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Pres. Bush's Resignation Speech


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i think you are "conveniently" ignoring the fact that republicans controlled congress during that time...didn't they determine what legislation was brought to the table???...thanks for bringing it up... ;)

No, the majority doesn't control what's "brought to the table", only what actually passes.

So back to the point - what did Al Bore "bring to the table"?

nada, zip, zilch, squat, dick.

But he sure discovered it's a profitable post-administration gig, huh.

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No, the majority doesn't control what's "brought to the table", only what actually passes.

So back to the point - what did Al Bore "bring to the table"?

nada, zip, zilch, squat, dick.

But he sure discovered it's a profitable post-administration gig, huh.

Really TypeO? I'm not questioning you, I'm just curious. Do you know all of the proposals that Al Gore submitted? I'm impressed if you do!

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No, the majority doesn't control what's "brought to the table", only what actually passes.

somebody missed schoolhouse rock...

"Each bill goes through several stages in each house. The first stage involves consideration by a committee. Most legislation is considered by standing committees, each of which has jurisdiction over a particular subject matter, such as Agriculture or Appropriations. The House has twenty standing committees; the Senate has sixteen. In some cases, bills may be sent to select committees, which tend to have more narrow jurisdictions than standing committees. Each standing and select committee is led by a chair (who belongs to the majority party) and a ranking member (who belongs to the minority party). Committees are permitted to hold hearings and collect evidence when considering bills. They may also amend the bill, but the full house holds the power to accept or reject committee amendments. After considering and debating a measure, the committee votes on whether it wishes to report the measure to the full house."

(stolen from wiki...by a chick who can't type)

i'm just a bill, i'm only a bill and i'm sittin' here on capitol hill... :whistling:

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somebody missed schoolhouse rock...

"Each bill goes through several stages in each house. The first stage involves consideration by a committee. Most legislation is considered by standing committees, each of which has jurisdiction over a particular subject matter, such as Agriculture or Appropriations. The House has twenty standing committees; the Senate has sixteen. In some cases, bills may be sent to select committees, which tend to have more narrow jurisdictions than standing committees. Each standing and select committee is led by a chair (who belongs to the majority party) and a ranking member (who belongs to the minority party). Committees are permitted to hold hearings and collect evidence when considering bills. They may also amend the bill, but the full house holds the power to accept or reject committee amendments. After considering and debating a measure, the committee votes on whether it wishes to report the measure to the full house."

(stolen from wiki...by a chick who can't type)

i'm just a bill, i'm only a bill and i'm sittin' here on capitol hill... :whistling:

so it's your take that because the chairman is from the majority party, it's ALWAYS decided in the chairman's favor? The committees are comprised of members of both sides of the aisle. And this may come as a shock, but they all don't vote straight party lines all the time.

So it's a gross generalization to say that one party controls everything because it's in power.


I truly am so tired.

I come home from work every day and read the threads and feel compelled to answer each and every response.

I gotta start resisting the urge.

It's fun to kick the politics back and forth with y'all, but I gotta get some sleep.

I'm backing off.

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So it's a gross generalization to say that one party controls everything because it's in power.

exactly my point...your first generalization pointed out the lack of energy policy advancement during the clinton/gore tenure and i was pointing out that the republicans were in the majority where the legislation could have/should have (but wasn't)/ been created!

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exactly my point...your first generalization pointed out the lack of energy policy advancement during the clinton/gore tenure and i was pointing out that the republicans were in the majority where the legislation could have/should have (but wasn't)/ been created!

Bill Clinton did veto a drilling bill in 1999-2000

I think anwar was part of it.

It's amazing how Pres. Bush lifts the excutive ban on offshore drilling, oil prices drops $15 in 4 days and it doesn't get reported and they claim it was a bubble thst popped in the oil futures.

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Bill Clinton did veto a drilling bill in 1999-2000

I think anwar was part of it.

It's amazing how Pres. Bush lifts the excutive ban on offshore drilling, oil prices drops $15 in 4 days and it doesn't get reported and they claim it was a bubble thst popped in the oil futures.

