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U.S. Vice President 2008


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So what i heard around the grapevine.

McCain is going to pound Obama on everthing while he is in Iraq. To make sure the story is about everthing except Obama being in iraq.

How'd Operation Pound Obama work out for McCain, Pb?

Was he successful at making sure the story was about everything except Obama

being in..*cough*Iraqi PM supports Obama troop withdrawal plan*cough*..Iraq?




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Let's see McCain needs some one younger than him (that part is easy), someone who can appeal to those who wants a woman or a minority, someone with foreign policy expirence who is highly regarded by the American public.


Someone younger who can help him out of the car, or open a jar of peanut jelly for him, or help him out by reading what it says on the ATM machine...

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Someone younger who can help him out of the car, or open a jar of peanut jelly for him, or help him out by reading what it says on the ATM machine...

Well, looks like he's recruiting

to do that for him these days.... :huh:
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It's bad enough that we didn't get Hillary, but with Obama's top VP choice being Kaine, I feel really betrayed. The last thing I want is a ticket with two bloody men (same old, same old), one of whom supports one of the most pernicious institutions in human history (the Catholic Church) (no offense to believing Catholics). Yeah, well, I'm moving to Britain and voting Tory.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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I finally made my choice for the next POTUS. Well i chosen to vote for a VP instead.

I want Condi.

There is no one on gods green earth that has more foreign policy exp. than her.

She is the pride and Joy of a otherwise (according to some) forgetfull president.

She is Black

She is a Women

She is not obama and is not married to Michelle

She can kick Wrights ass

She's young.

She should not be president right now, but a few years presiding over the senate, she will have as much exp as Obama and know what she is saying.

I really like her policy and it would be hard to attack her.

You get the G.O.P. on track. You get the hilrod vote.

Thats should be McCains choice.

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Yeah, I just heard this too Virginia. What are your thoughts on the man?

I have a good impression of him, although I lean more to the left on some issues. He is a conservative Democrat, and is a very hands-on Governor; he gets out with the people a lot. He is personally conservative on moral/personal issues, but has understood the need to legislate in the other direction at times, which he has done, and I admire that.

Like many others, our state is preparing to make some cuts right now.

I would want to learn more about their plan for foreign policy.

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It's bad enough that we didn't get Hillary, but with Obama's top VP choice being Kaine, I feel really betrayed. The last thing I want is a ticket with two bloody men (same old, same old), one of whom supports one of the most pernicious institutions in human history (the Catholic Church) (no offense to believing Catholics). Yeah, well, I'm moving to Britain and voting Tory.

No offense taken ;)

Anywho, I don't really see how Hillary would've been a difference from the whole men in politics thing. Forget the fact that she looks manly, but she's as corrupted as everyone else in Washington so to say that just throwing a woman into the mix will shake things up is a far-cry from the truth methinks

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Yeah, well, I'm moving to Britain and voting Tory.

So you want liberal democratic Hillary, but if you don't get her, you're going to move to Britain and vote for the conservative, establishment-riddled Torys? You Know? Same as the Republican party but without the Republicanism...

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So you want liberal democratic Hillary, but if you don't get her, you're going to move to Britain and vote for the conservative, establishment-riddled Torys? You Know? Same as the Republican party but without the Republicanism...

It's an inside joke, Gainsbarre, sorry! I don't like what Nu Labour has done to Britain even though I'm ultra liberal, so I often threaten to move there and vote Tory (haha).

But Republicans and Tories are quite different even so.

And wannabe, it is important to me to live in a country where women have had a chance to lead (like the UK and Germany) (and everyone can keep the 'oh no Thatcher' to him or herself, thanks :rolleyes: ). Some of us are pretty tired of living in a world where women are still second class citizens and are thought unworthy to be priests (Catholic Church), presidents (this country), bishops (conservatives in the C of E), etc.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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And wannabe, it is important to me to live in a country where women have had a chance to lead (like the UK and Germany) (and everyone can keep the 'oh no Thatcher' to him or herself, thanks :rolleyes: ). Some of us are pretty tired of living in a world where women are still second class citizens and are thought unworthy to be priests (Catholic Church), presidents (this country), bishops (conservative in the C of E), etc.

but we are sooo advanced aren't we?... ;)

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And wannabe, it is important to me to live in a country where women have had a chance to lead (like the UK and Germany) (and everyone can keep the 'oh no Thatcher' to him or herself, thanks :rolleyes: ). Some of us are pretty tired of living in a world where women are still second class citizens and are thought unworthy to be priests (Catholic Church), presidents (this country), bishops (conservatives in the C of E), etc.

