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Do you think Jimmy Page and Dio would have made a great pair?


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After Zeppelin do you think if like Dio (not Dio but his guitarist), Page, and maybe like Malmsteen got together it would have made the best guitar pair ever? What would be your guitar pair?

Edited by LedZep1969
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After Zeppelin do you think if like Dio (not Dio but his guitarist), Page, and maybe like Malmsteen got together it would have made the best guitar pair ever? What would be your guitar pair?

Which guitarist? Richie Blackmore?! I really like him! And ya know...I can rather enjoy the thought of Ronnie James Dio singing with Jimmy and gang!! Hmmmmm.... :)

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Dio's other guitar player was Vivian Campbell , and no I can't imagine Jimmy with Malmsteen or campbell since both come from the soul-less "shredder" genre.

Blackmore is more like it, but that's a clash of egos of epic scale! :D

I loved the albums Dio did with Sabbath, so I could see something interesting coming from a Page/Dio pairing.

Edited by Hickory Man
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Dio's other guitar player was Vivian Campbell , and no I can't imagine Jimmy with Malmsteen or campbell since both come from the soul-less "shredder" genre.

Blackmore is more like it, but that's a clash of egos of epic scale! :D

I loved the albums Dio did with Sabbath, so I could see something interesting coming from a Page/Dio pairing.

Hmmmm....maybe someone could whisper that in Jimmys ear? :)

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Dio's other guitar player was Vivian Campbell , and no I can't imagine Jimmy with Malmsteen or campbell since both come from the soul-less "shredder" genre.

Blackmore is more like it, but that's a clash of egos of epic scale! :D

I loved the albums Dio did with Sabbath, so I could see something interesting coming from a Page/Dio pairing.

High five! B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly can't picture Jimmy working with a shredder like Campbell. Jimmy's style is so organic and well, individual, that I can't see him blending with an alpha-guitarist. One needs to leave room for the drooling. It's integral. And I mean that in a good way! I love Holy Diver and such, but the note density doesn't allow for the space Jimmy creates. Jimmy just has his own way of "unleashing the fury", and it demands subtlety. It's that sense of balance that these guys worshipping at his feet (even if they don't admit it) wish they had. They all wish they were Jimmy Page. All these perfectionist guitar guys. The Dream Theater guys. They never miss a note. Jimmy falls flat on his face mid-solo and it's "Jiiiimmmmy!!!! Man I wish I could stagger like that and be so fucking cool!". That's the power. That's what people try to sell their souls to have. You can't get that from a magazine subscription or endless hours in the bedroom jamming your ass off.

Edited by Evster2012
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In order to make the pairing work, both artists would have to compromise and meet in the middle, Dio getting back to more of an Elf-style R&B, and Jimmy going more metal, which I don't see happening. Coverdale/Page was as metal as Jimmy allowed himself to go and Dio is pretty vehement about carrying the metal banner.

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I've heard Elf do Zep covers and I thought it was pretty darn cool. I could definitely see how Jimmy and RJD would have made a good pair. But as far as Jimmy working with Viv or some other Dio guitarist I'm not feeling it but I suppose it could happen. I've always thought Zep could have benefited from a 2nd guitarist. I thought Jimmy and The Crowes sounded great.

Here ya go.

Elf doing Black Dog

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I was watching a YouTube clip recently of one of the Robert & Alison shows, and Robert made a funny joke about Ronnie James Dio. I wish I could remember which show it was from.... Red Rocks maybe? I need to find that again.

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Honestly can't picture Jimmy working with a shredder like Campbell. Jimmy's style is so organic and well, individual, that I can't see him blending with an alpha-guitarist. One needs to leave room for the drooling. It's integral. And I mean that in a good way! I love Holy Diver and such, but the note density doesn't allow for the space Jimmy creates. Jimmy just has his own way of "unleashing the fury", and it demands subtlety. It's that sense of balance that these guys worshipping at his feet (even if they don't admit it) wish they had. They all wish they were Jimmy Page. All these perfectionist guitar guys. The Dream Theater guys. They never miss a note. Jimmy falls flat on his face mid-solo and it's "Jiiiimmmmy!!!! Man I wish I could stagger like that and be so fucking cool!". That's the power. That's what people try to sell their souls to have. You can't get that from a magazine subscription or endless hours in the bedroom jamming your ass off.

I think Ronnie and Jim could easily match Covergirl Page in unimpressiveness.

Evster summed up Pagey's essence perfectly. It's not so much what he plays but the attitude and image that he brings to the music as well. Page plays with a whole lotta soul for a guy who supposedly sold it to the devil.:)

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Evster summed up Pagey's essence perfectly. It's not so much what he plays but the attitude and image that he brings to the music as well. Page plays with a whole lotta soul for a guy who supposedly sold it to the devil.:)

Attitude is everything!

And the devil wishes he could have dreamed up Jimmy Page! :lol:

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Attitude is everything!

And the devil wishes he could have dreamed up Jimmy Page! :lol:

Attitude had best be a can-do attitude; it helps that Page has been guilty song after song album after album in delivering. Not just the axe-murdering goods, but the songwriting (one or two exceptions aside nothing happened till Pagey wrote a song), the production, control of image through album artwork and media i.e. photo approval rights, and a myriad of unseen behind-the-scenes scenes. (Did I just say that?)

And you KNOW the debbil did it, E.:o

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Well that depends on which debbil! See, before there was Adam or a garden, in pre-Christian times, Lucifer was the Lightbearer, who sat at the side of....

Wait, that's another topic!! :hysterical:

Blame it on what my mother calls a warped sense of humor. I didn't come steppin' with the capital "S" word or the capital "L" word; I spelt debbil that way so as not to cause offense. :)

Far be it from me to stir up any shit. :P Or fan the flames of an existing shitfire.:D

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