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U.S. Vice President 2008


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There's no way in hell Hilary Clinton and her ego are going to let Sarah Palin be the first woman elected to a national office. That's something she wants for HER. So I think the Clintons are going to be campaigning full-force for Obama now.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

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PJ- so, you have nothing to support your "their all related" claim?

What is the point of citing a dozen sources claiming they are when just as many can be found claiming they are not? I'll be the first to admit it's a ridiculous claim, but it would explain alot now wouldn't it? In fact I wish it was that simple(it's a fact that a great many of them are related, not only to each other but to British Royalty...just how many is determined by as you say, how far back you are willing to look). It would be actually comforting to be able to definitively explain it with "Old money rules this country and they keep it in the family" because the alternatives could be something far more sinister.

I felt that Obama was chosen when he made the keynote speech at the 04 convention, and when I found out he was related to Satan..err I mean Cheney(Bush too) that sealed it for me..He WILL be the next president and the election is just for show. I'll be very humbled and suprised if I have been wrong.

just my opinion

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There's no way in hell Hilary Clinton and her ego are going to let Sarah Palin be the first woman elected to a national office. That's something she wants for HER. So I think the Clintons are going to be campaigning full-force for Obama now.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

So true! I agree, good point Electro.

Although, after a little consideration, I think Palin is a smart move for the McCain camp. I was convinced they'd pick Romney. I was shocked.

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I felt that Obama was chosen when he made the keynote speech at the 04 convention, and when I found out he was related to Satan..err I mean Cheney(Bush too) that sealed it for me..He WILL be the next president and the election is just for show. I'll be very humbled and suprised if I have been wrong.

If nobama wins this election it won't be a surprise, the dems are supposed to win this election. That won't prove it's "fixed". The surprise would be if they didn't.

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Also, back in 1984 women voted 60/40 for Reagan/Bush, even with Ferraro on the Dem ticket. So the idea that huge droves of women will now vote for McCain over Obama is a little far-fetched. The women that will be voting for McCain now, were always going to vote for him, unless Hilary got the nomination. I don't see this as some huge, ticket-sinking choice here. It's different yes, but not something so completely mind-blowing, we're all in puddles of goo.

The thing to remember is that by choosing Palin, McCain has to throw out the biggest gun in his arsenal; experience. It's effectively a shield now for Obama to stand behind, because if McCain tries to throw it out there again, all the Obama people have to do is point to the fact that if something happens to McCain while in office, and Palin must assume the duties, we'd be relying on the runner-up of the Miss Alaska pageant to take control of the largest military in the world. Not to mention, the whole state of Alaska has a smaller population than metropolitan Omaha. Sure she has executive experience (none of the other three candidates do), but the other three have waaaaaaay more government service experience, having been either state senators and/or US senators.

McCain chose her because she was the lesser of 4 or 5 evils and the one with the least crap attached to her.

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There's no way in hell Hilary Clinton and her ego are going to let Sarah Palin be the first woman elected to a national office. That's something she wants for HER. So I think the Clintons are going to be campaigning full-force for Obama now.

Agreed on Hills. Her ego's as big as her Arkansas rump.

Campaigning for or against Obama? Don't you think she's been insulted enough to turn against him?

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Campaigning for or against Obama? Don't you think she's been insulted enough to turn against him?

If she campaigns against him, she loses the chance to run for President herself in either 2012 or 2016. Democrats and people in general who are sick of the GOP running things want Obama to win. If she goes against party lines and campaigns for McCain, even after the phenomenal ass-kissing she did at the convention, she'll be seen as an even bigger phony than some think she already is and her political career will be over.

It's important to her, regardless of what went on behind the scenes, to support her party, if only for her own gains later on.

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If she campaigns against him, she loses the chance to run for President herself in either 2012 or 2016. Democrats and people in general who are sick of the GOP running things want Obama to win. If she goes against party lines and campaigns for McCain, even after the phenomenal ass-kissing she did at the convention, she'll be seen as an even bigger phony than some think she already is and her political career will be over.

It's important to her, regardless of what went on behind the scenes, to support her party, if only for her own gains later on.

Look one up on my suggestion for her to run Independent... she's changed her spots before, she can do it again.

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The thing to remember is that by choosing Palin, McCain has to throw out the biggest gun in his arsenal; experience.

If people buy that reasoning, then both candidates will have made the same mistake.

McCain with experience, nobama with change.

I fell asleep before "the speech" and haven't seen much of it, but, when I saw the clip where he says "change doesn't come from Washington, it comes to Washington" I wondered if he wrote the speech before picking biden and forgot about it.

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Palin is a name with different connotations over in the Old World.

Michael, of that ilk, was a founder member of Monty Python ( he's the main Knight Who Says Ni, expert on shrubberies, coiner of the phrase Ecky Ecky Ftang).

Monty Python was a comedy ensemble famous for talking absolute nonsense, making no sense whatsoever and being very difficult to understand (see ecky ecky ftang, above).

The GOP are infamous for Nixon, Gerald Ford ( did he really say he liked Led Zeppelin in '76?) Bush Snr , Bush Jnr and Dick Cheney.

Plus ca change.

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Good for him, I'd tap it too B)

Do you know the name of the therapist on The Sopranos. Dr. Melfi was her name. Sarah look like Dr. Melfi, so i think Sarah new name should be Dr. Milfi.

There's no way in hell Hilary Clinton and her ego are going to let Sarah Palin be the first woman elected to a national office. That's something she wants for HER. So I think the Clintons are going to be campaigning full-force for Obama now.

