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Del Zeppnile

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Good point, and what is the "black vote" anyway? 90% of 10% of the U.S. population? ;)

Obama isn't going to win, even with a weak canidate like McCain. Notice how Obama keeps on trying to shift himself to the middle now? Actually a mad dash to the middle at this point.


Yeah, I like his refine approach to Iraq. The guy who has been screaming for the last 6 years that we should not be there, the guy who was completly against the surge, which is now, with out a doubt winning the war, the guy who does not know the difference between a submarine and a sub sandwich, has the knowledge now and the military expertise to win this war now.

Now im glad he opened his fucking eyes and finally sees that, even though you may not want war, you might as well win it. Atleast we know he is not a complete idiot, but i do hate how for the last 6 years he cried war is bad, and the moveon.org, and dailykos scum got him nominated because of his stance on the war.

Now watch out, he is going towards the middle, and those may be his real stance on issues, but it doesn't matter, with the dems with almost a filabuster proof senate and a very large lead in the house, the dems are going to pull out every single liberal idea since 1965. You will see more overides than ever before.

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Obama isn't going to win, even with a weak canidate like McCain. Notice how Obama keeps on trying to shift himself to the middle now? Actually a mad dash to the middle at this point.


Barack Obama's flip-flopping his way to the presidency


He's switched position on a measure that would extend legal immunity to telecom companies that helped the government listen in on overseas phone calls in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. His support for the legislation has civil libertarians and the trial lawyers who stood to make millions through lawsuits tearing out their hair, but most Americans would approve of the actions of the phone companies at a time of grave national peril.

Obama approved of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the Second Amendment right to bear arms. He also disapproved of a high court decision striking down the death penalty in the case of the rape of a child. His comments put him foursquare in the camp of Justices Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito, to the horror of the far left.

The presumptive Democratic nominee sounded a lot like George W. Bush recently in supporting federal funding of faith-based programs.

As for Iraq, Obama has modified his call for the withdrawal of U.S. forces within 16 months of his taking office. He now says he may change his timetable for withdrawal, depending on the advice of commanders in the field. Given the improving military and political situation in Iraq since the surge, that makes sense, but it appalls the far left, which has demanded rapid withdrawal.

What next? Will Obama change his protectionist rhetoric and endorse the pending trade pact with Colombia? Will he alter his income tax and payroll tax increase proposals that, along with state income taxes, would give this country some of the highest marginal tax rates in the world?


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Hi all,

You guys are gonna be so pissed when we have a brother for a president. I can't wait.

Wait a second,Suz,are you saying that all 'you guys' are going to be pissed because he is black? :blink:


Next,I am not going to vote for him because of politics,period.Nor, McCain for the exact same reason,his politcs,period.

KB(I will choose free will)

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Hi all,

You guys = Republicans

Where on earth would you get anything racial from what she said?

Who said I was?Registered GDI since 1975,.....

Mmm,I don't know,amybe I misunderstood,the 'brother' in question is black,oui?

KB(going to the store for ya dear,...)

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Hi all,

Who said I was?Registered GDI since 1975,.....

Mmm,I don't know,amybe I misunderstood,the 'brother' in question is black,oui?

KB(going to the store for ya dear,...)

Oh geez.

You guys = Republicans

Brother = Obama

In other words, Republicans are going to be pissed when Obama is President. She was not saying that you would be pissed because he's black.

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Obama isn't going to win, even with a weak canidate like McCain. Notice how Obama keeps on trying to shift himself to the middle now? Actually a mad dash to the middle at this point.


McCain isn't going to win, even against a toward-the-middle moving Black candidate like Obama. Notice how more voters now consider old man McCain to be "too conservative"? ;)


Gallup polls

July 11, 2008, WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans are less likely now than they were during the primary season to see presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama as having political views that are "about right," while they are notably more likely to see McCain as "too conservative."


This shift appears to be worse for McCain than Obama, notably among independents, who are at once more likely than they were in February to see McCain's political views as "too conservative" and less likely to see his views as "about right."


