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what are your best money saving tips? im a single mum, working fulltime. after i pay the rent, my car payment, petrol, food and utilities, there is diiddly squat left over. so what are your tips?

First of all, do you get child support? If not, take the necessary steps. Secondly, look for any social services that may be available. You may be suprised at what's out there. I got help from the county paying for daycare when my daughter was younger. I don't know about Australia, but here the public libraries are a good source of info for local resources. There are programs that are free or sliding fee, to help single parents with any number of issues. Job training, affordable housing, etc, etc. I also went to the workforce center and got some free career advice and direction.

Other than that, the usual: conserving energy, buying things on sale or with coupons. Hell, I still tear my fabric softener sheets in two and only use 1/2 per load. My daughter and I also shop at the thrift store a lot. She's a teenager, and (fortunately) has eclectic tastes, so she loves it! I just like it 'cause it's cheap. We also like the dollar store (everything is a dollar). I get a lot of household stuff there, like lotion, shampoo, aspirin, boxed or canned food. I only get produce and meat at the regular grocery store.

I had to work two jobs for awhile, and that was hard. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?

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First of all, do you get child support? If not, take the necessary steps. Secondly, look for any social services that may be available. You may be suprised at what's out there. I got help from the county paying for daycare when my daughter was younger. I don't know about Australia, but here the public libraries are a good source of info for local resources. There are programs that are free or sliding fee, to help single parents with any number of issues. Job training, affordable housing, etc, etc. I also went to the workforce center and got some free career advice and direction.

Other than that, the usual: conserving energy, buying things on sale or with coupons. Hell, I still tear my fabric softener sheets in two and only use 1/2 per load. My daughter and I also shop at the thrift store a lot. She's a teenager, and (fortunately) has eclectic tastes, so she loves it! I just like it 'cause it's cheap. We also like the dollar store (everything is a dollar). I get a lot of household stuff there, like lotion, shampoo, aspirin, boxed or canned food. I only get produce and meat at the regular grocery store.

I had to work two jobs for awhile, and that was hard. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?

thanks suz! child support: well i actually have to pay him, as we have shared custody. there is only 7 days in a week, and i got 3. there is a 10 year waiting list here for public housing, what a disgrace. my 70 is with me from after school fridays, till after school on mondays, and during that time i work on the sunday, but dont need childcare, as i also have a 19 yo who babysits for free, thank goodness. im fairly tight with food shopping......only buy what i know we will use. fabric softener...whats that? lol, i gave that little luxury up years ago. you must have been so tired working 2 jobs, but maybe ill have to, cos if something major goes wrong with my car for eg, im stuffed.

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thanks suz! child support: well i actually have to pay him, as we have shared custody. there is only 7 days in a week, and i got 3. there is a 10 year waiting list here for public housing, what a disgrace. my 70 is with me from after school fridays, till after school on mondays, and during that time i work on the sunday, but dont need childcare, as i also have a 19 yo who babysits for free, thank goodness. im fairly tight with food shopping......only buy what i know we will use. fabric softener...whats that? lol, i gave that little luxury up years ago. you must have been so tired working 2 jobs, but maybe ill have to, cos if something major goes wrong with my car for eg, im stuffed.

Mechanic available here!

Oh! nevermind, too far away LOL :rolleyes::lol:

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what a shame..........perhaps you could come down for a "working holiday" :rolleyes::D


I know how you must feel, I'm in the middle of a divorce myself and will probably have sole custody of my 10yo son. If I come up with something I'll let you know.

I've saved a lot of money buying things on ebay and a few other websites.

Too bad they don't sell petrol and groceries.

Do y'all have wal-marts? you have to watch them.

I recently purchased a new wireless printer from them through their "ship to store" on line service it was about $59, in the store the same printer was "On Sale" for $97 :o wtf? that's a 40% difference.

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I know how you must feel, I'm in the middle of a divorce myself and will probably have sole custody of my 10yo son. If I come up with something I'll let you know.

I've saved a lot of money buying things on ebay and a few other websites.

Too bad they don't sell petrol and groceries.

Do y'all have wal-marts? you have to watch them.

I recently purchased a new wireless printer from them through their "ship to store" on line service it was about $59, in the store the same printer was "On Sale" for $97 :o wtf? that's a 40% difference.

well, at least you might get some child support (?) things are so tight at mine, that i just cant buy ANYTHING thats not essential. my sound card went on my computer, and i dont know when i can replace it. its frustrating nit being able to hear the latest offerings on here and you tube. all my clothes, work and otherwise are second hand. most of my furniture also. im not whining, im ok with all that. its just id like to see a light at the end of this tunnel.....its been this way for awhile now. its quite amazing to me, that aperson who holds down a fulltime legit job, who pays taxes, can still live like i do. i just thought someone may have a brilliant idea that i could try........i welcome all suggestions. well, almost all! :D

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Working two jobs is the best advice I can give. I had to for about a year and a half after me and the ex split up. It's hard, because you don't have much time to spend with your kids, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I also tried the roommate thing for a while, but I don't recommend it. It was good for saving money on rent, but we didn't really get along, so it was miserable.

