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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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I believe the term was "Radical Muslims", maybe you do not understand the difference.

And, if I see another George Carlin quote, I think I will puke.

Yes, Good old Clinton, got us in the mess we are in now. If he had been on the watch for terroist, and held old "Sadam Insane" to the original terms put to him after the first Gulf War, we would not be at war now. But he only kept watch on one thing.............pleasing himself. So, for 8 years we had old Sadam Insane breaking all the rules and all the terroist's seeing how week old Clinton had let us become. Then, because of Clintons "Great Legacy" we had 911, and President Bush has been cleaning up Clinton's messes ever since. But go on and keep your hero's, guys like George Carlin. Keep on trashing our President, I expect it from the "In" crowd.

Your memory is selective, Rick. It was Muslins. The rest of us kept saying over and over that it was the radical fundamentalists. No go. It was all Muslims. How are things in Mayberry?

"In Crowd?" Never been in one in my life. If, by the "in crowd," you refer to the majority of Americans (dare I say Moral Majority? Tee hee!) then by golly, I guess I'll claim it.

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I believe the term was "Radical Muslims", maybe you do not understand the difference.

And, if I see another George Carlin quote, I think I will puke.

Yes, Good old Clinton, got us in the mess we are in now. If he had been on the watch for terroist, and held old "Sadam Insane" to the original terms put to him after the first Gulf War, we would not be at war now. But he only kept watch on one thing.............pleasing himself. So, for 8 years we had old Sadam Insane breaking all the rules and all the terroist's seeing how week old Clinton had let us become. Then, because of Clintons "Great Legacy" we had 911, and President Bush has been cleaning up Clinton's messes ever since. But go on and keep your hero's, guys like George Carlin. Keep on trashing our President, I expect it from the "In" crowd.

Blah blah blah...If you wish to be blind, just get on with it and quit clogging the forum with your addle-minded spin.

A great presidential candidate doesn't have to fix an election to secure the win. (Uh Jeb, uh...could you help us out here? Tthat Gore character has me beat....)

A great president would have had his intelligence community well in line before the attacks of 9/11, reagardless of the assertions of the previous president. Lets's give him the first month since office starts 01/20....that's still 7 months to get your act together.

A great president wouldn't blame the previous administration for homeland security gaffs while simultaneously making sure all documentation of the Clinton administrations terrorist tracking never makes it to Congress' eyes.

A great President would not have the need to subvert congress's own investigation into the CIA's movements prior to 09/11.

A great president does not enter us into a war we cannot win, while lining his cronies pockets in the process.

Republican, or Democrat, the office of president is the biggest businessman's chair you can ever hope to sit in, trust them blindly, and show the world your ignorance.

"It's nothing personal, it's business" B)

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Oh, I get it, now! It's about money. So you are a good, solid American because you're in a union (socialist!!!!) but my kid teaching music is.......uh....let's see.....not as American because.......huh. Not sure about that.

And I'm not a good American because........oh yeah! Because I think the president's a dillweed. Right. So, I should line up with you! Let's get in line and salute a picture of W. Then I can prove my love of my country to you. Yep, you're right. Sounds like the American way to me. Can't imagine what I was thinking.

I never said you kids music in not American, I just said, that and 1.29 can get him a cup of coffee. I didn't said you were un-American because you think the presidents a dill weed, but the fact you won't listen to him, makes you a un-American dill weed. You don't have to do or agree to any politician have said, but with the president, who represents the country to the world, should at least be give respect, like listening what he has to say. Really, how much do you really know about a man, that you haven't heard what he said in its entirety, for the past 5 years or so? Listening to the daily show, MSNBC, or any other news source, is not the same as actually sitting down and listening to the president. Hell, Im guilty of that since i watch Fox News like it's the super bowl. Even, i know that shit's slanted.

Really, what’s the difference when somebody comes out and say, "I’m not listening to that N@*&*R Obama when he becomes president. It's both ignorant. Don't worry, he'll be gone in a while and Obama or McCain won't do anything that will correct his mistakes. We as a country must improve this shit, not just blame Bush while congress is on fucking vacation.

