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Oil now $144 a barrel


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Hi all,

*be a natural-born citizen of the United States

* be at least thirty-five years old

* have been resident in the United States for at least fourteen years

Additionally, there are two negative qualifications. Under Article One of the United States Constitution, no Presidential candidate can have previously held the office and been removed by conviction for an impeachable offence. And under the Twenty-Second Amendment, no person who has previously served as President or Acting President for more than six years is eligible for election to the Presidency or to the Vice Presidency. Former Presidents who have served less than six years as President or Acting President, however, remain eligible for the presidency (assuming they were not removed from office by the Congress on a bill of impeachment) for one term only; but their eligibilty to serve as Vice President is unlimited, because Amendment XXII only applies to the Presidency.

Gee,WallyDoesn't say a darn thing about race,religion or what team you root for,...mmm,..

KB(cue,Alice Cooper!)

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Your Exactly right, great point. I have a thought though, why the fuck does it matter if he was of the Muslim faith? I thought any born citizen of a certain intellect was qualified at becoming president? I thought we had freedom of religion in this country and that your religious believes couldn't be used against you when applying for a job ( such as president)? We have to get past these pointless fights over religion.

He could pray nightly to a toaster for all I care. Lincoln and Jefferson were basically atheists and they're on Mount Rushmore. Religion has no bearing on one's ability to do the job. However in this country right now, I am firmly convinced people would rather a murderer or bank robber in the White House than a Muslim. And that's just so sad on so many levels. It's irrational fear and paranoia that drives it, and for the people who make up the electorate to even entertain garbage notions like that, scares me. There are people in this country who feel that if a Muslim is elected President, we'll suddenly become Iran.

Barack Obama is not a Muslim. End of. But if he were, it wouldn't make a difference or change anything in my eyes, as his policies and opinions and ideas are what is making me vote for him, not what God he prays to and when he prays and what language he prays in.

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PB...I don't know anyone, that is religious, who could hide their faith for 20 years and attend another faiths church. I'm Catholic. My dad is a pretty devout Catholic. I would say that if he was to go to a Lutheran Church for the next twenty years without being able to go to a Catholic Church on at least a monthly basis, he would probably convert. Just how it is bud.

I never said I truly believed he was Muslim, (I never cared if he was a Muslim or not, so I can’t ell you either way) the point is Hermit pointed to the church to disprove one thing, but at the same time says the church doesn't matter with another.

Now I would bring up the point, that I would not know how the world would perceived us if we had a Black Muslim man running our country (if he was a true Muslim). Now all the liberal cry that the world hates us for bush, do you think they will still hate us if we had a Black Muslim man running? America is not the only place on this world that racism exists.

Now is this a reason not to vote for him, it depends, it's not one of my main reasons. But you have to ask yourself, will President Barrack Hussein Obama will be given the same respect as every other major leader in the world.

Have the guts to come out and just say it....that you don't like obama because he is a black man, that you are ignorant and close minded enough to actually think that a man's damn name determines someone's allegiance. These Innuendo's used against Barrack Obama appeal to the lowest denominator when it comes to intellectual ability to reason, it's what keeps us as a nation from progressing.

I already said I considered myself racist, based on the fact I like all racial humor. Five people wrote back and said that doesn't make you racist, and another one said I was thought wrong because I would admit to something like that. So we established that im not scared to admit if I don't like somebody based on his or her race. So me saying I don't like Obama, means I don't like obama for who obama is and what he stands for. Not the fucking color of his skin.

95% of the blacks will be voting for Obama, you're telling me there is not racism involved there. But because im a conservative and I am a young, smart, well off, white man, there is no other reason I should hate obama, except for the fact that he is black. in 2011, the upper tax bracket will be at 39% if obama gets in. You’re telling me that’s not a good reason not to vote for him. The man is against oil and nukes and that’s not a good enough reason for me not to like him.