Hillary is not going to run in 2016. 2012 maybe. So im sure that does not affect Hilrod future plans. Nancy pelosi is the speaker of the house and i would suggest thats second most powerful job in the world. She by all means, is the leader of the democratic party. not Howard (yeaaaaaaaa) Dean

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Palin is a name with different connotations over in the Old World.

Michael, of that ilk, was a founder member of Monty Python ( he's the main Knight Who Says Ni, expert on shrubberies, coiner of the phrase Ecky Ecky Ftang).

Monty Python was a comedy ensemble famous for talking absolute nonsense, making no sense whatsoever and being very difficult to understand (see ecky ecky ftang, above).

The GOP are infamous for Nixon, Gerald Ford ( did he really say he liked Led Zeppelin in '76?) Bush Snr , Bush Jnr and Dick Cheney.

Plus ca change.

Hi Sam G!

Palin is a fine name indeed. So is Cleese, Idle, Jones, Chapman (RIP). Too bad none of them can run for US President. I'd vote for them in a second. (except Graham, of course...)



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Hillary and Bill are on board.

They have to be. Whether they like it or not, their political

legacies are now tied to the outcome of Obama's campaign.

They put their clout on the line when they endorsed Obama.

If he wins, they win. And if he loses, they lose.

I agree with Electro. Hillary does not want to see a woman other than her.. let alone

an upstart with no political legacy of her own.. break that glass ceiling. Not this year.

Thats just wrong. Just like gore in 2004, if hilrod wants it, she will get it in 2012. Im not saying she is hoping for a Obama loss, but she can spend the next four years being a thorn in McCain ass and win in 2012.

Obama will not be a senator after 2010. even if he loses the presidency. He won't win in Illinois again, and Hilrod will be head dem senator, and Joe Biden claims he will retire soon too.

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Hillary and Bill are on board.

They have to be. Whether they like it or not, their political

legacies are now tied to the outcome of Obama's campaign.

They put their clout on the line when they endorsed Obama.

If he wins, they win. And if he loses, they lose.

I agree with Electro. Hillary does not want to see a woman other than her.. let alone

an upstart with no political legacy of her own.. break that glass ceiling. Not this year.

I disagree with them being on board. They are doing what they have to do so as to not be blamed if nobama should lose. Which I think would be their preferred outcome. If nobama wins, they have to figure 8 years of him, then the people will be ready for a change(they always are) again and go the other way for 4-8 years. So she would have to wait 8-16 years for her shot. I don't think that's what they have in mind.

She hasn't said "I now think he will be ready on day 1" or anything like that as far as I know. Without that, the endorsement is hollow, that was her main criticism of him. Then we have Bill and his candidate x and y stuff, you really have to wonder how on board they are. At least I do.

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Hey Tangerine.

I'm loving this insight into politics American style.

It's all very confusing over here.

Obama gets a very good press.

John McCain is cast pretty much as an old, crabby, little guy of Scots extraction.

I just hope it's not all about race, though. Those lunatic white supremacists being arrested in colorado didn't bode well, did it?

But hey, what do we know.

And as for who can run, anyone remember Phil Lynnot's introduction for Scott Gorham during Thin Lizzy's touring hey day? "This man could have been the next president of the United States, but he chose to come and play for YOU tonite instead ( cue thunderous applause from audiences from Berlin to Brighton).

Phil was black.

And cool.

And wore nice leather trousers.

Go Obama!!!

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Answer me this, McCain supporters and Obama opponents..

If 72 yr old John McCain was to keel over..

..would Sarah Palin be ready to be POTUS?



[edited to correct McCain's age]

Fine point! We'd up shit creek without a paddle....

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Answer me this, McCain supporters and Obama opponents..

If 76 yr old John McCain was to keel over..

..would Sarah Palin be ready to be POTUS?




More so than Obama I might add. Obama still has to find new freinds before he can pick a cabinet. It's almost assured that Huckabee and Romeny will be in the cabinet along with Rice. Obamas boy wonder edwards is too busy sticking his dick in random holes that Obama just lost his Atty Gen.

Unlike, Obama, Sarah has done more than point to where the bathrooms are located for the visitors to the capital.

But if he did keel over at 76, it will be an election year. I doubt McCain will run agian in 2012. I really do. So it doesn't matter. He will be a lame duck president by then and Sarah will have 4 years as VP.

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More so than Obama I might add. Obama still has to find new freinds before he can pick a cabinet. It's almost assured that Huckabee and Romeny will be in the cabinet along with Rice. Obamas boy wonder edwards is too busy sticking his dick in random holes that Obama just lost his Atty Gen.

Unlike, Obama, Sarah has done more than point to where the bathrooms are located for the visitors to the capital.

But if he did keel over at 76, it will be an election year. I doubt McCain will run agian in 2012. I really do. So it doesn't matter. He will be a lame duck president by then and Sarah will have 4 years as VP.

lololol..no need to read the rest. You can't honestly believe she is qualified to take over if he were to croak the day after the inauguration, can you?

Moot point anyway McCain has no chance

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lololol..no need to read the rest. You can't honestly believe she is qualified to take over if he were to croak the day after the inauguration, can you?

Moot point anyway McCain has no chance

Yeah i guess youre right. It was only a few days ago when mccain was in the lead and Obama may have the smallest convention bounce in recent memory. Hell Gore had a16 point bounce and he lost.

Still the fact remains.

Obama is not qualified even if he dosen't croak on election day.

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Haha forget it, no election this year, we'll get hit by 3 hurricanes at once(lol CRAZY I know), or Israel will nuke Iran or something to prompt Georgie to declare martial law, march us all to the camps and crown himself king!

whoopeeee we're all gonna die!

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