Let's just sit down and think for a second, if Mr. Obama was to sit down with the thugs of the world and the people of his country thinks he's a moron. Do you think they will take him seriously? Thats the only reason i am worry of all this anti-bush shit.

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Those who are against President Bush actually have to listen to him in order to form that opinion of him. I think I can speak for Suz when I say, I don't think she meant she has never listened to him once in 8 years. I think she said that she's listened to him enough in 8 years to know she doesn't want to listen anymore. That implies she's listened, comprehended and then formed an opinion.

If I'm wrong on that, she's free to correct me.

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One of the most oft-repeated comments I hear from (I'll say Bush-haters since many claim not to necessarily be either Dem or liberal) Bush-haters is about how he's caused the rest of the world to dislike us so much.

Who exactly is it that dislikes us so much more than they used to?

The Middle East? They've hated us a long time.

You say it's even more now?

I'm reminded of the joke about the convict with a life sentence being charged with another crime - "What, now I'm never EVER going to get out?"

The French? So what's new?

As with most history, it goes in cycles.

Pretty much everything I hear now is the same they said about Reagan - "his cowboy mentality has caused the whole world to hate us!"

Well here's a universal truth you all can try to counter all you want - being a world superpower is a whole lot like being a parent.

You can't raise your kids right trying to be their buddy.

You have to make hard decisions regardless of what they think about it at the time.

You have to do what's best in the long run.

Everyone talks about how fucked up our country is, it's embarrassing to be an American, the world thinks we're assholes.

I defy you to show me a better country.

We live in the best country in the world regardless of all your poor-mouthing.

You love to explain why it's really the epitome of patriotism when members of our own government ridicule the President and undermine his policies.

How burning a flag is Patriotism in action.

How protesting in the streets screaming the vilest insults imaginable about our sitting President is our right as citizens.

Well, no shit.

Of course it's our right.

And you even like to point out that soldiers have paid with their blood for our right to do those very things.

You are so very correct - many Americans have paid with their lives so that people can do those things in a free country such as ours.

But just because you can, does that mean you should?

If we considered the price paid by those before us as actual currency that was very hard to come by, is this how it should be spent?

If every dollar in your pocket represented the life of a brave soldier, would you blow those dollars on weed, junk food and lap dances?

Or would you treat it as something sacred, precious, and to be used with discretion, for when necessity demanded such a price?

Every person that burns a flag, every politician that demeans the President in a time of war, and then screams how it's our right as an American citizen to do so is demonstrating the very essence of the liberal mindset - "we are entitled".

The same mindset that conditions people to embrace their poverty because they will be taken care of. The same mindset that creates unmarried welfare moms with 4 children wearing endless gold chains and tennis bracelets. Human nature dictates that we lose appreciation for those things we make no sacrifice for, or have any investment in. As people are simply given what they need, they lose all concern for where it comes from as long as they get what's coming to them.

And that's the mindset that sees no problem in blowing that priceless currency of freedom in feckless displays they label Patriotism, much as the supposed "artist" puts bodily excretions in a mason jar and labels it "art."

It's childish, and exemplifies the disconnect between those who understand the value of our freedom and those who would exploit it for personal satisfaction and attention.

It's pathetic, and way more of a reason to be embarrassed about America than any displays or claims of support for the President or our country, no matter how narrow-minded it may be perceived to be.

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Hi all,

When President Clinton was our President,I support him fully.I did not vote for him,but the people of the US did, and he was.Did I agree with everything he did?Of course not.Yet, when your leading the US,the will of the people in elected you and you try to do you best you can.That is all your going to get.And also you have millions of people telling you how to do it -right-,Any way you look at it the POTUS,is only man,or someday a women.With the same faults we all have.

So why the shit-licker,moron,blockhead, idiot,etc,etc,.....how the hell is that solving anything? :blink:

Geez! Good luck with that,...