*source: Gallup.com*


*McCain’s Age Seen as More of a Problem Than Obama’s Race*

PRINCETON, NJ -- Twenty-three percent of Americans say John McCain's age would make him a less effective president were he to win in November, while only 8% say Barack Obama's race would make him less effective.



Contrary to your self-assured (and self-soothing) "Obama aint gonna win" mantra,

Delberto,.. according to the Gallup polls, things are (still) looking good for Obama. B)

Like the Rev Jeremiah Wright non-issue issue isnt hurting Obama,

the Rev Jesse Jackson non-issue issue also isn't hurting Obama. ;)



Edited by Hermit_
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Since everyone's so glued to the poll #'s:

John McCain takes bite out of Barack Obama's poll lead



Saturday, July 12th 2008, 1:55 PM

People with a crush on Barack Obama aren't as numerous as they used to be.

Republican John McCain has pulled up into a statistical dead heat with Democrat Obama, according to a new Newsweek poll. Obama leads McCain 44% to 41%, compared with the cushy 15% advantage he held in the magazine's June survey.

More than half surveyed - 53% - now say Obama has changed his stance on key policy issues "to gain political advantage," while 32% say he has not. By comparison, McCain may be gaining ground. Among independents, McCain now leads Obama 41% to 34%. Last month with the same group, Obama was ahead 48% to 36%.


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Since everyone's so glued to the poll #'s:

John McCain takes bite out of Barack Obama's poll lead



Saturday, July 12th 2008, 1:55 PM

People with a crush on Barack Obama aren't as numerous as they used to be.

Republican John McCain has pulled up into a statistical dead heat with Democrat Obama, according to a new Newsweek poll. Obama leads McCain 44% to 41%, compared with the cushy 15% advantage he held in the magazine's June survey.

More than half surveyed - 53% - now say Obama has changed his stance on key policy issues "to gain political advantage," while 32% say he has not. By comparison, McCain may be gaining ground. Among independents, McCain now leads Obama 41% to 34%. Last month with the same group, Obama was ahead 48% to 36%.


Well, the Presidents job IS to satisfy his constituents.....I think that's better than the 'my way or the highway' manner in which Bush has taken during his term....

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Well, the Presidents job IS to satisfy his constituents.....I think that's better than the 'my way or the highway' manner in which Bush has taken during his term....


What civics class did you learn that in?

So you just want someone to lead the country by opinion polls?

Oh yeah, y'all had Clinton for that.

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What civics class did you learn that in?

So you just want someone to lead the country by opinion polls?

Oh yeah, y'all had Clinton for that.

I don't need a Civics class to know the President is supposed to represent the PEOPLE!!

If I remember correctly, when Clinton was in office my wallet was a little healthier and I didn't feel like we were the scourge of the global society....just sayin' IMHO

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Hi all,

I don't need a Civics class to know the President is supposed to represent the PEOPLE!!

Hi sugar plum! :D

Well,it is Congress, that is -suppose- to represent the people.It's the President's job to lead,not led,... ;)

KB(where is my wallet?)

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Hi all,

Hi sugar plum! :D

Well,it is Congress, that is -suppose- to represent the people.It's the President's job to lead,not led,... ;)

KB(where is my wallet?)

Thanks for the clarification KB :D So, back to that....do we think George Bush was a good leader? I don't. Do we think McCain will be a better leader than Obamma? I don't....doesn't make me right, it's just my opinion...which I will be taking to the voting boot with me. I CAN feel proud however to say I NEVER voted for that boob Bush....

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Thanks for the clarification KB :D So, back to that....do we think George Bush was a good leader? I don't. Do we think McCain will be a better leader than Obamma? I don't....doesn't make me right, it's just my opinion...which I will be taking to the voting boot with me. I CAN feel proud however to say I NEVER voted for that boob Bush....

Would be hard explaining voting for a "Boob in a Boot."

