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How to eat on $5 bux a day.

Poptart for breakfast

$1 tv dinner for lunch

$1 Double cheese burger and a $1 fry from the value menue at McD's for dinner

Spent $20k on a new kitchen for the Ex and it is nothing more than a place for the cat

to hang out :rant:


or you could save 5 bucks and just turn on the burner... :)

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Here are some ways to save money in the home:

Household cleaning supplies- most cleaning can be done with just basic ammonia, baking soda, vinegar, bleach or even lemon juice (But be sure you don't ever mix bleach and ammonia together). I buy different plastic spray bottles and make my own cleaners rather than buy one of the many brand names. I probably save hundred of dollars a year just on cleaning supplies. Check out recipies online, they are easily found.

Salad Dressings and Condiments - I make my own with oil, vinegar, sugar, spices -- actually pretty easy to do. My wife even makes homemade mayonaise which is really good too. And when it comes to BBQ sauce -- mine is the best.

Spice Mixes - Ever see the price of a package of seasoning mix for making chili, spaggetti sauce or many other things? Ridiculous! Most of these are easily made from spices and condensed powders (onion, garlic, chili) that can be bought in lager bulk containders or cellophane bags. And don't buy the brand name spices just look for the no name brand bulk containers. Or maybe try growing some your own spices and herbs. I don't grow many myself, but I do like fresh basil and rosemary when I make my pasta sauce so I always have a couple of small pots growing these two out in the garden.

Point is that most premixed and packaged items are easily made resulting in hundreds of dollars of yearly savings. Give it a try.

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Yeah, it's called chorine gas. Just like the Germans used in WW 1

But I think I already pointed that out Little Miss Grocery Store Manager..... sheesh!

Now be sure and tell your grocery baggers not to pack bleach and ammonia in the same bags like they always seem to forget.



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Oh another tip: I also work in a grocery store, and I know from great experience that many times, if you get meat at the butcher block counter, they'll add marinades or rubs to your meat free of charge. I actually got salmon out of the reduced bin today and they added the rub to it.

Saved me $6 on the rub. (they keep certain rubs and marinades behind the counter)

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Get cheap cuts of meat and cook them low and slow.

The crock pot is excellent for cheap cuts of meat.

Make one or two nights a week meatless.

You can clean your house inexpensively with vinegar or lemon juice and baking soda.

I've given up all commercial cleaners except bleach for the toilets and Windex for windows. I could use vinegar on the windows, but I do prefer Windex for this one chore.

make an all purpose cleaning solution of 1/2 plain white vinegar and 1/2 warm water and a drop of dish detergent. I only make up 1 cup at a time. Place in a spray bottle. Great for kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

You can make a paste for gentle cleaning out of baking soda and water or for more tougher bits to remove, add some vinegar to the baking soda.

Add 1 cup of vinegar to an empty washing machine or dishwasher and run empty to sanitize and deodorize. Do this monthly.

To clean a microwave, add some lemon juice to a bowl of water.

Place bowl in microwave and bring it to a boil. The water, not the bowl. hehe

Do not open the door to the nuker for 10 minutes.

The steam will help loosen the stuck on bits.

The lemon juice will make it smell nice.

Clean with a towel or sponge.

You can use the lemon water to clean, but be sure to wear rubber gloves because the water is HOT!

Add a bit of vinegar and a drop of dish detergent to mop water to clean vinyl, linoleum and laminate surfaces. It might be safe for other surfaces, such as tile and stone, but I would check before using it on them.

Those are some of my tips.

If you want more, just ask.

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Here are a couple more websites that were in today's paper; although they may be US only:

www.groceryguide.com (lets you compare prices of 2 grocery or drug stores in your area)

www.consignmentshops.com (you can find a list of consignment shops in your area; I think this may be US only though)

www.thethriftshopper.com (find a list of thrift shops in your area)

The article also mentioned couponmom.com. Couponmom also includes a forum on couponing and discount shopping. Particularly helpful at the holidays when you are shopping for electronics, toys and such and ordering online (free shipping, 10% off order, etc.).

Edited by Virginia
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How do I budget? I'm in college. This means once I pay for my books, housing, and tuition, I have about five dollars left so I eat Ramen and stuff I steal from people's refridgerators until the end of the semester. It's a winning method!

You know, except when you get scurvy.

lol. whats that?

