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Who's a better guitarist, Jimmy Page or Prince?

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Hendrix was a complacent guitarist, Page was an ambitious one. I sat on the front row of a Hendrix concert (except for Mitch Mitchell a major yawn) in May 1970 before Jimbo had what Somerset Maugham called his 'appointment in Samara' four months later. His career lasted three years ('67-'70). Since then guitar chops have come a long way. But even DURING Hendrix's turn to burn, Pagey was note-for-note a better fretboardist than our lefty from Seattle.

Let's get real here and examine the facts: Hendrix was a great guitarist worthy of every column inch of ink and every dollar he (and, later, his filthy rich estate) earned---when he wanted to be. Hendrix was by-and-large an 'effects' guitarist than a super picker. Live Hendrix would jack with the 3-way toggle or his volume knob or take the backplate off a Strat and thump the fucking springs or elicit the most juvenile and amatuerish feedback from his Marshalls for minutes on end that Page would wrinkle his nose at. I've got several soundboard bootlegs of the Experience in 1970 and Zeppelin was busting their chops bigfuckingtime.

Page gave us orchestrated pieces that required far more precise plectrum work. You can roll and tumble through a Hendrix number the way you can a Rolling Stones song.

So, Jimi or Jimmy?

This ain't no Hendrix forum---who would you guess?


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Hendrix was a complacent guitarist, Page was an ambitious one. I sat on the front row of a Hendrix concert (except for Mitch Mitchell a major yawn) in May 1970 before Jimbo had what Somerset Maugham called his 'appointment in Samara' four months later. His career lasted three years ('67-'70). Since then guitar chops have come a long way. But even DURING Hendrix's turn to burn, Pagey was note-for-note a better fretboardist than our lefty from Seattle.

Let's get real here and examine the facts: Hendrix was a great guitarist worthy of every column inch of ink and every dollar he (and, later, his filthy rich estate) earned---when he wanted to be. Hendrix was by-and-large an 'effects' guitarist than a super picker. Live Hendrix would jack with the 3-way toggle or his volume knob or take the backplate off a Strat and thump the fucking springs or elicit the most juvenile and amatuerish feedback from his Marshalls for minutes on end that Page would wrinkle his nose at. I've got several soundboard bootlegs of the Experience in 1970 and Zeppelin was busting their chops bigfuckingtime.

Page gave us orchestrated pieces that required far more precise plectrum work. You can roll and tumble through a Hendrix number the way you can a Rolling Stones song.

So, Jimi or Jimmy?

This ain't no Hendrix forum---who would you guess?

this reminds of a story bill graham used to tell about hendrix complaining about purple haze and having to play it all the time. they were at the fillmore east and hendrix was still in the experience. graham was wanting to tape a show. so he set up tape and jimi went out and pulled every amazing stunt he could do to drive the crowd crazy. walking off, jimi turned to graham and ask 'how was that?' the audience was tearing up the building behind them. graham said he grabbed jimi's arm and said 'it looked like a great show but it sounded like shit'. bill graham, god bless his little black heart. jimi called him several types of white, but told graham to tape the next show. jimi went out and stood stock still and played the best sounding show of his life. according to bill.

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this reminds of a story bill graham used to tell about hendrix complaining about purple haze and having to play it all the time. they were at the fillmore east and hendrix was still in the experience. graham was wanting to tape a show. so he set up tape and jimi went out and pulled every amazing stunt he could do to drive the crowd crazy. walking off, jimi turned to graham and ask 'how was that?' the audience was tearing up the building behind them. graham said he grabbed jimi's arm and said 'it looked like a great show but it sounded like shit'. bill graham, god bless his little black heart. jimi called him several types of white, but told graham to tape the next show. jimi went out and stood stock still and played the best sounding show of his life. according to bill.

Speaking of Hendrix....I've always LOVED SRV...he's second only to Jimmy in my book!

OK, don't compain about the book, it's MY fantasy book so it CAN"T be wrong!! :D

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Prince.................who is he??

a remarkable performer, a musician capable of playing every instrument on his concert stage (and often does), a songwriter so prolific his record company begs him to slow down, a master of several forms of r&b, soul, funk, and rock and roll, and a guitar player of no small reputation.

still not in jimmy's league....

