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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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Sadly, it is the paradox of this country, Electrophile...we're simultaneously

sex-obsessed and prudish. It is the legacy of the Puritans.

Even after 232 years, this country is still in its adolescence...while Europe and

other places have matured and view sexuality with an adult perspective, we

snigger and giggle like little teenagers and think an exposed penis or tit will

bring the downfall of the nation.

Slice and dice that tit, however, and it's multiplex fare for the whole family.

It is mindboggling how much violence gets a pass as good-old all-american

entertainment, while the barest hint of nudity gets you strung up before the


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Pass the dramamine, I'm woozy.

must be from jumping to conclusions.

guess i should have used the "humor" tags.

other than a generic "cut" based on another's response to your post, the whole windshield response was just goofin' - I was goin' for a laugh and ended with a political jab.

But none of it was an attempt to "counter" your post.

lighten up.

but since erry body got so worked up, I'd just like to point out how libs love to split hairs about Clinton lying about face-fucking his 22-year old intern.

The legal question isn't WHAT he lied about.

He lied under oath. Period.

What he lied about is insignificant.

Trying to simplify it as "his private sex life" is pure bullshit.

It's not private when it's in the oval office, where we pay him to fuckin' do his job.

If he'd been caught at the local "no-tell" motel, it wouldn't have mattered.

What we conservatives cared about was he was fucking around on "company time" - OUR dime.

Bragging about gettin' sucked off while he spoke to world leaders.

That's taking the most important job - if not in the whole world, certainly in our country - serious.

So save us all the scoffing and extrapolating our opinions on the matter into our personal attitudes towards sex.

He fucked up, and he lied about it when he got caught.

And he lied to every single person in the country when he got on TV and self-righteously shook his finger at each and every one of us while banking on his calculated semantic gambit - "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

Anyone noticed the dramatic increase in YOUNG teen oral sex over the past 5 or 6 years?

Kids that were about 5 to 8 years old when Clinton helped erode the general moral fabric of the country by contending oral sex wasn't sex. Now as those same kids become tweens and early teens, there's an explosion in cases of oral sex. No correlation there.

And since your next response will be Bush has done way more and should be impeached, then fuggin' DO IT!

If they got a case on him, then fry his ass.

Otherwise, tough shit - chew harder.

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Clinton lying about face-fucking his 22-year old intern.

Wow, "face fucking"? Were you there TypeO? Are you sure he was getting that deep? ;)

Got news for you, us kids were having oral sex years before Clinton

and Ms. Lewinsky. It's a healthy alternative to intercourse, and nothing

to be ashamed of nor fear...more power to the kids who do it.

Most couples who practice oral sex along with straight intercourse have happier

sex lives and better orgasms because of it.

And I am sure that you and all the other conservatives would have told the truth

if that was you on the stand being asked about your sex lives...yeah, right.

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Wow, "face fucking"? Were you there TypeO? Are you sure he was getting that deep? ;)

Got news for you, us kids were having oral sex years before Clinton

and Ms. Lewinsky. It's a healthy alternative to intercourse, and nothing

to be ashamed of nor fear...more power to the kids who do it.

Most couples who practice oral sex along with straight intercourse have happier

sex lives and better orgasms because of it.

Wow, thanks for the Kinsey Report redux. Who knew?

Your blowjob Cliff's notes aside, I think if you'll re-read my post, I never came close (apologies to the pun-sensitive) to suggesting kids never had oral sex before Lewinskygate. I stated, and quite correctly as evidenced by your failure to address the actual point, that oral sex in the particular age group mentioned had increased dramatically.

And I am sure that you and all the other conservatives would have told the truth

if that was you on the stand being asked about your sex lives...yeah, right.

Number 1, I'm not President.

Number 2, if I WAS on the stand - UNDER OATH - I would be obligated to tell the truth or face jail time. And unlike big shots like Bill, they'd actually hold me responsible for my actions. So I most certainly WOULD tell the truth.

I know that's kinda hard to understand for you libs who are so cavalier with truth and, like our constitution, find it so malleable and open to interpretation.