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I never said you kids music in not American, I just said, that and 1.29 can get him a cup of coffee. I didn't said you were un-American because you think the presidents a dill weed, but the fact you won't listen to him, makes you a un-American dill weed. You don't have to do or agree to any politician have said, but with the president, who represents the country to the world, should at least be give respect, like listening what he has to say. Really, how much do you really know about a man, that you haven't heard what he said in its entirety, for the past 5 years or so? Listening to the daily show, MSNBC, or any other news source, is not the same as actually sitting down and listening to the president. Hell, Im guilty of that since i watch Fox News like it's the super bowl. Even, i know that shit's slanted.

Really, what’s the difference when somebody comes out and say, "I’m not listening to that N@*&*R Obama when he becomes president. It's both ignorant. Don't worry, he'll be gone in a while and Obama or McCain won't do anything that will correct his mistakes. We as a country must improve this shit, not just blame Bush while congress is on fucking vacation.

Let's just sit down and think for a second, if Mr. Obama was to sit down with the thugs of the world and the people of his country thinks he's a moron. Do you think they will take him seriously? Thats the only reason i am worry of all this anti-bush shit.

My kid's a girl.

How old are you? I really want to know. For the 3rd and last time, I DID listen to him. Representative to the world? What a shit fucking job. Seriously. Not me, bro. He has not represented me or the country I love and have voted in for 20 years. He has shit on it. I agree that we as a country must improve this shit. The problem is, we were a bunch of idiots looking at color coded terror threat charts when we should have been improving this shit. How many of our troops have died for this shit? How many young people sent to die for this shit?

But we'll all keep wavin' our flags to feel better about it, won't we. Then they'll come home from Iraq and Afganistan and have to fight for proper health care. And the Bushes and Cheneys and every Democrat and Republican who didn't have the balls to speak out against this shit, and the few who did will go on vacation.

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Lady Elizabeth Pagette: I am talking about 99.9999999999999999999% of the people that bash our President are the "In", "Now", "COOL", "George Carlin is my Hero", crowd.

You remember how the media used to lay out the deck of cards with the terroist's faces on it? They did this to make the President look bad. They no longer do this because all but a couple have gone Bye, Bye and this would make the President look good. If the coward Ben puke Laden is still around (most think he has gone Bye, Bye too) then Clinton let him get away. Clinton had him in the cross hairs a couple of times but could not squeeze the trigger. You see, Clinton could only pull the trigger when it benefited him...........you know, like the time he bombed the aspirin factory to draw attention away from his "Screwed" up ways in the White House. Good ol' Bill.......................... never took care of anything but his own "Bussiness".

Edited by scs
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Lady Elizabeth Pagette: I am talking about 99.9999999999999999999% of the people that bash our President are the "In", "Now", "COOL", "George Carlin is my Hero", crowd.

You remember how the media used to lay out the deck of cards with the terroist's faces on it? They did this to make the President look bad. They no longer do this because all but a couple have gone Bye, Bye and this would make the President look good. If the coward Ben puke Laden is still around (most think he has gone Bye, Bye too) then Clinton let him get away. Clinton had him in the cross hairs a couple of times but could not squeeze the trigger. You see, Clinton could only pull the trigger when it benefited him...........you know, like the time he bombed the aspirin factory to draw attention away from his "Screwed" up ways in the White House. Good ol' Bill.......................... never took care of anything but his own "Bussiness".

You got your facts mixed up and you keep repeating the same misinformation. Took care of business? Yes, he did. There was a budget deficit that was turned into a surplus during his administration. Under eight years of the Bush administration the opposite has occured.

Now thanks to those fiscally responsible Republicans we are many many billions of dollars in debt. Plus I hate to break this to you, but in September of 2001 President Bush was in office, not Bill Clinton.

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Hello fenderguy. National security never comes cheap. If your friend bill had taken better care of bussiness, and not let the terroist's get 8 years of strongholds.................it would not be near the problem that it is today. 911 probably would not have happened. Yes, because of your friend, we now have to spend so much more when he could have nipped it in the bud. But again, I realize that he had other things on his mind.

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You got your facts mixed up and you keep repeating the same misinformation.


says the guy who bleats...

With George W. in office for eight years to show everyone how tough we are, he still has not managed to get Bin Laden.

