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Two teens plead guilty to microwaving cat

Jarlaxle 56

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Sorry to hear about Gray, Lakey. :( Losing a pet to old age is no easier than losing one to an accident or an illness.. other than you have a chance to somewhat prepare yourselves and say your goodbyes. If it's not too late as I post this, you might consider seeing if its possible to have a vet come to your home to do an at-home euthanasia. That way Gray will have the opportunity to pass away in familiar surroundings, feeling as relaxed and comfortable as possible. We did that with our aged cat a few years back and it made her euthanasia an experience that we all felt really good about. If it's already too late for an at-home euthanasia for Gray, you might tuck the idea away for future reference.

Anyway.. my thoughts are with you, friend. :console:

Liz,.. I think it's great that you eat organic food products as much as possible. It's true that animals raised on organic farms are treated much better than animals in factory farms. I do not judge you for your decision to eat meat, my friend. I do applaud you for your mindfulness and awareness as a consumer of animal products. The goal of my mounting a soap box on this issue is not to convert people to vegetarianism, it's simply to raise awareness about the abuse and torture of animals that goes on in factory farming [i'm glad to see that Lakey appreciates that I didn't resort to posting pictures this time. *wink*]. Ignorance of what goes on in the factory farming process is one thing, but "willful ignorance", denial, and self-delusional are different matters altogether. You've decided to be mindful and aware, and you make your eating choices accordingly.. including the choice to eat meat only from farms that use the most humane animal treatment practices possible. I commend you for that, friend,.. cheers! :beer: ..and I do so realizing full well that my doing as much may mean absolutely nothing to you. That's ok with me. With every new mindful consumer of animal products there's a little less animal suffering and abuse in this world, and that means there's a little less overall suffering (animal, human or otherwise) in this world,.. and no matter how you slice it (pun intended), I think that's a darn good thing.


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I commend you for that, friend,.. cheers! :beer: ..and I do so realizing full well that my doing as much may mean absolutely nothing to you.

Not true. You should really thank my friend Marie, she's the person who got me eating it in the first place.

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I didn't read this thread. Only the article.

These two kids, need to be killed.

I am a pretty understanding person. I know people make mistakes. But this has no excuse and no second chance.

If it were my cat, I would kill both of these kids. No exception. I would feel simply obligated. In most cases, I would allow karma to work, but something like this would make me extremely impulsive.

It would feel goooood to kill these little bastards. I am not a fan of violence and not a fan of gore. But, I would enjoy every second of the end of these little turds.

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Thank you to those of you who replied about Gray. Last night and earlier today she slept like she was already well on her way. She woke up though and had 3 dishes of ground beef... probably the first time in awhile that she didn't feel starved (her thyroid had gone wacko and her metabolism had gotten extremely fast... I could see her losing weight and getting more frail by the day and we'd been feeding her something like 6-7 meals/day. I don't think she would've lived more than a few more days). Anyway, she was euthanized at the vet's office, with her relaxed and purring until it was done. We brought her home and buried her near her beloved barn, right by one of the places the rabbits would go to hang out in the shade.

Hermit, I've thought about having the vet come here if I have to do this for my Bassett hound because he gets very anxious when he goes to the vet. He's 14 now and has some health issues, but so far is doing okay... more or less. Gray never got too upset about her trips to the vet, so she got to ride in the car in my daughter's lap. Her last day was as comfortable as we could make it, and even though it's been a tough day, it's okay... it was the right thing to do and we did it for the right reasons.

Thanks again everyone...

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I didn't read this thread. Only the article.

These two kids, need to be killed.

I am a pretty understanding person. I know people make mistakes. But this has no excuse and no second chance.

If it were my cat, I would kill both of these kids. No exception. I would feel simply obligated. In most cases, I would allow karma to work, but something like this would make me extremely impulsive.

It would feel goooood to kill these little bastards. I am not a fan of violence and not a fan of gore. But, I would enjoy every second of the end of these little turds.

What kind of fucking nazi assclown are you? You would KILL THE TEENAGERS over this stupid shit?

Let me tell you something -- you are FAR WORSE than those kids if you would kill a person for this.

But talking about "Karma"... I'll bet you that in the end of the scenario that you are describing, that it would be you who would be that last one killed.

I'd even voulunteer for the firing squad.

Don't call down the thunder unless you want the Thunderchief to jump on you with both feet.


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What kind of fucking nazi assclown are you? You would KILL THE TEENAGERS over this stupid shit?

