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Del Zeppnile

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Oh, I see...............so if it comes out that McCain belonged to a church for over 20 years that was run by someone so anti American, and talks so racist, and reffered to him as a friend as close as a family member you will all give him a pass on it? If the shoe were on the other foot, McCain would have been forced to drop out of the running by now. But it does not surprise me, Obama is allowed to flip flop on everything, even the fact that one of his best friends is so anti American and spews racist remarks.

I have to say here that even though I will be voting for Obama that is still an unanswered concern for me. The rants and raves of the Rev. are downright scary. I'm thinking he is one of those people that are highly passionate and exagerate to get a point across. Obama himself does not exhibit those beliefs or personality traits. I get really good vibes about Obamas intentions. I might not agree with every point he makes but show me just 2 people that agree on ever single topic in the world....good luck finding them! Everyone is unique in their opinions and approach. I think Obama will be a breath of fresh air that this country needs. I really don't think he's going to lead us to destruction...I do, however, think if we stay the current path it will only have negative impact.

IMHO of course and submitted as such :)

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Apparently no one cares in a thread about the "Rev." Jesse Jackson's comments about Obama, and the "Rev." dropping the N-bomb.

And this after calling for everyone (incl. black "Reverends") to stop using the word just a couple years ago.

If only his followers could see he doesn't believe a single word the he spews and he's simply preying on their fears and getting a free meal ticket in the meantime.


as anyone from chicago will tell you...we don't really take anything he says seriously...he's kinda like our own little hometown paris hilton...does/says embarassing things and everyone forgets about him until the media shoves him in our face again...

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as anyone from chicago will tell you...we don't really take anything he says seriously...he's kinda like our own little hometown paris hilton...does/says embarassing things and everyone forgets about him until the media shoves him in our face again...

That would be me, and I agree. He's a joke.

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So, because he has been a personal friend of Obama's, we are to sluff it off as a joke. If McCain had a friend like this it would be a very different story.

Sure is nice to see Ol' kermit yawning instead of his usual half page post's pasted directly from the Obama camp.

face it, the repulican party has screwed the country up so much that a minority has a very good shot to go to the white house-talk about just rewards!

i'm gonna love it when november comes and you have to eat yours....

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So, because he has been a personal friend of Obama's, we are to sluff it off as a joke.

nooo...we sluff him off as a joke because he IS jesse jackson!!! what hole have you been shored up in??? everybody knows he is a media pig that fox news brought to the trough and you are swallowing it hook, line and sinker...

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Typical of you Ol Kermit, anything you dissagree with or do not have a answer for gets a "Yawn". But it is kind of nice, not to get one of your full page diatribes pasted from the Obama web site for a change. Now, those are the real Yawn'ers........................

First of all, numbnuts,.. I have posted from the Obama website only a very few number of times. I get my information from a variety of sources. Your broken record schtick of mistruths is a joke.. that falls falt everytime. When was the last time.. if ever.. that you contributed something thoughtful or insightful to the political dbate around here? I'm not sure you ever have, and if you have I sure don't remember it. Seriously. No joke.

Secondly, P-diddle,.. it's not my fault that you have the attention span of a gnat and the mental depth of an amoeba, and as such lack the wherewithal to read a thoughtful, substantive argument being made in the course of a discussion. You're a self-deluded, one-trick sound-bite pony, and that one trick is shallow and utterly devoid any substance or merit. You have yet to respond to any "other person's opinion" with anything even remotely resembling a worthwhile counter-argument. You're kinda like McCain in that way, ya know? :P

Thirdly.. it's not "anything disagree with or do not have a answer for" that gets a yawn.. it's your obsession with Rev Wright and your broken-record assertion that Barack Obama's "friends" are "anti-American" that gets a yawn from me. Borrrrring. :coffee::rolleyes:

Finally,.. all through the primaries you insisted that there was no way in hell that Obaam weas going to beat Hillary Clionton.. the candidate you insisted to the very had "a statistical good chance of winning the primaries" [:lol:<a href=http://homepage.mac.com/joediver/.Public/emotiocns/slapface.gif[/imf]]. Now that Obaam has dispatched with your girl hillary, you now claim (with the same self-deluded zealotry you had for Clinton) that there's no way in hell that Obama will beat McCain. You were wrong in the primaries, and you are going to be just as wrong in the general election, muh-boy. :PB)

Flip-flops.. anti-American friends.. continue to say whatever you want about Obama, P-diddle.. the fact of the matter is that McCain is an old man who can hardly remeber his own name let alone be an effective leader of the free world, and Barcak Obama is yung, fresh, inspiring, and intelligent; he's leading the way and McBush is following behind as best he kind, which isnt good enough to win. Mccain will always be following behind Obama because he's the lesser candidate and Obama is the greater candidate. Get ready doofus.. pretty soon you, me, and the rest of the world will adressing Barack Obama as "President Obama". :thumbsup:

Maybe you should give up on Mccain and resume to fight to get Hillary nominated,.. eh Rick? %7Boption%7Dhttp://homepage.mac.com/joediver/.Public/emoticons/doofus.gif' alt='doofus.gif'>




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Thirdly.. it's not "anything disagree with or do not have a answer for" that gets a yawn.. it's your obsession with Rev Wright and your broken-record assertion that Barack Obama's "friends" are "anti-American" that gets a yawn from me. Borrrrring. :coffee::rolleyes:

But they are anti-American. I mean just look at how this asshole Obama and his pissed off wife sat in that anti-American church for twenty years. Talk about a lack of good judgement. And then Obama's wife admits that she if finally proud to be an American.


I did get a laugh though when I read the other day that Obama's plan to make a campaign speech at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin was pretty much poo-poed by the German people. I mean what the fuck was Obama thinking that he should make a speech there? This is the place where two American Presidents made historic speeches. First JFK when he pledged to stand firm in Germany and even go to war against the Soviets if required. And then finally Reagan when he made the "Mr. Gorbachav, tear down this wall!" speech.

How vain is this Obama fool to think that he rates making a speech there! I'll bet the German people think he must be some sort of complete asshat. Obama making a speech at the Brandenburg gate would be like a European politician running for office announcing to Americans that he wanted to make a publicity speech at our statue of liberty. What has Obama done to earn the distinction of making a speech at any historic foreign site?

This just underscores how idotic this man is. What an embarassment to himself and his supporters.

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But they are anti-American. I mean just look at how this asshole Obama and his pissed off wife sat in that anti-American church for twenty years. Talk about a lack of good judgement. And then Obama's wife admits that she if finally proud to be an American.


I did get a laugh though when I read the other day that Obama's plan to make a campaign speech at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin was pretty much poo-poed by the German people. I mean what the fuck was Obama thinking that he should make a speech there? This is the place where two American Presidents made historic speeches. First JFK when he pledged to stand firm in Germany and even go to war against the Soviets if required. And then finally Reagan when he made the "Mr. Gorbachav, tear down this wall!" speech.

How vain is this Obama fool to think that he rates making a speech there! I'll bet the German people think he must be some sort of complete asshat. Obama making a speech at the Brandenburg gate would be like a European politician running for office announcing to Americans that he wanted to make a publicity speech at our statue of liberty. What has Obama done to earn the distinction of making a speech at any historic foreign site?

This just underscores how idotic this man is. What an embarassment to himself and his supporters.

I agree. Rather insulting. Certainly not one of his smarter moves

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Stop trying to look for some liberal left-wing conspiracy out of this.

All of us have people in our families or people we've known for many many years maybe they've been friends of the family for 30 or 40 years, and sometimes they say stupid or silly things that you don't agree with and you say to yourself "Geez, Aunty Joan's getting a bit funny in her old age sometimes..." you know but you don't say anything, you just carry on being polite

You're trying to do the whole "guilty by association' thing which is crap, because we've all been there, we've all had friends of family members who have said things or have opinions that we don't agree with but we don't sever our ties right there and then.

Obama has gone to this church for however many years, he's probably built up a good friendship and rapport with this Pastor, maybe this pastor has really helped him out in the past, and maybe Obama is thinking "well okay I don't agree with him, but I'm not going dump him after 20 years just because I'm running for office".

The difference here is that whether it was Obama or McCain, they are running for the position of most powerful person on the planet

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But they are anti-American. I mean just look at how this asshole Obama and his pissed off wife sat in that anti-American church for twenty years. Talk about a lack of good judgement. And then Obama's wife admits that she if finally proud to be an American.


I did get a laugh though when I read the other day that Obama's plan to make a campaign speech at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin was pretty much poo-poed by the German people. I mean what the fuck was Obama thinking that he should make a speech there? This is the place where two American Presidents made historic speeches. First JFK when he pledged to stand firm in Germany and even go to war against the Soviets if required. And then finally Reagan when he made the "Mr. Gorbachav, tear down this wall!" speech.

How vain is this Obama fool to think that he rates making a speech there! I'll bet the German people think he must be some sort of complete asshat. Obama making a speech at the Brandenburg gate would be like a European politician running for office announcing to Americans that he wanted to make a publicity speech at our statue of liberty. What has Obama done to earn the distinction of making a speech at any historic foreign site?