As if you would then say "WOW, Bush really did get him!"

No, it would become "He's irrelevant now." Same as when Saddam was captured.

Starting a war under false pretenses, and then lying about it to the American public and the international community did not exactly endear us to any more moderate regimes around the globe.

"Bush Lied, people died" is one of the most worn-out and ridiculous of the many moveon.org catchphrases. It's simply not true. Otherwise your pal Clinton was lying too. I don't hear ya pointing that out.

Where are all those weapons of mass destruction we went there to find?

In Syria, and any one of thousands of Mosques we weren't allowed to enter and search for fear of offending the international community you hold in such high regard.

Cheney and his Haliburton cronies

You can always tell when someone is bleating party line platitudes - who the fuck actually uses the word "cronies" otherwise???

Plus I hate to break this to you, but in September of 2001 President Bush was in office, not Bill Clinton.

The most childish simplification yet.

Hate to break THIS to ya, but 9/11 wasn't planned and carried out in the 8 and a half months that Bush was in office.

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How quickly the Right forgets that Weapons of Mass Destruction were not the only selling point of this dark chapter in American history. Let's hear some kind words from Darth Cheney & crew.....

Bush administration quotes linking Iraq and al-Qaeda

The Associated Press

Comments by President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice alleging links between al-Qaeda and Iraq under Saddam Hussein:


Rice, Sept. 25: "There clearly are contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented; there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there's a relationship here. ... And there are some al-Qaeda personnel who found refuge in Baghdad."

Bush, Oct. 7: "We know that Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of America. We know that Iraq and al-Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade" and "we've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases."


Bush, State of the Union address, Jan. 28: "And this Congress and the American people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al-Qaeda."

Bush, Feb. 6: "Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al-Qaeda" and "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training."


Cheney, Jan. 21: "I continue to believe — I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government. I'm very confident that there was an established relationship there."

Cheney: Saddam Hussein "had long-established ties with al-Qaeda.

Edited by Bong-Man
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Hi all,

When President Clinton was our President,I support him fully.I did not vote for him,but the people of the US did, and he was.Did I agree with everything he did?Of course not.Yet, when your leading the US,the will of the people in elected you and you try to do you best you can.That is all your going to get.And also you have millions of people telling you how to do it -right-,Any way you look at it the POTUS,is only man,or someday a women.With the same faults we all have.

So why the shit-licker,moron,blockhead, idiot,etc,etc,.....how the hell is that solving anything? :blink:

Geez! Good luck with that,...


Exactly. A general level of disrespect and disdain for our Commander in Chief exists during a time of war. What kind of message do you think that sends to our enemies? Truly sickening indeed.

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says the guy who bleats...

As if you would then say "WOW, Bush really did get him!"

No, it would become "He's irrelevant now." Same as when Saddam was captured.

"Bush Lied, people died" is one of the most worn-out and ridiculous of the many moveon.org catchphrases. It's simply not true. Otherwise your pal Clinton was lying too. I don't hear ya pointing that out.

In Syria, and any one of thousands of Mosques we weren't allowed to enter and search for fear of offending the international community you hold in such high regard.

You can always tell when someone is bleating party line platitudes - who the fuck actually uses the word "cronies" otherwise???

The most childish simplification yet.

Hate to break THIS to ya, but 9/11 wasn't planned and carried out in the 8 and a half months that Bush was in office.

This made me laugh quite hard, especially the cronies bit :lol:

Thank you sir, for making my day B)

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Exactly. A general level of disrespect and disdain for our Commander in Chief exists during a time of war. What kind of message do you think that sends to our enemies? Truly sickening indeed.

Oh please....I want to make this very clear. I had a HIGH level of disrespect and disdain for George W. Bush WAY before the war. I didn't vote for him the first time around and was embarrassed for our country when he gained a second term. In my opinion he's ALWAYS been a boob (except for when he inhaled) maybe he should start inhaling again and give up the booze.....

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Exactly. A general level of disrespect and disdain for our Commander in Chief exists during a time of war. What kind of message do you think that sends to our enemies? Truly sickening indeed.