Who is 'they' Dergible? I don't know if it's something that even needs reporting...it's clear to anyone who keeps up at all with the economy. It was the expected reaction...no big surprises here....

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Who is 'they' Dergible? I don't know if it's something that even needs reporting...it's clear to anyone who keeps up at all with the economy. It was the expected reaction...no big surprises here....

it was the mexican's...tied up future sales at the current rate... suggesting they think oil has topped out...yea!!

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yeah, God forbid I own stock and try to take care of myself and my family.

What the hell do I think the government's for?

These fuggin' Americans and their God-awful capitalism and free-enterprise.

Buncha fuggin' show-offs.

Why don't they back of and stop tryin' to show everyone else up?

Take care of your family, of course. That's great. I guess it doesn't matter at what cost to everyone and everything else, huh? Personally, I invest in companies I believe in on a social level.

"FREE" enterprise? LOL!

What is government for? Why, it's here to:

- make sure our policies on conservation, fuel efficiency, and alternative fuel development are as neanderthal as possible for as long as possible so that oil companies continue to rake in as much money as possible;

- provide weapons and cannon fodder (aka, young men and women) so that we can take over the oil fields in other people's countries, again so that oil companies continue to rake in as much money as possible;

- help George W. Bush build a baseball stadium in Texas so he can make yet more money sitting on his butt picking his nose;

- bail out Neil Bush after his "mistakes" with the Silverado Savings and Loan company;

- Subsidize big agriculture throughout the land;

- bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Indy Mac, Bear Stearns, and whatever else piece of shit dishonest greedy fuckers played with everyone's lives on their way to fabulous riches;

- make sure homosexuals never have rights equal to heterosexuals (so all the good people don't have to get divorced and give up their children, because God knows they can't stay married once homos start doing it, too)

and so forth.

And yes, thank GOD (no pun intended) these fuckin' church-attending assholes will be HISTORY.

Get rid of ALL of 'em!

You'd think this country was founded by religious people. Jeez.

Good fuggin' riddance.

Because every single religious person I know tries to drag me out of my bed and into church with them every time I turn around.

It might be different if some of them just stayed in their house to pray, or at least didn't get all dressed up when they go to church to show off that's where they're going.


It's funny how so often the people who demand the most tolerance FROM others have the least FOR others.

I've almost forgotten - is this the thread where everyone embraces majority rule, and how we need to drop the electoral college?

It's getting hard to keep up :lolo:

Picture of people who founded this country, not a Christian among 'em:


Picture of right wing Christians attending not church on Sunday, but a funeral to which they were not invited and are not welcome:


Still feel these are the people on the side of "right?"

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Hi all,

Careful, there's some 'round these parts who fail to acknowledge "American" history. <_<

Question 1:Who named it America? Or the Americas?

The term native American came about, after our shamful attempt to wipe them off the face of the earth and stick 'em where the goverment thought they belonged,...

They were nations of tribes and land,they were not however the nation as we know it today.Are we rewriting history? :blink:

This country/nation as we know it today started as an idea from British citizens who wanted to make something better,life,liberty and the oh so great pursuit of happiness.That may have opened a can of worms,but also opened up freedom of thought and what is possible,....


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Hi all,

Its kinda like when everyone gets sick at a party and they blame it on the clam dip. sometimes its not the clam dip. or bigger things...like oil and religion.

ah jeez, sometimes bad clam dip can be disasterous.

Clam dip,..? Ok,steam the clams,any that are open before, toss.Mince the clams,make fresh dip,read the label,stick in the fridge for a few hours,.....

What are you talking about??? :blink::huh::blink:

KB((Steam 'em or fry 'em)

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Take care of your family, of course. That's great. I guess it doesn't matter at what cost to everyone and everything else, huh? Personally, I invest in companies I believe in on a social level.

Ahhhh, the liberal "more enlightened than thou" attitude finally breaks through.

Which of course implies that all conservatives buy stock in is tobacco companies, firearms and pornography.

PLEASE, we unworthy/unwashed peons beg of you, tell us more how of we may enter into the PC nirvana of conscience, so that we may bask in the aura of your superior morality.

