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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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They think that it is cool to bash our President.

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

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I saw that posted the first time, thank's for pasting er' I mean posting it again. But thank you mostly for biting your tongue.

Being critical of our President is one thing, trashing him is another.

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No sense in trying to say anything positive here about our Great President. Most around here fall into the brain washing of the media. You know, the George Carlin is my hero type. They think that it is cool to bash our President. They can't see the enemy that we are up against. This President faced the biggest challenge (911) since Pearl Harbor. The worst attack on our soil ever. Thank God he does not care about what others say or ratings like the joke of a President that we had before him. He does what he believes is right for our country and I proudly support him. If it were not for Clinton " screwing" off for 8 years, and if he had been doing his job watching our enemies we would propably not be at war now. President Bush has had to clean up the scum terroists of the world that hate us because Clinton let them all get so entrenched in against us while we were under his watch.

Yes, Islam only became radical under Clintons watch, and sat around loving the US during the preceeding 16 years of Republican commanders in chief. One of those being Bush Sr. who was similarly pushed into military action, but blame that on Jimmy Carter if you like. :rolleyes:

Your political view is just as narrow as your view on Robert Plant.

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Yes, Islam only became radical under Clintons watch

No, they just banded into groups being sponsored by terroist supporting countries under Clintons watch, or should I say "No watch".

Your political view is just as narrow as your view on Robert Plant.

My love of Country will always be more important then my liking of a Rock and Roll band or lead singer of one.

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No, they just banded into groups being sponsored by terroist supporting countries under Clintons watch, or should I say "No watch".

Look back to the Reagan years, WE were sponsoring terrorists....err...trading arms for hostages....err what? Ronnie Ray-gun didn't know about it? Ollie North has no recollection?

Please... :rolleyes:

If Clinton wasn't watching matters of national security, he must have taken notes from the preceeding Prez.

My love of Country will always be more important then my liking of a Rock and Roll band or lead singer of one.

Really? Your forum subject breakdown is probably 99.5 Robert bash, so apparently you just got off on a tangent....yeah...that's it. <_<

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Really? Your forum subject breakdown is probably 99.5 Robert bash, so apparently you just got off on a tangent....yeah...that's it.

No, I think that it is so funny how so many around here take up for Plant, no matter what. A while back, none other then "THE SAJ, himself" was giving lessons on how to put me on ignore.........did you not pay attention. No, you hang around to see what I say because deep down so many of you agree with a lot of it, but are to "cool" to admit it. You understand, kind of how it is "cool" to trash our great President.

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Three word reply......"Shock and awe".

:huh::blink: ya wanna clarify that one? At least a clue what you're getting at?

change the water in your bong, you've stopped making sense completely.

Vast majority? Everyday Iraqi? Thank God those 120,000 dead Iraqis are no longer there to lead the insurgance... Especially with that overwhelming majority of Iraqis that want us to stick it out to the very end.

yeah, I'm sure you're right - they can't wait for us to leave so they can stop all those free elections and voting without fear of being thrown into a meat grinder.

They can't wait for us to get out of there so those 2 million barrels of oil a day they're currently producing in addition to rebuilding schools, infrastructure, and whatnot can be taken over by Iran slipping their own religious zealot into place and they'll be back to a life of fear like they're used to.

Since 60% of this nation's goods is delivered via the Mississippi, and 20% of domestic oil production comes from the Gulf of Mexico, this was far from a local problem. Focusing on the poor in New Orleans doesn't account for the lack of response to Mississippi and Alabama, where rich white folk waited 5 days to see anybody.....Except for those Canadians from British Columbia that happened to respond three days before our own Gov't did. Then again, they do watch The Weather Channel.

rationalize as much as you want, it's a state's responsibility to act.

If Bush had sent the guard in without call to bail Nagin and Blanco's sorry asses bfore it was too late they'd have been screaming that Bush was sending in the storm troopers and declaring Martial law.

Even another terrorist attack on U.S. soil couldn't save this guy.

That's one of the most fucked up statements I've read.

George Carlin would be proud of you.

That's right up there with Ward Churchill and his "little Eichmanns" remark.

What a patriot.

The legacy of Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and the Katrina response, will never allow that to happen.

Guantanamo has been there long before Bush, nothing there but liberal media finger-pointing and accusations. It's called security.

Abu Ghraib was another media mountain from a minor infraction molehill. A few soldiers made some bad decisions, and the media took it from there. If the worst thing John McCain ever had to suffer was a naked dogpile picture, he'd be thankful. But let the media at it and it's another My Lai massacre. Again, a few soldiers. It wasn't Bush and Cheney pulling a "Lynndie" in those photos. And I gotta tell ya, none of that shit means squat to me after the numerous beheadings.

