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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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That. Is. Magnificent.

I would put this in my signature if it would fit. Oh wait, I'll link to it. You've been sigged, my friend.

And I'm glad you did, because I just read it from your sig! :beer:

Aw, Sunchild!! :notworthy:

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Look at it another way - it takes an asshole of truly historic propotions to wear out the good will of the American people during a time of war.

Bleh... war... that alone pisses me off. This ain't no war, when did Iraq attack us? Even now, after finally attaining their true goal just this week - the handing over of the Iraq oil fields to Bush's friends in the oil business - even after murdering tens of thousands of people including women and children, even after stealing, destroying and scattering to the fours winds the cultural treasures of one of the oldest civilizations on earth... even after all that, those people STILL have not committed a single act of war against the US, though by all that's holy they'd have every right to.

This is no war, it's a hostile takeover by the Carlyle Group of a soveriegn nation to access their natural resources; and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, including the plundering of the United States Treasury. And they did this by getting a brain damaged spoiled rich cocaine addict placed in office against the will of the people, so he could have his hands on the means to accomplish it - the US Military.

You think "True Americans" are the ones who cheer such outrages? You are tragically mistaken. True Americans are nauseated and appalled beyond belief.

This man, George W. Bush, and his partners in crime, should be put away for the rest of their lives for the death and destruction they've done in our names. We can't start soon enough to repair the damage they've caused.

Wow, there's a real fact-based reponse. <insert sarcasm indicator HERE>

Funny how the conservative guy makes a general statement about people mirroring the opinions of the liberal media and the Hollywood elite, and he gets hammered with

Do you have any proof to back up these statements?

But when Sun Child launches a laundry list litany of lies and misinformation, you give her...

That. Is. Magnificent.

And when I say laundry list of lies, feel free to back up with actual facts anything I indicated.

PS - talking points from moveon.org are NOT facts.

and by the way...

spoiled rich cocaine addict

So the answer is elect another cocaine addict?

...launches a laundry list litany of lies



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This is funny. Check this: It's perfectly acceptable for Republicans/Conservatives to say whatever the fuck they want about liberals, Democrats, Barack Obama/any Democratic politician.......they can say we parrot our views from Hollywood even though NO ONE here has said that, they can call Obama a cocaine addict (and I'd like to see some proof that he's an addict. Not that he used once or twice, but that he's an ADDICT), they can pretty much run roughshod over that particular group of people and it's okay. In fact, if a liberal complains and says "hey wait, that's not true!" said people get indignant and call us "un-American" and tell us were slandering the good name of George W. Haliburton ExxonMobil Citgo Shell Bush and god damn it, you just won't stand for that.

But when a liberal, who has grown tired and weary of this defunct and morally bankrupt administration running roughshod over this country, the constitution and innocent Iraqis who have not done one damn thing to anyone over here, decides to speak on that and vent frustration and anger and disbelief over that........well, now that person is a liar. And is un-American. And a lying liar who tells lies.

Truly hilarious. Let me write all this down and keep it handy as a note guide so that the next time a Republican here decides to call someone un-American for being pissed off at how President Bush has destroyed this country, I'll be reminded that they're allowed to do that, while we're not allowed to respond.

Edited by Electrophile
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Not quite, Sparky. I'm saying I feel there is an inherent double-standard here, regarding the dialogue between parties. If a Democrat were currently in the White House, and the same exact things that have gone on the last 8 years happened anyway, Conservatives here would have no problem criticizing that President and his administration. NONE AT ALL. They would not say that criticizing the President and his administration was un-American, and they would not call any Republican who did so, un-American.

However, there's a Republican in the White House right now, so if a Democrat on this board criticizes the President, that person is a quote "un-American douchebag" who among other things is a shit parent, has shit kids and has no respect for the country.

Explain that.

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and I'd like to see some proof that he's an addict. Not that he used once or twice, but that he's an ADDICT

My point exactly.

That's the double-standard you referred to.

I don't believe either of them are addicts.

Obama isn't an addict for admitting he used cocaine.

But neither is Bush.

He, just like Obama admitted to using cocaine.

But you give a pass to the lib who calls Bush an addict and get up in arms when I do the same to Obama.

You're response is the same we conservatives have regarding double-standards.

So I make a post as a case-in-point and boom, you immediately prove it.

Libs claim we parrot our views from Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

I definitely didn't call you un-American, but I recognize you are referring to the combined responses in this thread.

And when I said lies, I meant it in the same respect that you used telling another poster to be able to prove what he claimed.

All the parts I highlighted from SunChild's post are in fact no more than distorted rumor, twisted "talking points" and just plain opinion.