"FREE" enterprise? LOL!

What is government for?

< I grow weary >

and so forth.

So - I guess you prefer "each according to their needs"?

Picture of people who inhabited this country, not a Christian among 'em:



OK, maybe I should have said NATION instead of country.

But I guess it's your position that we stole this country.

Why is it that THIS is the only country that liberals fret over the history of so much?

They never feel obligated to point out the history of other nations and how pretty much ALL of them are a result of conquest and defeat at one time or another.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here - you support PETA I'm guessing?

Picture of right wing Christians DESPICABLE RADICAL EXTREMISTS attending not church on Sunday, but a funeral to which they were not invited and are not welcome:


Still feel these are the people on the side of "right?"

FIRST, I've never felt nor implied in any way these people were on the side of "right."

I've never even brought them up.


You're even more indoctrinated than I realized.

The people of Westboro Baptist Church are no more Christian than Islamic suicide bombers preparing to meet Allah. They are an abomination and will have to answer for their sins.

Which are many and great.

You post a fervently anti-Christian article which I object to heatedly, and you respond by comparing me/other Christians to Westboro Baptist Church???

Sorry, but that's fucked.

That's practically the equivalent to Godwin's Law.

It is one of the most glaring hypocrisies of the liberal ideology that while espousing/cheering/fighting for/demanding and otherwise taking up the cause for tolerance and equality, they simultaneously espouse/cheer/fight for/demand and otherwise take up the cause for denying the same to those they don't agree with.

They like to pick and choose where to apply principles of fairness, equality and such.

Tolerance of all faiths

The Wiccan as well as the Satanist should be embraced regardless of their beliefs.

Except of course those fucking preachy Christians.

Equal treatment under the law

unless a crime is committed against a homosexual - THEN we have to bring in the Thought Police because they had bad thoughts towards the homosexual which caused them to commit a HATE CRIME, so give them a harsher penalty.

Majority rule

The conservatives stole the last 2 elections by manipulating the electoral college system.

The president should be elected based on the majority of the popular vote.

Uhhh, but not in the case of issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage and the environment, where the majority of Americans don't particularly support these issues.

<< Here's where I post an incredibly insulting and inflammatory picture implying an association between ALL liberals and a faction representing an infinitesimal percentage of all liberals. >>

Because HEY! What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of our business.


No brush too broad, huh SunChild?

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Ahhhh, the liberal "more enlightened than thou" attitude finally breaks through.

Which of course implies that all conservatives buy stock in is tobacco companies, firearms and pornography.

PLEASE, we unworthy/unwashed peons beg of you, tell us more how of we may enter into the PC nirvana of conscience, so that we may bask in the aura of your superior morality.

No problem. It's not hard. Invest in companies that are not destroying either other people or the planet. Easy, peasey.

Thought you Christians were all of superior moral fiber, and all? As you treat the least among them, you treat God, no?


OK, maybe I should have said NATION instead of country.

But I guess it's your position that we stole this country.

I guess it's your position that the hundreds of thousands of people who were living here from east coast to west coast for upwards of 12,000 years invited the Europeans over and requested to be murdered wholesale, have their cultures, crops and livestock destroyed and their land stolen, and their surviving members rounded up like cattle and put on reservations?

Honestly man, turn off the radio and the tube and read some books, would you?

And BTW, our form of democracy is partially based on the Native form; look up the Iroquois Confederacy.

Why is this the only country that right wingers stick their fingers in their ears and go "la la la" whenever the history of genocide that this nation is based on is brought up?

It's no different than being a Holocaust denier, plain and simple.

Oh, and here's some other countries I fret over: Darfur. Afghanistan. Iraq. Ethiopia. Brazil. Israel and Palestine. South Africa. Thailand after the tsunami. Etc.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here - you support PETA I'm guessing?

FIRST, I've never felt nor implied in any way these people were on the side of "right."

I've never even brought them up.


You're even more indoctrinated than I realized.

You responded to an article about radical right wing Christians by chiding me for being upset at folks going to church on Sunday. The folks in that picture are representative of the type of so-called "Christian" who upset me and other progressive/liberal/secular humanists.

