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PLant/Krauss Tickets - Why are so many still available?

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First of all, sometimes "quality" is a hard sell, especially in America...Johnny Cash,

Steve Earle and the Velvet Underground could all tell you a thing or two about that.

Secondly, let us not assume that the Zeppelin reunion tour is NEVER going to happen.

I mean, let the poor guy finish the Raising Sand tour first...then, maybe he'll think

a bit and decide if the circumstances are right, a Zeppelin tour could be fun.

Of course, if I were a part of his circle and saw the crap dumped on poor Alison here

for having the temerity of recording and touring with your lemon-squeezer-god,

I would tell him to forget it. The stuck-in-the-past types that have been bagging

unfairly on the RPAK union don't understand the true legacy of Led Zeppelin and

don't deserve to have their every whim catered to...the whole "Robert owes us

fans a Zep tour" is obnoxious and selfish, to say the least.

In fact, you naysayers have it all wrong...as usual: it is NOT Alison that is keeping

the Zeppelin reunion from happening. Think about it...do you really think that if,

say after the Ahmet Ertegun show, Robert had said to Alison, "Man, that was fun,

and I think I would like to play some more shows with these guys. So would you

mind if we put off the "Raising Sand" tour until later this year or possibly next?",

that Alison would say no?

Of course not. So it is not Alison that has held up any Zeppelin tour...it is Robert

himself. So stop blaming her.

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Nobodies saying that he can't play LZ songs live - of course he can - it's just that going over past glories is one of the (apparent) reasons he doesn't want to tour LZ. Then he does concerts were aprox a 1/5 of the set is LZ songs. There is a mixed message there.

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I haven't even read where there is supposed to be a Led Zeppelin tour. Sure there's lots of rumors and speculation flying around but that's pretty much been the case since Zep decided to call it a day back in 1980.

For years Plant refused to play any Zeppelin in concert and I can't say I blame him. It's a part of his legacy that will always overshadow his own work (same for Page and Jones). Unfortunately it's still overshadowing his work, most notably his current album and tour with Alison Krauss. A small handful of fans here actually seem to understand why he's touring with her and his motives behind the project as a whole while others seem to think he should be committed to some tour with Led Zeppelin that doesn't even exist. Personally I enjoy living in the here and now. If a Led Zeppelin tour is meant to me, it'll happen. I'm quite content with that myself.

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No SIBLY, the message is not mixed.

Because what he is against is just rehashing the Zep songs in the same old

way as 1973...he doesn't mind doing Zeppelin songs if they're done in a way

that doesn't require him to still be a 21 year old Robert Plant.

And it is not just Zep songs he is doing...he is also breaking out songs from his

SOLO career, which he has every right to do...there are also some other golden

nuggets from the likes of George Jones thrown in the set, too.

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I haven't even read where there is supposed to be a Led Zeppelin tour. Sure there's lots of rumors and speculation flying around but that's pretty much been the case since Zep decided to call it a day back in 1980.

For years Plant refused to play any Zeppelin in concert and I can't say I blame him. It's a part of his legacy that will always overshadow his own work (same for Page and Jones). Unfortunately it's still overshadowing his work, most notably his current album and tour with Alison Krauss. A small handful of fans here actually seem to understand why he's touring with her and his motives behind the project as a whole while others seem to think he should be committed to some tour with Led Zeppelin that doesn't even exist. Personally I enjoy living in the here and now. If a Led Zeppelin tour is meant to me, it'll happen. I'm quite content with that myself.

the problem i have is that he is having the time of his life on the laurels of zeppelin while denying his bandmates the same enjoyment...save it for a zep tour if he still wants to perform their songs...

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the problem i have is that he is having the time of his life on the laurels of zeppelin while denying his bandmates the same enjoyment...save it for a zep tour if he still wants to perform their songs...

