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U.S. Vice President 2008


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If you think there isn't pressure to keep women out of the presidency, just look at the anti-feminine assumptions being bandied about in this thread in relation to the Catholic priesthood.

What does that have to do with the US Presidency? I cannot see any reasonable link between the two. None whatsoever. And I'm being dead serious. If you're going to make comments like this, can't you at least provide some empirical evidence or something?

This is all bordering on the insane.

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For goodness' sake, Elizabeth, the connection is women in positions of leadership, priests or presidents, or what have you. Re-read the thread: it began with my dismay at Obama's possible VP choice of Kaine, a Catholic, which then progressed to a discussion of the position of women in the Catholic church, which revealed a strong anti-feminist bias on the part of the exact same constituency that Obama would be trying to win over with Kaine (Catholics). What is the problem?! If you think people don't carry their religion and its assumptions into the voting booth, you haven't been paying attention to American politics for quite some time. I've really had it with your attacks. You haven't shown yourself to be an attentive reader at any point in this thread, and I'm tired of having to respond to your misprisions.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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There is a reason why the separation of church and state is important.

The Catholic Church hardly treats women like second-class citizens :rolleyes:

They should know better.

Inside the Orphanage.

[Jake and Elwood go in and climb the stairs until they reach a door. Just before Elwood knocks on the door, a voice is heard from inside.]

Nun: Who is it?

Elwood: Jake and Elwood.

Nun: Come in.

[They go in. The door shuts behind them.]

Nun: Hello boys, nice to see you. Please, have a seat.

[Jack and Elwood sit on seats at back of room.]

No no boys. Come over here in front of me. I want to see your faces.

[They shuffle up a bit closer.]

The county took a tax assessment of this property last month. They want five thousand dollars.

Elwood: Doesn't the church have to pay that?

Nun: They would if they were interested in keeping the place, but they aren't. The Arch Bishop wants to sell this building outright to the board of Education.

Elwood: What's gonna happen to you?

Nun: I'll be sent to the missions.

Jake: Forget it, five grand; no problem, we'll have it for you in the morning. Let's go Elwood.

Nun: NO NO! I will not take your filthy stolen money.

Jake: Well then, I guess you're really up shit creek.

[The nun hits Jake on the hand with a ruler.]

Nun: I beg your pardon what did you say?

Jake: I offered to help you. You refused to take our money, then I said ``I guess you're really up shit creek''.

[she hit's him again.]

Elwood: Christ Jake take it easy, man

Nun: Elwood!

[she starts hitting them both as the language deteriorates.]

Elwood: Ah you fat penguin!

[The ruler breaks and the Nun reaches for a sword. Jake and Elwood go tumbling down the stairs.]

Nun: You are such a disappointing pair. I prayed so hard for you. It saddens and hurts me that the two young men whom I raised to believe in the ten commandments have returned to me as two thieves, with filthy mouths and bad attitudes. Get out! And don't come back until you've redeemed yourselves.

[she disappears back into her office and the door mysteriously closes.]

Curtis: Boys, you gotta learn not to talk to nuns that way. Jake! Elwood!

-Blues Brothers

Edited by eternal light
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:huh: Inattentive does not equal illiterate. Some people clearly like to cause shit, just for the sake of it.

Didn't say it did. If you tell me I can't read well, that is to me the same kind of insult as telling me I can't read at all. The words aren't the same, but that doesn't matter. And I never attacked you, never called you names, never did anything of the like. So thanks anyway.

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All I have to say on the matter is that I politely asked you a question Allison because if you've been reading you would know I'm not a Bible expert. And you came back pretty snappily calling the rest of us unsophisticated and with quite a 'tude and then accuse everyone else of having an attitude. I just don't get it!

Just because I didn't know the NEW testament says God = Jesus?! Honestly, that's the first I've heard that and if it makes me unsophisticated in your eyes then so be it. Is that how the NEW testament says to treat people too? ANOTHER reason to stay away from that Bible in my book!

Honestly Allison, I've always enjoyed your posts and I've never seen you treat others so unkindly as tonight. I'll chalk it up to a bad week or something...