The Catholic Church hardly treats women like second-class citizens :rolleyes:

Why? Because women can't be priests? So now we're sexist because of that? Please

In any case, I can understand how you feel on the womanly issue. However, you seem to be of the thought that any woman would do. Gender has nothing to do with it IMO. Hillary brought the same old train of thought as other white guys like her husband. The only difference is she's lacking balls (or is she?) She's not the candidate feminists are looking for, but rather the gender...thats it.

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The Catholic Church hardly treats women like second-class citizens :rolleyes:

Why? Because women can't be priests? So now we're sexist because of that? Please

Yes, preeminently because of that (is there something not sexist about saying that one gender can't officiate?). And it's why I left the Catholic Church (in which I was raised).

And not any woman will do. I like Hillary Clinton. I really liked Bill as well, and thought she might in fact prove a better version of him.

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Yes, preeminently because of that (is there something not sexist about saying that one gender can't officiate?). And it's why I left the Catholic Church (in which I was raised).

That's one of the reasons I left, too.

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Yes, preeminently because of that (is there something not sexist about saying that one gender can't officiate?). And it's why I left the Catholic Church (in which I was raised).
Thats been a tradition for the last 2000 years and you just expect them to change the rules? :huh:

Some of the church's most celebrated figures are women. Look at Mother Theresa or even MARY! We revere many women, but the priesthood is the man's duty. Women can be sisters or join a convent or something if they wish, but that is a man's job. Sort of like how women don't fight front lines in Iraq, it's just a man's duty.

I guess I just don't see the Catholic Church as sexist since it doesn't negatively view women in any way (Unless you're arguing that the priesthood being male-only is a negative view?)

And not any woman will do. I like Hillary Clinton. I really liked Bill as well, and thought she might in fact prove a better version of him.

That's just how it sounded. I apologize

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^Actually, the early church had women presiding and co-presiding over congregations, so it's a fallacy to rely on 'tradition' to exclude women. Furthermore, Christ made a special effort to include women in his ministry, which has largely been ignored by later generations. There is nothing about priesthood which is gendered. It is very wrong, not to mention offensive, to argue that it is a man's job. Are women somehow less spiritual than men? Do we lack full souls? Or, is there much heavy lifting involved? It would only strengthen Christianity worldwide to include women at every level of church hierarchy.

No worries on the Hillary issue.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Just because Hilary got her ass handed to her by someone she was expected to beat quite soundly doesn't mean women have no chance to be President. It means THAT woman has no chance, and thank God for that.

And I'm sorry that the fact we haven't had a woman president yet has made you consider moving to some other country that has had women presidents......at least that's how I took that comment. I don't think the fact we haven't had a woman president means that Americans as a whole think women are unfit or unworthy to rule. I frankly don't care if we ever have a woman president. The candidate's gender means squat to me. Their politics, platform and overall ability to lead is what counts for me, not what sexual organs they have.

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Just because Hilary got her ass handed to her by someone she was expected to beat quite soundly doesn't mean women have no chance to be President. It means THAT woman has no chance, and thank God for that.

And I'm sorry that the fact we haven't had a woman president yet has made you consider moving to some other country that has had women presidents......at least that's how I took that comment. I don't think the fact we haven't had a woman president means that Americans as a whole think women are unfit or unworthy to rule. I frankly don't care if we ever have a woman president. The candidate's gender means squat to me. Their politics, platform and overall ability to lead is what counts for me, not what sexual organs they have.

Don't worry, it's not just that. But I do think there's a dark underbelly of sexism in this country which certainly manifested itself in the grotesquely chauvinistic criticism of Hillary during the campaign. And I think it's ultimately vitally important to have a politically able woman in power in this country as an example of moral progress for the rest of the world. I didn't actually feel very strongly about this when I was younger, but it now really depresses me that women are still so oppressed in the world at large, and I think a woman US president would be a step in the right direction.

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Having a female president just for the sake of it isn't going to help in any way. The same as having a black president just for the sake of it won't help either. I don't want our president to be holding that office simply because no one who looks like them has held it before. That would be more embarrassing than anything else.

Is there sexism in politics? Yeah, I think there is. The same as there is racism in politics as well. But a black man could very well be our next president, and considering that 40 some odd years ago, they couldn't even vote in the South, that's more than a huge step in the right direction. I think we'll have a woman in the White House one day that isn't just a secretary, but I won't vote for that woman just because I'm a woman too. I think that kind of voting is just as damaging as voting against someone based on a demographic. If all you can think of as a reason to vote for someone is the fact you share a gender, or a race, or a religion......that's a poor excuse to vote.

Edited by Electrophile
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