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U.S. Vice President 2008


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Sarah Palin has an interesting theory about freedom of the press:


Is she seriously trying to say that media is abusing the "privilege" of free speech? First of all, freedom of speech is not a "privilege". It's a right. Same could be said for freedom of the press. I swear this is more continued butthurt from her over that Katie Couric interview. Perhaps if she didn't want all of America thinking she was an idiot, she shouldn't have come off like one.

Haha, it's funny how the translation has morphed over the years.

Now all the "Idiots" are "IN" Politics :lol:


"Idiot" was originally created to refer to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning".[6][7] Declining to take part in public life, such as democratic government of the polis (city state), such as the Athenian democracy, was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters. Over time, the term "idiot" shifted away from its original connotation of selfishness and came to refer to individuals with overall bad judgment–individuals who are "stupid". In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound mental retardation.[8]

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Haha, it's funny how the translation has morphed over the years.

Now all the "Idiots" are "IN" Politics :lol:


"Idiot" was originally created to refer to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning".[6][7] Declining to take part in public life, such as democratic government of the polis (city state), such as the Athenian democracy, was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters. Over time, the term "idiot" shifted away from its original connotation of selfishness and came to refer to individuals with overall bad judgment–individuals who are "stupid". In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound mental retardation.[8]

Great stuff, Dzldoc!

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On Sarah Palin's pronunciation of 'nuclear':

Turns out that General Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Watler Mondale as well as George W. Bush say it the same way. And given that Jimmy Carter had a degree in physics and worked on Nuclear Submarines when he was in the United States Navy, I don't see why everyone wants to pick on Sarah Palin, a hockey mom from Alaska, for saying it the same way.

Is there no limit to how much you liberal nutters are afraid of this woman's popularity.


Well they all said it incorrectly too. However, Palin is not in their league/class/or anywhere in the vicinity, so she hasn't earned the respect that the aforementioned people have (George Bush aside) to get away with butchering the word.

nu·cle·ar /ˈnukliər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyələr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

Pronunciation note In pronouncing nuclear, the second and third syllables are most commonly said as /-kliər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[-klee-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, a sequence of sounds that directly reflects the spelled sequence ‑cle·ar. In recent years, a somewhat controversial pronunciation has come to public attention, with these two final syllables said as /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler]. Since /-kliər/[-klee-er], the common pronunciation of ‑cle·ar, might also be represented, broadly, as /-kləyər/[-kluh-yer], the /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler] pronunciation can be seen as coming from a process of metathesis, in which the /l/[l] and the /y/[y] change places. The resulting pronunciation is reinforced by analogy with such words as molecular, particular, and muscular, and although it occurs with some frequency among highly educated speakers, including scientists, professors, and government officials, it is disapproved of by many.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Usage Note: The pronunciation (nōō'kyə-lər), which is generally considered incorrect, is an example of how a familiar phonological pattern can influence an unfamiliar one. The usual pronunciation of the final two syllables of this word is (-klē-ər), but this sequence of sounds is rare in English. Much more common is the similar sequence (-kyə-lər), which occurs in words like particular, circular, spectacular, and in many scientific words like molecular, ocular, and vascular.

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Well they all said it incorrectly too. However, Palin is not in their league/class/or anywhere in the vicinity, so she hasn't earned the respect that the aforementioned people have (George Bush aside) to get away with butchering the word.

So you can make fun of her speech because she's not as distinguished as the other policitians mentioned? Hypocritical is it not?

Yes, yes it is.

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So you can make fun of her speech because she's not as distinguished as the other policitians mentioned? Hypocritical is it not?

Yes, yes it is.

If i make fun of her it's because of her stupidity. Plain and simple. Anyone running for such a high position should be scrutinized deeply, and held to high standards. She is a joke, but i can't find her funny, i find her utterly frightening.

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Well they all said it incorrectly too. However, Palin is not in their league/class/or anywhere in the vicinity, so she hasn't earned the respect that the aforementioned people have (George Bush aside) to get away with butchering the word.

That makes absolutly no sense whatsoever. If Jimmy Carter could not say it right and he worked on nuclear submarines, why is it necessary that Palin gets it right? Why is her speech patterns worthy of more scorn than those other respected names on that list?

Your bias against Palin smells of assclownery.



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But you're laughing at her for something many people do...and yet you single her out.

Well, she's the only one on the ticket with McCain.

Yes, a lot of people mispronounce the word... and it drives me nuts, no matter what their political affiliation is. IRegarding Palin, if she ever gives a thoughtful response to a question, then I'll be able to consider the content of what she says. Until then, I'll be stuck with new-cue-lar and the fact that she's read many, varied, all, or most of the various magazines, etc. We have to judge her on shallow stuff cuz she has yet to show any depth.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Well, she's the only one on the ticket with McCain.