This just underscores how idotic this man is. What an embarassment to himself and his supporters.

Why don't we wait until we hear what he has to say before we pass judgement on this call...I find him to be a very inspirational speaker and am looking forward to this.

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Once again, Obama putting his foot in his mouth. It will be a real joke when he speaks to our troops in Iraq. To bad they will not be allowed to do what they would want to, and boo him. But Katie Koric (and I could care less if I spelled her name wrong) will be there to coach Obama along and twist and turn things for him like she always does.


Smart move. Attack Katie because she's a reporter covering Obama?

Pretty lame. FYI, it's C.O.U.R.I.C

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Why don't we wait until we hear what he has to say before we pass judgement on this call...I find him to be a very inspirational speaker and am looking forward to this.

It's not what he has to say.

It's the historical significance of the site.

Bush 41 PASSED on the opportunity to speak there based on the gravity of the location.

And he presided as VP during that time.

So at least he has a personal connection.

But he knew he wasn't as active a participant and thought it would be presumptuous and probably a little pompous to use that location.

Not so with B.O. - it's all about HIM and what makes HIM look good.

He further reveals his lack of understanding of history as well as the lack of characteristics that make up a true leader - respect and deference to things that are "bigger than all of us."

Not B.O. - he thinks HE'S bigger than all of us.

Stop taking all your own hype so seriously, B.O.

GWB presided admirably and with character over the 9/11 disaster.

Yet he was often later derided for any reference to 9/11, that he was exploiting it.

Yet B.O. wants the Brandenburg Gate for his own "mission accomplished" banner.

Nothing like powerful historic images as a backdrop to enhance your image as a relevant and legitimate potential world leader.

Self-serving ego-driven opportunist is much more accurate.

I love all the books he's written.


"B.O. on B.O. - the real story"

"B.O. - Me, Myself and I"

"More B.O. - I'm such a richly interesting character"

Thanks, but that's more B.O. than I can stand.

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It's not what he has to say.

It's the historical significance of the site.

Bush 41 PASSED on the opportunity to speak there based on the gravity of the location.

And he presided as VP during that time.

So at least he has a personal connection.

But he knew he wasn't as active a participant and thought it would be presumptuous and probably a little pompous to use that location.

Not so with B.O. - it's all about HIM and what makes HIM look good.

He further reveals his lack of understanding of history as well as the lack of characteristics that make up a true leader - respect and deference to things that are "bigger than all of us."

Not B.O. - he thinks HE'S bigger than all of us.

Stop taking all your own hype so seriously, B.O.

GWB presided admirably and with character over the 9/11 disaster.

Yet he was often later derided for any reference to 9/11, that he was exploiting it.

Yet B.O. wants the Brandenburg Gate for his own "mission accomplished" banner.

Nothing like powerful historic images as a backdrop to enhance your image as a relevant and legitimate potential world leader.

Self-serving ego-driven opportunist is much more accurate.

I love all the books he's written.


"B.O. on B.O. - the real story"

"B.O. - Me, Myself and I"

"More B.O. - I'm such a richly interesting character"

Thanks, but that's more B.O. than I can stand.

Me thinks you just better start getting used to it. The tables are turning....

I'm quite excited he is viewing his candidacy and vision as historically significant...and I believe it is. History will tell...your snap judgements are concerning....it's also rather alarming to me that WHAT he has to say is LESS significant to you than WHERE he says it...YIKES!!!

Personally, I think he should gather everyone at Stonehenge :lol:

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Anyone who really thinks Obama is "anti-America".. you know,

as opposed to simply repeating that silly republican talking point

for the campaign rhetoric fun of it.. is plainly and simply a total idiot.


Obama is not Anti-American.

He flip-flopped on that one too.

He is Pro-American now.


Not so much.

but he is not pandering like McCain is right?

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It's not what he has to say.

It's the historical significance of the site.

Bush 41 PASSED on the opportunity to speak there based on the gravity of the location.

And he presided as VP during that time.

So at least he has a personal connection.

But he knew he wasn't as active a participant and thought it would be presumptuous and probably a little pompous to use that location.

Not so with B.O. - it's all about HIM and what makes HIM look good.

He further reveals his lack of understanding of history as well as the lack of characteristics that make up a true leader - respect and deference to things that are "bigger than all of us."

Not B.O. - he thinks HE'S bigger than all of us.

Stop taking all your own hype so seriously, B.O.

GWB presided admirably and with character over the 9/11 disaster.

Yet he was often later derided for any reference to 9/11, that he was exploiting it.

Yet B.O. wants the Brandenburg Gate for his own "mission accomplished" banner.