I said it once and ill said it again, Obama is an empty suit, everything he thinks is programmed into him by his close friends (Michelle, Wright, Ayers). If he were the G.O.P. nom, I would still think he is a fucking douche, but at least he is on my side.

The point is, if we are to have a discussion on race in this country, you have to allow for questions like these to be asked. Me bringing up if a black Muslim (for the sake of a argument) will be given the same respect as any other leader, should be answered with a valid answer, not the screams of racism.

The president of the United states is the most powerful man in the world, but you people claim it's a joke already, so how will Obama will improve that imagine, when most of the other leaders of the world are conservatives and are white decent.

So if I were to use that argument saying the rest of the world won't listen what we have to say based on our leaders color, is really a vote based on race. Is that racism? Or just the facts of the world.

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Americans hated the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. And they now hate the Muslims after 9/11. It is hard to blame them. What if one of your family members were in those towers? How would you feel? They make Hitler and the Japs of the 1940's look like choir boys. I cant stand the bastards. They hate us. Dont you get it? And I don't want an atheist as a president. I have a right to my opinion too. I wouldl rather have someone with outstanding moral values. I don't see atheists as being shed in that light. They are negative people generally speaking. And Religion is part of this world and most people on this Earth believe in a God. So why would you want someone in there that is in the vast minority of opinion?

Irrational hatred of a mass group of people based on the actions of an extremist sect is neither intelligent nor rational. I don't care what group of people you choose to use in that. Gays, Muslims, Japanese, Swedes.....doesn't matter. If 19 Swedish people flew airplanes into the Twin Towers would we all be running around scared of tall Nordic people? No, because it would be fucking lame and you know it.

I would hope that whatever family member died that day raised me with enough intelligence and self-respect not treat a whole group of people like they were all criminals deserving of my hatred and contempt. As for religion, atheists are just as deserving to be President as someone who thinks God is in a Pop-Tart. What God they do or do not pray to makes absolutely no difference to me because I don't give a rat's ass what people believe. Religion is a personal matter, not a federal matter. There is no rule/law nor should there ever be saying that the President must be religious. Again, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln were not religious.....would you like to spit on their accomplishments? George W. Bush lied to the American people, threw us into war with Iraq and cost over 4,000 of our citizens and tens of thousands of Iraqis their lives. You call that "outstanding moral values"? Okie-dokie.

BTW, this obscenely stupid song and dance is one of I've heard on this board before, by a couple of people who got banned for it. So if you're one of those people in disguise, you've been figured out. If you're not, you've been clued in. So save it, dude. It's been heard before.....and we've all agreed that it's stupid.

Edited by Electrophile
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You dont give a rat's ass what people believe and would elect them?

That's right, because when it comes to religion I am not intolerant. You obviously are. People can believe what they want. Do you understand that? PEOPLE CAN BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT. It's is not the candidate's religion that makes me vote for them because God will not be in the White House, or whatever the name of their god is. It's the human being who will be there, making decisions based on fact and rationality. Religion is not factual. It is faith, it is beliefs, it is the unknown. So Mr. President could be an atheist, a Satanist, a Jew, a Hindu, a Mormon....I don't care. I would only care if their religion or religious beliefs influenced laws they and Congress tried to pass. This is not a theocracy, I don't want God running this country.

Everything copacetic? Awesome.

And I don't hate the entire race of any people by the way.

Muslims are not a race. It's a religion. But allow me:

I cant stand the bastards.

That was in reference to Muslim people. Notice how you didn't differentiate between those that perpetrated the crime, and all Muslims. That's because you don't see a difference, bigots usually don't.

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And Mormons, don't get me started on them. I know what they do and what they are like and to me they are fair game to criticism based on their practices. Look at how they treat women. But go ahead and defend them. They are fucking nuts in my opinion.

I will defend Mormons because my uncle and his family are Mormon. I may not agree with their doctrines, but I will not allow their faith to be slandered. That's my aunt, uncle, cousins and their children you are insulting. Sure they're pushy when they come to the front door, but they've always been polite....even when they come back for the 10th time, but I admire their persistence. They believe very strongly in their faith and I admire anyone who holds their religion that closely to them. I am more spiritual than religious, but when I was younger I was as devout as they were, except I was raised Catholic.

