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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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oh yeah, just like the kitten in her av. :rolleyes:

say what you want, but...

...seems to be "spot on" (as our UK friends like to say) for her standard tone of reply when someone has the audacity to disagree with her.

I make it a point to refrain from ad hominem attacks when discussing these hot-button issues, yet when I replied to her in another thread, and without ANY cursing or direct accusations - I merely made a concise point in direct opposition to the comment she made - her immediate response was calling me a "fucktard." In fact, that thread ended up being deleted because of the escalation of personal attacks.

And Pb's statement was pretty much generic, he certainly didn't quote her or call her by name. She chose to take it as specifically aimed at her.

Unless you happen to be one of her "pals"...

You confuse disagreeing with insulting entire groups of people. I don't remember the exchange you refer to, but if I called you a fucktard for merely disagreeing with a point, I apologize. PB's "generic" statement was no such thing. I said I hit the mute button when Alfred E. Newman attempts to speak (and I know plenty of others who do the same), and he responded by saying that to do so was un American. My ass.

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I don't remember the exchange you refer to, but if I called you a fucktard for merely disagreeing with a point, I apologize.

ya know what?

that's good enough for me.


I'm a pretty simple guy.

:chickeddance: <<< highly under-used and underrated smiley

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My kid has been in an advanced curriculum at school for 5 years and plays 5 instruments. She also volunteers many hours teaching music. It is people like YOU who have dumbed down this country to the point of embarrassment. It is people like YOU who wouldn't know patriotism if it came up and shook your hand. And it is people like YOU that make the rest of the world think we are a bunch of jackasses. Well done.

Yeah, your kid has some great skills, but that and 1.29$ will get him a cup of coffee during break at McDonald's. Dumbed down this country. Ha, there is only 426 other people in this world who can claim as many welding certs as i could. Yeah, i can play 5 instruments too, it cost my $300 in music theory lessons.

oh yeah, just like the kitten in her av. :rolleyes:

say what you want, but...

...seems to be "spot on" (as our UK friends like to say) for her standard tone of reply when someone has the audacity to disagree with her.

I make it a point to refrain from ad hominem attacks when discussing these hot-button issues, yet when I replied to her in another thread, and without ANY cursing or direct accusations - I merely made a concise point in direct opposition to the comment she made - her immediate response was calling me a "fucktard." In fact, that thread ended up being deleted because of the escalation of personal attacks.

And Pb's statement was pretty much generic, he certainly didn't quote her or call her by name. She chose to take it as specifically aimed at her.

Unless you happen to be one of her "pals"...

We got into this before. She just sucking up to you so she can be on the moral high ground. Maybe i should apologize to SteveA.Jones for all the shitty things i said to him, but i know what I'm doing. SO i don't.

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It's always good to hear a mega-ignorant opinion on parenting from someone raising a cat.....

Stephen Decatur uttered the words "My country, right or wrong" in 1816 or thereabout....things have changed a bit since then. :rolleyes: You and a few others on this board are so stodgily nationalistic in your views you might as well be communist.

I'll continue to live by our constitutional right to free thinking and the speech that accompanies it. ;)

Hey, if these assholes can judge the president based on his lack of speech skills, i can judged these people by their lack of people skills.

Leave my fucking cat out of this. He just had another urinary tract infection and he is pissed off. Poor thing has a tube up it's pee hole for the last 24 hrs.

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Thank you President Bush. History will also thank you for having the resolve to stand up to the coward terroist thugs that run amuck around the world. Great presidents usually have low aproval ratings because they do what they think is right for the Country.................not cave into the biased media or the self serving left that feel that everything is owed to them without a price to be paid.

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Thank you President Bush. History will also thank you for having the resolve to stand up to the coward terroist thugs that run amuck around the world. Great presidents usually have low aproval ratings because they do what they think is right for the Country.................not cave into the biased media or the self serving left that feel that everything is owed to them without a price to be paid.