"Laurels of Zeppelin"? This tour is based on the overwhelming success of Raising Sand, not Plant's past with Led Zeppelin. Check any of the setlists from the tour lately? The bulk of the material is made up of tunes from Raising Sand as well as other handpicked songs from the same vein, not the Led Zeppelin back catalog. I also fail to see where he is "denying" his former bandmates any "enjoyment" by not performing those handful of songs with them. When Page and Jones have performed Zep songs with other artists do you think it crossed their minds for even a second that they were somehow denying Plant some kind of enjoyment because he wasn't there to take part in performing those tunes with them? Robert Plant used to play in a band called Led Zeppelin, it is only natural that he might work some of those songs into the sets he's doing with Alison Krauss. It isn't like this tour is being billed as the "Led Zeppelin Revue with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss". It's a tour for Raising Sand with a few Zep songs thrown in.

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I am not afraid to answer questions, like some around here:

NO, I have not seen Allison/Plant Live. I do not like the album, nor videos from said album and especially what I have seen on YOUTUBE.

I do not blame Allison at all for Plants meanderings.

I, like many think it is amazing how Plant will dig into the bag of ZEPPELIN tunes, twist them all around (RuinThem) for his own gain during this tour.

Yes, he has the right to do this, but it seems cheap

Yes, I do believe that the reason they are having a hard time selling out even small venues is because they together are not as big a deal as many think around here.

Yes, many are tired of Percies tempermentalness, I get E mails and PM's from many on this board that agree with me but do not want to be labeled "A little person".

And...........................I absolutley love it when all you Percy apologists attack me for representing all those out there that feel the same way that I do but will not post. I sure wish I was a little'r person, I need to loose about 30 pounds. :D:D:D

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the problem i have is that he is having the time of his life on the laurels of zeppelin while denying his bandmates the same enjoyment...save it for a zep tour if he still wants to perform their songs...

Oh, I give up...besides, apparently because I only have 60 posts(only 60? the horror!),

my viewpoints aren't valid. :rolleyes:

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I'd love to know what the definition of a "Plant Apologist" is. If Page, Jones or Jason had a previous commitment they were entitled to fulfill that kept them from a Zeppelin tour (that is if there was one, right now there's not) would anyone that tried to explain their positions also be falsely labeled an "apologist"?

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I'm still in disbelief every time I hear the media talk about how successful the Plant/Krauss shows are. Yes, they are successful, but relative to what?

I think they sold a lot of albums and tickets partially because of former Krauss fans, and partially because of curious Led Zep fans.

My question is: if this album and tour are so amazing, why is it so easy to get tickets in these small arenas? Everytime I check ticketmaster.com there are seats available for nearly all their shows.

NOTE: Sorry Plant/Krauss fans, I had to vent a little, it's still hard to get over these two together.

Let's face it....the Plant/Krauss partnership is a novelty act. You'll get a few Zep fans in attendance, throw in a bunch of bluegrass fans and top it off with T-Boner fans. A CD or two, a tour or two and it's over. Next.

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I'd love to know what the definition of a "Plant Apologist" is


Someone that has stuck with Percy for 28 years, hearing the good and bad.

Has supported him through all the times that he has left possibilities of doing "Zeppelin again" always dangling there, so he (Percy) can stay in the limelight.

Has made commits like "Stairway to heaven is like an albatross around my neck", along with many other negative statements about ZEPPELIN (The band that made him famous).

Supports him, even when up until the day of the 02 show Percy was still so tempermental that you did not know what LZ songs his tempermentalness would allow him to play,

Someone that realizes that Percy has gone off into off the wall tangents of music that they would never even listen to, but now that Percy is doing it convince themselves that they like it.

I could go on, but I think I have answered the question.

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Let's face it....the Plant/Krauss partnership is a novelty act. You'll get a few Zep fans in attendance, throw in a bunch of bluegrass fans and top it off with T-Boner fans. A CD or two, a tour or two and it's over. Next.

How is the Plant/Krauss collaboration a "novelty act"? Raising Sand is one of the most vital records I've heard in years. I will be attending their concert soon not on the strength of Plant's past, Alison's past, T Bone's past or Buddy Miller's past but on the strength of how much I enjoy Raising Sand and look very forward to hearing those songs (as well as many others) in concert. "Novelty act"? Far from it.

