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Two teens plead guilty to microwaving cat

Jarlaxle 56

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Cats, dogs, microwaves - these are things we see in our homes, relate to, and care about. Chickens, cows, pigs, brown people from the other side of the world - we don't come in contact with these things. Why would anyone care about these???

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Eating meat is not a "need".. it's a "choice".

Eating factory farmed meat is not a "need".. it's a "choice".

You are free to make the choice to eat factory farmed meat, friend, but in doing so you are choosing to support an industry that is steeped in animal cruelty/torture.. ergo, you are personally supporting animal cruelty/torture. That's the fact; that's the reality.

So,.. by all means do enjoy your steak and egg breakfast! :cheer: But do you have

the personal integrity to at least acknowledge that you support animal cruelty/torture? :whistling:

Bon appetit! :wave:B)


You are a difficult one my friend. I'll give you that. :P Plants are living creatures as well. I know, I've talked to a few over the years :D and they aren't happy with the prospect of being sliced to pieces and ground up either. It really pisses them off when they get tossed around too

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You are a difficult one my friend. I'll give you that. :P Plants are living creatures as well. I know, I've talked to a few over the years :D and they aren't happy with the prospect of being sliced to pieces and ground up either. It really pisses them off when they get tossed around too

A transparent avoidance of the issue at hand and a not-so-subtle indication that you've reached the bottom of your shallow well of feeble arguments in support of your denial of an undeniable truth: that choosing to eat factory farmed meat is a choice to support animal cruelty and torture.

..eh? :whistling::P

You can joke all you want about plants feeling pain, but I dare say it's no joking matter that animals feel pain. Otherwise no one would be upset about a cat being killed in a microwave oven,.. right, ally? Cats feel pain.. dogs feel pain.. and guess what?.. cows, chickens, turkeys, lambs, and pigs feel pain too, my friend. ;)

"In fact, pigs are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelligence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child. They are smarter than dogs and every bit as friendly, loyal, and affectionate. When in their natural surroundings they are social, playful, protective animals who bond with each other, make beds, relax in the sun, and cool off in the mud. ..you may be surprised to learn that they dream, recognize their names, play video games more effectively than some primates, and lead social lives of a complexity previously observed only in primates. ..pigs enjoy listening to music, playing with soccer balls, and getting massages.". *learn more about pigs here*

Bon appetit! :beer:


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A transparent avoidance of the issue at hand and a not-so-subtle indication that you've reached the bottom of your shallow well of feeble arguments in support of your denial of an undeniable truth: that choosing to eat factory farmed meat is a choice to support animal cruelty and torture.

..eh? :whistling::P

You can joke all you want about plants feeling pain, but I dare say it's no joking matter that animals feel pain. Otherwise no one would be upset about a cat being killed in a microwave oven,.. right, ally? Cats feel pain.. dogs feel pain.. and guess what?.. cows, chickens, turkeys, lambs, and pigs feel pain too, my friend. ;)

"In fact, pigs are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelligence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child. They are smarter than dogs and every bit as friendly, loyal, and affectionate. When in their natural surroundings they are social, playful, protective animals who bond with each other, make beds, relax in the sun, and cool off in the mud. ..you may be surprised to learn that they dream, recognize their names, play video games more effectively than some primates, and lead social lives of a complexity previously observed only in primates. ..pigs enjoy listening to music, playing with soccer balls, and getting massages.". *learn more about pigs here*

Bon appetit! :beer:


Get a grip Hermit ! This started out as a thread about a senseless act and snowballed into a debate about the virtues of eating meat. You say that I have a choice in the matter you would be right if I was personally in control of the proceedings. I am however not. If your asking me if I feel there should be another more human way of taking amimals to slaughter then my answer would be yes. On the other hand if your trying to tell me that everyone should just give up meat because you don't like the way the slaughter is handled then I think you are right off your rocker. I will not, I repeat not be putting my cat or dog in the microwave. ( have no fear Babs ) If you can draw this up as being the same thing my man then you are talking to the wrong person. I will not apologize for being a meat eater. You do not have to apologize for not being one.

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Get a grip Hermit ! This started out as a thread about a senseless act and snowballed into a debate about the virtues of eating meat. You say that I have a choice in the matter you would be right if I was personally in control of the proceedings. I am however not. If your asking me if I feel there should be another more human way of taking amimals to slaughter then my answer would be yes. On the other hand if your trying to tell me that everyone should just give up meat because you don't like the way the slaughter is handled then I think you are right off your rocker. I will not, I repeat not be putting my cat or dog in the microwave. ( have no fear Babs ) If you can draw this up as being the same thing my man then you are talking to the wrong person. I will not apologize for being a meat eater. You do not have to apologize for not being one.