Question for you: Are all the unpopular presidents always Republicans that the "self-serving" left rails against? Because you mentioned great presidents, and you know something......great presidents don't have low approval ratings. That would make them......bad presidents, no?

I remember people not liking Carter too much, he was a Democrat. So in that case, would it have been the self-serving right bitching about him? Or are the only bad people in this country Democrats?

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Hey, if these assholes can judge the president based on his lack of speech skills, i can judged these people by their lack of people skills.

Leave my fucking cat out of this. He just had another urinary tract infection and he is pissed off. Poor thing has a tube up it's pee hole for the last 24 hrs.

I'm one of the assholes...hey, this pathetic thread is based on a speech, an arch conservative masturabatory fantasy yes, but a speech. It's only natural then that speech be a point of discussion.

I'm quite sure none of us who have voiced negative opinions about W have done so solely on his lack of auditory skills.

Public servants are just that, elected officials are there to be judged, private citizens are not...especially by you.

Do not ever try to speak on the subject of parenting until you walk a mile in our shoes.

That being said, I feel for you and your cat, I got four of em' myself, and have had males with the same sort of problems in the past.

I hope he recovers well.

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I would be tremendously interested in hearing what our board members from other countries think about the current state of affairs in America. Anyone bold enough to step into the den?! :D

:beer: A fair question.

I'll start by saying that the worst state of affairs in America is probably going to be a lot more comfortable than the BEST state of affairs most other nations will ever see - take for example oil prices.

Getting out of hand for sure - but, currently around £5.00 per gallon in the UK - nearly 10 US dollars.

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There's no reason to make up speeches....the real ones were scary enough. :angry:

Mission Acomplished !!

Great Job Brownie !!

The Iraqi people will embrace us as liberators.

"We recently found two mobile biological weapons facilities which were capable of producing biological agents."

"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them."

Source: Interview of the President by TVP, Poland, White House (5/29/2003).

"He has trained and financed al Qaeda-type organizations before, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations."

Source: President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference, White House (3/6/2003).

"But the risk of doing nothing, the risk of the security of this country being jeopardized at the hands of a madman with weapons of mass destruction far exceeds the risks of any action we may be forced to take."

Source: President Meets with National Economic Council, White House (2/25/2003).

Edited by Bong-Man
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Mission Acomplished !!

Typical liberal repetition of distortions until we "remember" things that way.

He never used those words.

It was a banner hung in recognition of the "Mission Accomplished" by the returning carrier group, not the war as a whole.

The Iraqi people will embrace us as liberators.

We were, in many instances, and still are.

The insurgents aren't everyday Iraqis - the vast majority are imported hired guns.

The average Iraqi seeks stability in their homeland and recognize on the whole, the US is trying to set the stage for them to achieve and more importantly, MAINTAIN it once we're gone.

Great Job Brownie !!

90% of that was "incredibly incompetent job, Mayor Nagin and Gov. Blanco."

The federal govt. has to be called on for assisstance - which Nagin/Blanco failed to do in a timely manner until it was way too late to make a difference.

The president can't just decide to "send in the cavalry" and overrule local and state authority.

No media distortions there, huh?

Daily reports of dozens of murders inside the Dome by armed gangs, even Oprah was duped.

Nothing like reporting first and fact-checking later.

blah blah blah...weapons of mass destruction...

Yeah, every intelligence agency on the globe was lying right along with us.

Those tens of thousands of kurds in northern Iraq weren't gassed or whatever, they just had a bad case of pneumonia all at the same time.

go back to your bong, those are the most obvious and worn liberal rallying cries straight from the koolaid factory.

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Hello "Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes*~" I'm sure that you probably do not know your History very well but one of our Presidents that had the lowest approval rating of all time was Abraham Lincoln. I know, you probably have never heard of him. Most Americans now think that he is one of the greatest Presidents ever just like history will show how great President Bush is. Now, when you give me a reply will you please curse me out..................unlike your history, you have that down very well.

