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Plant being selfish again!

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I'd rather see Led Zeppelin than Strange Sensation, so sue me. I can't believe that makes me unique on the ledzeppelin.com message board.

Dude, we'd all like to see Zeppelin on stage again. But the chances of that happening are slim to none and slim left an hour ago and none is walking out the door with a hooker on each arm.

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No there is absolutely nothing wrong with wishing the guys would all play together again. It's also fine not to care for some or any of his solo stuff. But to say he's selfish because he's doing what makes HIM happy (er, isn't it his life after all) or saying all he's ever done worth a dime is what he did with Zep is the issue.

As I've said many times, if they did get together, I'd do whatever I could to get tickets. But I don't expect it or wait for it. I like what Robert has done on his own. I'm happy he's still out there doing all these different projects. I will disagree IMO what you said about Strange Sensation. Happen to think they're an excellent group of musicians and a great foil for Robert.

Sadly the thread starter has a mantra. The only thing that changes is his user name :rolleyes:

I saw Strange Sensation with Robert and they were great. Not so great that I'd rather see them than Zeppelin.

If Robert and the J's decide they don't want to play together again, that's life. If the J's want to do it and Robert doesn't, I would not wish him any ill. But I would be disappointed in him. I love the music I love, and I guess I'm "selfish" about that!

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No there is absolutely nothing wrong with wishing the guys would all play together again. It's also fine not to care for some or any of his solo stuff. But to say he's selfish because he's doing what makes HIM happy (er, isn't it his life after all) or saying all he's ever done worth a dime is what he did with Zep is the issue.

As I've said many times, if they did get together, I'd do whatever I could to get tickets. But I don't expect it or wait for it. I like what Robert has done on his own. I'm happy he's still out there doing all these different projects. I will disagree IMO what you said about Strange Sensation. Happen to think they're an excellent group of musicians and a great foil for Robert.

Sadly the thread starter has a mantra. The only thing that changes is his user name :rolleyes:

The mantra starts to sound like a broken record after while doesn't it? B)

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The mantra starts to sound like a broken record after while doesn't it? B)

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s

o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s *skip noise...skip noise* o-m-m-m-m-y-e-s-i-t-d-o-e-s


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Dude, we'd all like to see Zeppelin on stage again. But the chances of that happening are slim to none and slim left an hour ago and none is walking out the door with a hooker on each arm.

Where'd you get THAT idea? Robert Plant is playing you all for fools..... He comes out and goes out of his way to say

NO Way we play together again BEFORE THE krause tour and then he puts all kinds of quotes out there about the

"Metaphysical" nature of playing it all over again and how he sincerely hopes that wasn't the last time they do it.

Plant DOES not walk on to Center Court of the Garden because he went to see a B Ball game.... He just denies the Interview....

Plant is playing you all ..... He has every intention of playing more shows and is going to torture you all up until the very last minute and then make tickets harder to get than A Bus Ticket from East Berlin to West Berlin during the cold war.


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Is it me or is Robert Plant being extremely selfish refusing to do a reunion?? After all it was Zeppelin that made him who he is today, and after 28 years would a 6 month tour really prohibit him from finishing all the other projects he wants to do? The other members are willing to commit and give the fans what they want. Thoughts anyone?

It is you.

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this is all so complicated that I would blaim it on the stars :D To me he just does not seem to be ready... and yet there may be something else. I had an impression that a couple years ago Robert wouldn't mind the LZ reunited.

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Where'd you get THAT idea? Robert Plant is playing you all for fools..... He comes out and goes out of his way to say

NO Way we play together again BEFORE THE krause tour and then he puts all kinds of quotes out there about the "Metaphysical" nature of playing it all over again and how he sincerely hopes that wasn't the last time they do it.

Plant DOES not walk on to Center Court of the Garden because he went to see a B Ball game.... He just denies the Interview....

Plant is playing you all ..... He has every intention of playing more shows and is going to torture you all up until the very last minute and then make tickets harder to get than A Bus Ticket from East Berlin to West Berlin during the cold war.


that seems to be about it.


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since when has any good musician bowed down to the fan's demands??

I'm waiting for a new Strange Sensation album myself. I've already heard all the LZ songs a thousand times over. A new JPJ album would be cool too. If "Led Zeppelin" did end up touring, half of us would never be able to see them anyways, most of the tickets would get snapped up in 5 minutes and the rest would get disbursed to rich celebrities and fan wannabes. We don't need another Rolling Stones/Pink Floyd/Lynyrd Skynyrd/

Police/Genesis/Foghat/Kansas/Styx/Foreigner/Jethro Tull/etc. 25 year Greatest Hits Tour going on...