Insulting people because they don't believe what you do......how gauche.

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Well then why don;t you go become one of the many wives of one of them fuckers? Which night will you get lucky? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday? Get in line for old sixty something hubby to pound you with his shriveled up dick!

You are aware that the mainstream Mormon church is not the same as fundamentalist sects that still practice polygamy, right? You are also aware that the mainstream Mormon church outlawed polygamy, right? You are also aware that you are lumping extremists in the Mormon church in with everyone else the same as you do with Muslims, right? My cousins have one spouse, as that's all the want and are legally allowed to have. They don't live in a compound out in Colorado somewhere. My cousins were all in their 20s when they married, no one was raped or forced or sold off as child brides. My aunt and uncle have been married TO EACH OTHER ONLY for over 40 years. Your knowledge of the subject you're ranting about is as small as your pecker.

Do some research, you intolerant fuckwit.

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I love how you ignored everything else I said because you know I'm right and you were talking out of your ass.

Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys, for I no longer have use for you. Enjoy talking to yourself from now on.

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He could pray nightly to a toaster for all I care. Lincoln and Jefferson were basically atheists and they're on Mount Rushmore. Religion has no bearing on one's ability to do the job. However in this country right now, I am firmly convinced people would rather a murderer or bank robber in the White House than a Muslim. And that's just so sad on so many levels. It's irrational fear and paranoia that drives it, and for the people who make up the electorate to even entertain garbage notions like that, scares me. There are people in this country who feel that if a Muslim is elected President, we'll suddenly become Iran.

Barack Obama is not a Muslim. End of. But if he were, it wouldn't make a difference or change anything in my eyes, as his policies and opinions and ideas are what is making me vote for him, not what God he prays to and when he prays and what language he prays in.

Here Here

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Wait !!

You and Hermit have been SO SURE that P51 is Rick. I've been reading.

I especially laugh at Hermit and Hickory Man, but they wouldn't admit their mistake I bet ! :lol:

Or all those who thought scs and Pop Rocks were someone else...It's hilarious ! :D

I admit scs and P51 are the same person. I admit that Rick always seemed to have a liberal bend, and P51 is obviously far right... I also don't put it past anyone to change tack in order to keep doing what they're here for, to keep pushing buttons.

I admit I've put far too much thought into the lives of two of the most blatant all time losers ever known to man.

And funny it isn't.....pathetic is far more fitting Joel.

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That's Joel? Well, considering how buddy-buddy he and Summerbreeze suddenly became last night, that would make almost perfect sense. I'm waiting for the inevitable "haha mods you can't stop us" threads full of all the tasty goodness we've come to expect from them.

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*Obama Savors Some Very Special Pork*

April 2, 2008


He [Obama] moved down the street to Di Bruno Bros., a slightly swankier and trendier meat and cheese shop. He sampled the asiago and the Birchrun Blue, a new farmhouse blue made in Chester Springs. "That's good stuff. What else you got for me?" Obama said.

Ezekial Ferguson, one of the workers and a self-described big Obama fan, held out a slice of pata negra, a fancy Spanish ham, explaining that it had only recently been legalized in the United States. "What do you mean just legalized? It's so good it's like a drug or something?" said Obama. "Pretty much, yeah, just wait," said Ferguson.

He explained that the ham came from a type of black-hoofed Iberico wild pig that wanders around eating acorns, "which turn into delicious fat in its muscle tissue, and also make it really healthy for you." That drew a chuckle from the reporters Obama had brought along. "All I know is it tastes good," said Obama. "That was delicious."