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Come on, there is no contest. Page all the way.

And the reference to the While My Guitar Gently Weeps vid is a pretty weak testament to how awesome a guitarist is. If that's a leg to stand on, then let me toss myself into the equation. It's solid clean playing, but come on Page helped revolutionize electric guitar.

Prince may be a great performer, and the best musician the music world has ever seen, but let's not get carried away. He's not a legendary guitarist, and shouldn't even be in the same conversation as Mr. Page.

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I've always felt that Prince was a very underrated guitarist, but lets not get carried away here.

I saw Prince live about 6 years ago and he was amazing, ripping out solo's effortlessly all over the place, but, I have never thought of comparing him to Jimmy Page.

Page just brings so much more to the table: Acoustic, Celtic, Indian, Folk, Blues, Rockabilly and Hard Rock defined. Prince plays fast fuzzy guitar solo's, and does it very well,

but I don't think he has ever done anything innovative or important with the guitar.

Edited by snapper
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Ev, totally amazing post! I am right there with you. I am also in no way trying to slight any of the other guitarists mentioned here, but it's Jimmy Page for me all the way...(always has been and always will be).

How's it going Evster? I like your taste in guitarists. You remind me a lot of myself. I LOVE AL DIMEOLA!

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Prince.................who is he??

Says the guy who doesn't know who George Carlin is, either...maybe you should

get out more often.

Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix will always be 1 and 1A to me...but do not sell Prince short

as a guitarist.

The man can flat-out play...and in many different styles and tones.

In fact, while I would not rank him above Jimi or Jimmy, I would put him above

Eric Clapton in a heartbeat. But then, I rank lots of players above Clunkhead:

Rory Gallagher, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Buddy Guy, Richard Thompson, Bert Jansch

to name a few.

Those who diss Prince have never seen him in concert...when he's on, he'll blow

your mind.

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Says the guy who doesn't know who George Carlin is, either...maybe you should

get out more often.

Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix will always be 1 and 1A to me...but do not sell Prince short

as a guitarist.

The man can flat-out play...and in many different styles and tones.

In fact, while I would not rank him above Jimi or Jimmy, I would put him above

Eric Clapton in a heartbeat. But then, I rank lots of players above Clunkhead:

Rory Gallagher, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Buddy Guy, Richard Thompson, Bert Jansch

to name a few.

Those who diss Prince have never seen him in concert...when he's on, he'll blow

your mind.

As I have admitted in previous posts, I am not as familiar with PRINCE as I am with PAGEY. Believe it or not, the only thing I can relate to PRINCE with is PURPLE RAIN. PRINCE was good with the guitar in that one. I like your tastes in guitarists, what do you think of Peter Green (In his prime)? Have you ever heard the live Boston Tea Party Concerts by FLEETWOOD MAC from 1970?

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Hi all,

Who's better?We are we getting into a pissing contest again,....hehehe.

First, Prince is a huge Zeppelin fan.A friend of mine attended a show a few years ago in bean-town,you know what he played for his encore? "Whole Lotta Love" and he recorded it and burned it for me,......that lit that damn garden on fire!Yes,he was on gee-tar and hammered down the killer Page riff,...and wailed the solo,....

I'm on this here forum because this is my favorite all time band.I don't know my arse from my elbow,but they are all my favorites.


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Hi all,

Who's better?We are we getting into a pissing contest again,....hehehe.

First, Prince is a huge Zeppelin fan.A friend of mine attended a show a few years ago in bean-town,you know what he played for his encore? "Whole Lotta Love" and he recorded it and burned it for me,......that lit that damn garden on fire!Yes,he was on gee-tar and hammered down the killer Page riff,...and wailed the solo,....

I'm on this here forum because this is my favorite all time band.I don't know my arse from my elbow,but they are all my favorites.


I didn't know that Prince like ZEPPELIN! WOW!

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Page, no questions asked.... given, Page and Hendrix are incomparable since they both have their own unique musical styles, they're some skilled brothers. Prince... meh... I'm ambivalent towards him.... nothing can compare to Jimmy.

I'm with you fellow Zepp die hard, great point. ROCK ON!

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