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Some tips for voting...


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I'm glad you don't care. Some of us actually do, though. Apathy is as destructive as ignorance.

I care a lot about the future of the country but what I do not care about is which of the nominees wins the election. At this point, its clear that neither holds my views. I want a third party but obviously that won't happen.

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I care a lot about the future of the country but what I do not care about is which of the nominees wins the election. At this point, its clear that neither holds my views. I want a third party but obviously that won't happen.

WannaBe, c'mon! Don't give up, keep up on the issues and then decide in November. I'm with you..I took your political quiz and found I am a left leaning Libertarian, suprisingly a friend at work who swears he's a staunch republican took and and found he was a middle of the road Libertarian. You're right, this two party thing doesn't work well, that's why both candidates scramble toward the center at this stage of the game.

There's in interesting article in the lastest volumn of 'The Week' about the Libertarian party and the effect on the election....the Repulicans are begging the Libertarian candidate not to run as they fear he will take enough republican votes with him to seriously damage their chances of winning this election...

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relax, don't be so negative: Bush has already proved that a Monkey with a smart-ass friend can even be the President...

Are you calling our President a monkey?

Why don't you keep your opinions to yourself dude. Do you even realize how offensive you are to Americans?

I wouldn't care if the current President was Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or any other President whom I was not pleased with; but hearing offensive remarks from non-Americans on our President really pisses me off.

I would guess that many Aussies are even offended by your constant anti-American dribble.

Still pissing off the wrong people Gainsbarre. You never learn.

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WannaBe, c'mon! Don't give up, keep up on the issues and then decide in November. I'm with you..I took your political quiz and found I am a left leaning Libertarian, suprisingly a friend at work who swears he's a staunch republican took and and found he was a middle of the road Libertarian. You're right, this two party thing doesn't work well, that's why both candidates scramble toward the center at this stage of the game.

There's in interesting article in the lastest volumn of 'The Week' about the Libertarian party and the effect on the election....the Repulicans are begging the Libertarian candidate not to run as they fear he will take enough republican votes with him to seriously damage their chances of winning this election...

Well we're close, I'll give ya that :lol:

I'm a right-leaning Libertarian. That being said, I would vote the McCain of 20+ years ago. The McCain of today is too flip-floppy to really understand where he stands. Also, I simply don't like Baracks policies on...well most anything :P

I wanted Ron Paul to get the nomination (or even VP :'( ). That, or maybe he should run for the Libertarian Party next year. I mean, its getting bigger and he was getting some decent votes. Maybe he can turn third parties around and make them formidable again.

Maybe there is hope after all B)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Are you calling our President a monkey?

Why don't you keep your opinions to yourself dude. Do you even realize how offensive you are to Americans?

I wouldn't care if the current President was Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or any other President whom I was not pleased with; but hearing offensive remarks from non-Americans on our President really pisses me off.

I would guess that many Aussies are even offended by your constant anti-American dribble.

Still pissing off the wrong people Gainsbarre. You never learn.

Del, invoking my American right to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and non censorship, I will now call our president an ass

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Well we're close, I'll give ya that :lol:

I'm a right-leaning Libertarian. That being said, I would vote the McCain of 20+ years ago. The McCain of today is too flip-floppy to really understand where he stands. Also, I simply don't like Baracks policies on...well most anything :P

I wanted Ron Paul to get the nomination (or even VP :'( ). That, or maybe he should run for the Libertarian Party next year. I mean, its getting bigger and he was getting some decent votes. Maybe he can turn third parties around and make them formidable again.

Maybe there is hope after all B)

Don't give up hope my Friend, your generation is our salvation! We need more bright thinkers like you!

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Del, invoking my American right to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and non censorship, I will now call our president an ass

I suppose you are entitled to your opinion, and being an American I can accept your voicing that opinion. And even Gainsbarre is entitled to his opinions too. But don't you find it very rude for him to say the things he does and in the manner he does? Aren't you offended by a foreigner calling our President a monkey?

Maybe I'm a lot more old school when it comes to things like that. But I used to get very pissed off when foreigners used to say rude things about Bill Clinton too. Even if one doesn't respect the man, they should still respect the office of the Presidency. And when a foreigner disrespects the office of the Presidency, he disrespects America and Americans as well.

If Gainsbarre feels the need to critisize G.W. Bush he could do so without calling him a "monkey."

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I suppose you are entitled to your opinion, and being an American I can accept your voicing that opinion. And even Gainsbarre is entitled to his opinions too. But don't you find it very rude for him to say the things he does and in the manner he does? Aren't you offended by a foreigner calling our President a monkey?

Maybe I'm a lot more old school when it comes to things like that. But I used to get very pissed off when foreigners used to say rude things about Bill Clinton too. Even if one doesn't respect the man, they should still respect the office of the Presidency. And when a foreigner disrespects the office of the Presidency, he disrespects America and Americans as well.

If Gainsbarre feels the need to critisize G.W. Bush he could do so without calling him a "monkey."