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Working two jobs is the best advice I can give. I had to for about a year and a half after me and the ex split up. It's hard, because you don't have much time to spend with your kids, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I also tried the roommate thing for a while, but I don't recommend it. It was good for saving money on rent, but we didn't really get along, so it was miserable.

thanks bonnie! yes, i might have to get another job. though being unskilled and also over 16, it isnt easy. and dont forget, the more i earn, the more i have to pay in child support. its a catch 22. unless i can get cash in the hand somewhere. though that is unlikely. do you think your child coped with you being away so much? do you have family around? both my parents are deceased, i have two older brothers, but they dont live nearby, and they have there own lives to worry about......

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I'm not sure what sort of work you do, but trying to get a raise or promotion would be another way to go. $50-$100 a week can be the difference between the 'bare essentials' as you say, and being able to spend a little on the luxuries.

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I'm not sure what sort of work you do, but trying to get a raise or promotion would be another way to go. $50-$100 a week can be the difference between the 'bare essentials' as you say, and being able to spend a little on the luxuries.

thanks cactus. i work in retail. just the other day my boss asked me if i would be boss on the weekends. i said : "sure, how much extra will i get? " he said " oh, there no extra money......" you can guess my reply! and this is one of the country's biggest names.

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thanks bonnie! yes, i might have to get another job. though being unskilled and also over 16, it isnt easy. and dont forget, the more i earn, the more i have to pay in child support. its a catch 22. unless i can get cash in the hand somewhere. though that is unlikely. do you think your child coped with you being away so much? do you have family around? both my parents are deceased, i have two older brothers, but they dont live nearby, and they have there own lives to worry about......

Perhaps you could try for a better-paying job? I landed my current full-time job by going to a temp agency. The boss like my work so much she hired me on, and I've been with them the past five years--And I have absolutely no secondary education! In fact, I barely graduated high school because I slacked off all the time as a teen. If you want a cash-in-hand type job, I would check into cleaning houses. I know people who clean houses on their own, not through an agency, and they get cash for it. Waitressing and bartending are also great cash-in-hand jobs, in that you can make a lot in tips.

I'm sure it was probably hard on my son, but he seems fine now. I always have to pay for babysitting, unfortunately. I do have 2 sisters who live in town, but they are not very nice. I tried to have one of my sisters babysit, but it was a bad deal, and I regret it. One thing to consider if you do get a 2nd job--Do you have any friends with teenage kids? Teenagers are more likely to want a babysitting job, and you don't have to pay them quite as much as you would have to pay a daycare. Plus, it is hard to find daycares that are open evenings....

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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what are your best money saving tips? im a single mum, working fulltime. after i pay the rent, my car payment, petrol, food and utilities, there is diiddly squat left over. so what are your tips?

I work 50 hours per week... and more (overtime) if I can get it.

I figure it's better to stress out at work and make more money than to stress out over not having enough money.

Work, work, work!

And a penny saved, is a penny earned.

Secondly, look for any social services that may be available. You may be suprised at what's out there. I got help from the county paying for daycare when my daughter was younger. I don't know about Australia, but here the public libraries are a good source of info for local resources. There are programs that are free or sliding fee, to help single parents with any number of issues. Job training, affordable housing, etc, etc. I also went to the workforce center and got some free career advice and direction.

NO, NO, NO!!!!!

Haven't you heard? NOTHING IS FREE! Somewhere somebody is paying for all those social services, and in this country that would be the tax payer.

I respectfully disagree that seeking 'welfare' -- and that is what it is, should be such an easy choice. The taxpayers are already overburdened with taxes. It sounds like you are suggesting that the people who have made better choices in life need to give up some of their hard earned money to bail out folks who have not made good choices in life? Redistribution of wealth aka: socialism.


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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thanks cactus. i work in retail. just the other day my boss asked me if i would be boss on the weekends. i said : "sure, how much extra will i get? " he said " oh, there no extra money......" you can guess my reply! and this is one of the country's biggest names.

Retail sucks - I have done work as an independent contractor at the big chain store (starts with an M). I observed the poor conditions and pay of the staff there, and was disgusted. Aside from dealing with poor management, they were underpaid, given little say over which shifts/how many they worked etc.

Maybe look elswhere - or attempt to get a *paid* promotion to manage the place on weekends.