Let me tell you something -- you are FAR WORSE than those kids if you would kill a person for this.

But talking about "Karma"... I'll bet you that in the end of the scenario that you are describing, that it would be you who would be that last one killed.

I'd even voulunteer for the firing squad.

Don't call down the thunder unless you want the Thunderchief to jump on you with both feet.


A nerve has been struck. Mr Zeppnile, did you ever do cruel things to animals? Maybe you have some guilt.

Guilty people often turn things around on other people. It helps them deal with their demons.

Breaking into a home, and microwaving a cat to death is not "stupid" shit.

I don't know if you own a home, and I don't know if you own any animals.

How would you respond if these two broke into your home and microwaved your cat? What would you do?

Would you let the "courts" handle it? Would you be satisfied with the the result?

What if someone broke into your home and raped one if your kids, or maybe raped your wife? What if someone forced your toddler into your kitchen oven, and baked it?

What would you do Mr. Zeppnile?

Let let the courts handle it?

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While I am not "Mr Zeppnile", I do have a couple comments to your post.

A nerve has been struck. Mr Zeppnile, did you ever do cruel things to animals? Maybe you have some guilt.

Guilty people often turn things around on other people. It helps them deal with their demons.

I don't particularly think he turned it around on you. IMO, he challenged what you said and stated his opinion of you based upon what you said. While Del and I have different views on many things, including animals, I think he probably called it right in your case.

Breaking into a home, and microwaving a cat to death is not "stupid" shit.

Sure it is. I happen to think it's more than just stupid shit, but it is indeed that as well.

I don't know if you own a home, and I don't know if you own any animals.

How would you respond if these two broke into your home and microwaved your cat? What would you do?

Would you let the "courts" handle it? Would you be satisfied with the the result?

I'll certainly let Mr. Zeppnile answer that for himself, but as much as I love my animals, I would not murder two teenagers for it.

What if someone broke into your home and raped one if your kids, or maybe raped your wife? What if someone forced your toddler into your kitchen oven, and baked it?

What would you do Mr. Zeppnile?

Let let the courts handle it?

Either you're trying to push some emotional hot buttons or you're advocating vigilante-ism in lieu of the courts.

Trying to push that kind of emotional button because he disagreed with you over murdering 2 teenagers for cruelly killing someone's pet is the kind of over-reactive comment that leads me to believe that perhaps you are indeed an assclown. I love my pets but I don't think I'd consider someone killing them, albeit cruelly, to be as if they raped members of my family. If you're actually advocating vigilante-ism and would actually engage in it, then you're just as dangerous as those two teenagers, if not more so. I'm hoping you're just being an assclown.

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While I am not "Mr Zeppnile", I do have a couple comments to your post.

I don't particularly think he turned it around on you. IMO, he challenged what you said and stated his opinion of you based upon what you said. While Del and I have different views on many things, including animals, I think he probably called it right in your case.

I'll certainly let Mr. Zeppnile answer that for himself, but as much as I love my animals, I would not murder two teenagers for it.

Well said Lakey my lovely one! :thumbsup:

And if you need an "assclown award" for this person... I have several on my trophy shelf I could lend you. :D

Yeah, killing someone over a property issue is only going to get you more grief than you had before the first crime was committed. And I already said the boys were cruel and stupid, and deserving of punishment. But they don't deserve to be killed over it, obviously.

We can't even use the death penalty on men who rape children in this country. To suggest that one could kill someone over a cat is just ridiculous.


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I missed Lakey's post. I'm so sorry for your loss Lake.

That is never, ever easy. :console:

Our cat is about 12. I get freaked every time he acts weird, thinking it may be something serious.

I dread that day he has to leave us. I HOPE and pray he outlives me.

Our state also FINALLY passed a bill to make it a felony to hurt or abuse animals.!!!! :cheer:

* yet in some states it is just a misdemeanor to beat the crap out of your spouse :huh::blink: *

Assholes who torture animals often move on to beating, or even killing humans.

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I missed Lakey's post. I'm so sorry for your loss Lake.

That is never, ever easy. :console:

Our cat is about 12. I get freaked every time he acts weird, thinking it may be something serious.

I dread that day he has to leave us. I HOPE and pray he outlives me.

Our state also FINALLY passed a bill to make it a felony to hurt or abuse animals.!!!! :cheer:

* yet in some states it is just a misdemeanor to beat the crap out of your spouse :huh::blink: *

Assholes who torture animals often move on to beating, or even killing humans.