And I thought it was disingenuous to call out a conservative for that and give a pass to the person you happen to agree with.

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Stuff was said here

All that rambling was going under the assumption that I believe 100% word for word what SunChild said about George W. Bush. I don't believe he was a coke addict. I think he used it, but I don't think he was ever addicted to it.

So that whole post was based upon a faulty premise.

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I have been following this thread...........................you Libs are amazing.

Yes, we Libs are amazing...if it wasn't for liberal thought and ideals, we never would have

freed ourselves from the yoke of King George III and England.

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Hi all,

Really,these were not liberal ideas,they were radical ideas.No colony of the British empire went through with this,and a war and crafting a nation.Which inspired the French and later, many others.

Sorry to get off-topic,never happens on the internet,... :lol:


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George Carlin...................who was he?? Never heard of him.

He was god. Now you know, grow your chickens and throw em in the altar.

:chickeddance: :chickeddance: :chickeddance: :chickeddance:

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All that rambling was going under the assumption that I believe 100% word for word what SunChild said about George W. Bush. I don't believe he was a coke addict. I think he used it, but I don't think he was ever addicted to it.

So that whole post was based upon a faulty premise.

not at all.

That's my point - you call out those you oppose and give a pass to those you agree with, even if you believe something they say is false.

I may or may not call out someone "on my side", but I certainly won't support it by response if I believe it to be outright false.

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That was the only thing she said that I don't agree with. Everything else was spot on. So I wasn't going to go "oh this whole thing is full of shit." Because the whole thing isn't full of shit. And I've heard Republicans call him a cokehead, so it's not strictly a party line comment. Doesn't make the comment factual, but it's not something only Democrats have said.

Barack Obama's school voucher stance is not something I agree with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn around and disregard everything else he's said and vote for McCain.

Overall, her assessment of Bush is IMO, right. That's why I agreed with it.

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You're not fit to even mention George Carlin's name...hell, George Carlin forgot

more about the United States Constitution and what it stands for than what you

and your fellow Bush Chickenhawks will EVER KNOW IN YOUR ENTIRE LIVES!

And please, more bad policy and wasting of tax-payer money and shredding of

the Constitution has been done in the name of "National Security" than in the

areas of Education, Welfare and Environmental Protection combined.

As for blaming "media and hollywood elitist"...just another right-wing canard.

Actually, within most liberal groups you will find widely divergent opinions on

all subjects...while it is the conservatives who march lockstep with whatever

talking points have been put forth by Karl Rove, Roger Ailes and the Fox News/

talk-radio crowd.

It is no accident that most of the internet smears and rumours out there are directed

towards Obama by conservatives...liberals have no need to smear McCain; his own

record does that for him. Look at his past voting record and his actions, and you

will see that all this hype about being a "maverick" and "for the troops" is built

on a house of lies, enabled by the mainstream media.

This is why they win a lot, because they eliminate infighting and dissension

within the ranks and are able to put on a more unified front than liberals.

Unfortunately, most liberals and Democrats in power helped by running away

from the "L" word, instead of taking pride in being liberal and fighting the

right's lies and slander...witness the years and years the Democrats just laughed

off Lee Atwater's slime-ball election tactics, thinking the American people would

be too smart to fall for his ruses, until it was too late.

There is an excellent new film about Lee Atwater coming out called "Boogie Man:

The Lee Atwater Story"...here's a link:Boogieman film

The biggest laugh of all, though, is your presumption that those of us bashing Bush

have only just now thought of it because it is supposedly the 'cool' thing to do.

Actually, those of us who took the time to find out about the candidates and

have a thinking and reasoning capacity above the level of a ball of lint knew

Dubya was a bad deal even before the 2000 election.

We knew by the way he smeared his fellow candidates for the GOP nomination;

we weren't buying his "compassionate conservatism" act.

We knew by his past history of utter failure at anything remotely resembling

being in charge of anything important...all his business failures and having his

daddie's rich friends bail him out time and time again. If he was going to run the

country like he ran his companies, we knew the economy was doomed.

We knew by his and his families ties to Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud...this

was the origin of many Middle Easterners hatred towards the U.S.; long, long

before Clinton got into the White House. With the close ties to Saudi Arabia, we

knew there was no chance for a rethinking of our disastrous energy policies,

in particular our addiction to oil. And that just as there was a Gulf War in the

elder Bush's term, the chance of another increased exponentially if W. was


We knew by the way he was surrounding himself with the evil henchmen from

the Tricky Dick days...these guys tried to sabotage the Constitution once before;

Cheney and company weren't going to blow it a second time...Cheney for years

had been nursing a grudge since Watergate and he was determined to see that

the Presidential powers were expanded at the expense of the checks-and-balances

powers of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government.