I'm not asking you to apologize for anything, ally.

I'm simply pointing out to you the FACT.. the REALITY.. that by choosing to eat factory farmed meat products you are choosing to personally support an industry that is steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture. It has nothing to do with whether or not I "like like the way the slaughter is handled", it's a simple matter of fact: factory farming is steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture. That's the fact, jack. B)

And since you choose to support animal cruelty, abuse and torture, it stands to reason that you condone animal abuse, cruelty, and torture. Therefore it stands to reason that your condemnation of two boys putting a cat in a microwave oven is.. well.. hypocritical. Don't blame me, friend; it is what it is. huh.gif

Bon appetit. :wave:


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I'm not asking you to apologize for anything, ally.

I'm simply pointing out to you the FACT.. the REALITY.. that by choosing to eat factory farmed meat products you are choosing to personally support an industry that is steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture. It has nothing to do with whether or not I "like like the way the slaughter is handled", it's a simple matter of fact: factory farming is steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture. That's the fact, jack. B)

And since you choose to support animal cruelty, abuse and torture, it stands to reason that you condone animal abuse, cruelty, and torture. Therefore it stands to reason that your condemnation of two boys putting a cat in a microwave oven is.. well.. hypocritical. Don't blame me, friend; it is what it is. huh.gif

Bon appetit. :wave:


You can't be serious. Are you actually trying to say that what these teenagers did was no different ? They did it for the SAKE of cruelty, and only for the Sake of cruelty

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Hermit, I would love to stay and debate this further with you but it's pretty clear that we will be doing so untill the cow's come home. Instead of you and I hogging the debate let's let some other people take over for a while. Talk later

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Hermit, just stop. Go start a thread about factory farming and the way hamburgers arrive on our plates instead of hijacking this thread. You have a problem with people who eat meat. Unlike you, I don't. I don't care what people choose to consume. They can eat dirt mixed with mustard for all I care.

This thread is about what these two shitheads did, not about slaughterhouses.

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I see Hermits point perfectly. A cat is a cat, a dog is a dog and a cow is a cow. Now the media which is filled with persons who belong to PETA, and have cats for pets will make a circus out of this and railroad the kids or the parents just to gain media coverage.


In some countries cats and horses are eaten regularly.

Hermit feels about one animal like another. Some cultures have taught people not to care about an animals pain as long as you plan on eating it. However if it's some old alley cat it's an entirely different story.

But then I rarely eat meat anyhow. Even a lobster screams as you kill it. Never heard it but I believe it is so.

I doubt very much that those teens put that cat into that microwave because they had a bad case of the munchies. Cruelty for the sake of it and nothing more.

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I'm with you. In Korea microwaved sauteed cats are a delicacy. Way better than dirt I might add.

eeeeewwwwwww yuck! I agree though eat whatever you want, I'll eat what I want.

As for these kids, I am just saddened. Poooooor kitty. They will not forget what they did and I pray they regret it at some point. At least it wasn't a little boy like what happened in europe a few yrs back.

Punishment? Just my opinion, they have to live with it the rest of their lives. Sometimes I think thats enough. Although dads boot up their ass.....just a little reminder boys--dumbass!

Edited by katydidgood
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How is killing a cow any less cruel than killing a cat? Just because you "have the munchies?"

Sheer hypocrisy.

Never said it was a good thing they killed that cat. I said I see his point, is that plain enough? As far as Korea, I think it's mostly for the homeless. Taiwan and that I dunno. They will feed on cats and you cows I guess, as long as you compare notes it's alright I guess :bagoverhead:

Kids should be punished, but nobody will gain for over dramatising it. Well besides the news medias millions and millions right :rolleyes:

Because millions of us have the munchies. I don't know about you, but I like to eat. It's kinda important in my daily life.

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You eat the dead tortured animals and I will eat fruits and vegetables like the animals eat.

Thank you.

Oh, you can't have all the fruits and veggies to yourself. I like them too :D Actually only eat meat on occation. Cholesteral can be a bitch

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Of course they are remorseful, because they got cought. I have shot birds in my backyard with my BB gun. When I was older I went hunting and killed small animals with a rifle. I fish, but, not in my wildest dreams have I ever thought of putting a living thing in a microwave oven and turning it on. There is a differance between stupid stuff kids do and what could become a serious pathological condition. So, I guess that means I do not see the hypocricy in this.