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Are you a painter by trade? I ask, because you work that broad brush real well. I enjoy watching you paint an entire group of people into one thought process, completely ignoring the fact that within the liberal sphere, there are different schools of thought. Some are far left, some are more center left, some are more right left. And each little section has their own section. So each time you say "you libs" and other such pithy phrases, you reduce a huge group of people to one small square of space. And again, that's fun. Because don't let a Democrat do that to someone on the other side of the fence. Holy shit will the fireworks fly then.

To respond to the last few posts, I would like to see some empirical evidence stating that the rising number of teens engaging in oral sex is directly linked to Bill Clinton and his knob shine. We can all guess as to why more teenagers are performing this particular act, but without getting inside their brains and taking notes, we'd have no way of knowing for sure. I have my own theories about why it's happened, a couple of them are as follows:

More and more young girls taking these "chastity pledges" where they wear rings and promise themselves to remain virgins until they get married. If you pay attention to this sort of thing, the number of STDs among this group of girls is significantly higher than among those who don't take these pledges. Some reasons for that being, they're more likely to have not have had sex-ed classes and therefore not know the risks involved in having oral sex or they don't think oral/anal sex is real sex and therefore they're still virgins and everything is hunky-dory. Someone should clue these gals in that once a dick is in you, you're not a virgin anymore.

Another reason I think more teens are engaging in sex acts young is the internet. Do you know how many free websites exist where you can't just watch porn all day? No downloading, no payment. And if you think they can't get around NetNanny and other netminding software, you're wrong.

And what about peer pressure? If Joanie's friends are all doing it, and she wants to be cool, she'll do it too. That's how stupid teenagers are. Thank god I wasn't one, but my sister was. She righted her ship, but we had rocky times for a while. Not all kids have the presence of mind to say no. Sometimes they just want to do it, and there's no pressure on them to do it.

There's a myriad of reasons for the sexualization of the American teenager, but we can't blame it all on Bill Clinton.

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There's a myriad of reasons for the sexualization of the American teenager, but we can't blame it all on Bill Clinton.

That's not exactly a fine-point pen you're wielding yourself.

I wasn't blaming it ALL on Billbo.

And no, we can't get inside their heads.

But if you don't think it had ANYthing to do with it, that's pretty weak. (I used "weak" instead of "ignorant" because it's so easily misconstrued, but I mean it simply as literally ignoring a fact or instance, not as a derisive comment.)

Are you a painter by trade? I ask, because you work that broad brush real well. I enjoy watching you paint an entire group of people into one thought process, completely ignoring the fact that within the liberal sphere, there are different schools of thought. Some are far left, some are more center left, some are more right left. And each little section has their own section. So each time you say "you libs" and other such pithy phrases, you reduce a huge group of people to one small square of space.

Graphic Artist actually, kind of an artsy-fartsy type.

Just not politically.

I rarely mean anything as specific and literal as you're taking it.

If I do, I take pains to be specific.

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd have said "Liberals who hold similar opinions as you do on this particular subject."

But instead, I simply used "you libs" for those it applies to.

If the shoe fits, etc.

And your statement goes both ways - I get painted as the nazi neo-con redneck just as often.

What a surprise when they find out my wife is black and most definitely NOT conservative/republican.

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Thanks Electrophile and Suz! :wub::wub:

Sorry, real life interfered quite a bit with my play time this week, but I will answer this post from TypeO, who has clearly spent way too much time listening to Limbaugh and Hannity, etc. and then has the nerve to think I'm not speaking my mind, but parrotting talking points. Psychologists call that "projection."

The facts about the points you indicated:

This ain't no war...

Please, answer the following questions for me:

When did we declare war on Iraq?

What act of war did Iraq commit against us to make our invasion and occupation of their country defensible?

See the following website, if you have the balls to consider something other than right wing propaganda:

False Pretenses

Following 9/11, President Bush and seven top officials of his administration waged a carefully orchestrated campaign of misinformation about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.


the handing over of the Iraq oil fields to Bush's friends in the oil business

See: "Big Oil poised to make triumphant return to Iraq"


and any number of other news reports from last week. (Have you heard of Google, or does Rush discourage you from using it?)

it's a hostile takeover by the Carlyle Group of a soveriegn nation to access their natural resources

Meet The Carlyle Group


Google will be helpful here, as well, there's a lot out there on this private investment bank and who profits from it.