So true

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Our state also FINALLY passed a bill to make it a felony to hurt or abuse animals.!!!! :cheer:

That's excellent! :beer:


Animal Cruelty Punishments in WA state:

*Animal cruelty in the first degree*:

Class C Felony

Fine up to $10,000

Imprisonment up to 5 years

(1) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized in law, he or she intentionally (a) inflicts substantial pain on, (b] causes physical injury to, or (c] kills an animal by a means causing undue suffering, or forces a minor to inflict unnecessary pain, injury, or death on an animal.

(2) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized by law, he or she, with criminal negligence, starves, dehydrates, or suffocates an animal and as a result causes: (a) Substantial and unjustifiable physical pain that extends for a period sufficient to cause considerable suffering; or (b] death.

(3) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when he or she:

(a) Knowingly engages in any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal;

(b] Knowingly causes, aids, or abets another person to engage in any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal;

(c] Knowingly permits any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal to be conducted on any premises under his or her charge or control;

(d) Knowingly engages in, organizes, promotes, conducts, advertises, aids, abets, participates in as an observer, or performs any service in the furtherance of an act involving any sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal for a commercial or recreational purpose; or

(e) Knowingly photographs or films, for purposes of sexual gratification, a person engaged in a sexual act or sexual contact with an animal.

*Animal cruelty in the second degree*:

(except section: (2)(c])


Fine up to $1,000

Imprisonment up to 90 days

(section (2) (c]—if animal is abandoned and suffers bodily

harm or is at substantial risk for suffering bodily harm):

Gross Misdemeanor

Fine up to $5,000

Imprisonment up to 1 year

*Animal fighting*:

Class C Felony

Fine up to $10,000

Imprisonment up to 5 years


Our current state animal abuse law, above, (enacted in 1992) was the first update to the law in over 100 years. Officially known as RCW 16.52, it is informally known as "Pasado's Law", named after Pasado.. a donkey..



"Pasado the donkey, the 21-year-old beloved fixture at a Seattle area park died after three teen boys had snuck into Pasado's pasture that April night. They attempted to ride him and when he resisted, they began beating him with tree branches the size of clubs. When he fell and could no longer walk, they tied a noose around his neck and pulled him up a tree, strangling him to death. Workers at the park discovered him hanging from the tree the next morning." :(

*link to the full article about the enactment of Pasado's Law*

*AnimalLaw.com* is a website where people can

look up animal abuse laws is all 50 US states.

Edited by Hermit_
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And if you need an "assclown award" for this person... I have several on my trophy shelf I could lend you. :D

Nice try Del, but no dice. You have a shelf full of asshat awards, not assclown awards. Furthermore, you earned each of them, and as kind and generous as your offer to share them is, you really should keep them.

I missed Lakey's post. I'm so sorry for your loss Lake.

That is never, ever easy. :console:

Our cat is about 12. I get freaked every time he acts weird, thinking it may be something serious.

I dread that day he has to leave us. I HOPE and pray he outlives me.

Our state also FINALLY passed a bill to make it a felony to hurt or abuse animals.!!!! :cheer:

* yet in some states it is just a misdemeanor to beat the crap out of your spouse :huh::blink: *

Assholes who torture animals often move on to beating, or even killing humans.

Aww thanks Hotplant. She had a good long life... 18 years, and that's pretty darn good for a barn cat. You're right, it wasn't easy, but there was some comfort in knowing it was the right thing to do.

Yay for your state and their cruelty laws. Sadly, it'll be awhile before mine ever does such a thing.

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That's excellent! :beer:


Animal Cruelty Punishments in WA state:

*Animal cruelty in the first degree*:

Class C Felony

Fine up to $10,000

Imprisonment up to 5 years

(1) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized in law, he or she intentionally (a) inflicts substantial pain on, (b] causes physical injury to, or (c] kills an animal by a means causing undue suffering, or forces a minor to inflict unnecessary pain, injury, or death on an animal.

(2) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized by law, he or she, with criminal negligence, starves, dehydrates, or suffocates an animal and as a result causes: (a) Substantial and unjustifiable physical pain that extends for a period sufficient to cause considerable suffering; or (b] death....

Our current state animal abuse law, above, (enacted in 1992) was the first update to the law in over 100 years. Officially known as RCW 16.52, it is informally known as "Pasado's Law", named after Pasado.. a donkey..

