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Michael Savage's comments on Autism


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I grew up in Chicago, lived there for the first 19 years of my life, so I was 16 and living in Chicago at one time. I didn't know anyone who fit the profile of the person you're describing. So you're basically assuming that because you knew people that did this, therefore all women 16 and up in Chicago do it too. For every 5 people you name that were like that, I can name you 10 that weren't. So the behavior is not typical of people in Chicago any more than it is typical of people living anywhere else.

Well if im wrong, prove it. Im not wrong. any chicagoland highschool will tell you one of thier biggest problems is with OTC drugs. Either they are bieng taken with out adult supervison or they use the bottles to hide other things.

Do you have any OTC drugs in your purse?

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Well if im wrong, prove it. Im not wrong. any chicagoland highschool will tell you one of thier biggest problems is with OTC drugs. Either they are bieng taken with out adult supervison or they use the bottles to hide other things.

Do you have any OTC drugs in your purse?

I don't carry OTC drugs in my purse, no. If I need to take Advil or Tylenol for anything, I take it before I leave the house. The only time I've ever had any kind of pills on me when was when I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I was driving from Atlanta to Chicago and needed to take antibiotics and pain killers. I couldn't leave them at home, obviously. Otherwise if I'm out and suddenly get struck by cramps or a migraine, I will go to the store and buy a little two-pack of Advil and take them with some water. I have a very small purse, precisely so that I don't have an entire Wal-Mart in there. My sister though? She's got everything but the kitchen sink in there. Perfume, deodorant, makeup, pens, wallet, keys, cellphone, notepad and water bottle. I don't know how she can carry that thing, it is so heavy.

My mom does carry Advil with her all the time, but that's because she has chronic pain from two broken ribs that didn't set right.

And I know plenty of people that went to and continue to go to Chicago Public Schools (the dens of iniquity that they are) and I would say their bigger problem is illegal drugs, not Tylenol. Illegal drugs, gang violence and guns. That is what is plaguing the school system up there, not teenage girls and Advil. Unless they still think putting an aspirin between their knees will prevent pregnancy.

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So we can conclude about this comment about autism is that

1. Not all listeners of Savage listen to Rush or Sean. Nor they are hard core conservatives.

2. Not all 16yearold girls in chicago carry an OTC in thier purse and Advil between the legs is not an effective birth control.


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So we can conclude about this comment about autism is that

1. Not all listeners of Savage listen to Rush or Sean. Nor they are hard core conservatives.

2. Not all 16yearold girls in chicago carry an OTC in thier purse and Advil between the legs is not an effective birth control.


Works for me. And the aspirin between the knees thing was the funniest superstition about pregnancy I've ever heard.

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This electrophile is the most antagonistic, bitchy person I've ever seen on a message board. Everywhere I read she's jumping on people, degrading their life experiences and opinions. She hasn't experienced to the degree some of the things others here have so they must not be true.

What is it with you?

What is it with her?

she has a tendency to call the loudmouths out on their bullshit...

She's our bullshit detector :thumbsup:

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What is it with her?

she has a tendency to call the loudmouths out on their bullshit...

She's our bullshit detector :thumbsup:

I think she is funny and makes sense but she can be a little over zealous at calling people RICK, and she uses those 100,000,000 words "that realy impress me". Oh, and she likes to send people, that give her a hard time or says something she doesn't like, to her little fantasy island of misfits. Then the world is peachy keen again.

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What words are you talking about? Should I speak to people here like I'm talking to a kindergarten class? Just curious.

And if you don't know what the Island of Misfit Toys is, I am so so so disappointed in you.

Excuse me if I thought your, sometimes, pretentious usage of words was just showing off. I guess that's just how you communicate with people.

I don't know what the island of misfit toys is, I can only assume that it is for people that don't fit in somewhere. Don't you remember giving me a one way ticket there when we were having a, I thought, normal conversation?

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Excuse me if I thought your, sometimes, pretentious usage of words was just showing off. I guess that's just how you communicate with people.

I don't know what the island of misfit toys is, I can only assume that it is for people that don't fit in somewhere. Don't you remember giving me a one way ticket there when we were having a, I thought, normal conversation?

What words do I use that you think are pretentious? I speak like a normal human being. As for showing off......why? Who here would I need to impress? There's only about 6 or 7 people here I'm even friends with. Maybe 8 or 9.

YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS?! OMG. You never watched the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer tv special as a kid? It was regular viewing in my house as a kid around Christmas. I am so disappointed.


The Island of Misfit Toys

The "Island of Misfit Toys", another canonical addition to the original story, is an island sanctuary where defective and unwanted toys are sent.

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What words do I use that you think are pretentious? I speak like a normal human being. As for showing off......why? Who here would I need to impress? There's only about 6 or 7 people here I even like. Maybe 8.

YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS?! OMG. You never watched the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer tv special as a kid? It was regular viewing in my house as a kid around Christmas. I am so disappointed.


It seems to me that when you are talking to someone, and they are disagreeing with you, you throw the 100,000,000 words at them to show how insolent you can be.

Of course I have seen Rudolph! Are you the new curator of this island? You are the only person on this forum that I have seen that sends people there when you don't feel like talking to them, or they upset you.