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Hi all,

Hi sweetart! :)

Thanks for the clarification KB :D So, back to that....do we think George Bush was a good leader? I don't. Do we think McCain will be a better leader than Obamma? I don't....doesn't make me right, it's just my opinion...which I will be taking to the voting boot with me. I CAN feel proud however to say I NEVER voted for that boob Bush....

No,I do not.Then again,a leader must take all the blame.For good or ill.Does anyone think Congress has done a good job?Well,have they?I think they are as befuddled as the rest of the goverment.They need a road map from point A,B,C,D and possible,...

Also,in current events,today or yester year,we are caught up in rage,hate,emotion,hard to see,...history will judge,....

KB(in 2012!!!)

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Hi all,

Hi sweetart! :)

No,I do not.Then again,a leader must take all the blame.For good or ill.Does anyone think Congress has done a good job?Well,have they?I think they are as befuddled as the rest of the goverment.They need a road map from point A,B,C,D and possible,...

Also,in current events,today or yester year,we are caught up in rage,hate,emotion,hard to see,...history will judge,....

KB(in 2012!!!)

Yer right of course KB, George isn't single handedly responsible for our situation. The entire administration has contributed to the current troubles.

Ahahahha! Boob in a boot...we'll just as good there as in a booth I guess, I just can't wait to see 'the boob' get 'the boot' :)

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Yer right of course KB, George isn't single handedly responsible for our situation. The entire administration has contributed to the current troubles.

Ahahahha! Boob in a boot...we'll just as good there as in a booth I guess, I just can't wait to see 'the boob' get 'the boot' :)

Actually I don't think he can serve more than 2 terms, it's a law :blink:

You must be referring to Nixon. He was almost impeached.

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Actually I don't think he can serve more than 2 terms, it's a law :blink:

You must be referring to Nixon. He was almost impeached.

Relax Speedo, I didn't mean it literally. Point is, he'll be gone in November. But are you saying you think he'd win a third term? Now that's interesting...I give the American people more credit than that but...I was wrong before! Go figure.... B)

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Relax Speedo, I didn't mean it literally. Point is, he'll be gone in November. But are you saying you think he'd win a third term? Now that's interesting...I give the American people more credit than that but...I was wrong before! Go figure.... B)

You being wrong doesn't seem to bother me :blink:

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Hi all,

Yer right of course KB, George isn't single handedly responsible for our situation. The entire administration has contributed to the current troubles.

Ah,ye missed it ,ye did,Congress had no roll to play?It did, sweet thing,it did.Nipped it in the bud,they could,did they?Knot!Coulda,shoulda,didn't.Asked for the time und money,gave it right out they did.They all in the gutter,aye,they are,...see?


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Hi all,

Ah,ye missed it ,ye did,Congress had no roll to play?It did, sweet thing,it did.Nipped it in the bud,they could,did they?Knot!Coulda,shoulda,didn't.Asked for the time und money,gave it right out they did.They all in the gutter,aye,they are,...see?


No honey, I didn't miss it, I just mispoke, I was lumping congress in with 'administration' and technically you are correct, congress isn't considered part of the administration. However, during the majority of Bush's career congress have had a republican majority and I don't think that helped matters...there wasn't a proper balance...

Sorry to be unclear KB, I'm obviously not an eloquent political debater :huh:

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Hi all,

No honey, I didn't miss it, I just mispoke, I was lumping congress in with 'administration' and technically you are correct, congress isn't considered part of the administration. However, during the majority of Bush's career congress have had a republican majority and I don't think that helped matters...there wasn't a proper balance...

Sorry to be unclear KB, I'm obviously not an eloquent political debater :huh:

Now,you can call me honey,but not let for dinner,...wait,I'm the cook! :P

Your eloguent.That is true,...

KB(no tangent tonight!)

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Relax Speedo, I didn't mean it literally. Point is, he'll be gone in November. But are you saying you think he'd win a third term? Now that's interesting...I give the American people more credit than that but...I was wrong before! Go figure.... B)

The answer to your question is in the last election. Democrats pretty much complained their way out of that win if I recall correctly.

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