Give me a break. Presidents deserve respect when they earn it from the people through their actions and words. What exactly has Bush done in the last 5 years to earn our respect? Absolutely nothing. You don't just arbitrarily give out respect irrespective of whether the person deserves it just because they hold high office. It's the OFFICE of the President we should respect, not always the person in it.

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TypeO, don't even waist your time trying to get "The George Carlin is my hero" folks around here to understand about National Security. They are all off letting the media and hollywood elitest make their decisions for them. And, you have to remember, trashing our great President is in vogue now, the thing to do, the cool thing.............so instead of thinking for themselves, they fall in line like sheep to do it.

You're not fit to even mention George Carlin's name...hell, George Carlin forgot

more about the United States Constitution and what it stands for than what you

and your fellow Bush Chickenhawks will EVER KNOW IN YOUR ENTIRE LIVES!

And please, more bad policy and wasting of tax-payer money and shredding of

the Constitution has been done in the name of "National Security" than in the

areas of Education, Welfare and Environmental Protection combined.

As for blaming "media and hollywood elitist"...just another right-wing canard.

Actually, within most liberal groups you will find widely divergent opinions on

all subjects...while it is the conservatives who march lockstep with whatever

talking points have been put forth by Karl Rove, Roger Ailes and the Fox News/

talk-radio crowd.

It is no accident that most of the internet smears and rumours out there are directed

towards Obama by conservatives...liberals have no need to smear McCain; his own

record does that for him. Look at his past voting record and his actions, and you

will see that all this hype about being a "maverick" and "for the troops" is built

on a house of lies, enabled by the mainstream media.

This is why they win a lot, because they eliminate infighting and dissension

within the ranks and are able to put on a more unified front than liberals.

Unfortunately, most liberals and Democrats in power helped by running away

from the "L" word, instead of taking pride in being liberal and fighting the

right's lies and slander...witness the years and years the Democrats just laughed

off Lee Atwater's slime-ball election tactics, thinking the American people would

be too smart to fall for his ruses, until it was too late.

There is an excellent new film about Lee Atwater coming out called "Boogie Man:

The Lee Atwater Story"...here's a link:Boogieman film

The biggest laugh of all, though, is your presumption that those of us bashing Bush

have only just now thought of it because it is supposedly the 'cool' thing to do.

Actually, those of us who took the time to find out about the candidates and

have a thinking and reasoning capacity above the level of a ball of lint knew

Dubya was a bad deal even before the 2000 election.

We knew by the way he smeared his fellow candidates for the GOP nomination;

we weren't buying his "compassionate conservatism" act.

We knew by his past history of utter failure at anything remotely resembling

being in charge of anything important...all his business failures and having his

daddie's rich friends bail him out time and time again. If he was going to run the

country like he ran his companies, we knew the economy was doomed.

We knew by his and his families ties to Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud...this

was the origin of many Middle Easterners hatred towards the U.S.; long, long

before Clinton got into the White House. With the close ties to Saudi Arabia, we

knew there was no chance for a rethinking of our disastrous energy policies,

in particular our addiction to oil. And that just as there was a Gulf War in the

elder Bush's term, the chance of another increased exponentially if W. was


We knew by the way he was surrounding himself with the evil henchmen from

the Tricky Dick days...these guys tried to sabotage the Constitution once before;

Cheney and company weren't going to blow it a second time...Cheney for years

had been nursing a grudge since Watergate and he was determined to see that

the Presidential powers were expanded at the expense of the checks-and-balances

powers of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government.

We knew he had a complex over the way his father was painted a sissy after

his term in office, and would take the first available opportunity to avenge his

daddy's reputation.

We knew that, for the office of U.S. President, he showed a shocking lack of

intellect, of competancy, lacking even the desire to WANT to learn all the facts

before making a decision. No reason, no inquisitiveness, no capacity for putting

facts and events in proper perspective.

There's more...much much more...but space and time are limited, and by now you

should get the point. It isn't just lately, and not because of some fad or some

media plot that we have been against Bush...we have been against him from the

moment his candidacy was announced.