"Muslims do not eat pork because it is Haraam to eat the meat of the swine which is believed to not be clean. That which is permissible is termed Halaal, but that which is not permissible is termed Haraam. It is the Qu'ran which draws the distinction between these two, and the meat of the pig is Haraam. " [*source*]


I never said I truly believed he was Muslim, (I never cared if he was a Muslim or not, so I can’t ell you either way) the point is Hermit pointed to the church to disprove one thing, but at the same time says the church doesn't matter with another.

Actually, Pb,.. what I pointed out was that Obama's religious life over the past 20+ years has been DIRECTLY CONTRARY to what Muslims believe in.. would be considered ENTIRELY HERETICAL by Muslims.. and therefore necessarily PRECLUDES him from being a Muslim.

And if Obama has.. as our buddy P-rick-51 seems to think he has.. merely been "pretending to be a Christian" over the past 20+ years while he's actually been a Muslim, then I wonder if P-rick-51 can tell us where and how it is that he thinks Obama has.. during that 20+ years.. been doing that religious practice which is required of Muslims: Salah [praying five times a day.. at specific times.. while facing in the direction of Mecca].. you know, and never having been noticed doing so?


The point being: Obama is not a Muslim, and it's asinine to think he is.

Capisca? ;)


KB(asks are we on topic?.. is oil still $144/barrel? :huh:)

Answers: yes, we are now (thanks to your question), and.. no, it's not. ;)

Oil $144/barrel --> Osama's mission accomplished --> Osama is a Muslim --> Obama is

not a Muslim --> Muslims don't eat pork --> pork barrel --> price of oil today: $128/barrel.

See?.. we're back on topic! ..for the moment, anyway. :D


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I never said I truly believed he was Muslim, (I never cared if he was a Muslim or not, so I can’t ell you either way) the point is Hermit pointed to the church to disprove one thing, but at the same time says the church doesn't matter with another.

Now I would bring up the point, that I would not know how the world would perceived us if we had a Black Muslim man running our country (if he was a true Muslim). Now all the liberal cry that the world hates us for bush, do you think they will still hate us if we had a Black Muslim man running? America is not the only place on this world that racism exists.

Now is this a reason not to vote for him, it depends, it's not one of my main reasons. But you have to ask yourself, will President Barrack Hussein Obama will be given the same respect as every other major leader in the world.

Thats assuming the rest of the world thinks he's a Muslim/cares if he's a Muslim. Right now, I doubt the rest of the world gives a rats ass about us to care about who's running the government so long as Bush isn't in for a third term. Plus, I don't think the rest of the world would honestly care that he might be a Muslim or something.

THe main thing is however, that he isn't a Muslim, and I'm sure most people see that

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That's Joel? Well, considering how buddy-buddy he and Summerbreeze suddenly became last night, that would make almost perfect sense. I'm waiting for the inevitable "haha mods you can't stop us" threads full of all the tasty goodness we've come to expect from them.

Yep. Considering that I have a basset hound, I kinda resent the username, misspelling and all. My dog is an old sweet, lovable doofus. Oh well, I'm sure it's just one of those random coincidences. After awhile, one can start running out of interesting usernames. Next time, perhaps one of them will call himself Smegma.

It'll be a few hours, maybe even a day or so before we get 'the threads' you mentioned as well as the pissed off rants calling folks out on their "hypocracy" [sic]. Oops, almost forgot, then there will be a contrite thread or post from Rick stating he's sick and he's sorry, and it's nothing personal... as if that just magically cancels out some of the really nasty things he slings at people. I guess some folks are afraid we'll forget how assclownish they are and therefore feel the need to prove it repeatedly.

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Why are you so sure he is the right answer? What if you are wrong? Have you ever considered that he may be a lier? That maybe there is some truth to the church stuff and everything that your buddy Planet 51 and PB have been saying?

I really don't think Obama is going to be worse than Bush...

I find all this "oooh Obama might ruin the country" talk hilarious, because let's be honest, Bush has already done that...

And another thing that is so hilarious is that the majority of Americans would rather elect an inept and incompetent President simply because he's obstinate!!