Yes, a lot of people mispronounce the word... and it drives me nuts, no matter what their political affiliation is. IRegarding Palin, if she ever gives a thoughtful response to a question, then I'll be able to consider the content of what she says. Until then, I'll be stuck with new-cue-lar and the fact that she's read many, varied, all, or most of the various magazines, etc. We have to judge her on shallow stuff cuz she has yet to show any depth.

But-cha gotta admit she is lookin' pretty cute don't ya know.


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On Sarah Palin's pronunciation of 'nuclear':

Turns out that General Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Watler Mondale as well as George W. Bush say it the same way. And given that Jimmy Carter had a degree in physics and worked on Nuclear Submarines when he was in the United States Navy, I don't see why everyone wants to pick on Sarah Palin, a hockey mom from Alaska, for saying it the same way.

Is there no limit to how much you liberal nutters are afraid of this woman's popularity.


I really don't believe you have much of a leg to stand on here. The pronunciation keys are accurate, and concise. It's used to straighten people out who refuse to speak concisely.


Your defending Palin for speaking like a dumb ass...

In my opinion she's the congressman(1)for Alaska because she had no competition. This is pretty much a fact. Furthermore if she had no been a television anchor..........of sorts she would have never been elected to start with. Just because she knows how to hype the media in Alaska, has no significance as far as the rest of the world accepting her as qualified. 99% of the world had never heard of her. If McCain had not chosen her, which proves he's about as qualified as she is, 99% of the world would STILL not know of her.

As far as McCain goes? If he had not been captured by the Viet Cong for many years and made that a huge point, it's highly unlikely he would be in office. I refuse to vote for either of them because I feel sorry for them. I am not actually a liberal, however why blame the liberals that the republicans have such a sad way to go. Americans aren't stupid...there was a huge surplus when the democrats left office. Where did that money go Del? Is it in your pocket? Is it in my pocket?


Bush is worth way way more from oil money (someone look up the stats). McCain is more than likely worth way more money...

Republicans can hide only so much theft Mr Del.....it's plain and simple. I am sure not going to have people think I'm idiotic enough to support someone who can't even bull shit their way through a Couric interview :rolleyes:

Stupidity made her very popular, quite true. It's not my position to feel sorry for her for being stupid either -_-

Don't get me started on the bailout :)

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Well, she's the only one on the ticket with McCain.

Yes, a lot of people mispronounce the word... and it drives me nuts, no matter what their political affiliation is. IRegarding Palin, if she ever gives a thoughtful response to a question, then I'll be able to consider the content of what she says. Until then, I'll be stuck with new-cue-lar and the fact that she's read many, varied, all, or most of the various magazines, etc. We have to judge her on shallow stuff cuz she has yet to show any depth.

You pretty much hit the nail right on the head with that one. :rolleyes:

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The fact that she is out there telling people and for that matter, the world, that Obama runs around "daily" with terrorists has to be the stupidest political move of the entire race. I really feel sorry for McCain. I'd personally chop off his campaign manager's legs and feed his withering carcaus to saltwater crocs, but it's too much fun to see McCain allow his campaign to implode. Palin just continues to come off as someone who has absolutely no clue what she's talking about. Right on. I mean, you betcha!

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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The fact that she is out there telling people and for that matter, the world, that Obama runs around "daily" with terrorists has to be the stupidest political move of the entire race. I really feel sorry for McCain. I'd personally chop off his campaign manager's legs and feed his withering carcaus to saltwater crocs, but it's too much fun to see McCain allow his campaign to implode. Palin just continues to come off as someone who has absolutely no clue what she's talking about. Right on. I mean, you betcha!

I must agree. As to the first part, she's being told what to say, when to say it and where to say it. After that Katie Couric interview, she's not going off-book anymore. Even her burps and farts will be scripted by the McCain camp. So they are consciously taking the campaign down that road. Which is pretty fucking heinous.

As to the last part, I don't feel sorry for him. He knows what he's doing, and that's more sad than pitiable. If the McCain that existed in 2000 was running for President now, he'd be wiping the floor with Obama. But that guy is gone, in its place is the man who sold his soul to Karl Rove for a shot at the brass ring. He's employing the same people now to run his PR that slandered him and his family 8 years ago. It makes no sense.

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I've been saying that since the beginning. Libs and conervatives, please just accept you are both really really biased or shut up. Simple no?

You should know better than to throw me into the lot with those pathetic, bleeding-heart libs or pussy-whipped Christ-raped rightys.

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