Also see: http://oldamericancentury.org/pnac.htm

re: The Project for World Domination the New American Century.

brain damaged

Have you really not listened to George W. Bush speak?


spoiled rich

Apparently you've not read his biography. You think he pulled himself up by his bootstraps? Check this out, it ranks right up there with "let them eat cake:"


cocaine addict

Ok, addict may be a little strong. Cocaine abuser, no doubt aout it.


against the will of the people


Wow, there's a real fact-based reponse. <insert sarcasm indicator HERE>

Funny how the conservative guy makes a general statement about people mirroring the opinions of the liberal media and the Hollywood elite, and he gets hammered with

But when Sun Child launches a laundry list litany of lies and misinformation, you give her...

And when I say laundry list of lies, feel free to back up with actual facts anything I indicated.

PS - talking points from moveon.org are NOT facts.

and by the way...

So the answer is elect another cocaine addict?

...launches a laundry list litany of lies



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I'd rather the President fuck a woman over than fuck the country over. That whole Lewinsky-gate nonsense was a complete waste of taxpayers' time and money.


Yet another thing Republicans embarrased the hell out of us adults with.

Wow... a president had a sexual interlude with a consenting adult woman who was not his wife, then tried to keep it private. Can you believe that???

~*Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes*~

It mattered to a lot of people. He should have been doing a better job watching out for our National Security. And, if he lied about something so insignificant (as you say) what else was he lying about that mattered?? And do you have to be so rank around here?

Do you mean like this? George Bush, the vacation president:


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Democrats do not understand a statement like that. Because lying to Democrats is just about any time their mouth moves. And lies are an important tactic to them, just something else to be covered up. How do you think Ol' Bill's own daughter felt at the time when he was having sex with someone just about her own age? Yes it was Important that the American people found out what kind of man was in charge of our country. And then when he was questioned about it, He did not have the guts to admit. Kind of like he never had the guts to stand up to the terroist's that because of him we are dealing with today.

Get off your "moral" high horse, you'll give yourself a nose bleed. Bill Clinton got his dick sucked. Get over it. You're coming off like a damn prude.

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We did not have too.

It was high time that we (The U.S.A.) showed the rest of the world that we mean bussiness when it comes to terroism. So, after 911 (that was the fault of Clinton) we picked out the largest supporter of terrosim with the largest army and went in and dissmantled them (Iraq). Even many democrats at the time, including Hillary thought that it was the correct thing to do. Sadam Insane was a weapon of mass destruction himself, just go ask the Kurds or any of the Iraq people that were burried in his mass graves or that were hanging by their thumbs in his goologs. We have also been pulling terroist's in from Syria and Iran and taking care of them too. Our military has done an incredible job, the scum bag terroists are so tied up "going to see thier virgins and honey" that they do not have a chance to try and hit us on our own soil again. I'm sure they have tried, but our President has put checks in place and our homeland security has done a great job. But again, I do not expect many around here to understand how National Security works, you are all to worried about how other Countries "think and feel" about us.

No, I'm worried about your spelling. And I'm worried that you actually think invading Iraq was because it was high time to show the world that we mean business when it comes to terrorism. In fact, if I hadn't laughed out loud after reading this, I'd be nothin' but a pile o' worry.

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Im soo sorie thet I do net spel so gode. i am glaad tho, thaat i did not git brian waashed in colege by numskulll anti American proffessoers like moste of yu arouund heer did.

Way to go, Bubba. Your patriotism will never be questioned by Fox news! :cheer:

Beam me the fuck up.

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And yours will never be questioned by the Kremlin, or George Car.....what was his name.

still carrying the flag for the departed?

you sound like a traitor....instead of a patriot.

but most people can only hope to manage out own citizenship, not other people's

(like some people i know of)

george bush is going down as the worst....ever.

nothing you can do about it...now.

