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Plant being selfish again!

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so are you saying you like to play with runny poo? If you don't like the thread, why bump it to the top?

I had been reading the thread and had to take a phone call, by which time the thread had been further down the page. I was not aware of that, having been on the phone for quite a while.

My comment was not on the thread specifically, but the sentiments of the thread starter.

Thank you for playing, having a nice day.

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I'm kinda miffed there hasn't been a Beatles reunion... when do you think John and George will get off their high horses and play with Paul and Ringo already??

Sorry to rain on your parade, but they have formed a new group with the Who's rhythm section...and Elvis on vocals.

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Sorry to rain on your parade, but they have formed a new group with the Who's rhythm section...and Elvis on vocals.

it would be just like them to abandon the fans that made them who they are in favor of some damn southern singer...

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Coming to a theatre near you, "Abandoned Fans", a movie about a fictional group of displaced rock and roll fans.

Viewers watch as the screen actors take baby steps in their struggle to recover from their addiction to a band and its haunting music from a past era, and discover how to appreciate music in the present tense.

Rated R, parental guidance advised.

Featuring a soundtrack inspired by The Ikettes and Ike and Tina Turner.

(I'm blue ue ue ue ue ue ue blue be doo be doo be doo)

I wanna tell all you people

(I dropped a penny in the well hoping you would come back soon)

I couldn't believe what I heard

(A fortune teller told me my love with you was through)

I hope her reading was wrong

(I hope she was wrong 'cause you been gone too long from home)

(I'm blue ue ue ue ue ue ue blue be doo be doo be doo

I can't sleep at night for thinking of you

(Every night about two my love for you comes tumbling down)

I can't stand being here alone

(I start to feeling and a fumblin' but you ain't nowhere around)

I hope her reading was wrong

(I hope she was wrong 'cause you been gone too long from home)

Hey gong gong gong gong gong gong yeah

(I'm blue ue ue ue ue ue ue blue be doo be doo be doo)

please please please please baby please don't go no no baby I love you so

if there's anybody in this house that's ever been hurt

I wanna hear you sing I I I I I I you all sing the song now

baby please don't go don't go no no baby I love you so don't go no

well goodbye baby you're driving me crazy goodbye

you thought you had me baby but I was 'fatuated goodbye

things ain't what they used to be you can't do a thing for me so long

you know I found true love, yes I found sweet love so long

I found me a good love, yes it's a true love so long

things ain't what they used to be you can't do a thing for me so long

Edited by eternal light
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Shit posts like these are probably what makes him NOT want to tour.

Why the fuck is Robert the "Led Zeppelin Forum Scape-goat"? Maybe its the other members' fault for not moving on to other things.

I give credit to Robert for letting Zeppelin die gracefully, unlike the 'Stones, who basically ruined themselves by endlessly touring even though they're all 70 years old. Is that what you want to see? I sure as hell don't.


-i totally agree!

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I agree. Give Plant his chance to join up. If he doesn't want to, move along without him. There are plenty of respectable singers out there. Plant has the right to decide what he wants to do. The others do too. Time to let the genie out of the bottle and keep him out, with or without Plant -- his choice (and the others of course).

-i totally agree!
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Nah, Janis is backup, but she ain't too thrilled about it.

Also, everyone who thinks Percy is being selfish is a fucking moron. I don't know how else to say it, lightly or otherwise.

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I think a lot of this talk is premature because there's still a chance the guys will get together again. Even Alison recently said that she's looking forward to playing with Union Station again. If the Raising Sand tour ends and Robert chooses Strange Sensation over an inspired Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, that's when I'll be disappointed in him.

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If the Raising Sand tour ends and Robert chooses Strange Sensation over an inspired Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, that's when I'll be disappointed in him.


Robert Plant is not obligated to play with them simply because a bunch of whiny fans want it. Some of you need to get over yourselves. He's going to do what he wants and he has every right to do just that.

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Robert Plant is not obligated to play with them simply because a bunch of whiny fans want it. Some of you need to get over yourselves. He's going to do what he wants and he has every right to do just that.

He does have every right to do what he wants. But I take exception to your opinion of my opinion. I'm not whining, life goes on.