Nothing like powerful historic images as a backdrop to enhance your image as a relevant and legitimate potential world leader.

Self-serving ego-driven opportunist is much more accurate.

I love all the books he's written.


"B.O. on B.O. - the real story"

"B.O. - Me, Myself and I"

"More B.O. - I'm such a richly interesting character"

Thanks, but that's more B.O. than I can stand.

The more Obama talks, the more he reveals himself, the more he comes off looking like a complete goofball. Just exactly what thought process is involved where he would believe that making a "campaign speech" of all things at a place of that historical significance? Especially when Obama has NO HISTORICAL connection to that site. He just set himself up to be slapped down.

Just like Jesse Jackson and Rev. Wright, Obama is only used to preaching to the choir. Once he ventures out into the real world he comes off like just another typical 'affirmative action type' canidate.

And how about the guts of McCain going to the NAACP to give a speech? Obama doesn't have even half of McCain's spine when it comes to facing detractors head on. Why do you think Obama is in complete FEAR of having town hall style debates with McCain?

Obama the new Jesse Jackson.

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The more Obama talks, the more he reveals himself, the more he comes off looking like a complete goofball. Just exactly what thought process is involved where he would believe that making a "campaign speech" of all things at a place of that historical significance? Especially when Obama has NO HISTORICAL connection to that site. He just set himself up to be slapped down.

Just like Jesse Jackson and Rev. Wright, Obama is only used to preaching to the choir. Once he ventures out into the real world he comes off like just another typical 'affirmative action type' canidate.

And how about the guts of McCain going to the NAACP to give a speech? Obama doesn't have even half of McCain's spine when it comes to facing detractors head on. Why do you think Obama is in complete FEAR of having town hall style debates with McCain?

Obama the new Jesse Jackson.

Del, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. I just have to wonder about what resources you utilize to form your opinion.....seems pretty sketchy to me...

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The more Obama talks, the more he reveals himself, the more he comes off looking like a complete goofball.

The Visible Man & Woman!

X-Ray specs not required!


And how about the guts of McCain going to the NAACP to give a speech? Obama doesn't have even half of McCain's spine when it comes to facing detractors head on. Why do you think Obama is in complete FEAR of having town hall style debates with McCain?

It might take 'guts' for McCain to pander to La Raza and the NAACP but who the hell is he kidding?? It would be like Simon Wiesenthal asking Hitler to vote for him as mayor of Krakow. I think his time in the Hanoi Hilton has made him delusional.

Obama the new Jesse Jackson.

Nuff said!


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Del, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. I just have to wonder about what resources you utilize to form your opinion.....seems pretty sketchy to me...

Are you suggesting that I made up the story of Obama's plan to give a speech at the Brandenburg gate was made up by me? The story was all over the news this week. Do a search of the story online, it's not that hard.

It might take 'guts' for McCain to pander to La Raza and the NAACP but who the hell is he kidding?? It would be like Simon Wiesenthal asking Hitler to vote for him as mayor of Krakow. I think his time in the Hanoi Hilton has made him delusional.

Nuff said!


I don't think McCain expects to get much of any support from black voters. But at least he went and spoke with them about himself and his postitions. If he hadn't gone, the same people who aren't going to vote for him under any circumstances anyway, would be hypocritically complaining that he never took the effort to show up. This is ALWAYS the same little song and dance they do, and why GW Bush eventually stopped even bothering to show up at the NAACP convention.

McCain was wise to steal the thunder from the NAACP detractors by not giving them an excuse to critisize him for not showing up. And to McCain's credit, it contrasts him as being a "straight talker" and not a "sweet talker" like Obama.

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McCain was wise to steal the thunder from the NAACP detractors by not giving them an excuse to critisize him for not showing up. And to McCain's credit, it contrasts him as being a "straight talker" and not a "sweet talker" like Obama.

Good point. I think O'Hussein is gonna lose big time.


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The more Obama talks, the more he reveals himself, the more he comes off looking like a complete goofball.

Yeah,.. Obama's looking like a real goofball.

You know,.. what with the Iraqi PM today expressing his

support for Obama's troop exit plan and all,.. huh Del? :whistling:



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I think McCain has a shot with the Latin vote. He won't win, but can be close.

He is the friendliest G.O.P.er for immigration.

And I can tell you from experience, most Mexicans dislike black people (they hate everbody really).

I know the leadership of the Latin voters want obama, but that’s because they know where their bread is buttered.

Obama is a goofball who don't know shit. Look at the pics from his war tour. He is wearing a black shirt in the fucking desert. Every single black person in chicago wears a brand new white t-shirt in the summer and the one who wears black is the smart one?

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