 70's and now-editors have. Combined. :rolleyes:

I like VH-1's list better. They had Jimi Hendrix, Prince and Jimmy Page in the Top 3. I still prefer Jimmy Page over Prince, therefore I would have Jimmy Page right under Jimi Hendrix in the number two spot. ROCK ON!

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They ranked Jimmy Page #9 in all time greatest guitarists. He should be number 1! If your a Rush fan Im sorry but I hate Neil Pert. They also put Bonham in #2. For JPJ and Robert Plant I don't even think they were on a list. And for all time greatest songs... Stairway to Heaven was......39. Behind crappy songs. So please if your subscribed to Rolling Stone, boycott it please.

okay, i can't seem to find a list for greatest drummers from rolling stone...

or bassists or singers or whatever that isn't guitarist/song/or album.

And i love Rush. They still get ignored by all the stupid critics. rolling Stone is always late and crappy.

Fun fact: Led Zepp is prolly the biggest influence for rush's early stuff.

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They ranked Jimmy Page #9 in all time greatest guitarists. He should be number 1! If your a Rush fan Im sorry but I hate Neil Pert. They also put Bonham in #2. For JPJ and Robert Plant I don't even think they were on a list. And for all time greatest songs... Stairway to Heaven was......39. Behind crappy songs. So please if your subscribed to Rolling Stone, boycott it please.

If you could see the sh*t that has the Rolling Stone here in Argentina....


Although some times I find something good....

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The true reason that the twin towers fell is zeps 35 year old thunder thats echoing in NYC every day!

Congratulations on the most inappropriate and moronic comment I've ever read on this forum, and I've seen many. The reason the Twin Towers fell was because of 19 hate-filled motherf*ckers who had no business in this country to begin with.

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