It is you who equated them with Ma and Pa Kettle going down to church.

The people of Westboro Baptist Church are no more Christian than Islamic suicide bombers preparing to meet Allah.

Not according to them.

It says that homosexuality is an abomination in the Bible, you know.

You post a fervently anti-Christian article which I object to heatedly, and you respond by comparing me/other Christians to Westboro Baptist Church???

Sorry, but that's fucked.

That's practically the equivalent to Godwin's Law.

It was a fervently anti RIGHT WING WACKO Christian article. (Ah - you never even read it, did you?) The brilliance of the piece was that it uses the same type of over the top hyperbole and disrespect conservative air bags like Rush Limbaugh have been spouting about "femi-nazis" and "nappy headed hos" for decades now.

Oooh, that man at SF Gate wasn't very nice, was he?

Hey - your hypocrisy is showing.

It is one of the most glaring hypocrisies of the liberal ideology that while espousing/cheering/fighting for/demanding and otherwise taking up the cause for tolerance and equality, they simultaneously espouse/cheer/fight for/demand and otherwise take up the cause for denying the same to those they don't agree with.

Your side is the one that has mistaken tolerance and equality for addled brained weakness.

There are lots of things for which I have no tolerance: racism, sexism, violence, greed, intolerance. I'm not tolerant of Ku Klux Klansmen, rapists, child abusers, animal cruelty, Christian wackos. And so forth.

Tolerance of all faiths

The Wiccan as well as the Satanist should be embraced regardless of their beliefs.

Except of course those fucking preachy Christians.

I don't have to embrace anyone's beliefs to understand that they have a right to them.

Their rights end where mine begin, which is what those fucking preachy Christians simply will NOT understand.

Equal treatment under the law

unless a crime is committed against a homosexual - THEN we have to bring in the Thought Police because they had bad thoughts towards the homosexual which caused them to commit a HATE CRIME, so give them a harsher penalty.

Never mind that throughout history the penalty for committing violence against homosexuals has been a slap on the back and a hearty "can I buy ya' a beer!"...

I recommend a little book called "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" to understand why hate crimes cannot be tolerated and do have to be recognized as different from other types of crime.

Majority rule

The conservatives stole the last 2 elections by manipulating the electoral college system.

Oh, they manipulated a hell of a lot more than that, an entire state's worth of voters got fucked sideways. Sheesh!

Anyway, now you are putting words in my mouth. I don't believe in Majority Rule. I believe in the rights of individuals. My rights are MINE, not yours, and not the government's. My right to have my vote counted is one of those. My right to freedom of religion. My right to choice. My right to marry who I love. No majority rule about it.

<< Here's where I post an incredibly insulting and inflammatory picture implying an association between ALL liberals and a faction representing an infinitesimal percentage of all liberals. >>

Because HEY! What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of our business.


No brush too broad, huh SunChild?

That is obviously a right wing poster designed to scare people into thinking homosexuals are all pedophiles, when anyone with half a fucking brain knows most pedophiles are heterosexual.

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Hi all,

Clam dip,..? Ok,steam the clams,any that are open before, toss.Mince the clams,make fresh dip,read the label,stick in the fridge for a few hours,.....

What are you talking about??? :blink::huh::blink:

KB((Steam 'em or fry 'em)

It was just abstract thought.

its just not easy, feeling like a chewed up piece of gum at the bottom of an ash tray...while watching the news.

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This is funny


its a quiz.

You have to guess who said it.

Al Gore or the UnaBomber.

There is bunch more if you look on google.

Has anyone noticed how many kids nowadays dress like Ted Kaczynski? The other day I saw a young girl slouching around in a sweatshirt, hood up, sunglasses on, and it was 100 degrees outside... what's up with that?

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Has anyone noticed how many kids nowadays dress like Ted Kaczynski? The other day I saw a young girl slouching around in a sweatshirt, hood up, sunglasses on, and it was 100 degrees outside... what's up with that?

Maybe she's converting to Islam <_<

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