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Typical liberal repetition of distortions until we "remember" things that way.

He never used those words.

It was a banner hung in recognition of the "Mission Accomplished" by the returning carrier group, not the war as a whole.

Three word reply......"Shock and awe".

We were, in many instances, and still are.

The insurgents aren't everyday Iraqis - the vast majority are imported hired guns.

The average Iraqi seeks stability in their homeland and recognize on the whole, the US is trying to set the stage for them to achieve and more importantly, MAINTAIN it once we're gone.

Vast majority ? Everyday Iraqi ? Thank God those 120,000 dead Iraqis are no longer there to lead the insurgance....Especially with that overwhelming majority of Iraqis that want us to stick it out to the very end.

90% of that was "incredibly incompetent job, Mayor Nagin and Gov. Blanco."

The federal govt. has to be called on for assisstance - which Nagin/Blanco failed to do in a timely manner until it was way too late to make a difference.

The president can't just decide to "send in the cavalry" and overrule local and state authority.

No media distortions there, huh?

Daily reports of dozens of murders inside the Dome by armed gangs, even Oprah was duped.

Nothing like reporting first and fact-checking later.

Since 60% of this nation's goods is delivered via the Mississippi, and 20% of domestic oil production comes from the Gulf of Mexico, this was far from a local problem. Focusing on the poor in New Orleans doesn't account for the lack of response to Mississippi and Alabama, where rich white folk waited 5 days to see anybody.....Except for those Canadians from British Columbia that happened to respond three days before our own Gov't did. Then again, they do watch The Weather Channel.

Hello "Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes*~" I'm sure that you probably do not know your History very well but one of our Presidents that had the lowest approval rating of all time was Abraham Lincoln. I know, you probably have never heard of him. Most Americans now think that he is one of the greatest Presidents ever just like history will show how great President Bush is. Now, when you give me a reply will you please curse me out..................unlike your history, you have that down very well.

Even another terrorist attack on U.S. soil couldn't save this guy. The legacy of Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and the Katrina response, will never allow that to happen. In fact, I personally believe the handling of Iraq was the number # 1 foreign policy blunder in the history of this nation. Your right about his legacy lasting forever, but it will be as an example of incompetence, not success. His handling of Katrina was the most damning. After going thru this once before with hurricane Andrew, he repeated the same mistakes his Father did. He blew a political gimme instead of an intern.

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"I want to tell you how proud I am to be the President of a nation that -- in which there's a lot of Philippine-Americans. They love America and they love their heritage. And I reminded the President that I am reminded of the great talent of the -- of our Philippine-Americans when I eat dinner at the White House." --George W. Bush, referring to White House chef Cristeta Comerford while meeting with Filipino President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Washington, D.C., June 24, 2008

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June 26 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks tumbled, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst June since the Great Depression, as record oil prices, credit-market writedowns and a slowing economy threatened to extend a yearlong profit slump.

General Motors Corp., the largest U.S. automaker, plunged the most in three years as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. advised selling the stock and crude rose by $5 a barrel. Citigroup Inc. led the KBW Bank Index to an almost 10-year low as Goldman said the lender may report an $8.9 billion second-quarter charge and cut its dividend. Research In Motion Ltd., maker of the BlackBerry, posted its biggest drop since 2001 on concern competition with Apple Inc.'s iPhone is reducing earnings.

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index plunged 38.82, or 2.9 percent, to 1,283.15, its biggest drop in three weeks. The Dow decreased 358.41, or 3 percent, to 11,453.42, its lowest since September 2006. The Nasdaq Composite Index sank 79.89, or 3.3 percent, to 2,321.37, its worst loss since January. Almost nine stocks fell for each that rose on the New York Stock Exchange.