We knew he had a complex over the way his father was painted a sissy after

his term in office, and would take the first available opportunity to avenge his

daddy's reputation.

We knew that, for the office of U.S. President, he showed a shocking lack of

intellect, of competancy, lacking even the desire to WANT to learn all the facts

before making a decision. No reason, no inquisitiveness, no capacity for putting

facts and events in proper perspective.

There's more...much much more...but space and time are limited, and by now you

should get the point. It isn't just lately, and not because of some fad or some

media plot that we have been against Bush...we have been against him from the

moment his candidacy was announced.

And again, I can't reiterate enough how you are nothing compared to George

Carlin...a man who will be remembered by millions as one of the greats, a man

who spoke truth to power, like his compatriots Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl and

Richard Pryor and Hunter S. Thompson. It is in times like these we need people

like them more than ever.

While you are just a semen stain on the windshield of life.

Whoa I just gained 5 IQ points from reading that.

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Whoa I just LOST 5 reality points from reading that.

much more likely.

While you are just a semen stain on the windshield of life.

wtf is semen doing on a windshield?

maybe the boxers/briefs of life.

maybe even the peepshow window of life.

or how about the cheap motel room floor of life.

Oh, I know! the well-worn Hustler centerfold of life.

But my personal fave prolly would be the cheap blue Gap dress of life.

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You've never heard of George Carlin? You cannot possibly be serious. Next thing you'll say, you have no idea who Britney Spears is.

actually i can understand that. george carlin was never on the morning news for three weeks in a row, i dont think.

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It does nor surprise me that you would feel that way. Many women seem to turn a blind eye when it is a democrat taking advantage of a woman young enough to have been his daughter at the time.

First, that's not my screen name. Secondly, he didn't take advantage of her. They were two consenting adults doing things consenting adults do. He was married, he shouldn't have done it. But the idea that we must impeach the president for lying about a blowjob is utterly ridiculous. Thirdly, I don't turn a blind eye to someone being taken advantage of. However, in this instance, no one was being taken advantage of. Fourthly, don't broad-brush women into believing/thinking/feeling any one thing. Lastly, she chose to blow the President, who also happened to be a married man. She did that with the knowledge of what would happen if anyone found out about it and she did so knowing he was not going to leave his wife for her, or whatever other delusions she might have had.

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So what? She was well over the age of consent, wasn't she? I believe she was 22 or 23 at the time. I don't give a rat's ass about age differences, provided both parties are well over the legal age. If Bill wanted his dick sucked by a 23-year old intern, who is that hurting aside from his family? No one. It was a complete waste of time and money.

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wtf is semen doing on a windshield?

maybe the boxers/briefs of life.

maybe even the peepshow window of life.

or how about the cheap motel room floor of life.

Oh, I know! the well-worn Hustler centerfold of life.

But my personal fave prolly would be the cheap blue Gap dress of life.

You know what TypeO? You are right...I totally bollocksed that metaphor.

So feel free to disregard anything else in my post. Just as you would seize

upon Sunshine's describing Bush as a coke addict to ignore the more important

fact that this IS an illegal war. A war waged against a sovereign nation that

DID NOT attack us, and had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

Similar to how it was alright for conservatives to wage an eight-year witch-hunt

to try and find anything, anything no matter how slight or trivial, to tie up Bill

Clinton in court proceedings...it's a miracle Bill was able to get anything done with

all the hounding being financed by right-wing nutjobs like Richard Mellon Scaife.

Impeach a President over a blowjob...but let a President use lies and deceipt to

send thousands of American soldiers to their deaths, let alone hundreds of

thousands of innocent civilians, along with suspension of habeas corpus and

untold other violations of Constitutional law and we're supposed to believe that

impeachment proceedings would "harm" the country?

Pass the dramamine, I'm woozy.

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It mattered to a lot of people. He should have been doing a better job watching out for our National Security. And, if he lied about something so insignificant (as you say) what else was he lying about that mattered?? And do you have to be so rank around here?

The only people it mattered to were those who think the President's sex life is news. Unless he raped someone, was caught with someone underage, had child porn in his possession or was caught with a goat, I don't see why anyone should give a rat's behind about who services the President and who doesn't.

There are people in this country who have an unhealthy dislike of sex or anything sex-related. Remember the Janet Jackson nipple fiasco? More of her costume got ripped off than was intended, and people acted like she dropped trou and showed all of the viewing audience what her gyno sees. I couldn't believe how indignant and self-righteous some of these people were getting over an accident.

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