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Del Zeppnile

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Ewwww....that doesn't sound good. And usually desktops won't overheat like a laptop can...

Nice to see ya Angel! It's been a while!

Good to see you again Medhb! You're right about the overheating.....another reason I prefer desktops is that I can get twice as much work (i.e. "play") done with a mouse than a keypad. I know, you can use a mouse with a notebook but it's not the same. Not complaining though, at least I have this backup notebook. Funny thing is that it's getting so darn hard now to find computer service & repair shops. Must be because of the "planned obsolescence" mentality so prevalent here in the throes of the Microsoft Empire -- it's like my husband's immediate response when I told him was "time to buy a new one".

So is this the current Random Thread?

Um... I'm member #10,313. The board says we have 8,292 registered members. Please don't tell me there has been over 2000 people banned already.

That sounds about right......and by "2000 people" we mean "3 people". B)

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Good luck! You're going to do just fine, I'm sure of it. My sister's equally as nervous; she starts her junior year of college in the morning. It's her first year in a full four-year university, so she's worried about getting lost, classes that are too big, stuff like that. I told her to relax.

Just remember, you're smarter than the little bastards, so don't take any crap from them. :)

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School starts tomorrow.

I'm nervous.

I'm the teacher this time.

I should be in bed now, but I'm waiting (not very patiently, might I add) for my dryer to go off and tell me that my clothes are done!!

Oh, I'm wondering if there's gonna be some kid who is hot for teacher. :P

You'll be fine, Mandy. :)

Just make sure you have some type of stress relief tool handy.

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Good Luck with teaching, it's an honorable profession. What level do you teach? I teach Jr. high, a strange and disturbing age indeed!

Random part:

Have you ever tried those fried anchovies, you know the ones you get at the Chinese market with lots of sugar, sesame, and chili on them? I still can't tell if I love them or hate them.

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On a funny random note there is a tropical depression on top of us as I type and raining cats and dogs. I just heard an Icecream Truck with full chimes roll past the house! :o

Only in New Orleans :hysterical:

8 pm...middle of december...pitch black outside and freakin' cold...what the hell is that music???...yep, the ice cream man...

...only in norway... :)

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The whole mountainside about 2 miles from my house is up in smoke. I can't tell if the flames are still going - it's still bright outside. Everything smells like camping/campfires now. It's making me nostalgic, rather than worried. :huh:

Been looking through the member records... BigBadZep hasn't been on since February. That's not cool. No wonder Other Music seems so slow. I shouldn't complain, though, I haven't been around either.

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What would you guys call a person who likes to sit on the side of the road and act like a cop? Complete with flashlight (that looks like a gun sorta) pretendo radar gun, and going after someone when they speed (when the person that plays cop speeds on a daily basis) only to pull away at the last minute. Also to stop people sometimes....like literally pull them over and freak them out and everything.

What is that?

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What would you guys call a person who likes to sit on the side of the road and act like a cop? Complete with flashlight (that looks like a gun sorta) pretendo radar gun, and going after someone when they speed (when the person that plays cop speeds on a daily basis) only to pull away at the last minute. Also to stop people sometimes....like literally pull them over and freak them out and everything.

What is that?

Ripe for the nut house!

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Yeah, sadly, that's my friend. He needs mental help, so badly.

When he's with me, he's such a dick. He says he doesn't care about anything, says all of my online friends are douchebags, calls women (while seeing them pass by in his car) "hi tits" which is like...really wrong, and then even goes on about what he'd do to her (he does it almost every woman he sees while driving) even sometimes drives around just to look at them. He says "i'm a guy, i have a dick, it's what I'm supposed to do" well, I'm a guy too...but I don't want to fuck everything that moves.

He also thinks he is invincible, he thinks that a bullet is stronger than a fist in a fight, and he's the one who says I have to drink if I want to go hang out with him and his sister and that if they go to a club or something.

Sadly, I have to keep this guy, since if he leaves, I'll have no friends outside the net.

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What would you guys call a person who likes to sit on the side of the road and act like a cop? Complete with flashlight (that looks like a gun sorta) pretendo radar gun, and going after someone when they speed (when the person that plays cop speeds on a daily basis) only to pull away at the last minute. Also to stop people sometimes....like literally pull them over and freak them out and everything.

What is that?

Pathological and in need of an extended stay at your state's finest mental facility. Either that or jail. What he's doing is technically impersonating a police officer and you can be arrested for that.

Either way, the guy sounds like he's a few tacos short of a combo plate.

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Pathological and in need of an extended stay at your state's finest mental facility. Either that or jail. What he's doing is technically impersonating a police officer and you can be arrested for that.

Either way, the guy sounds like he's a few tacos short of a combo plate.

Yeah, he wasn't always like this. He does, however have ADD and ADHD, but I don't know if that contributes to it, even though he stopped taking his medicine soon after I stopped taking mine (he says I need to go back on mine, which is bullshit). He'd pretty much call you a know nothing bitch or whatever, and assume that he's right and you're wrong.

And the funny (not really) thing is that if that time comes that he gets arrested, I just HOPE TO GOD that I'm not in the car with him, otherwise I'm gonna have some shit on me too, which is bullshit.

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Yeah, he wasn't always like this. He does, however have ADD and ADHD, but I don't know if that contributes to it, even though he stopped taking his medicine soon after I stopped taking mine (he says I need to go back on mine, which is bullshit). He'd pretty much call you a know nothing bitch or whatever, and assume that he's right and you're wrong.

And the funny (not really) thing is that if that time comes that he gets arrested, I just HOPE TO GOD that I'm not in the car with him, otherwise I'm gonna have some shit on me too, which is bullshit.

What comes around goes around. If you are with this guy when he is doing this, and you get cought, you are going to go to jail bottom line. Why would you associate yourself with this nutcase? Go find yourself another friend.

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