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"For Freedom"


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Lotta political threads here.

Lotta people think our country sucks.

Lotta folks say we have nothing to be proud of.

I'm not one of them.

This guy is a friend of mine, stationed at the base where I work.

He was one of the stars of the '07 US Army Soldier Show, put on each year by actual members of the military.

SPC Phillip Harris wrote and performed this at the end of last year's Soldier Show, and tonight performed it again as an encore at the annual Talent Show.

Y'all believe what you want about how the war is going from the news reports.

I hear it from the people who have had "boots on the ground".

And the vast majority are proud, believe we are doing the right thing, and doing it the right way.

And they know the decisions being made are the right decisions, regardless what the very vocal opposition has to say about it.

So enjoy this piece written and performed by SPC Phillip Harris, combat medic.

And you can feel proud too.

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Super awesome dude, but that's not going to make me change my opinions of the war or our administration.

Edit: I can't type worth a fuck tonight. <_<

I know.

I respect consistency.


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Im glad to know that im from a country that defeated the most powerful army and the most powerful Navy on two different sides of the world and did it in 4 years.

I’m proud we got to the moon and no one else did.

I’m proud we are willing to lay the lives of our soldiers to protect our citizens and we still get people to join the army.

I’m proud before every baseball, football, Hockey, or any other game, we sing the National Anthem. And before every single Civil or union meetings we say the pledge of allegiance. (What im not proud is my high school did neither before graduation; therefore I do not give money to the school)

I’m proud that Rick Monday still gets hundreds of letters a day for what he did.

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I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Proud Father of an Army Daughter", and kind of got sick over a man that can live with himself while his daughter (or sister, or wife, or niece) stands in danger of being blown apart or violated during every minute of her "duty". It's even more upsetting now, than before the feminist movement - given the piss poor way we fight wars in these times?

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Lotta people think our country sucks.

Lotta folks say we have nothing to be proud of.

I'm not one of them.

Neither am I, nor have I ever been. In fact, I have yet to hear anyone in here say those things. It's the same old shit, over and over, isn't it. Dissenters don't love their country :blahblah: Excuse me while I go mastubate with a flag to prove my patriotism.

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Neither am I, nor have I ever been. In fact, I have yet to hear anyone in here say those things. It's the same old shit, over and over, isn't it. Dissenters don't love their country :blahblah: Excuse me while I go mastubate with a flag to prove my patriotism.

See, I told you, you are anti-American. Who would disrespect the flag like that? Putting the flag up in private area and getting vaginal secretion on it. How dare you disrespect my flag like that? You know what Suz, stay away from my entire family.

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See, I told you, you are anti-American. Who would disrespect the flag like that? Putting the flag up in private area and getting vaginal secretion on it. How dare you disrespect my flag like that? You know what Suz, stay away from my entire family.


Oh my god, you thought she was serious. I'm dying over here.


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I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Proud Father of an Army Daughter", and kind of got sick over a man that can live with himself while his daughter (or sister, or wife, or niece) stands in danger of being blown apart or violated during every minute of her "duty". It's even more upsetting now, than before the feminist movement - given the piss poor way we fight wars in these times?

Are you saying women are not fit to serve this country?

If so, lets take title IX and not allow women to vote.

Yes i very aware that some young ladys in the miltary tend to give "it" away like it's hot, but there are some ladys I know personaly would be gald to call my wife who served or are serving in the military.

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See, I told you, you are anti-American. Who would disrespect the flag like that? Putting the flag up in private area and getting vaginal secretion on it. How dare you disrespect my flag like that? You know what Suz, stay away from my entire family.

Yeah, I was totally serious about that, too :rolleyes: Oh, can I please get to know your family???? Why, you're so charming I just can't get enough!

Oh, pardon me- must mop up vaginal secretions. All this phony flag wavin gets me way too hot.

psssst! that wasn't serious, either, Gump.

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Neither am I, nor have I ever been.

Then the comments weren't directed at you.

I didn't call out anyone specifically.

Other than myself.

Why is my declaration of pride in my country taken as a direct challenge?

Besides, I'm pretty sure flagulatory masturbationism is prolly illegal in at least 29 states or so, as well as Papua, New Guinea.

/just sayin'


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