None of it.

College freshman have been put through more than that to join fraternities.

Fuck em.

Again, the Katrina response was 95% Nagin and Blanco, and 5% Bush and "Brownie"

Quit smoking that dirt weed, it'll clog yer bong and make ya bleat the most trite and worn-out platitudes Moveon.org can come up with.

Yes, Islam only became radical under Clintons watch, and sat around loving the US during the preceeding 16 years of Republican commanders in chief. One of those being Bush Sr. who was similarly pushed into military action, but blame that on Jimmy Carter if you like. :rolleyes:

No, Islam has been radical for a long time. We've known that.

But when the World Trade Center was attacked the first time, Clinton's response was to gut the intelligence machine and gouge it's eyes out.

It was under Clinton's watch/further dismantling of our military/intelligence apparatus that they were able to so thoroughly infiltrate our borders and embed themselves into position to make the 9/11 attacks.

The breakdown of intelligence gathering and reporting the 9/11 commission reported was a direct result of Clinton's pulling the teeth of our intelligence system and the military he so ardently despised.

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No, Islam has been radical for a long time. We've known that.

But when the World Trade Center was attacked the first time, Clinton's response was to gut the intelligence machine and gouge it's eyes out.

It was under Clinton's watch/further dismantling of our military/intelligence apparatus that they were able to so thoroughly infiltrate our borders and embed themselves into position to make the 9/11 attacks.

The breakdown of intelligence gathering and reporting the 9/11 commission reported was a direct result of Clinton's pulling the teeth of our intelligence system and the military he so ardently despised.

I'll take that for what it is...an opinion. The CIA and FBI failed both presidents in that time frame. I don't buy the "gutted intel community" angle. The facts are probably contained in the Congress ordered investigation of the CIA'a actions pre-911, but I'm not holding my breath that that report will ever be seen by the American public.

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TypeO, don't even waist your time trying to get "The George Carlin is my hero" folks around here to understand about National Security. They are all off letting the media and hollywood elitest make their decisions for them. And, you have to remember, trashing our great President is in vogue now, the thing to do, the cool thing.............so instead of thinking for themselves, they fall in line like sheep to do it.

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And, you have to remember, trashing our great President is in vogue now, the thing to do, the cool thing.............so instead of thinking for themselves, they fall in line like sheep to do it.

Heh Heh.....I'm dealing with a couple of Conservative clowns here that have no better ammunition then to drag up a Presidency from 8 frickin' years ago. Your great President managed to turn a surplus into a debt by spending like a good old-fashioned Democrat....the very thing you abhor. As I scan the curent political environment I've happened to notice, and listen closely fellas.....You have no candidate to vote for. Let me repeat that slowly for you.....You have no one to vote for. You have no one to vote for. You have no one to vote for. Might as well stay home this year. :D

As for Mr. Obama, you can't blame him for wanting to raise taxes on the rich and adjust those nasty capital gains taxes you love so much. After all, that's how Clinton built that surplus in the first place.

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Nice rebuttal. :rolleyes:

And of course the generals know more about war than politicians. Only you seem to be making the case that some argue against that when there hasn't been a single incling of the kind.

Oh, and how many US Generals and top commanders have either resigned or been asked to step down following their testimonies whether private or public that the Bush Administration has no idea how to run a war campaign? Again, the biggest casualty of the Iraq War is General Colin Powell's credibility. Bush threw him under the bus by not expressing any emotion publically when the WMD Report came back false and Powell was our best military mind. Schwarzkopf hates what has happened with our military because of this administration. And I'll take his word over Petraues or Bush or Cheney or you any day of the week.

No President knows how to run a war campaign. that has been one of this countries biggest problems. those two should be devided...(just for the record, I learned about this in Americian Government in 1988) :D

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TypeO, don't even waist your time trying to get "The George Carlin is my hero" folks around here to understand about National Security. They are all off letting the media and hollywood elitest make their decisions for them. And, you have to remember, trashing our great President is in vogue now, the thing to do, the cool thing.............so instead of thinking for themselves, they fall in line like sheep to do it.

Do you have any proof to back up these statements? Because lying about people you don't know, especially to better bolster your opinion, is pretty dumb. I haven't seen anyone here state in either a direct or indirect way that they get their opinions from Hollywood. The least you can do if you're going to slag people off is be honest, because if you lie................like you just did.............you'll get called out on it.

And trashing our "great" President? Don't make me laugh. Bush is making Herbert Hoover look like Thomas Jefferson.

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ya know what?

that's good enough for me.


I'm a pretty simple guy.