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Someone that has stuck with Percy for 28 years, hearing the good and bad.

Has supported him through all the times that he has left possibilities of doing "Zeppelin again" always dangling there, so he (Percy) can stay in the limelight.

Has made commits like "Stairway to heaven is like an albatross around my neck", along with many other negative statements about ZEPPELIN (The band that made him famous).

Supports him, even when up until the day of the 02 show Percy was still so tempermental that you did not know what LZ songs his tempermentalness would allow him to play,

Someone that realizes that Percy has gone off into off the wall tangents of music that they would never even listen to, but now that Percy is doing it convince themselves that they like it.

I could go on, but I think I have answered the question.

In a word, I'd say you're full of shit.

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Someone that has stuck with Percy for 28 years, hearing the good and bad.

Has supported him through all the timesthat he has left possibilities of doing "Zeppelin again" always dangling there, so he (Percy) can stay in the limelight.

Has made commits like "Stairway to heaven is like an albatross around my neck", along with many other negative statements about ZEPPELIN (The band that made him famous).

Supports him, even when up until the day of the 02 show Percy was still so tempermental that you did not know what LZ songs his tempermentalness would allow him to play,

Someone that realizes that Percy has gone off into off the wall tangents of music that they would never even listen to, but now that Percy is doing it convince themselves that they like it.

I could go on, but I think I have answered the question.

Well, I'm little...5'2, and a Plant lover, but I don't apologize for anyone.

I feel blessed to have seen Led Zeppelin, and Robert, and Jimmy & Robert. So I don't know what that "makes me." A fan I suppose. :)

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How is the Plant/Krauss collaboration a "novelty act"? Raising Sand is one of the most vital records I've heard in years

Glad that someone thinks so....................yes novelty is a good way to describe it.

Jahfin, there you go cursing again. And you say that I am the "Little" person. I do realize that cursing on forums can make one feel like a "BIG" man, but I will not stoop that low. :D

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"Laurels of Zeppelin"? This tour is based on the overwhelming success of Raising Sand, not Plant's past with Led Zeppelin. Check any of the setlists from the tour lately? The bulk of the material is made up of tunes from Raising Sand as well as other handpicked songs from the same vein, not the Led Zeppelin back catalog. I also fail to see where he is "denying" his former bandmates any "enjoyment" by not performing those handful of songs with them. When Page and Jones have performed Zep songs with other artists do you think it crossed their minds for even a second that they were somehow denying Plant some kind of enjoyment because he wasn't there to take part in performing those tunes with them? Robert Plant used to play in a band called Led Zeppelin, it is only natural that he might work some of those songs into the sets he's doing with Alison Krauss. It isn't like this tour is being billed as the "Led Zeppelin Revue with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss". It's a tour for Raising Sand with a few Zep songs thrown in.

yes, most of the songs are from raising sand...but look at the songs the fans are going crazy over at the concert...look at his stage performance during the various songs...i can only speak for the concert i saw...but what i saw spoke volumes...it was extremely obvious where he was most comfortable and enjoying himself...and i only mention his denying his bandmates because they have implied in interviews they were waitin' on him...

edited to add...i will no longer beat this dead horse...

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Glad that someone thinks so....................yes novelty is a good way to describe it.

It may be misperceived as a "novelty" record to some but that's not all what I hear.

Jahfin, there you go cursing again. And you say that I am the "Little" person. I do realize that cursing on forums can make one feel like a "BIG" man, but I will not stoop that low. :D

I can curse all I want, thank you very much. As for me calling you a "little" person, please direct me to the post where I addressed you as such. Cursing doesn't make anyone a "big" man but at least coming at the subject with some firsthand knowledge would be helpful. By your own admission you haven't even attended one of the Plant/Krauss shows. So, until you've at least seen them in concert and can speak from experience put a sock in it.

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I can curse all I want, thank you very much. As for me calling you a "little" person, please direct me to the post where I addressed you as such.