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By JEANNINE AVERSA AP Economics Writer

Article Launched: 06/23/2008 09:43:20 AM PDT

The economy has grown at a snail's pace in recent months. And, employers have cut jobs every month so far this year. The unemployment rate jumped to 5.5 percent in May, from 5 percent in April, the largest one-month increase in two decades. The unemployment rate is expected to keep on rising in the months ahead—even if economic growth improves somewhat.

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May Foreclosure Filing Rate Highest Ever

Rate of increase slows slightly

June 15, 2008

By Mark Huffman


Ed McMahon is not alone. One in every 483 U.S. households received a foreclosure filing last month, the highest monthly rate since the real estate tracking firm RealtyTrac began issuing reports.

The company said foreclosure filings — default notices, auction sale notices and bank repossessions — were reported on 261,255 properties during the month, a seven percent increase from the previous month and a 48 percent increase from May 2007.

"May was the third straight month where we've seen a month-to-month increase in foreclosure activity and the 29th straight month we've seen a year-over-year increase," said James J. Saccacio, RealtyTrac's CEO.

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Obama Brightens World's View of U.S.

Poll: Global Publics Trust Obama Over McCain to 'Do the Right Thing' for Foreign Policy


June 12, 2008 —

People around the world are hoping a new president in the White House will bring positive change to US foreign policy and more trust Sen. Barack Obama rather than Sen. John McCain to "do the right thing" in world affairs, according to an international survey of 24 countries by the Pew Research Center.

"The world loves Obama," said Moises Naim, editor of Foreign Policy magazine. "If the election was held today in the world, Obama would win."

For the first time in this decade, the global image of the United States may be improving as President Bush's tenure draws to an end, according to the Pew's latest Global Attitudes Survey released Thursday.

"This improved climate of opinion about the United States reflects an anticipation of a change in the White House," said Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center.

Distrust of the United States has intensified across the world along with the Iraq War. But while America's image remains negative or mixed in most countries, there has been a modest improvement in global attitudes toward the United States since 2007 in 10 of 21 countries.

"This is an anticipatory bump," Kohut said. "People around the world think the next president will have a positive change on U.S. foreign policy."

The survey was conducted in March and April in 24 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas and Africa, and includes more than 24,000 respondents.

Obama Trusted to 'Do the Right Thing'

There is a widespread belief that U.S. foreign policy "will change for the better" after the inauguration of the new president next year, among those paying attention to the fight for the White House, including large majorities in France, Spain, Germany, Nigeria and Tanzania.

In nearly every country surveyed, greater numbers express confidence in Obama that McCain when it comes to "doing the right thing" for world affairs, the survey found.

McCain is rated lower than Obama in every country surveyed except for the United States, where his rating matches Obama's, as well as in Jordan and Pakistan, where few people said they have confidence in either candidate, according to the poll.

"The Barack Obama effect is real," said New York Times columnist David Brooks, noting the inflated number of foreign journalists covering Obama on the campaign trail. "Global interest is big and obviously reflected in this poll."

Brooks said Obama's global popularity could have an effect on voters in the United States.

"The idea that Obama will give the U.S. a new vision or a new face is a powerful political argument for him," he said.

However the sentiment isn't universal. In Jordan and Egypt, more people who said they're following the election said they expect new leadership to change U.S. foreign policy for the worse.

Poll Reflects Low Confidence in Bush

Since the start of the war in 2002, the image of the United States has declined in many parts of the world, especially in the Middle East.

Huge majorities around the world continue to express little or no confidence in President Bush. But in anticipation of a new president, people around the world are not expressing the consistent, relentless, negativity seen over the past seven years, Kohut said.

The headline, Brooks said, can be likened to actress Sally Field's infamous Academy Award acceptance speech: "You really, really don't hate me as much as you used to."

Despite earlier Pew polls reporting the rise in anti-Americanism throughout the world, especially in countries in the Middle East, Brooks said there is a basic faith people around the world in the nature of the U.S.