Do you ever eat fresh lobster or crab? I do and I love it, but lets be honest here; they are dropped into the boiling water while they are still alive.

Is boiling a living creature do death 'pathological behavior' or is it cuisine? Should we be arresting chefs for the manner that they prepare shellfish?

I won't be able to find a law that defines it [killing a cat] as murder. I do however think that it fit's my definition. Now I fully realize that under the law these losers are not going to be charged with that if charged at all. I do think that most people would view they're actions as cruel, inhumane, and yes , even murder

Murder is a specific act which is not defined based on the way people 'feel' about the definition. I appreciate your point of view, but you are ignoring the facts.

Many of the people who condemn animal cruelty when they hear stories like this one are people who themselves support animal cruelty by way of buying factory farmed meat products.

That's a wee bit hypocritical, ain't it?

I certainly think they are exibiting many inconsistencies in thier logic.

I don't believe that the farming of animals is cruel, because it is done for human benefit. It may be unpleasant, especially to the animal. But it is our perogative to be 'unpleasant' in the consumption of animals for our needs. Just as I'm sure it is unpleasant for a seal to be eaten alive by a shark.

I find it amusing that the same people who have no "killer instinct" to slaughter a cow, still are able to eat it's meat anytime it pleases them. Maybe they should be vegetarians if they have reservations about the actual killing of the animal? Personally I don't have any reservations, and therefore I am not a hypocrite. I could bash a cow's skull in with a 20 lb. sledge hammer or kill a puppy dog all the same.... (if it were necessary for me to kill the puppy dog for my dietary needs as it is in some cultures).

BTW, I have to laugh at some of these shrieking crybabies for the way they look at for example a guy like Ted Nugent... and declare him a monster. At least Nugent prefers to give the dignity to the animals that he chooses to consume by killing them himself. He doesn't need to pay someone else to do the "dirty work" and then act as if he has some higher moral authority. And it's not just about the killing part either. Because if it were just about killing animals, then I'm sure Nugent could just buy a chicken ranch and then he could kill thousands of animals a day... and nobody eating at KFC would bat an eye. But go out into the woods with a bow and arrow and kill a deer and then cut it's guts out; and all of a sudden the guy is Joseph Mengele.

Eating meat is not a "need".. it's a "choice".

Eating factory farmed meat is not a "need".. it's a "choice".

You are free to make the choice to eat factory farmed meat, friend, but in doing so you are choosing to support an industry that is steeped in animal cruelty/torture.. ergo, you are personally supporting animal cruelty/torture. That's the fact; that's the reality.

So,.. by all means do enjoy your steak and egg breakfast! :cheer: But do you have

the personal integrity to at least acknowledge that you support animal cruelty/torture?

If the intent in killing the animal is for the purpose of enjoying it suffer, then you may be able to make the case of cruelty. As was the case with these boys. But processing animals for human consumption is not animal cruelty. The key is in the intent behind the killing.

Hermit, just stop. Go start a thread about factory farming and the way hamburgers arrive on our plates instead of hijacking this thread. You have a problem with people who eat meat. Unlike you, I don't. I don't care what people choose to consume. They can eat dirt mixed with mustard for all I care.

This thread is about what these two shitheads did, not about slaughterhouses.

But Hermit raised some good points, even if I disagree with the reasons behind why he raised them.

Because if it were the case that the boys were from a culture where it was customary to conume the cat after they microwaved it -- then I guess you would be okay with that, right?

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Do you ever eat fresh lobster or crab? I do and I love it, but lets be honest here; they are dropped into the boiling water while they are still alive.

Is boiling a living creature do death 'pathological behavior' or is it cuisine? Should we be arresting chefs for the manner that they prepare shellfish?

Does a lobster hurt when cooked?

Doubt it. I haven't heard one complain yet. It's really quick.

The question continues to surface from time to time. And probably for a good reason. The lobster, despite the size of some of the brutes, is basically a "bug" with a tiny and primitive brain and nervous system. The crustaceans die very quickly when plunged into boiling water or when their eyestalks are removed. (If the last method is being applied, use a small, very sharp knife and work quickly - and carefully. It takes only a few seconds, and the amount of "feeling" the lobster experiences, owing to its primitive nervous system, is minimal.)