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If you've actually seen that particular special, then you'd know what the Island of Misfit Toys was, and you wouldn't have feigned like you didn't. So why did you say you've seen it and then earlier say you didn't know what I was talking about. And I would love to be the curator on the Island.....I always loved the Misfit Elephant. She was my favorite. When I was younger, we went to the zoo and I bought a little toy elephant and colored polka dots on it so I could have one.

And again, please point out the words I use that you think are "pretentious". Are they words that are more than one syllable? Are they words that have more than 6 letters? Help me out here, because I want to know what words I am using that I shouldn't. And I don't need to use "big" words to be rude. I can use teeny-tiny ones and accomplish the same goal.

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If you've actually seen that particular special, then you'd know what the Island of Misfit Toys was, and you wouldn't have feigned like you didn't. So why did you say you've seen it and then earlier say you didn't know what I was talking about. And I would love to be the curator on the Island.....I always loved the Misfit Elephant. She was my favorite. When I was younger, we went to the zoo and I bought a little toy elephant and colored polka dots on it so I could have one.

And again, please point out the words I use that you think are "pretentious". Are they words that are more than one syllable? Are they words that have more than 6 letters? Help me out here, because I want to know what words I am using that I shouldn't. And I don't need to use "big" words to be rude. I can use teeny-tiny ones and accomplish the same goal.

Go and read your posts and you will see! Now it's off to the Island Misfit Toys for you :D . We have spent too much time on this carry on! No hard feelings? :wave:

This post is more important than our conversation.

I have a friend with an autistic son who wrote a book about him and I can't imagine how he felt when he heard this sickos statement.


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This electrophile is the most antagonistic, bitchy person I've ever seen on a message board. Everywhere I read she's jumping on people, degrading their life experiences and opinions. She hasn't experienced to the degree some of the things others here have so they must not be true.

What is it with you?

You have very limited scope on life, try getting out more.


Well, mid-20's and still living with mommy and daddy doesn't really help the situation much.

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What exactly is a "crazed leftist"? Is it just someone who identifies themselves as a Democrat or is there more to it?

Well, there are some crazed Democrats for sure, but I'm talking about the extreme crazed left.


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Well, there are some crazed Democrats for sure, but I'm talking about the extreme crazed left.


So basically the liberal version of the Westboro Baptist Church loons? Yeah, I hate those people too. Anyone too close to the poles is suspect.

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He'll get through the Pearly Gates before any crazed leftists will.


I have this book by Micheal Savage and it's pretty damn good. I took it with me when I was on jury duty last time along with another book by Ann Coulter, and there was no way I was going to get on any jury panel. Which was a good thing.


The Savage Manifesto


A. Cut Federal Income Taxes by 2 percent per year over four years, for a minimum total of 8 percent over four years.

B. Reduce Federal Government Departments in size by 4 percent each year, for a total reduction of size by 16 percent over four years.

C. Eliminate all public assistance for able-bodied recipients. Cut off all public assistance for immigrants for five years. Repatriate those who are not working, after two years.

D. Immediately impose tariffs on cars and trucks owned by foreign entities, even if they’re manufactured in America.

E. Cause illegal aliens to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, and then, repatriate them. Pay them a one-time worker fee.

F. Increase pay for active duty combat troops by 10 percent. Number Two. Fire any unmarried military person becoming pregnant while on active duty.”

G. Make abortions illegal, except when the physical survival of the mother is threatened, to be determined by three medical doctors. Require Norplant for all women on welfare of childbearing age.

H. Close all houses of sex and massage.

I. Expand the DEA, while decriminalizing most drugs.

J. Regarding the media; one, eliminate all foreign ownership of any American media entity. Two, break up overly large conglomerates, like News Corporation.

K. Encourage child bearing among tax paying citizens. Create a marriage incentive, through lower taxes for married heterosexual couples. And a government subsidy for each child conceived and carried to birth. Increase the subsidies for each year the couple remains married.

L. Repatriate all illegal immigrants now incarcerated. Encourage all other illegals to self-repatriate through double taxation on wages and fines on employers.”


A. Iraq. Send in Iraqi troops to mop up pockets of resistance. Make Iraq pay with their oil for the cost of the war. Cordon off Sadr City, force all residents to leave, then go in and mop up all resistance fighters. Divide Iraq into three to four sectors; Sunni, Shiite, Kurd, and International. Next, remove all U.S. troops after above achieved.

B. Iran. One, sanctions embargoes and mine their harbors. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out.

C. North Korea. Destroy their launching platforms, impose a Naval blockade on all goods coming in or out, except food.

D. Israel Arab Entities. Give Israel four years to become self-sufficient. Cut off all foreign aid to all nations.

E. China. 20 percent tariffs on all China made goods immediately; rising by 5 percent each year for each year China refuses to revalue their currency.

F. United Nations. Withdraw immediately. Remove all Diplomats and staff. Convert the United Nations building into housing for the working poor.

G. Mexico. Force Mexico to pay one barrel of oil for every illegal alien in the United States of America per month.

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It seems to me that when you are talking to someone, and they are disagreeing with you, you throw the 100,000,000 words at them to show how insolent you can be.

So an increase in vocabulary is an example of insolence?? Boy, that Shakespeare must've been a real c*nt then...

Well, mid-20's and still living with mommy and daddy doesn't really help the situation much.

hmm but you're independent Del, so what's your excuse?

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