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Im soo sorie thet I do net spel so gode. i am glaad tho, thaat i did not git brian waashed in colege by numskulll anti American proffessoers like moste of yu arouund heer did.

I wasn't brainwashed by anyone, you lying pile of stones. I, unlike some stupid people in this country, don't get my political cues from college professors. You see, when I was in school, I was too busy concentrating on what they were teaching so I could get A's in the classes than what their political views were.

Quit lying about people around here. Comprende?

And yours will never be questioned by the Kremlin, or George Car.....what was his name.

AHAHAHA, you think we're Communists. That's funny.

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Is college were they taught you to curse like a Sailor??

"Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes" is not my screen name and no one here refers to me as such. Why don't you follow suit?

And to answer your question, we're all adults. If you don't like adult language, please direct your browser to http://www.disney.com

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The true Patriots are those that have spilled their blood so that we might have the right to argue like this. But, like most around here, you can't argue your point without cursing and name calling. And now, you are the one that gets to decide who is and who is not a Patriot. You sure set yourself on a high horse don't you beatbo.

i cursed you and called you names? i only said you 'sound' like a traitor. i don't know anything about you. you've hidden all your personal info behind planet 51. you don't know anything about my blood or my family.

what are you hiding? make up something about yourself for us...

i will say this, there was another guy here until recently that said all the same things you do on all the same threads. but he was banned. couple of days after you signed up.

do you know him?

as for my horse, don't you worry about that, pal. instead of flogging a dead one yourself, why don't you vote for someone who won't formulate foriegn policy on fossil fuel consumption.

who knows, if you hide your identity good enough, maybe the kkk won't kick you out...

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"Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes" is not my screen name and no one here refers to me as such. Why don't you follow suit?

And to answer your question, we're all adults. If you don't like adult language, please direct your browser to http://www.disney.com

:P You kill me. Yeah, "cursing" is so much worse than saying people are communists when they dare to question what's going on. :lol:

I curse thee! Bwahahahaha! (Why is this cracking me up so much?) I curse you with my evil eye, Planet Been Here Before! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Okay, I'm over it.

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~*Lady Elizabeth of the Pagettes*~

I was just taught long ago that cursing and talking like a low life does not prove that you are an adult, but just the opposite. Maybe not like a child, but a teenager trying to prove themselves. A true adult does not find the need to talk the way that you do.

Whatever you say, Rick.

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ad hominem really sucks the life from a discussion.

And honestly I'm not taking any particular side here, regardless of my political views.

Just in general - if you think it applies to ya, then give it a rest.

Here's another clue - if someone asks not to be addressed outside of their specified screen name, that oughtta be respected.

Continuing after repeated requests not to = annoying.

Consciously trying to be annoying = asshole.

Also, don't resurrect old issues from other threads you may have with someone.

No I'm not a mod, but I play one on another forum, plus I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

So really folks, maintain some level of maturity.

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beatbo, you are something else. You pull my chain because I have nothing listed about myself, then admit that most peole make that stuff up anyway, and then admit that you have nothing about yourself there either. But, one thing you are great at is labeling those that you do not agree with. Very, very good at that. Not to worry, I am used to your kind. And, as far as thinking that I am someone else, why are you so paranoid? Was there someone else here before me that got kicked off because they did not fall in line with you beatbo? Would not surprise me, with the way that you act.

too funny! where did you get used to my kind at? i have a screen name but i've listed where i'm from, what i do, blah, blah. where are you from again? that isp in the sky? (i know the one).

'fall in line with beatbo'. kicked out. paranoid.

i am something else, fiddy-won. got your number.

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ad hominem really sucks the life from a discussion.

And honestly I'm not taking any particular side here, regardless of my political views.

Just in general - if you think it applies to ya, then give it a rest.

Here's another clue - if someone asks not to be addressed outside of their specified screen name, that oughtta be respected.

Continuing after repeated requests not to = annoying.

Consciously trying to be annoying = asshole.

Also, don't resurrect old issues from other threads you may have with someone.

No I'm not a mod, but I play one on another forum, plus I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

So really folks, maintain some level of maturity.

are you calling someone a name? the mod?

i like the holiday inn line!

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