Edited by Zephyrus
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I'm sorry if this has been beaten to death, but, since the O2...oh, I'm sorry, the Ahmet Ertegun Tribute show, Has Robert ever said, anywhere, that he would never tour as Zeppelin again or that he would never get together with Jimmy, John Paul, and/or Jason again???

Everything I've seen, he just dodges the question and doesn't really come out and say "no"...

He must not have ever said no, because all of this crazy speculation would be pointless

Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction..... :blahblah:

Sorry, if this has been answered before, I don't read every post on here... :D

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The easiest thing to do in any situation is to say no and do nothing.

So far Robert has done neither.

He is doing a project he is committed to until it comes to it's natural conclusion.

In this day and age of dishonouring contractual obligations it is a breath of fresh air

that he will not do anything until he has completed the task at hand.

He has had the guts to try to do different things which IMO upholds the Zeppelin legacy,

as it would be very easy to take the soft option and cash in on doing only Zeppelin tunes which would be disrespectful.

JP and JPJ have had almost 30 years to do other things and they have or haven't with whomever as is their wont.

All of a sudden because of one event it is Robert who is being selfish for not dropping everything and doing the Zep thing.

I wouldn't blame him for saying fuck the lot of you but he has more class than that.

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I find it laughable that you think RP owes us nothing. I don't think he particularly "owes us", however I think his "ethics' on playing w/ Zep are whacked. He will take money from Zep, and Zep fans, but he won't play with Zep for them, thats my point. He's not a martyr, so dont make him out to be one. Im not saying a full tour, just a couple of shows for charity and a DVD, and he won't have to hear it. Oh boo hoo its such a travesty for RP, spare me his rich and does whatever he wants!!

Grow up...

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Is it me or is Robert Plant being extremely selfish refusing to do a reunion?? After all it was Zeppelin that made him who he is today, and after 28 years would a 6 month tour really prohibit him from finishing all the other projects he wants to do? The other members are willing to commit and give the fans what they want. Thoughts anyone?

and then what? another tour....another tour....another tour....where does it end? sadly it will end one day when another band member dies, im hoping to see them again before this happens and i think Robert should think the same.

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It's interesting how everyone gets labeled in threads like this one. Just to clarify, stating that one's preference is to see Robert play with Zep when Raising Sand is done doesn't automatically mean that person thinks Robert is being "selfish".

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I think Peter Gabriel is being selfish. I want to see an original-lineup Genesis reunion...

that selfish bastard...


Gabriel and Collins on the same stage? I'd pass out. Now THAT is a reunion concert I would pay to see, the hell with the Police.

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It's interesting how everyone gets labeled in threads like this one. Just to clarify, stating that one's preference is to see Robert play with Zep when Raising Sand is done doesn't automatically mean that person thinks Robert is being "selfish".

No it doesn't but unfortunately many people posting in these types of threads don't just say I'd rather see him with Zep than on his own. It's often followed by insults and accusations and general nastiness.

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I'd rather see Robert with Zep again than on his own. There, I've said it :)

More to the point, I just really hope to see Zep again — the band for which in '75 I was literally trampled underfoot in the mad rush to get tickets, and the band whose music feels as fresh and meaningful to me now as it did in '72.

Will it happen? Call me a fool, but I believe that's still a question mark. Do I want it to happen at any cost? No way. If everybody's heart is in it — Robert's, and Jimmy's, and John Paul's, and Jason's — then BRING IT ON. I feel certain it wouldn't "fail" in any respect — far from it. But if any of them has reservations, then I'd rather take a pass on seeing it happen ... because I know a half-assed approach just wouldn't be right. I think a huge part of why the O2 show worked so well was that all of them were into it (and I cheerfully invite anybody to dispute that).

How would I feel if there were never another Zeppelin show? Really disappointed. Really sad. Honestly perplexed about why anyone who can still produce that unique brand of sonic magic — ranging from raunchy to profound and almost everything in between — would pass up the opportunity to build on it and explore it from a new vantage point. But that's all I'd feel. It wouldn't matter to me who the holdout was. And I wouldn't be "angry" or feel "cheated." I'd just be confused.

That's all. Carry on ... or put the old cow out to pasture :D

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