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What Neil Boortz calls "The Wussification of America"


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Beachwood cancels Rec League all-star baseball game

Rec Center feels singling out players can hurt youthful self confidence.Thursday, June 26, 2008

(Beachwood) - Beachwood has cancelled its annual 4th of July Rec League All-Star Game for 9 to 12 year olds.

In a letter to coaches, Assistant Recreation Supervisor Frank Vicchiarelli announced that the decades old tradition would end because certain kids were being singled out as better players than others.

For the all-star game, some coaches encouraged kids to select their team's all-stars, and in other cases the coaches made the selections.

Fred Engh of the National Alliance for Youth Sports has strongly discouraged all-star games. His argument is that the games belong to all of the children, and not just a select few. The Beachwood Rec Department feels that this event takes a back seat to the real focus of the program, the kid’s games.

Beachwood says the tournament at the end of the season will continue, and that's the time to emphasize competitiveness.

Critics of the cancellation say it's not necessary and players who excel should be given a showcase. As in life, they point out, there are always winners and losers.

But Engh says that kind of competitiveness belongs in older kids, not players at this level. He says 9 to 12 year olds need to build their self confidence, and many sign up to play baseball at this age just to have fun.


Are you kidding me? What utter bullshit is this? Forgive me, but aren't sports supposed to be competitive? Isn't that the point?

I guess my mind just isn't Liberal enough to get this one.

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We're already suffering the effects...

I blame our culture of lawsuits and sueing each other when ANYONE is offended for the slighest reason...

there is a difference between being respectful and the culture we have bred for ourselves... and it will create children who cant take criticism and have no backbone

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I don't know why anyone listens to Neal Boortz.

Well... maybe because he makes sense?

You know who I listened to before Boortz? The Kimmer. The only other political talk-show host who made sense.

You know why Boortz makes sense? Because he isn't biased. He hates the Dems and Repubs equally, much like I do.

being politicaly correct is gonna make this nation fail...


We're already suffering the effects...

Politically correct is usually so incorrect it often gives me the dry heaves.

I blame our culture of lawsuits and sueing each other when ANYONE is offended for the slighest reason...

there is a difference between being respectful and the culture we have bred for ourselves... and it will create children who cant take criticism and have no backbone

Can I just give a resounding AMEN to all of you? PC will be the death of this great nation.

Like the news that caused this article. WTF kind of stupidity is this? Are these kids supposed to grow up thinking that everyone is equally good at everything? That against against human nature!

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Well... maybe because he makes sense?

You know who I listened to before Boortz? The Kimmer. The only other political talk-show host who made sense.

You know why Boortz makes sense? Because he isn't biased. He hates the Dems and Repubs equally, much like I do.

Can I just give a resounding AMEN to all of you? PC will be the death of this great nation.

Like the news that caused this article. WTF kind of stupidity is this? Are these kids supposed to grow up thinking that everyone is equally good at everything? That against against human nature!

It's not liberal nonsense, it's human nonsense! I'm quite liberal in my outlook but think this is ridiculous! Geez...Tommy didn't make the All Star team, we have to do away with it or Tommy will be scarred for life by feeling inferior! Hello! Life is going to throw a lot worse stuff at you than THAT!!

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It's not liberal nonsense, it's human nonsense! I'm quite liberal in my outlook but think this is ridiculous! Geez...Tommy didn't make the All Star team, we have to do away with it or Tommy will be scarred for life by feeling inferior! Hello! Life is going to throw a lot worse stuff at you than THAT!!

Maybe you're less Liberal then you think. PC and censorship and all that started with Liberals (namely Tipper Gore and her ilk), it will continue on with Liberals, and (hopefully) it will end with Liberals. Conservatives (most of them, anyways) generally fight the idea of PC and censorship... unless, of course, you count the controlling-drive of some Conservative (coughbushcough) as an endorsement of PC and censorship, in which case I say we've entered into a gray area.

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Maybe you're less Liberal then you think. PC and censorship and all that started with Liberals (namely Tipper Gore and her ilk), it will continue on with Liberals, and (hopefully) it will end with Liberals. Conservatives (most of them, anyways) generally fight the idea of PC and censorship... unless, of course, you count the controlling-drive of some Conservative (coughbushcough) as an endorsement of PC and censorship, in which case I say we've entered into a gray area.

I rather like grey, and you are correct. I would never pigeon hole my beliefs...and I've been saying for years that this two party thing isn't working but no other party has been able to come up with a strong enough candidate so we are forced to choose between two candidates that we dislike or like equally, it's hard. But, I won't complain because at least I get a choice <_<

And PC? Yeah, let's take all the fun and flavor out of life! I work in a corporate environment and we have to take yearly classes on PC and harrassment and all of that stuff...oddly, they've lightened up recently! IF the person you are being politically INCORRECT with has no issue with it yer OK, so all of us incorrect people hang out together...oddly, it's the majority of the people :lol:

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He's a raving lunatic. He actually makes Bill O'Reilly sound sane, which isn't easy to do.

I can understand you calling Rush Limbaugh a raving lunatic, and definitely Bill O'Reilly.

But why is it that when somebody gets on the air speaking the truth, dissing both Dems and Repubs, and actually has something to say other then "dems are bad, repubs are good" or vice-versa, everyone brands 'em a "lunatic?"

Thinking it's time for a new party is not crazy. It's realistic. Thinking a ban on guns is stupid is not crazy. It's realistic. Thinking PC and censorship is wrong is not crazy. It's realistic. Thinking the War on Drugs is evil is not crazy. It's realistic. Thinking our current PC society is simply going to create a generation of wusses is a bad thing is not crazy. It's realistic.

So being realistic now makes a person a lunatic?

Well then I'll take lunatics any day. At least they live they live in the real world. Guess that makes me a lunatic, too, for not conforming to the PC Matrix world everyone else likes to live in.

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  • 1 month later...
Are you sure? I don't get this impression from your posts in this thread.

By the way...yeah, I completely agree it's utter bullshit.

I completely missed this... sorry.

Yes, I'm sure. I would very much like to see the Dems and Repubs taken out of office completely. IMO, it's time for a third party. Take your pick of one or more here.

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I completely missed this... sorry.

Yes, I'm sure. I would very much like to see the Dems and Repubs taken out of office completely. IMO, it's time for a third party. Take your pick of one or more here.

I've been saying this for a while now. Unfortunately it's not some people on the Internet you need to convince. Its the whole damn country

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I've been saying this for a while now. Unfortunately it's not some people on the Internet you need to convince. Its the whole damn country

I know. Eventually the country will wake up. Hopefully by 2012, but I seriously doubt we'll come to our senses so soon. It'd be cool, after all the hype, to see a third-party candidate win the Presidency this year over both McCain and Obama, but I very highly doubt that happening.

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I know. Eventually the country will wake up. Hopefully by 2012, but I seriously doubt we'll come to our sense so soon. It'd be cool, after all the hype, to see a third-party candidate win the Presidency this year over both McCain and Obama, but I very highly doubt that happening.

It would be cool yes...but its nigh-impossible dude. if they even grab a single state it would be a fricken miracle

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