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I ask all of you, my fellow die hard hard core Zepp fanatics this ridiculous question. Believe it or not, it almost happened. I remember the discussions and the talk of drug testing in Rock n' Roll, SHOULD THERE BE DRUG TESTING IN ROCK N' ROLL? I know I know, you are all thinking that if there was drug testing in Rock n' Roll, there would be no bands at all. YOU'RE RIGHT, THERE WOULDN'T. I want to know your opinions and thoughts on this subject. Please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

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I ask all of you, my fellow die hard hard core Zepp fanatics this ridiculous question. Believe it or not, it almost happened. I remember the discussions and the talk of drug testing in Rock n' Roll, SHOULD THERE BE DRUG TESTING IN ROCK N' ROLL? I know I know, you are all thinking that if there was drug testing in Rock n' Roll, there would be no bands at all. YOU'RE RIGHT, THERE WOULDN'T. I want to know your opinions and thoughts on this subject. Please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

A little more background on that statement please?

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I ask all of you, my fellow die hard hard core Zepp fanatics this ridiculous question. Believe it or not, it almost happened. I remember the discussions and the talk of drug testing in Rock n' Roll, SHOULD THERE BE DRUG TESTING IN ROCK N' ROLL? I know I know, you are all thinking that if there was drug testing in Rock n' Roll, there would be no bands at all. YOU'RE RIGHT, THERE WOULDN'T. I want to know your opinions and thoughts on this subject. Please enlighten me. ROCK ON!

WTF? Yes, Roger Goodell will resign from the NFL to become the new Commissioner of Rock and Roll. His first interview will be with EVH.

RG..Mr. Van Halen, you have violated the terms of our substance abuse policy for the 4th time and i am left with no choice but to ban you for life from R&R.

EVH..Please, sir...don't. I promise to be good and never imbide in the flake again. I have turned my life over to God and will do Christian versions of Hot For Teacher and Ice Cream Man if you just give me another chance....

RG...Fine, fine. You may apply for reinstatement in 2 years time. This meeting is over. Your tour has been suspended.

Is this the scenario we're looking at here?

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Who is going to be the authority to test this? And on behalf of whom will the testing be done?

If i was a rock star i would want to drug test my drivers and the guys who handle my equipment. Other than that, of course not.

Rock Stars on tour usually have very little to do with the crew, aside from their personal instrument technician. There are people called Production Managers, Road Managers and Tour Managers whose job it is to hire, fire and manage the road crew.

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Who is going to be the authority to test this? And on behalf of whom will the testing be done?

Rock Stars on tour usually have very little to do with the crew, aside from their personal instrument technician. There are people called Production Managers, Road Managers and Tour Managers whose job it is to hire, fire and manage the road crew.

Ok, since the poster of this sensationalistic question has yet to qualify this question with any details.....

Only on the biggest, and I mean the biggest tours, would the band not know the road crew.

I've played small clubs, to theaters, to the Warped tour outdoor festival dates, and we hired the road managers, drivers, and crew. Fired one or two road managers as well.... hey, you have to live with these people on a bus! B)

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Or "Yellow Submarine," "Boris the Spider, " "White Rabbit..."


Pictures of Matchstick Men

Hurdy Gurdy Man

Tomorrow Never Know's

Can't find My Way Home

Are You Experienced?

The list goes on and on...

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Ok, since the poster of this sensationalistic question has yet to qualify this question with any details.....

Only on the biggest, and I mean the biggest tours, would the band not know the road crew.

I've played small clubs, to theaters, to the Warped tour outdoor festival dates, and we hired the road managers, drivers, and crew. Fired one or two road managers as well.... hey, you have to live with these people on a bus! B)

Hmmm...define 'Rock Star' as opposed to 'Rock Star Wannabe"

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I believe in the late 80s, Aerosmith's management put them under the care of a therapist who travelled with the band to keep them clean. They would be docked wages if they tested dirty if I recall. But that's an isolated and personal situation between a band and its management.

Otherwise the premise is ridiculous.

Purple haze all in my brain...

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The premise is completely ridiculous.

I could see if it you were working for someone other than yourself.

I can see it if your manager thinks you all have a MAJOR problem, too. (As in you're in rehab..) BUT you're paying the manager to do things like that. :lol:

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I dont think anyone but a record company could legally keep them clean. Rock and Roll isnt like the NFL, its not a sponsored leauge, its a bunch of guys out having a good time (or it used to be, now its a buch of emo's talkin about how their daddy didnt buy them a Beamer or spanked them for being a bad boy) so, like someone said about Aerosmith. They were probably high playing shows and screwed up some ones hair or somethin. But bottom line, they cant give drug tests to Rock n Rollers.

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