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4th of July


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We're picnicking at my in-laws and then watching fireworks near our house. I'm responsible for the grilled veggies, hamburgers/buns and taco dip.

However, that said, it's supposed to rain here all weekend, so we'll see! Since we're still mid=season of swim team, our house is a wreck so I would welcome some "found" time to clean :)

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Do 4th July celebrations encourage any suburban Americans to play any bad backyard sports? You know, like the one day of the year when Uncle Hank thinks he's pretty good at football?

Of course! It wouldn't be the 4th without some random drunk relative breaking a bone trying to play football/soccer/horseshoes/volleyball/random sport

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Do 4th July celebrations encourage any suburban Americans to play any bad backyard sports? You know, like the one day of the year when Uncle Hank thinks he's pretty good at football?

The guys play horseshoes; the kids play badminton and everyone plays bocce. :)

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Of course I am celebrating...as should all Americans.

Whether you agree or disagree with the present administration

deosn't change the fact that July 4, 1776 was a landmark day

in our country's, and the world's, history and should always be


And celebrate the fact that we live in a country where I have the

right to disagree with my government and can say so without

worrying about having the police come for me in the middle of the


Where a woman isn't ordered to be raped by a judge for the

sake of some family's honour, as happens in Pakistan and

other middle eastern countries.

Where for over 200 years, there has been an orderly and peaceful

transfer of power ever four years...no coups, nobody sent to exile,

no military juntas.

So, whether you are conservative, liberal, progressive, centrist, libertarian,

green, whatever...if you are an American, you have much to be thankful

for that our forefathers declared independance from England on July 4,


So get out and celebrate...have some hot dogs and beer and coca-cola and

light up some fireworks...or catch a baseball game.

But, also save some time to read over the Declaration of Independance(every

home should have a copy) and the Constitution with your family...it is never

too early for our kids to learn the foundation of the United States of America.

And far from being boring, reading the Declaration is stirring stuff...those words

written long, long ago by Thomas Jefferson still matter. Oh, how they matter.

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:beer: just some of the liberties afforded by a free, democratic society :D

On July 4th I always raise my first glass of the day, point it to the west, and toast America. :)

Thank you,

What a nice thing to say. On days like today we all need to put all the shit aside and toast. Doesnt really matter whos holiday it is....just be happy we are sort of in this together and for the most part have fun hacking at each other for fun. Many dont understand this but it really goes way way back in time.

Cheers to England,

Cheers to the U.S.A.



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In the evening, we will go to an outdoor barbeque at the house of a neighbor who lives on the other side of the hill. When it gets dark, everyone will come back here to watch fireworks. If the sky is clear, we can view the fireworks shows from several towns - simultaneously.

On the 4th of July, I try to remember the stories of those who sacrificed and paid a price for our freedom. The meaning of the Declaration of Independence has carried a heavy price and brave people have, on our behalf, paid that price.

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In the evening, we will go to an outdoor barbeque at the house of a neighbor who lives on the other side of the hill. When it gets dark, everyone will come back here to watch fireworks. If the sky is clear, we can view the fireworks shows from several towns - simultaneously.

On the 4th of July, I try to remember the stories of those who sacrificed and paid a price for our freedom. The meaning of the Declaration of Independence has carried a heavy price and brave people have, on our behalf, paid that price.

Awww, thank you thank you....a true patriot.

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Yep, the whole family's going over to my friend's parents' house, and we're going to watch the fireworks at Sea World from the top of a hill by their house like we always do. This country has had its ups and downs, of course, but I'm pretty impressed that we've managed to keep this place going as well as we have for 200+ years, and I think Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers would be as well. itty1.gif

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I'm having a great time, well besides these little twits who think they can yank some part of my freedom from me.

GOOOOOD LUCK KIDDIES. Yes, this means you.

God bless America and I have no idea if this will work, but she's and American


Leann Rimes (It's in the eyes)





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Of course I am celebrating...as should all Americans.

Whether you agree or disagree with the present administration

deosn't change the fact that July 4, 1776 was a landmark day

in our country's, and the world's, history and should always be


And celebrate the fact that we live in a country where I have the

right to disagree with my government and can say so without

worrying about having the police come for me in the middle of the


So do Canadians and they didn't rebel. :D

Where a woman isn't ordered to be raped by a judge for the

sake of some family's honour, as happens in Pakistan and

other middle eastern countries.

Same as Australia and they didn't rebel.

Where for over 200 years, there has been an orderly and peaceful

transfer of power ever four years...no coups, nobody sent to exile,

no military juntas.

Same as Britain. :D

So, whether you are conservative, liberal, progressive, centrist, libertarian,

green, whatever...if you are an American, you have much to be thankful

for that our forefathers declared independance from England on July 4,


Personally, I don't think there would be much difference today even if there wasn't any revolution in the Colonies 200 years ago. :D

The very idea that Americans today wouldn't be 'free' and wouldn't have their 'liberty' if they didn't break away from Britain 200 odd years ago seems rather naive and silly to me...but this idea is often brought up time and time again whenever July 4th comes around. :rolleyes:

I take it as an insult and a skewed one with no basis in fact. The British were not Nazis despite what Hollywood nonsense like The Patriot tells you. :rolleyes:

The Colonials were pretty happy with the status quo for 150 years and were more than happy when the British helped them keep the French away just a dozen years or so before.

But, also save some time to read over the Declaration of Independance(every

home should have a copy) and the Constitution with your family...it is never

too early for our kids to learn the foundation of the United States of America.

Yup, and they should also learn that not everybody in America became 'free' post the Declaration of Independence and the ironic thing is that had Britain remained in control of the Colonies the blacks would have gained their freedom far far sooner. :D

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I seriously doubt that most Americans think that the British were Nazis.

I am proud to be an American, yes.

No, I do not think Britain is a place. :rolleyes:

But yes, the way the colonists were treated was the reason for the "rebellion."

No, I haven't seen The Patriot. I just have a minor degree that allows me to teach American History.

Anyway, I will be spending most of the day with my mom and sisters. We are going to have a BBQ at my house and possibly go swimming. My boyfriend, who is in the Air Force, will arrive home tomorrow evening.

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But yes, the way the colonists were treated was the reason for the "rebellion."

The Colonists had more freedoms and a higher standard of living than Brits back home. They always got away with paying far less taxes than the Brits back home yet still enjoyed the protection the British gave them from other colonial powers (see The French and Indian War). The Colonials didn't want to 'rebel' in 1750s when France was a potential threat to their hitherto happy existance.

After the French were nullified as a threat it was largely Colonial businessmen with more of an eye for making money than 'freedom and 'liberty' that were pushing for a break away from Britain....so that they could make even more money.

If the American Revolution was all about 'freedom' and 'liberty' then slavery wouldn't have continued in America for almost another 100 years afterwards.

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I'd like to thank that guy for ruining the levity of this thread.

That guy' has a name and the 'levity' of this thread unraveled when Strider tried to make some kind of serious 'point'. Didn't you read the first page? I was replying to his post. :rolleyes:

4th July is an oxymoron. Fine, have fun and enjoy it. Drink beer, eat hotdogs and play with fireworks etc etc but don't try and tell me it was all about freedom and liberty because it clearly wasn't.

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