And again, I can't reiterate enough how you are nothing compared to George

Carlin...a man who will be remembered by millions as one of the greats, a man

who spoke truth to power, like his compatriots Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl and

Richard Pryor and Hunter S. Thompson. It is in times like these we need people

like them more than ever.

While you are just a semen stain on the windshield of life.

Edited by Strider
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And since you hate George Carlin quotes so much, scs, here are some more

to make you sick:

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

"The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."

"'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentence?"

This country was founded by a group of slave owners who wanted to be free. Am I right? A group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out the rest of the red Indian people, in order to move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto for this country ought to be? "You give us a color, we'll wipe it out."

"The difference between left and right of center … originated in the French parliament. The people left of center were liberals; the people right of center were conservatives. Broadly speaking. And generally speaking, people on … the right of center, are interested in property values, property, property rights. The rights and the rights of property. And generally speaking again – it's all generalized – the left-of-center people are more concerned with humans and human beings and human concerns; to the care of humans, not the care and worry about property rights. That's generally been true. And Bush is pushing this country farther down the hill, faster than anyone has before."

"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

"Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It's because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time."

"Once you leave the womb, conservatives don't care about you until you reach military age. Then you're just what they're looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."

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Right on the money, Strider. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz.....that crew was like the friggin mob. What a cavalier attitude they had. Sickening.

In 2000 I worried that if Bush became prez, we'd go to Iraq again, to finish Daddy's business. But when 9/11 happened it changed everything.....so we thought. But the plans for Iraq were already in Cheney's briefcase. The fact that this country fell for the bullshit tie-in between Iraq and 9/11 had me shaking my head for months. The fact that he got elected again was incomprehensible to me.

They banked on our stupidity and won. And they used fearmongering to do it.

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You're not fit to even mention George Carlin's name...hell, George Carlin forgot

more about the United States Constitution and what it stands for than what you

and your fellow Bush Chickenhawks will EVER KNOW IN YOUR ENTIRE LIVES!

And please, more bad policy and wasting of tax-payer money and shredding of

the Constitution has been done in the name of "National Security" than in the

areas of Education, Welfare and Environmental Protection combined.

As for blaming "media and hollywood elitist"...just another right-wing canard.

Actually, within most liberal groups you will find widely divergent opinions on

all subjects...while it is the conservatives who march lockstep with whatever

talking points have been put forth by Karl Rove, Roger Ailes and the Fox News/

talk-radio crowd.

It is no accident that most of the internet smears and rumours out there are directed

towards Obama by conservatives...liberals have no need to smear McCain; his own

record does that for him. Look at his past voting record and his actions, and you

will see that all this hype about being a "maverick" and "for the troops" is built

on a house of lies, enabled by the mainstream media.

This is why they win a lot, because they eliminate infighting and dissension

within the ranks and are able to put on a more unified front than liberals.

Unfortunately, most liberals and Democrats in power helped by running away

from the "L" word, instead of taking pride in being liberal and fighting the

right's lies and slander...witness the years and years the Democrats just laughed

off Lee Atwater's slime-ball election tactics, thinking the American people would

be too smart to fall for his ruses, until it was too late.

There is an excellent new film about Lee Atwater coming out called "Boogie Man:

The Lee Atwater Story"...here's a link:Boogieman film

The biggest laugh of all, though, is your presumption that those of us bashing Bush

have only just now thought of it because it is supposedly the 'cool' thing to do.

Actually, those of us who took the time to find out about the candidates and

have a thinking and reasoning capacity above the level of a ball of lint knew

Dubya was a bad deal even before the 2000 election.

We knew by the way he smeared his fellow candidates for the GOP nomination;

we weren't buying his "compassionate conservatism" act.

We knew by his past history of utter failure at anything remotely resembling

being in charge of anything important...all his business failures and having his

daddie's rich friends bail him out time and time again. If he was going to run the

country like he ran his companies, we knew the economy was doomed.