I get bashed around here so much that I thought it was you. If it were not, I apologize. I take up for all of those that agree with me, but will not post. I hear from them all the time, but they do not want to be cursed, or called names because they disagree with all the Percy apologists too. Now you find one place that I have ever cursed on this forum. It has not happened. And, I have only taken people to task after they have disrespected me. But please, do not think that you all are getting to me. I do believe what I say. And all the bad karma dirrected my way humors me. :D:D

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I get bashed around here so much that I thought it was you. If it were not, I apologize. I take up for all of those that agree with me, but will not post. I hear from them all the time, but they do not want to be cursed, or called names because they disagree with all the Percy apologists too. Now you find one place that I have ever cursed on this forum. It has not happened. And, I have only taken people to task after they have disrespected me. But please, do not think that you all are getting to me. I do believe what I say. And all the bad karma dirrected my way humors me. :D:D

If anyone here is spreading any "bad karma" it is you with your repetitive, ill informed posts. If you're going to express an opinion about the tour at least attend one of the shows so you say you witnessed it firsthand rather than going by some poor quality YouTube clips. As for whether you cursed or not, what does that have to do with anything? I could give a shit if you've cursed. In regards to these people that are supposedly sending you PMs because they're "afraid to post", I suggest they grow a pair and speak up for themselves. That is, if they even exist.

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I could give a shit if you've cursed. In regards to these people that are supposedly sending you PMs because they're "afraid to post", I suggest they grow a pair and speak up for themselves. That is, if they even exist.

This is how it works. They are not afraid to post.............they have class and realize that if they say what they think they will be subjected to the same cursing and ridicule that I recieve. I am very thick skined, and I think that it is humorous. :D Cursing and putting other posters on a forum down does not make you a "Tough Guy", just like calling them out and saying that they are afraid does not either. Please grow up.

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This is how it works. They are not afraid to post.............they have class and realize that if they say what they think they will be subjected to the same cursing and ridicule that I recieve. I am very thick skined, and I think that it is humorous. :D Cursing and putting other posters on a forum down does not make you a "Tough Guy", just like calling them out and saying that they are afraid does not either. Please grow up.

Ever looked at your own posts that say the same exact thing over and over again, and you're telling ME to grow up? Go to a concert then come back with an actual informed opinion.

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How is the Plant/Krauss collaboration a "novelty act"? Raising Sand is one of the most vital records I've heard in years. I will be attending their concert soon not on the strength of Plant's past, Alison's past, T Bone's past or Buddy Miller's past but on the strength of how much I enjoy Raising Sand and look very forward to hearing those songs (as well as many others) in concert. "Novelty act"? Far from it.

I certainly wouldn't call it a novelty but 'vital'? That pushin the envelope a bit me thinks...makes me wonder what you're listening to....yikes!

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NO, I have not seen Allison/Plant Live. I do not like the album, nor videos from said album and especially what I have seen on YOUTUBE.

i could tell you haven't seen it live.

you have NO VALID OPINION ON ANY PLANT KRAUSS SHOW-including opinions on what they sing!

you can't critisize the movie if you haven't seen THE FILM.

your opinion is not worth anything on this subject.


didn't like the album? fine (but did you buy it or listen to the whole thing? prolly not)

don't like previous music from either participants-FINE.

proselytize all you want about that and maybe someone will agree with you.

if you have seen the show and didn't like it, then you paid your money and only you know what it's worth. we might discuss any expections, hype, setlist, venue. blah, blah, blah, but your opinion would be VALID because you went and SAW THE DAMN THING.

every post you have made about plant/krauss in concert just became worthless with your admission.


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yes, most of the songs are from raising sand...but look at the songs the fans are going crazy over at the concert...look at his stage performance during the various songs...i can only speak for the concert i saw...but what i saw spoke volumes...it was extremely obvious where he was most comfortable and enjoying himself...and i only mention his denying his bandmates because they have implied in interviews they were waitin' on him...

edited to add...i will no longer beat this dead horse...

scs...see this VALID opinion? this person has credibility. why, you ask?

they are speaking only about the "concert I SAW"....

get it?

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