Maybe we can get this topic back on track and take the religious debate to another thread because as Eternal Light said...Politics and Religion should be seperated. That's one of my issues with the Republican party! They prey on the poor religious fanatics values to garner votes from people who are too poor to even consider republican economics! But they'll vote republican anyway because they are Bible Thumpers!


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Really, really sorry, Medhb, I actually thought you were being snappy yourself--I didn't realize you really didn't know (and would never fault you for not knowing). I meant wannabe on the theological issue--I do find it irritating when people offer dogma as reasoned "opinion," and I am very deeply disturbed by the blithe acceptance of Catholic anti-feminism on his part. No one could have the same "opinion" about people of different races and get away with it (and I am not opening discussion about what Christ thinks about people of color).

I certainly haven't been mean to anyone despite the fact that I've been called insane by Elizabeth, accused of wanting any woman in office by wannabe and Elizabeth, and accused of being 'out in left field' by returning to something that Elizabeth herself originally brought up. So, getting a bit cranky, sure, but mean, no.

Anyway, humble apologies. I've always liked your posts as well, so was a bit shocked when I thought you were being snide.

And, oh, if only church and state were really separate... *sigh*

All I have to say on the matter is that I politely asked you a question Allison because if you've been reading you would know I'm not a Bible expert. And you came back pretty snappily calling the rest of us unsophisticated and with quite a 'tude and then accuse everyone else of having an attitude. I just don't get it!

Just because I didn't know the NEW testament says God = Jesus?! Honestly, that's the first I've heard that and if it makes me unsophisticated in your eyes then so be it. Is that how the NEW testament says to treat people too? ANOTHER reason to stay away from that Bible in my book!

Honestly Allison, I've always enjoyed your posts and I've never seen you treat others so unkindly as tonight. I'll chalk it up to a bad week or something...

Maybe we can get this topic back on track and take the religious debate to another thread because as Eternal Light said...Politics and Religion should be seperated. That's one of my issues with the Republican party! They prey on the poor religious fanatics values to garner votes from people who are too poor to even consider republican economics! But they'll vote republican anyway because they are Bible Thumpers!


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No problems Sweetie, I'm glad we cleared the air! No, I really didn't know that!! HA! What a dumb shit! Obviously we have the same feelings about these issues and just got our signals crossed. And even if we didn't have the same opinion I would still respect yours as always.

It really did surprise me to hear our Sweet Allison getting snappy! Good for you! Glad to know you have it in you! You are clearly well versed in the topic.

Thanks for your reply :hippy:

Really, really sorry, Medhb, I actually thought you were being snappy yourself--I didn't realize you really didn't know (and would never fault you for not knowing). I meant wannabe on the theological issue--I do find it irritating when people offer dogma as reasoned "opinion," and I am very deeply disturbed by the blithe acceptance of Catholic anti-feminism on his part. No one could have the same "opinion" about people of different races and get away with it (and I am not opening discussion about what Christ thinks about people of color).

I certainly haven't been mean to anyone despite the fact that I've been called insane by Elizabeth, accused of wanting any woman in office by wannabe and Elizabeth, and accused of being 'out in left field' by returning to something that Elizabeth herself originally brought up. So, getting a bit cranky, sure, but mean, no.

Anyway, humble apologies. I've always liked your posts as well, so was a bit shocked when I thought you were being snide.

And, oh, if only church and state were really separate... *sigh*

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Ahhh yes Wannabe but what people forget is that the Sacred Scriptures of Christ were recorded by MEN! Many believe that Mary Magdoline was actually an Apostal and in Michelangelo's Last Supper one of the Apostles could very easily be viewed as a woman.


uh, "the last supper" is a fresco painted by da vinci.

seen here:


michelangelo, painted the frescoes on the ceiling of the sistine chapel

seen here:


and below is jimmy page. for religious distinctions, see my avatar...

Edited by beatbo
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I certainly haven't been mean to anyone despite the fact that I've been called insane by Elizabeth, accused of wanting any woman in office by wannabe and Elizabeth, and accused of being 'out in left field' by returning to something that Elizabeth herself originally brought up. So, getting a bit cranky, sure, but mean, no.

My comments were directed toward what you said, not you personally. I at no time said YOU were insane or that YOU were out in left field.

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uh, "the last supper" is a fresco painted by da vinci.

seen here:


michelangelo, painted the frescoes on the ceiling of the sistine chapel

seen here:


and below is jimmy page. for religious distinctions, see my avatar...