We knew by his and his families ties to Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud...this

was the origin of many Middle Easterners hatred towards the U.S.; long, long

before Clinton got into the White House. With the close ties to Saudi Arabia, we

knew there was no chance for a rethinking of our disastrous energy policies,

in particular our addiction to oil. And that just as there was a Gulf War in the

elder Bush's term, the chance of another increased exponentially if W. was


We knew by the way he was surrounding himself with the evil henchmen from

the Tricky Dick days...these guys tried to sabotage the Constitution once before;

Cheney and company weren't going to blow it a second time...Cheney for years

had been nursing a grudge since Watergate and he was determined to see that

the Presidential powers were expanded at the expense of the checks-and-balances

powers of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government.

We knew he had a complex over the way his father was painted a sissy after

his term in office, and would take the first available opportunity to avenge his

daddy's reputation.

We knew that, for the office of U.S. President, he showed a shocking lack of

intellect, of competancy, lacking even the desire to WANT to learn all the facts

before making a decision. No reason, no inquisitiveness, no capacity for putting

facts and events in proper perspective.

There's more...much much more...but space and time are limited, and by now you

should get the point. It isn't just lately, and not because of some fad or some

media plot that we have been against Bush...we have been against him from the

moment his candidacy was announced.

And again, I can't reiterate enough how you are nothing compared to George

Carlin...a man who will be remembered by millions as one of the greats, a man

who spoke truth to power, like his compatriots Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl and

Richard Pryor and Hunter S. Thompson. It is in times like these we need people

like them more than ever.

While you are just a semen stain on the windshield of life.

Standing ovation!!!

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Exactly. A general level of disrespect and disdain for our Commander in Chief exists during a time of war. What kind of message do you think that sends to our enemies? Truly sickening indeed.

Look at it another way - it takes an asshole of truly historic propotions to wear out the good will of the American people during a time of war.

Bleh... war... that alone pisses me off. This ain't no war, when did Iraq attack us? Even now, after finally attaining their true goal just this week - the handing over of the Iraq oil fields to Bush's friends in the oil business - even after murdering tens of thousands of people including women and children, even after stealing, destroying and scattering to the fours winds the cultural treasures of one of the oldest civilizations on earth... even after all that, those people STILL have not committed a single act of war against the US, though by all that's holy they'd have every right to.

This is no war, it's a hostile takeover by the Carlyle Group of a soveriegn nation to access their natural resources; and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, including the plundering of the United States Treasury. And they did this by getting a brain damaged spoiled rich cocaine addict placed in office against the will of the people, so he could have his hands on the means to accomplish it - the US Military.

You think "True Americans" are the ones who cheer such outrages? You are tragically mistaken. True Americans are nauseated and appalled beyond belief.

This man, George W. Bush, and his partners in crime, should be put away for the rest of their lives for the death and destruction they've done in our names. We can't start soon enough to repair the damage they've caused.

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Look at it another way - it takes an asshole of truly historic propotions to wear out the good will of the American people during a time of war.

Bleh... war... that alone pisses me off. This ain't no war, when did Iraq attack us? Even now, after finally attaining their true goal just this week - the handing over of the Iraq oil fields to Bush's friends in the oil business - even after murdering tens of thousands of people including women and children, even after stealing, destroying and scattering to the fours winds the cultural treasures of one of the oldest civilizations on earth... even after all that, those people STILL have not committed a single act of war against the US, though by all that's holy they'd have every right to.

This is no war, it's a hostile takeover by the Carlyle Group of a soveriegn nation to access their natural resources; and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, including the plundering of the United States Treasury. And they did this by getting a brain damaged spoiled rich cocaine addict placed in office against the will of the people, so he could have his hands on the means to accomplish it - the US Military.

You think "True Americans" are the ones who cheer such outrages? You are tragically mistaken. True Americans are nauseated and appalled beyond belief.

This man, George W. Bush, and his partners in crime, should be put away for the rest of their lives for the death and destruction they've done in our names. We can't start soon enough to repair the damage they've caused.

That. Is. Magnificent.

I would put this in my signature if it would fit. Oh wait, I'll link to it. You've been sigged, my friend.

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