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U.S. Vice President 2008


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My comment wasn't addressing 'why' I care, it was just suggesting that people 'do' care.....because your comment made me think that you didn't think it was worth caring about....

I can't help it, when people shower Ronald Reagan with plaudits, I think "well you're not really serious about this, are you?" generally speaking

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Just read that a Virginia Congressman is being considered as McCain's running mate:


I'm in another district so I haven't paid much attention to him to date. :unsure:

Cantor is okay, but both parties do not need no names like Quayle and Gore.

Ill bet my left testicle that it would be a governor for both side, unless it's Clinton or Rice.

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But frankly, what do you care?

People loved Ronald Reagan, he was elected to two terms in office and it's pretty much an established fact that he did fuck all! He was just a figure-head or 'face of the government' he didn't exactly do any governing as President. He left it all up to his administration.

So if Reagan could get away with that and be ridiculously hailed as one of the USA's great Presidents, then surely it doesn't matter if it's Obama

Now what you are saying is true, it's not the president, but the administration who runs the show. That is the number one reason not to vote for Obama. With friends like Wright, Ayers, and Michelle, its seems he has a problem of picking people to be close with.

But, what if he doesn't get to pick, than that just brings up the point that Obama is an empty suit. That a party, which is run by leftwing nuts like moveon.org) should not be in control of the House, Senate, and the white house. No party should have that and they would have a filabuster proof senate and a overwhelming majority in the house. So even if Obama disagree with a far left issue, he is not going to stop it, becuase he won't be able too. and what about the three supreme court justice that can be picked by the next POTUS. They might as well get Goerge Soros fitted now.

If Obama wins, It's will be Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean running america. The same people who could not get an energy bill pass and the ones who almost cost us two wars.

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Now what you are saying is true, it's not the president, but the administration who runs the show. That is the number one reason not to vote for Obama. With friends like Wright, Ayers, and Michelle, its seems he has a problem of picking people to be close with.


So then the election is about which potential President has the ability to pick the best team

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So then the election is about which potential President has the ability to pick the best team

Exactly. There was a reason Cheney,Rumsfeild,Powell and Rice got a job in jan. of 2001.

McCain will probaly keep Rice and maybe bring back Powell. Gen. Petreus will get a cabinet seat.

Obama will bring back Bill Daley, Gov. Blago of Ill. will get something, Hilrod may get a seat too. But i really hope he keeps Rice no matter what. Edwards has baby mama drama so he is no good. Bill richardson will get somthing if not the VP.

McCain may have a whole new cabinet, but most of Bushs pieces will remain.

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Exactly. There was a reason Cheney,Rumsfeild,Powell and Rice got a job in jan. of 2001.

McCain will probaly keep Rice and maybe bring back Powell. Gen. Petreus will get a cabinet seat.

Obama will bring back Bill Daley, Gov. Blago of Ill. will get something, Hilrod may get a seat too. But i really hope he keeps Rice no matter what. Edwards has baby mama drama so he is no good. Bill richardson will get somthing if not the VP.

McCain may have a whole new cabinet, but most of Bushs pieces will remain.

I always like Powell, maybe Obama will bring him on board also. He would be an asset to either candidate. I was actually wishing he would run for President a few years ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Joe Biden.

I'd vote for either candidate if he's chosen.

I would have said Senator Joseph Biden but nobody seemed to show him any interest. I have been a long time Joe Biden lover (since 1983) and had hoped he would be running for President today. I would love Joe to be VP and have wondered if he is being considered.

Ok, you two win round 1. Now who will be McCain's VP choice?

I'm still thinking Romney, all that Leiberman talk has to be a distraction because that would piss off a lot of conservatives.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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i would be surprised if he picked romney because the religious right would go ballistic...they believe the mormons are a cult and not christians...

...for that same reason, i hope he picks romney so the republicans can take back their party!!!

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Sarah Palin is speaking at the Convention, but a couple days before the VP nominee is expected to speak. So I doubt it'll be her. Plus, she's mired in an abuse-of-power scandal concerning her brother-in-law.

I've got sources telling me it's Pawlenty, anyway.

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Sarah Palin is speaking at the Convention, but a couple days before the VP nominee is expected to speak. So I doubt it'll be her. Plus, she's mired in an abuse-of-power scandal concerning her brother-in-law.

I've got sources telling me it's Pawlenty, anyway.

I hope he picks a woman if it isn't her, it's time. imo

Her approval ratings back home are very high.

High approval ratings

In July 2007, Palin had an approval rating often in the 90s.[6] A poll published by Hays Research on July 28, 2008 showed Palin's approval rating at 80%. [54]

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HA! The McCain camp better NEVER use the word "inexperience" again.

I predict they will drop it when nobama drops his "change but no change w/biden" message.

I think he made a good choice, unpredictable, newsworthy, not same ol same ol.

The debates should be interesting. Old Joe "dude, wheres my bounce" Biden is likely to pat her on the head and say "honey, shouldn't you be home raising your kids?" ;) lol

edited to add:

I'm still not voting for the ticket.

Edited by Uncle Bill
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