Kinda defeats the whole purpose of democracy doesn't it? A President who's only virtue is his obstinacy...

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Thats assuming the rest of the world thinks he's a Muslim/cares if he's a Muslim. Right now, I doubt the rest of the world gives a rats ass about us to care about who's running the government so long as Bush isn't in for a third term. Plus, I don't think the rest of the world would honestly care that he might be a Muslim or something.

The main thing is however, that he isn't a Muslim, and I'm sure most people see that

Good answer. we actully have a true discusson about obamas race and religion.

Now, as i see it, Don't you think as much as the rest of the leaders of the world as you would think dislikes bush, they may enjoy him. He is the one who is taking a strong action againt terroism. They may not have to agree with it, but they know that us fucking around in the middle east will only help them. Wouldn't one of the biggest markerts now open up in iraq a good thing for any leader of the world, along with the oil if we ever get things pumping. If the tailban main focus is the USA, im sure they enjoy that. Am i saying thats a good thing for us, no, but it may be good for them. Pres. Bush is for free trade as any good leader would like too. Obama not so much.

Im not saying it, but what we percive to be fuckups by Pres. Bush, may only be good things to other countries. So saying the rest of the world wants bush out, may not be true. Remeber, it's our lives, and our money that is in Iraq. and if Obama is the next POTUS, he will make sure as mccain will too, that iraq will be a democratic, free trade nation in the future. Which helps everybody.

still the question remains, will the leaders of the world care if Obama is black or not. They may not personaly, but the voters or people behide them could be.

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Good answer. we actully have a true discusson about obamas race and religion.

Now, as i see it, Don't you think as much as the rest of the leaders of the world as you would think dislikes bush, they may enjoy him. He is the one who is taking a strong action againt terroism. They may not have to agree with it, but they know that us fucking around in the middle east will only help them. Wouldn't one of the biggest markerts now open up in iraq a good thing for any leader of the world, along with the oil if we ever get things pumping. If the tailban main focus is the USA, im sure they enjoy that. Am i saying thats a good thing for us, no, but it may be good for them. Pres. Bush is for free trade as any good leader would like too. Obama not so much.

Im not saying it, but what we percive to be fuckups by Pres. Bush, may only be good things to other countries. So saying the rest of the world wants bush out, may not be true. Remeber, it's our lives, and our money that is in Iraq. and if Obama is the next POTUS, he will make sure as mccain will too, that iraq will be a democratic, free trade nation in the future. Which helps everybody.

still the question remains, will the leaders of the world care if Obama is black or not. They may not personaly, but the voters or people behide them could be.

Those are good points, but I just don't think it's a coincidence that the rest of the worlds view of America is declining and Bush has been in office for the last 8 years.

But yeah, maybe foreign leaders like how he takes the pressure off them. But I think they'd rather have someone with similar politics as them so that they could (in their minds) help make the world a better place with their own policies.

Anywho, I don't honestly care what people think of my President, because I've laughed at their leaders at least once in my day too ;)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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  • 2 weeks later...
Only a matter of time before BO switches his position on offshore drilling imo:

Most Americans support more U.S. oil drilling: poll


Some 59.6 percent of Americans surveyed in the poll released on Wednesday said they would favor government efforts to boost domestic drilling and refinery construction to cool record prices.

What a no-brainer this was..

Obama Shows New Openness to Offshore Oil Drilling

The candidate says he would consider lifting the moratorium to help Congress pass energy bill



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Is that George "Keep Drilling" Bush.. or John "Keep Drilling" McCain? :unsure:

"..the fact is that I have agreed with President Bush far more than I have disagreed. And on the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day, I've been totally in agreement and support of President Bush. ..I strongly disagree with any assertion that I've been more at odds with the president of the United States than I have been in agreement with him."

-John McCain, Meet The Press, June 2005


This thread title should be changed to....."Oil Now $116 a Barrel."

It could be changed to.....

"Oil Now $116 a Barrel (so why am I still paying $4.39/gallon at the pump?)"


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