:chickeddance: <<< highly under-used and underrated smiley

Wow. :) I get too pissed off in here. Before I started getting pissed off, I saw other people getting all pissed off and I thought it was so stupid. Now look at me.

When I started seeing people trying to get everyone to believe all Muslims are terrorists, or potential terrorists, I couldn't believe it. And it spiraled from there. I have been disconnected from (for lack of a better term) Red-Neckia for so long that I see that shit and feel I HAVE to say something. I just can't not say something.

Anyway, I remember calling someone a fucktard and I didn't remember it was you, and I don't even remember why. I shouldn't have done that. I'd love to claim I'm a pretty simple gal (because it sounds so cool and groovy) but I'm not.

:chickeddance: This is my favorite emoticon!

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I would be tremendously interested in hearing what our board members from other countries think about the current state of affairs in America. Anyone bold enough to step into the den?! :D

Yes, please! Come one and all!

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Yeah, your kid has some great skills, but that and 1.29$ will get him a cup of coffee during break at McDonald's. Dumbed down this country. Ha, there is only 426 other people in this world who can claim as many welding certs as i could. Yeah, i can play 5 instruments too, it cost my $300 in music theory lessons.

We got into this before. She just sucking up to you so she can be on the moral high ground. Maybe i should apologize to SteveA.Jones for all the shitty things i said to him, but i know what I'm doing. SO i don't.

I don't suck up. Stop projecting your private hobbies onto me. Have you made the list of who qualifies as American, yet? Surely not the douchebags who can no longer listen to the prez. So that's probably 65% of us, or so. I hope you're not a union welder- those people are commies, so you'd better count them out. Anyone else?

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When I started seeing people trying to get everyone to believe all Muslims are terrorists, or potential terrorists, I couldn't believe it.

I believe the term was "Radical Muslims", maybe you do not understand the difference.

And, if I see another George Carlin quote, I think I will puke.

Yes, Good old Clinton, got us in the mess we are in now. If he had been on the watch for terroist, and held old "Sadam Insane" to the original terms put to him after the first Gulf War, we would not be at war now. But he only kept watch on one thing.............pleasing himself. So, for 8 years we had old Sadam Insane breaking all the rules and all the terroist's seeing how week old Clinton had let us become. Then, because of Clintons "Great Legacy" we had 911, and President Bush has been cleaning up Clinton's messes ever since. But go on and keep your hero's, guys like George Carlin. Keep on trashing our President, I expect it from the "In" crowd.

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With George W. in office for eight years to show everyone how tough we are, he still has not managed to get Bin Laden. Starting a war under false pretenses, and then lying about it to the American public and the international community did not exactly endear us to any more moderate regimes around the globe. Where are all those weapons of mass destruction we went there to find? Oops, oh well I guess better luck next time if there is a next time. Bush has tunnel vision to the max and that is not a good trait for a leader in a democracy. Of course, that tunnel vision did not prevent Cheney and his Haliburton cronies from reaping obscene profits from that ridiculous conflict. Get a clue. Bush's popularity isn't waning because it is trendy. It is because he is a blockhead.

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I don't suck up. Stop projecting your private hobbies onto me. Have you made the list of who qualifies as American, yet? Surely not the douchebags who can no longer listen to the prez. So that's probably 65% of us, or so. I hope you're not a union welder- those people are commies, so you'd better count them out. Anyone else?

I was, but Obama said he was going to redifine it for us. So, I'll just wait.

yes, a union welder making 42hr, plus $17.32 that pays for health and pension.

I guess we all can't be commies.

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I was, but Obama said he was going to redifine it for us. So, I'll just wait.

yes, a union welder making 42hr, plus $17.32 that pays for health and pension.

I guess we all can't be commies.

Oh, I get it, now! It's about money. So you are a good, solid American because you're in a union (socialist!!!!) but my kid teaching music is.......uh....let's see.....not as American because.......huh. Not sure about that.

And I'm not a good American because........oh yeah! Because I think the president's a dillweed. Right. So, I should line up with you! Let's get in line and salute a picture of W. Then I can prove my love of my country to you. Yep, you're right. Sounds like the American way to me. Can't imagine what I was thinking.

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Oh, I get it, now! It's about money. So you are a good, solid American because you're in a union (socialist!!!!) but my kid teaching music is.......uh....let's see.....not as American because.......huh. Not sure about that.

And I'm not a good American because........oh yeah! Because I think the president's a dillweed. Right. So, I should line up with you! Let's get in line and salute a picture of W. Then I can prove my love of my country to you. Yep, you're right. Sounds like the American way to me. Can't imagine what I was thinking.

I can't believe you just called the president a dillweed.

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