"The one thing people say, even in the Middle East, is that they like the way we do business here," Brooks said.

"There is a basic faith in the American way," agreed Kohut.

However many people around the world believe the United States has a double-standard when it comes to human rights and foreign affairs, Naim said.

"The world is obsessed, perhaps rightly so, with what's happening in Guantanamo Bay." he said.

'Obama Is Changing the World'

People around the globe are expressing an extraordinary level of excitement and interest in the U.S. election.

Many people around the world said they are paying "close attention," the survey found.

The positive view of Obama found in the survey is reflected in numerous media reports from around the world.

"For the time being, Barack Obama is changing the world," read the Times of London last week when Obama secured the Democratic presidential nomination.

"Most Germans see Sen. Obama as a kind of mixture of JFK and Martin Luther King," Karsten Voigt, Germany's envoy of trans-Atlantic relations on Germany's ARD/ZDF morning show gushed last week.

Germany's weekly magazine Der Spiegel published a cover story featuring Obama in February with the headline: "The Messiah Factor: Barack Obama and the Longing for a New America."

In France, Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope" has been translated into French and has been a top best-seller for months.

"People are very enthusiastic about Obama, because we have a mixed population in France and we have racial and ethnic problems. So it's a source of great excitement for young Frenchmen," Denis Lacorne, professor of political studies at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris told ABC News in March.

The survey also found that people around the world are worried about the global economy and blame the United States for having a negative impact on their countries' economies.

Assessments of people around the world of their economies dimmed in 2007 and 2008, and majorities in 18 of the 24 countries surveyed described economic conditions in their countries as bad, although those in China and India did not share in that pessimism.

"The American economy is now seen as having a considerable influence and a negative impact & on national economies, both large and small, in all parts of the world," read the survey.

Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures

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"The American economy is now seen as having a considerable influence and a negative impact & on national economies, both large and small, in all parts of the world," read the survey.

Sure, and what's Obamarama's cure for our ailing economy? Take a guess, raise taxes. Typical socialist policy - take money from hard working people through taxation and redistribute it through government programs and entitlements.

Tax cuts are what is needed to stimulate the economy and create jobs. People are complaining about the economy now, saying it is as bad as the recession in the 1970s. But just wait to see how worse it will become if a tax & spend dem gets into office.

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Sure, and what's Obamarama's cure for our ailing economy? Take a guess, raise taxes. Typical socialist policy - take money from hard working people through taxation and redistribute it through government programs and entitlements.

Tax cuts are what is needed to stimulate the economy and create jobs. People are complaining about the economy now, saying it is as bad as the recession in the 1970s. But just wait to see how worse it will become if a tax & spend dem gets into office.

Really....I'm in the highest tax bracket and I can tell you that if NO ONE in the US paid taxes it would not pay off our national debt. How much money do you think we've borrowed from China to fund this war?

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Sure, and what's Obamarama's cure for our ailing economy? Take a guess, raise taxes. Typical socialist policy - take money from hard working people through taxation and redistribute it through government programs and entitlements.

Tax cuts are what is needed to stimulate the economy and create jobs. People are complaining about the economy now, saying it is as bad as the recession in the 1970s. But just wait to see how worse it will become if a tax & spend dem gets into office.

Ha, you think Obama is a socialist. Good one.

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No sense in trying to say anything positive here about our Great President. Most around here fall into the brain washing of the media. You know, the George Carlin is my hero type. They think that it is cool to bash our President. They can't see the enemy that we are up against. This President faced the biggest challenge (911) since Pearl Harbor. The worst attack on our soil ever. Thank God he does not care about what others say or ratings like the joke of a President that we had before him. He does what he believes is right for our country and I proudly support him. If it were not for Clinton " screwing" off for 8 years, and if he had been doing his job watching our enemies we would propably not be at war now. President Bush has had to clean up the scum terroists of the world that hate us because Clinton let them all get so entrenched in against us while we were under his watch.

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