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I sometimes put broccoli or chicken in it, but usually I try to stray from that because I hate combining anything with Ramen. It's a texture thing, I guess. Or that usually what I may have in the fridge does not go well with it. Or that I don't have much else in the fridge.

Mmm, yogurt and Ramen. :P

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I sometimes put broccoli or chicken in it, but usually I try to stray from that because I hate combining anything with Ramen. It's a texture thing, I guess. Or that usually what I may have in the fridge does not go well with it. Or that I don't have much else in the fridge.

Mmm, yogurt and Ramen. :P

I make a killer crab cake using ramen noodles. I make the shrimp kind, as I find the slight seafood flavor goes best. I drain off most of the water and mix the powder in. I put the noodles in a bowl with a couple eggs (or one depending on how much you're making), bread crumbs, chopped veggies and crab meat. I use fake crab because it's cheaper, but real crab would be preferable. Mix it altogether, use an ice cream scoop to get uniform sizes and put them in some peanut oil and fry them up. They are seriously quite good. My dad hates crab but for some reason will eat this.

Edited by Electrophile
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That actually doesn't sound half bad. I think I'll try it at some point. I guess I never realized how versatile Ramen really is. I underestimated it. haha

When I was in college, we lived in the apartments that were used to house athletes during the '96 Summer Olympics, so we had a full size kitchen and cabinets. Well, I didn't have a ton of money to shop with, so you force yourself to get creative. Once a week, the four of us would make a huge meal, sit down and eat and talk until 3 am. That's how I learned a lot of these recipes.

And when you eat like this, you're controlling the quality of ingriedients, so you know you're eating healthy. Sometimes it's best to be broke because you can't afford to eat fried crap every day. :lol:

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How do I budget? I'm in college. This means once I pay for my books, housing, and tuition, I have about five dollars left so I eat Ramen and stuff I steal from people's refridgerators until the end of the semester. It's a winning method!

You know, except when you get scurvy.


I swear, I've had this conversation lately...


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I stay away from that place too (except to window shop)


:huh: Had problems? I couldn't live without it. Save and make alot of money there.

Here's another budget tip- save on your water and heating bill. Put in a low flow shower head and take showers instead of baths. Turn the heat down on the water heater and/or by a water heater timer.

Put your clothes on a line instead of using the dryer.

Never! wash your car.

Use bath towels twice it's just clean water hang them over the shower curtain rod to dry.

Skip lunch on weekends if there are several supermarkets in the area just visit all of the free sample tables until you are full. :lol:

I know a guy that does this daily lol.

His motto is "If it's free give me three, if I have to pay I run away!"

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Some more tips --

When I am shopping in a retail store for an item and it turns out that they are out of stock except for the demo item; I will ask the deptartment manager if they will mark it down. I usually will get the item for 50% off at least. A few years ago I bought a $100 stainless steel Coleman ice chest at Sam's Club for 50 bucks. If you don't ask you don't get is my motto.

Last week while on vacation at a nice resort hotel I asked the manager to adjust my room rate after having problems with the in room television. For some reason it wasn't getting all the stations, including my favorite news channel FOX NEWS. The manager took $25 off of our daily rate for each day of our stay.

Another time I was staying at a hotel in Hawaii and they drained the pool for routine maintenance during our stay. The pool was not usable for three days... something we were looking forward to using. The hotel had a second smaller pool, but I told the manager that we very unhappy about the situation, and the fact that we were not told this in advance of our arrival, and he would need to refund me the ENTIRE RACK RATE for three days or I would have my credit card company contest the entire weekly charge. He wasn't happy about it but he ended up crediting to my charge card $600 (the rack rate X 3 days). And the thing was that with the package price we paid for our vacation, we were only paying about $75 dollars per night.

And just today my family and I went to see the movie 'Get Smart.' It was a mildly amusing film, but the theater had set up the projector incorrectly and basically the bottom line of the titles could not be seen on the screen. This was very annoying since there were a few scenes with Russian traslations that we could not read. But no big deal, after the movie was over I asked the manager for free passes to see another movie based on their error and my complaint. He was happy to comply.

Bottom line: Always turn their mistake into your benefit. It would be nice if everything was the way it is supposed to be, but if it is not right make THEM pay you for their error, and insist that they make it well worth your time and aggravation too. My motto - the squeeky wheel gets the grease.

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