I don't think I like that kind of law because it opens up the door for some wild eyed District Attorney to prosecute someone for a felony when the killing may not be cruel. I recall a case a few years back in California where a man was arrested and prosecuted for animal cruelty (a midemeanor in Calif.) because he killed a dog that he got from the pound, cooked it and ate it. When the animal control people found out they went ape shit.

Turned out the man was from an Asian nation where eating dogs is perfectly acceptable behavior. The judge thankfully through the case out because the D.A. could not prove that the killing (with an axe) was cruel. The man actually killed the dog pretty much the same why many Thanksgiving turkeys are finished off for our tasty holiday meals.

There was also another case more recently, where a man (also asian) had rabbits that he was butchering and killing. This case never went to court, but I recall how many dopey folks were pissed off about that one too. My fear with laws like this is that somebody is next going to say that dropping a live lobster in a pot of boiling water is also "undue suffering".... horseshit!!

We have much bigger crimes and better ways to use our criminal justice system than by putting people in prison for five years for killing an animal. In most states a rapist only gets 7 years.

Nice try Del, but no dice. You have a shelf full of asshat awards, not assclown awards. Furthermore, you earned each of them, and as kind and generous as your offer to share them is, you really should keep them.

Oh, I forgot that they were "assHAT" awards. Thanks for straightening that out Lakey.

I guess the "assCLOWN" award I have must have been given to me by my wife/


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I don't think I like that kind of law because it opens up the door for some wild eyed District Attorney to prosecute someone for a felony when the killing may not be cruel.

i think the law pretty clearly states it is designed for people who get off inflicting pain on animals...

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Oh, I forgot that they were "assHAT" awards. Thanks for straightening that out Lakey.

I guess the "assCLOWN" award I have must have been given to me by my wife/


... only because you insisted on wearing those stupid big shoes... and the red nose...

...and probably for squirting her with water from the trick flower as your way of telling her you're in the mood.


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i think the law pretty clearly states it is designed for people who get off inflicting pain on animals...

About 10 years ago we had a couple of very wet winters in Southern Calfornia and as a result the rabbit and rodent population became very significant due to all the new food/vegetation. At the time my son was young and liked to play in the back law a lot, but because of all the rabbit droppings (which by the way can carry some very nasty respiratory diseases) it therefore became very risky for a child to be exposed to all of the fecal droppings.

Well, I tried lots of measures to control the rabbits (cotton tail type not jack-rabbits), but the best thing that worked was just shooting them with a pellet gun. And well --- sometimes the pellet didn't always kill them outright... so in turn I would often need to finish them off with a blow to the head with a stick.

Now I'm sure that lots of people (even people in my community) would believe that was animal cruelty. I obviously don't agree with that, because I saw these rabbits as vermin pretty much akin to rats and mice. But my point is that if there was a law like the one someone suggested, I or someone like me just might find myslef being prosecuted for a FELONY and going to prison. And just for trying to keep my property safe and healthy for my family.

So that is my problem with that type of law.

... only because you insisted on wearing those stupid big shoes... and the red nose...

...and probably for squirting her with water from the trick flower as your way of telling her you're in the mood.



Okay, so based on my last previous entry ^^^

Shall I be getting another award?


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About 10 years ago we had a couple of very wet winters in Southern Calfornia and as a result the rabbit and rodent population became very significant due to all the new food/vegetation. At the time my son was young and liked to play in the back law a lot, but because of all the rabbit droppings (which by the way can carry some very nasty respiratory diseases) it therefore became very risky for a child to be exposed to all of the fecal droppings.

Well, I tried lots of measures to control the rabbits (cotton tail type not jack-rabbits), but the best thing that worked was just shooting them with a pellet gun. And well --- sometimes the pellet didn't always kill them outright... so in turn I would often need to finish them off with a blow to the head with a stick.

Now I'm sure that lots of people (even people in my community) would believe that was animal cruelty. I obviously don't agree with that, because I saw these rabbits as vermin pretty much akin to rats and mice. But my point is that if there was a law like the one someone suggested, I or someone like me just might find myslef being prosecuted for a FELONY and going to prison. And just for trying to keep my property safe and healthy for my family.

So that is my problem with that type of law.


Okay, so based on my last previous entry ^^^

Shall I be getting another award?


I would suggest buying a 22, that will get the job done right the first time.

Growing up in San Diego, I don't recall seeing any wild cotton tail rabbits. In my area it was all jack rabbits and they were really tough to eat. Where I lived it was all canyons with rattle snakes, wolves, lizards and jack rabbits. A boys paradise!

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