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Haven't you heard? NOTHING IS FREE! Somewhere somebody is paying for all those social services, and in this country that would be the tax payer.

I respectfully disagree that seeking 'welfare' -- and that is what it is, should be such an easy choice. The taxpayers are already overburdened with taxes. It sounds like you are suggesting that the people who have made better choices in life need to give up some of their hard earned money to bail out folks who have not made good choices in life? Redistribution of wealth aka: socialism.



People pay their taxes to their governments so it's only right that in time their government helps them back with things like social security when times are hard.

Governments SHOULD help people who have paid into the tax system than it all going on foreign aid or over expensive military 'defence' budgets or unnecessary wars....etc etc.

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i can see both sides here del, and mangani..........ive tried not to use welfare, and so far ive managed on my own. but as man said, ive paid taxes, and maybe its time to collect? there is no housing available, though, so it doesnt really matter. but, just to let you know, ive worked since i was 16. straight out of high school. why am i so broke then , you ask? she must be a druggy, or a gambler.......no. i left an unhappy marriage, walked out with just the kids. im guilty , but only of being a dummy. ive been playing catch up ever since.

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Retail sucks - I have done work as an independent contractor at the big chain store (starts with an M). I observed the poor conditions and pay of the staff there, and was disgusted. Aside from dealing with poor management, they were underpaid, given little say over which shifts/how many they worked etc.

Maybe look elswhere - or attempt to get a *paid* promotion to manage the place on weekends.

yeah, my retailer starts with a W. i am already the unofficial night manager, with no extra pay........it sucks. i lack the confidence to try to change jobs, its mostly what ive done, except from raising my kids. i think they have already asked someone else to do the weekends, and the dummy agreed to the no extra pay. dummy , dummy , dummy!

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i can see both sides here del, and mangani..........ive tried not to use welfare, and so far ive managed on my own. but as man said, ive paid taxes, and maybe its time to collect? there is no housing available, though, so it doesnt really matter. but, just to let you know, ive worked since i was 16. straight out of high school. why am i so broke then , you ask? she must be a druggy, or a gambler.......no. i left an unhappy marriage, walked out with just the kids. im guilty , but only of being a dummy. ive been playing catch up ever since.

Over on this side of the pond we call that "drop back and punt."

Good luck with it. :)

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i can see both sides here del, and mangani..........ive tried not to use welfare, and so far ive managed on my own.

Hey don't be too proud. If you have paid into your tax system then it is your right to get something back.

Your government (just like any other government) screws you in other ways or wastes money in other ways so please take what is yours if you can get it.

Don't feel bad about it. That's what it is there for. :)

Foreigners come into your country and get it (well they do here) so why shouldn't you?

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Hey don't be too proud. If you have paid into your tax system then it is your right to get something back.

Your government (just like any other government) screws you in other ways or wastes money in other ways so please take what is yours if you can get it.

Don't feel bad about it. That's what it is there for. :)

Foreigners come into your country and get it (well they do here) so why shouldn't you?

im not too proud. what i really need is affordable housing, and its just not available. 10 year waiting list, what a joke. i spend half my earnings on rent, making a rich person richer...........

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Foreigners come into your country and get it (well they do here) so why shouldn't you?

Excuse me??? Maybe it happens there in the Uk, but believe me it does not in Australia!

I am considered a "foreigner" being still a temporary resident.

I work and I am being taxed at a higher rate than any Australian permanent resident or citizen because of this. Fair enough, I am not complaining.

But trust me, I know it. We "foreigners" are not allowed to apply for the dole or any other benefits (single mother, etc) even when we obtain the Australian permanent residence. Not at least until you have been a permanet resident for an amount of years (can't remember if two or more).

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and also, I amost forgot!

For the record, I am not being polemic here, mind you ;) just clearing the "foreigner" status.

We are not even entitled to have any MEDICARE cover.

We have to get a private health cover to substain any costs for hospital, ambulance, medicines, you name it.

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Excuse me??? Maybe it happens there in the Uk, but believe me it does not in Australia!

I am considered a "foreigner" being still a temporary resident.

I work and I am being taxed at a higher rate than any Australian permanent resident or citizen because of this. Fair enough, I am not complaining.

But trust me, I know it. We "foreigners" are not allowed to apply for the dole or any other benefits (single mother, etc) even when we obtain the Australian permanent residence. Not at least until you have been a permanet resident for an amount of years (can't remember if two or more).

Can you categorically tell me that no refugee or aslyum seeker 'foreign' to Australia ever gets any help or benefits from the government there in any way, shape or form?

Are you saying there isn't any? Not even one?

Excuse me??? Maybe it happens there in the Uk,

Oh it does. For sure.

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