I'm just saying that I think it would be a waste to play with Strange Sensation when last December's show proved that Led Zeppelin is still a world beating band. Jimmy is clean and motivated by all accounts. Jonesy is done parking the car. Jason by Robert's own admission is up to the task. In short, a lot of Robert's old reasons for not doing it no longer apply.

It would put a huge smile on my face to see the guys play together, kind of like the smile Robert was wearing in December. And by the way, I saw Robert and Alison from the front row in NY and loved every minute of it. I'm not a hater and I resent being called a whiner. I'm just being honest about how I feel. A lot of people feel like I do and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I'm just saying that I think it would be a waste to play with Strange Sensation when last December's show proved that Led Zeppelin is still a world beating band. Jimmy is clean and motivated by all accounts. Jonesy is done parking the car. Jason by Robert's own admission is up to the task. In short, a lot of Robert's old reasons for not doing it no longer apply.

They didn't get together in December for you, for me or for Joe Blow down the street. They got together to honor a friend who had been very instrumental in them becoming the band that they became. That was the only reason they did it and when they said it was once and then never again, I took them at that and realized they went out on top, again. Instead of parading around the world like the Stones, they chose to make their very last show a tribute to a very great man. We should be thankful they did that much.

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'Selfish' is just doing what YOU want to do! As much as we fans would love nothing more than to see Robert perform with the boys he has to do what makes HIM happy! Also, if the J's want to perform and Robert isn't on board then they just need to come up with an alterntate plan...it's really that simple.

I'm selfish every day...I do basically what I want to do along with what I 'need't to do. Robert doens't 'need' to do this and he doesn't 'want' to do it either, I don't think thats selfish at all! What Robert is doing is fullfilling his dreams. I hope Jimmy, JPJ, and Jason fullfill theirs also!

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They didn't get together in December for you, for me or for Joe Blow down the street. They got together to honor a friend who had been very instrumental in them becoming the band that they became. That was the only reason they did it and when they said it was once and then never again, I took them at that and realized they went out on top, again. Instead of parading around the world like the Stones, they chose to make their very last show a tribute to a very great man. We should be thankful they did that much.

Agree to disagree I guess. When you say the only reason they did the show was to salute Ahmet Ertegun, I'm not sure you speak for all four guys.

I don't have much to add because I don't want to bash Plant for something that hasn't happened yet. As I mentioned in my first post, I still think (and obviously hope) they'll play together again. We should all know by now that anything Robert says to the press needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Speaking of bashing, can we leave the Stones out of this? Robert constantly throwing them under the bus about their constant touring is pretty weak, and an obvious attempt to take the heat off himself. I guess Mick doing middle eastern versions of Stones songs with 30 year olds would be okay?

Hell, even T Bone Burnett said HE hopes Zep gets together again too. Is he a selfish whiner?

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He does have every right to do what he wants. But I take exception to your opinion of my opinion. I'm not whining, life goes on.

I'm just saying that I think it would be a waste to play with Strange Sensation when last December's show proved that Led Zeppelin is still a world beating band. Jimmy is clean and motivated by all accounts. Jonesy is done parking the car. Jason by Robert's own admission is up to the task. In short, a lot of Robert's old reasons for not doing it no longer apply.

It would put a huge smile on my face to see the guys play together, kind of like the smile Robert was wearing in December. And by the way, I saw Robert and Alison from the front row in NY and loved every minute of it. I'm not a hater and I resent being called a whiner. I'm just being honest about how I feel. A lot of people feel like I do and there's nothing wrong with that.

No there is absolutely nothing wrong with wishing the guys would all play together again. It's also fine not to care for some or any of his solo stuff. But to say he's selfish because he's doing what makes HIM happy (er, isn't it his life after all) or saying all he's ever done worth a dime is what he did with Zep is the issue.

As I've said many times, if they did get together, I'd do whatever I could to get tickets. But I don't expect it or wait for it. I like what Robert has done on his own. I'm happy he's still out there doing all these different projects. I will disagree IMO what you said about Strange Sensation. Happen to think they're an excellent group of musicians and a great foil for Robert.

Sadly the thread starter has a mantra. The only thing that changes is his user name :rolleyes:

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