I understand your point Del and it's honorable for sure. I'm just glad to know the world doesn't judge America by it's current leader. I firmly believe that is true and though GW had good intentions I just dont' think he was ever cut from the cloth it takes to be a great leader....in the end...the citizens did vote him into the postion but I think a lot of people that voted for him do have regrets about that. My friends amongst them. I used to get into the biggest debates with them, now I can smugly say "Hey, I didn't vote for the guy!" :)

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I don't think anyone that makes negative comments about Bush is necessarily disrespecting the OFFICE of the Presidency. That goes for whether they are an American or from somewhere else on this great planet. I think there's a difference between hating the person holding the office and hating the office itself. TMK, Gainsbarre has only expressed an opinion about the person. Maybe he'll tell us what he thinks of the office as a whole.

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I suppose you are entitled to your opinion, and being an American I can accept your voicing that opinion. And even Gainsbarre is entitled to his opinions too. But don't you find it very rude for him to say the things he does and in the manner he does? Aren't you offended by a foreigner calling our President a monkey?

Maybe I'm a lot more old school when it comes to things like that. But I used to get very pissed off when foreigners used to say rude things about Bill Clinton too. Even if one doesn't respect the man, they should still respect the office of the Presidency. And when a foreigner disrespects the office of the Presidency, he disrespects America and Americans as well.

I don't think someone calling Bush impolite names disrespects the Office of the Presidency. I think Duh-bya's actions have disrespected the Office of the Presidency far more than anybody's impolite names for him.

If Gainsbarre feels the need to critisize G.W. Bush he could do so without calling him a "monkey."

Yes... because it disrespects monkeys.


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I understand your point Del and it's honorable for sure. I'm just glad to know the world doesn't judge America by it's current leader. I firmly believe that is true and though GW had good intentions I just dont' think he was ever cut from the cloth it takes to be a great leader....in the end...the citizens did vote him into the postion but I think a lot of people that voted for him do have regrets about that. My friends amongst them. I used to get into the biggest debates with them, now I can smugly say "Hey, I didn't vote for the guy!" :)

And that is why the office should be respected; it represents a process that reflects our democratic elections... the will of the people.

FWIW, I never liked G.W. of his father. I thought are these the best my party has to offer? Sure, I voted for each of them everytime, but for me it was because the opposite choices were just too grim to even imagine. Especially Al Gore and John Kerry. And the majority of Americans obviously felt the same way. If the American people elect Obama this fall then everyone will need to respect him as our democratically elected leader. I may not like it, but he will still deserve our best wishes, support and respect.

I don't think someone calling Bush impolite names disrespects the Office of the Presidency. I think Duh-bya's actions have disrespected the Office of the Presidency far more than anybody's impolite names for him.

That is just because you disagree with his actions. But Bush hasn't disrespected his office. I could point to Bill Clinton and his antics in the oval office and say that it was he who disrespected the office, his family, his cabinet and his friends. Bush hasn't done anything to that level in my opinion.

Like I said, I never liked Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, and until Bill Clinton disrespected himself, I always gave each of them their due respect. Seems to be that some liberals just aren't capable of being as honorable when it comes to respecting our elected leaders.

If anything the American people owe George W. Bush our gratitude for keeping us safe from further terroist attacks. Some people may not agree with the way he went about doing it, but the fact remains that after 9/11 we all looked to OUR PRESIDENT to keep us safe, and Bush delivered on that.

I wouldn't call him a monkey any more than I would have called F.D.R., Truman or JFK a "monkey" just because I disagreed with many of thier policies.

It's all about respect Lakey.

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Yes... because it disrespects monkeys.



I love it

And that is why the office should be respected; it represents a process that reflects our democratic elections... the will of the people.

I didn't call Bush a moneky at all... what I said was "Bush has proved that a monkey with a smart-ass friend can be president"

Up to your old tricks again, I see, Del ;) We have to respect the President but not our fellow human being, is that it? So if Hitler was the US President you'd still respect him because he's the President?

America is politically naieve. It still believes in the virtue of office.

Here's a quote from Athenian statesman Demosthenes:

"There is one safeguard, which is an advantage and security for all, but especially to democracies against despots. What is it? Distrust".

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I didn't call Bush a moneky at all... what I said was "Bush has proved that a monkey with a smart-ass friend can be president"

Up to your old tricks again, I see, Del ;) We have to respect the President but not our fellow human being, is that it? So if Hitler was the US President you'd still respect him because he's the President?

America is politically naieve. It still believes in the virtue of office.

You are such a pathetic anti-American Gainsbarre. To even compare Hitler to the office of the President of the United States is such an offensive comment that I don't even think your friends here are going to find it amusing.

Hitler was a mass murderer who came to power not by way of any accepted democratic process. There is no way that could ever happen with the office of the Presidency. Don't you realize that when you disrespect our democratically elected leader, you also disrespect the Americans who voted for him as well?

What is it with you that you feel the need to be so bigotted Gainsbarre? And yes you are a bigot... probably the worst kind too. You go through life convincing yourself that you are not a bigot, however your constant barrage of anti-American and anti-Christian comments shows your true colors.

Just what is it that pissed you off Gainsbarre? Is it because a majority of Americans as well as world citizens view homosexuality as being a negative for society? Is that what is still stuck in your craw?

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