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slave to zep

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We do the common sense things that add up to make life pleasant, without the worry of debt - but it sure can be frustrating. Clipping through coupons and evaluating each store item for whether it's needed or not. Growing our own vegetables and cooking things that will provide leftovers or ingredients for the next meal. All this diligence, and then some snout with an attitude problem slams me with a $120.00 seat belt "violation" - and sets us back to fried bologna for dinner the next week...

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i feel for you. the pensioners here in oz live on rediculous payments. its a disgrace. you guys went through wars to keep our countries free, and this is how we repay you. grrr. yes, i only use my car when i have to. petrol is so expensive. i just go to work, come home. go to work, come home.....thank goodness for the internet........

All I can say is thank God for Walmart and Grocery Outlet!!


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We do the common sense things that add up to make life pleasant, without the worry of debt - but it sure can be frustrating. Clipping through coupons and evaluating each store item for whether it's needed or not. Growing our own vegetables and cooking things that will provide leftovers or ingredients for the next meal. All this diligence, and then some snout with an attitude problem slams me with a $120.00 seat belt "violation" - and sets us back to fried bologna for dinner the next week...

I hate to say this but there is no reason no to wear a seatbelt......

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Whatever you do, don't give in to the temptation to shoplift. It's okay to think about, just don't do it.

hey, i would never even think about it! its just not an option, i think its morally wrong to steal. i work in retail, so i would automatically lose my job as well.

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And no reason, other than meeting a quota early so you can jack off the rest of the day, that you can't leave it as a warning when you were thanked for such...

reminds me of a cop friend who got a chrome toaster from the other cops he worked with for giving out the most tickets for the year...they got it engraved and everything...damn funny!!

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I'm not very experienced in these manners, slave to zep, but these are some things that I would do. Forgive me for my naivety, but sometimes you have to think like a child, whom saving $2 seems like a fortune to.

1. Getting a second job is a big commitment, so maybe deliver papers as a second job. I know its not a big revenue raiser, but it wont take time away from your family. Every cent helps.

2. If you have a yard, perhaps you could try to plant some of your own vegetables, lettuces are really easy. I know its hard with the drought, but it could help, especially with the price of food these days. It generally costs around $1 for a packet of seeds.

3. With the price of petrol these days, I would seriously consider riding a bike, or getting your son to ride one, instead of having to drop him off places. Walk everywhere possible or catch a bus over long distances.

4. This sounds like a no-brainer, but buy things on special. At the end of each day supermarkets mark down bread, which you can buy lots of and freeze. Before a public holiday or near the expiry date, they also mark down meat and fish, which can be bought in bulk and frozen. Decide what meals you're going to cook based on what's on special at your local supermarket. eg- if mince meat is on special, then make tacos or something.

5. Try and have a garage sale. Find all the old clothes you don't wear anymore, old toys, unwanted gifts, things you don't use(videos, empty photo frames, clocks etc), whatever, and sell them at a garage sale or on eBay. You never know, it might just cover that weeks rent.

6. If possible, look around for another place with cheaper rent. It might be a bit smaller or in a different suburb, but it seems that that's your greatest expense.

Good luck, I hope ends start to meet for you :thumbsup:

thanks gibson girl. i actually work at a supermarket, at night, so yeah, i never pay full price for bread. and quite often some meat. we mark down our hot chickens to $3 or $4 dollars late at night, so i usually buy a couple of those .

i prefer to give my unwanted stuff to a charity, cos i know someone out there will need them, like me.

cos i work at night, theres no way ill ride a bike or walk to and from work. and buses dont go that late.

ive already answered the moving house point.

but great ideas, i may see if i can plant some veggies.

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what are your best money saving tips? im a single mum, working fulltime. after i pay the rent, my car payment, petrol, food and utilities, there is diiddly squat left over. so what are your tips?

70%-- Wine, Women, and Song

30%-- On Non-essentials.

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I would love to give you some tips Sweetheart but I only know how to spend Money never have been real good at hanging on to it. Have a lot tied up in stock but cash dont hang around long at My house I use it and I tend to be a little crazy like flying to Seattle for a Concert or St Louis or Orlando , Dallas , Houston , Nashville You get the point.You only live once and My Kids are grown.

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hey guys, please dont feel bad! thats not what this thread was about! there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you............and me! i was just looking to get some tips thats all. i dont begrudge anyone, you do what you want with your own money. no need to feel guilty!

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I grocery shop according to what's on sale that week, and use coupons. There's a site that cross references the weekly national coupons against many of the major grocery and drug store chains too (which is very cool, especially on things like shampoo, hair color, toothpaste, etc.) although I'm not sure if they include countries outside the US:


I just got a free tube of toothpaste the other day; bought it on sale at a drug store and used a store coupon...woot! :D

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How to eat on $5 bux a day.

Poptart for breakfast

$1 tv dinner for lunch

$1 Double cheese burger and a $1 fry from the value menue at McD's for dinner

Spent $20k on a new kitchen for the Ex and it is nothing more than a place for the cat

to hang out :rant:


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How to eat on $5 bux a day.

Poptart for breakfast

$1 tv dinner for lunch

$1 Double cheese burger and a $1 fry from the value menue at McD's for dinner

Spent $20k on a new kitchen for the Ex and it is nothing more than a place for the cat

to hang out :rant:



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^Hey dont feel that bad. my uncle married a woman from romania and bought her a 40,000dollar apartment there. When he was in the hospital,she took 10,000 out of the bank and jumped on a plane back to romania.

The 10,000 was proably a good investment.She might have got more in the long run

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How to eat on $5 bux a day.

Poptart for breakfast

$1 tv dinner for lunch

$1 Double cheese burger and a $1 fry from the value menue at McD's for dinner

this should be titled how to get overweight and die of heart disease on $5 a day.......... :D

Edited by slave to zep
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