Da Vinci of course, another DUH for me tonight! :rolleyes:

Great post, I'm cracking up! Yes, I take the Holy vow to worship Jimmy and only Jimmy my Idol of God! Can I share my blood with him now?! :lol:

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No problems Sweetie, I'm glad we cleared the air! No, I really didn't know that!! HA! What a dumb shit! Obviously we have the same feelings about these issues and just got our signals crossed. And even if we didn't have the same opinion I would still respect yours as always.

It really did surprise me to hear our Sweet Allison getting snappy! Good for you! Glad to know you have it in you! You are clearly well versed in the topic.

Thanks for your reply :hippy:

Me too! ^_^ And not knowing the ins and outs of Christian theology is probably a good thing in many ways! :lol:

Cheers! :beer:

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I'm afraid you will be dissapointed. Unless some news has come down the pike. I think Obama will choose Clinton for a running mate. Reason being, many people don't know much about Biden.

Think of it this way in a funny sort of way, if Obama chooses Clinton, she can get even with her husband Bill by getting a male intern in the Whitehouse. ROCK ON!

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Think of it this way in a funny sort of way, if Obama chooses Clinton, she can get even with her husband Bill by getting a male intern in the Whitehouse. ROCK ON!

Just my opinion but I really, really doubt that he will choose Hillary...she might be a health care advisor or something but I doubt VP...

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Just my opinion but I really, really doubt that he will choose Hillary...she might be a health care advisor or something but I doubt VP...

I agree, she would be his worst choice. Anyone she appeals to is already voting dem. She also has a large number of people who won't vote her just because she's Hillary. You put that together with the people who won't vote for nobama just because he's black and it's a losing ticket, imo. Two negatives don't add up to a positive, it adds up to larger negative.

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I agree, she would be his worst choice. Anyone she appeals to is already voting dem. She also has a large number of people who won't vote her just because she's Hillary. You put that together with the people who won't vote for nobama just because he's black and it's a losing ticket, imo. Two negatives don't add up to a positive, it adds up to larger negative.

But frankly, what do you care?

People loved Ronald Reagan, he was elected to two terms in office and it's pretty much an established fact that he did fuck all! He was just a figure-head or 'face of the government' he didn't exactly do any governing as President. He left it all up to his administration.

So if Reagan could get away with that and be ridiculously hailed as one of the USA's great Presidents, then surely it doesn't matter if it's Obama

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But frankly, what do you care?

People loved Ronald Reagan, he was elected to two terms in office and it's pretty much an established fact that he did fuck all! He was just a figure-head or 'face of the government' he didn't exactly do any governing as President. He left it all up to his administration.

So if Reagan could get away with that and be ridiculously hailed as one of the USA's great Presidents, then surely it doesn't matter if it's Obama

Well Gains, I think if it didn't matter we wouldn't have an entire thread dedicated to it. And a thread that people from outside the United States are posting on. That in itself shows to me it is fairly important and something to 'care' about....

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But frankly, what do you care?

People loved Ronald Reagan, he was elected to two terms in office and it's pretty much an established fact that he did fuck all! He was just a figure-head or 'face of the government' he didn't exactly do any governing as President. He left it all up to his administration.

So if Reagan could get away with that and be ridiculously hailed as one of the USA's great Presidents, then surely it doesn't matter if it's Obama

What do I personally care? If you mean who nobama's running mate is, I don't really care. I'd be happy if he chose Hillary.

Your view of the Reagan administration is your opinion and has no basis in fact, in my opinion.

The last line I don't get.

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Well Gains, I think if it didn't matter we wouldn't have an entire thread dedicated to it. And a thread that people from outside the United States are posting on. That in itself shows to me it is fairly important and something to 'care' about....

This importance or 'care' factor you describe, seems to me to be rather akin to buying a car because of its paint job

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This importance or 'care' factor you describe, seems to me to be rather akin to buying a car because of its paint job

My comment wasn't addressing 'why' I care, it was just suggesting that people 'do' care.....because your comment made me think that you didn't think it was worth caring about....sorry for any confusion on that part... :)

But yeah, shiny pretty paint is always nice! I wouldn't buy a rust bucket :P

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