And kids, next time take the cat out of the microwave before you turn it on.

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Hermit, just stop. Go start a thread about factory farming and the way hamburgers arrive on our plates instead of hijacking this thread. You have a problem with people who eat meat. Unlike you, I don't. I don't care what people choose to consume. They can eat dirt mixed with mustard for all I care.

This thread is about what these two shitheads did, not about slaughterhouses.

You're not the boss of me, sweetypie. ;) I'm posting in this thread because afaic this is a thread about animal cruelty. And if you've been paying attention, you'd realize that my beef (pun intended) is not with people who eat meat; it's with the hypocrisy of people who eat factory farmed meat products (ie, people who support an industry steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture) while they express outrage over a cat being killed in a microwave oven.

Digest that... mixed with mustard for all I care. B)


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I don't believe that the farming of animals is cruel, because it is done for human benefit.

1. It is the manner in which the animals are factory farmed (housed, treated, and slaughtered.. all phases of the process, not just the slaughtering method) that constitutes cruelty, abuse and torture, Del. The fact that you continue to refuse to acknowledge the grotesquely abusive practices that take in factory farming tells me that you are either totally ignorant (perhaps conveniently so) about factory farming practices, or you simply choose to live in denial of the truth.

2. "Because it is done for human benefit" is a completely morally bereft justification for suspending a live cow upside down by one ankle.. while its still alive.. and skinning it.. while its still alive. And that's just one example of MANY examples of cruel and torturous practices that take place in factory farming.

It may be unpleasant, especially to the animal. But it is our perogative to be 'unpleasant' in the consumption of animals for our needs. Just as I'm sure it is unpleasant for a seal to be eaten alive by a shark.

You think suspending a live cow upside down by one ankle.. while its still alive.. and skinning it.. while its still alive MAY BE UNPLEASANT for the animal involved, do you? Yeah,.. if by "may be unpleasant" you mean "absolutely is frightening, painful, and torturous".

"may be unpleasant". Pfft. slapface.gif

You think it's "our prerogative" to torture animals for the sake of human "benefit",.. ie for the sake of human "dining enjoyment"? Dude, you can't be serious. That's an argument equivalent to supporting the clubbing to death of baby seals just so women in New York or Paris can wear baby seal fur coats to the latest award show. When it comes right down to it, I doubt you really hold that position. If you do, it speaks volumes about your ethics, friend.

I find it amusing that some people refuse to acknowledge that eating meat is not a human "need"; it's a human choice. Having said that, I'm not outright opposed to people eating meat. My point is threefold: 1. factory farming is a practice steeped in animal cruelty, abuse, and torture; 2. people who consume factory farmed meat products, are by nature of their choice to so so, supporting (condoning) animal cruelty, abuse, and torture; 3. people who consume factory farmed meat products who cry foul at a cat being tortured in a microwave oven are being hypocritical because they themselves support and condone animal cruelty, abuse, and torture by way of their support of factory farming.

I find it amusing that the same people who have no "killer instinct" to slaughter a cow, still are able to eat it's meat anytime it pleases them. Maybe they should be vegetarians if they have reservations about the actual killing of the animal? Personally I don't have any reservations, and therefore I am not a hypocrite. I could bash a cow's skull in with a 20 lb. sledge hammer or kill a puppy dog all the same.... (if it were necessary for me to kill the puppy dog for my dietary needs as it is in some cultures).

Del, I don't doubt that you will would be willing to kill an animal to eat it, and in that regard it is true that you are not being hypocritical. But I tend to think that if you were raising animals on your own farm would not treat them the way they are treated on factory farms. You wouldn't because the way animals are treated in factory farms is absolutely abusive and torturous. If you don't know this about factory farming then you are ignorant of what goes on in factory farming and I'd think you might feel some moral responsibility to research the issue. If you are already aware of the practices that take place in factory farming and yet you buy factory farmed meats products anyway.. while at the same time saying you don't support animal cruelty and torture.. then you are being hypocritical, my friend.

Anyway.. I gotta run for now..

catch ya later amigo. :beer:


Edited by Hermit_
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Oh God, this again Hermit? :rolleyes:

He does have a point though, a lot of the stuff they do is a bit disgusting. Like castrating livestock...

(Though I understand it's so they don't go crazy and hurt other animals and whatnot, so you have a double edged knife in that example)

Edited by Jarlaxle 56
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