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Oil now $144 a barrel


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Well, I was wondering if I'd stepped in something...


To his credit though.. after his steamy-hot (pardon the pun) thread-derailing attempt to set up a Tahoe love-tryst with you, Del did do his doodie.. erm his duty.. and reminded people of the thread topic. Well done, Delberto! :beer:


Price of oil: $144 a barrel. Double-Mission Accomplished. <_<


Edited by Hermit_
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He did?



Did you dye your hair blonde, dearie? :unsure::whistling:

Thread title:

"Oil now $144 a barrel

(bin Laden and GW Bush's) Mission Accomplished"

[bold text added for your sake, Blondie.. erm, Mandy.]

Del's thread-topic reminder:


See? ;)

Poops.. I mean.. Props to Delbert! :beer:


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I am spending more money now on one tank of gas than I did the entire month a year ago.

So you only use 2 tankfuls a month?

Because gas has - at the most - only doubled since this time last year.

And I'm not picking on you, you're nice enough.

It's a serious question.

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No you want a car that runs off hugs and kisses you silly little liberal you.

But they ain't making those any time soon carrot top. So how about a smart-monster car?


Ha Ha, good one :D

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I may be a registered Democrat, but Nancy Pelosi is way out of line by asking Bush to tap the Strategic Oil Reserve just for the purpose of manipulating oil prices. Even thinking of tapping the reserves before we do any additional drilling, and before any shortages in supply show up is just frickin' ignorant. Get a grip Lady !

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I may be a registered Democrat, but Nancy Pelosi is way out of line by asking Bush to tap the Strategic Oil Reserve just for the purpose of manipulating oil prices. Even thinking of tapping the reserves before we do any additional drilling, and before any shortages in supply show up is just frickin' ignorant. Get a grip Lady !

You want to see prices sky-rocket? Tapping into our reserves is just going to send the message to the oil companies that they can continue to gouge us.

Yeah, let's do that instead of getting to the root of the problem...like putting a band-aid on a severed arm.

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No you want a car that runs off hugs and kisses you silly little liberal you.

But they ain't making those any time soon carrot top. So how about a smart-monster car?



Sorry I can't make it to Tahoe this weekend. Can't afford the gas.

Even in the Festiva. ;)

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I may be a registered Democrat, but Nancy Pelosi is way out of line by asking Bush to tap the Strategic Oil Reserve just for the purpose of manipulating oil prices. Even thinking of tapping the reserves before we do any additional drilling, and before any shortages in supply show up is just frickin' ignorant. Get a grip Lady !

I disagree. By releasing a large amount of oil from the strategic oil reserve; it would cause some of the speculators to back away from that commodity for awhile. It could even bring down the price of oil by 30 or 40 dollars per barrel. But I agree that it should only be done along with the approach to open up more drilling at the same time. Otherwise it would only have a short term effect on the oil market.

And the other thing that would happen is that the government would be selling all that oil at a much higher price than we paid for it.... that means a big profit. Then that profit could either be used to fund alternative fuel ideas, pay down the debt, or be used to replace the oil after the price comes down... if that seems more in line with the philosophy behind the reserve anyway.

But we can affect the price of oil on the global market easily, if we could only find the political will to do it. My guess is that the reason why this hasn't happened, is because there are some banking interest right now who are making a big profit on the speculation in oil in order to recoup their losses from 'the speculation in home mortgages.'

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Hey i might start a T-Bone Pickens is a idiot thread. His plan would take decades to do and he'll make trillions off of it.

The best part of his plan is to turn to Natural gas (something he is heavily invested in). Natural gas is found right along with oil and N.Gas is expected to jump 30% this winter from last year. So in 30 years, this oil war will turn into a N. Gas war.

Drill Now, Drill Here and build some fucking nukes.

Yes, we can't drill our way out of this mess, gas will still cost 1.50 a gallon if we started drilling today. Thats still a problem to some folks. Of course whille were pumping oil out of anwar we can build those windmills and those hybrid cars, and stop oil speculation.

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I think it's great that oil prices are going up and up

It's forcing companies to get serious about other sources of energy rather than oil. Something is finally being done, and it's about bloody time too

I'm glad you're happy, but there is 100,000 workers at Ford,GM and Chrysler who are as we speak in the unemployment lines waiting for a check from the government. That doesn't include all the other little businesses that supplies material to those companies.

In 2003, when people said this was a war about oil, i said good, if oil goes high, the economy goes to shit.

I hope food prices go up to so people stop getting fat, even though babies may die of starvation.

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It is such a shame how the inviro wacko's keep blocking us from using our own resources.

Somehow, I knew you'd be the type to bitch about 'enviro wacko's'. Seems to go with the territory......i.e gun lover = anti green =probably anti gay =anti atheist =anti abortion facist......while all the time banging on about 'freedom'.

Gotta love these extreme right wing loons. :D

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Somehow, I knew you'd be the type to bitch about 'enviro wacko's'. Seems to go with the territory......i.e gun lover = anti green =probably anti gay =anti atheist =anti abortion facist......while all the time banging on about 'freedom'.

Gotta love these extreme right wing loons. :D

Wanna borrow some? We've still got plenty to go around and I'm sure you'd find them even more entertaining in person. :D

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