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U.S. Vice President 2008


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Well, it's official, McCain just announced he has chosen Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the first woman the GOP has nominated for VP. About time, I say! Who thought it would take so long for another woman to be picked after Ferraro? Not me. There's a change to believe in. :D

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I'm pissed at Palin right now. Said she'd decline any offer to run for VP a few weeks ago, because she loved her job and was staying here "for the long run". Good job, Sarah.

Not to mention, now all these stupid Alaskans are going to vote for McCain just because Palin is his VP, when she really should be staying right where she is.

As for the investigation, I really haven't kept up with it. I just know she fired the chief of police (or something) without citing a reason. I don't need to worry about it though, I'm on the O Train all the way! B)

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For what it's worth, as someone outside the US, this VP announcement felt like a Simpsons episode. Someone mentioned McCain's desperation, and this pick oozes that rather than counter-strike. Why were people cheering when McCain mentioned Palin's sports background, or that they encouraged their kids to be athletic? It's not that I'm splitting hairs and basing my whole impression on that one thing, but these bizarrely ecstatic crowd reactions to comparatively less significant details about Palin gives the impression that they'd cheer for just about anything. Just like that episode when Homer was running for something or other. Creepy stiff staging.

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I'm pissed at Palin right now. Said she'd decline any offer to run for VP a few weeks ago, because she loved her job and was staying here "for the long run". Good job, Sarah.

Not to mention, now all these stupid Alaskans are going to vote for McCain just because Palin is his VP, when she really should be staying right where she is.

Biden did say he would not take the VP spot if offered.

and alaska was going towards McCain way anyways.

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HA! The McCain camp better NEVER use the word "inexperience" again. Not to mention, she's in the middle of a scandal in Alaska right now. This is a complete ploy to pander to the Hilary crowd.

McCain must be desperate after all.

Tell me you didn't see this coming a mile away. You are correct tho

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Someone mentioned McCain's desperation, and this pick oozes that

Why would you think he's desperate when the polls are so close? It makes no sense.

Real clear politics (which compiles the data from all the major polls) only has nobama up by 3.9. Hardly desperation inducing. source

As far as pandering goes, I haven't seen anything that suggests the Palin pick goes against any of McCain's true beliefs.

Pandering may refer to:

"In politics, portrayal of one's views to fit in line with a certain crowd of voters the candidate is attempting to impress, when often, these are not the candidate's true beliefs."


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Biden did say he would not take the VP spot if offered.

and alaska was going towards McCain way anyways.

Yeah, I'm more put off by Palin going for VP than Alaska going to McCain, because she really should be staying right here. She's doing a great job, and our state is in dire need of someone just like that.

And it has always been extremely unlikely that we'd go for the Dems, I know. Yay for having 3 electoral votes!

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Yeah, I'm more put off by Palin going for VP than Alaska going to McCain, because she really should be staying right here. She's doing a great job, and our state is in dire need of someone just like that.

That's interesting. In our state we were hoping nobama would pick our governor so we could get rid of him.

Edited by Uncle Bill
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Losing tickets is where the parties send those who have outlived their usefulness or are a liability in some way to die. By January these two will have faded into obscurity, it happens to virtually all of them (Lieberman is the exception.. ;) )..and Al Gore of course...he went on a 25 cheeseburger a day diet to keep from disappearing(bovine flatulence is a major cause of global warming dude :D )

lets face it this ticket is the trash heap of the GOP

Edited by PJ Slocum
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I find the story about her involvement in a state run Alaskan dairy to be much more compelling than even her creationist leanings. Which frankly, are frightening enough.

The board of the dairy recommended that the dairy be closed rather than continue to hemorrhage money. She disagreed with the board, so rather than discussing the matter and coming to a reasonable conclusion, she dismissed the council responsible for hiring the board and reloaded it with her supporters who then dismissed the board and overturned its decisions. They raised prices on the dairy's milk which then made it more expensive than milk sold by competitive dairies from Washington state, which proceeded to run the dairy into the ground.

So, when faced with advice from economists that she disagrees with, she ignores them, fires their bosses, has them replaced, and does whatever the hell she wants. Yeah, this should help shore up questions about McCain's economic policies.

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Hey Uncle Bill, I think one is as bad as the other..Obama is probably even more dangerous since McCain will spend half the day looking for his shoes and won't have time to fuck as much stuff up. But I AM convinced the whole thing is rigged and the losing ticket is a political graveyard...This is not an honor for this woman, it's the kiss of death..a formal write-off from the GOP. She'll have to step down in Alaska and her career in public service is finished.

Of course there is every possibility that my logic is flawed but the result will more than likely be exactly what I predict.

Flame away, I've got really thick skin :D

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Hey Uncle Bill, I think one is as bad as the other..Obama is probably even more dangerous since McCain will spend half the day looking for his shoes and won't have time to fuck as much stuff up.

lol, probably so

But I AM convinced the whole thing is rigged

You've said that before, any evidence? We are all related if you go back far enough.

and the losing ticket is a political graveyard..

not always, look at nixon

.This is not an honor for this woman, it's the kiss of death..a formal write-off from the GOP. She'll have to step down in Alaska and her career in public service is finished.

Why would this happen? Her approval rate is at 80%

Of course there is every possibility that my logic is flawed but the result will more than likely be exactly what I predict.

time will tell

Flame away, I've got really thick skin :D

Why would I flame you?

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lol 2 Bush terms isn't evidence?, And beyond that I can't imagine the super rich elite putting their political futures in the hands of the dumbed down American public, a large percentage of which can't find Georgia on a map(forget the country...I'm talking about the STATE!!!lol)

on further reflection 2 Bush terms supports, rather than refutes the idea that the idiot public is in fact calling the shots here

My faith is restored, and I like you won't be voting for either party candidate...I'm sending in a write in for this guy:


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