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Aliens do exist, says Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell


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It's true that the mainstream media have begun to take notice of this - Larry King has been doing UFO shows regularly.

Certainly there has been a cover up about what governments know about UFOs. Whether there is a link between UFOs and aliens is another matter.

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It's true that the mainstream media have begun to take notice of this - Larry King has been doing UFO shows regularly.


I think Larry King is an alien. But I would guess that the type of people who watch his show probably would believe in UFOs...

and Sasquatch and Elvis sightings too.

Certainly there has been a cover up about what governments know about UFOs. Whether there is a link between UFOs and aliens is another matter.

Yep, we couldn't even keep atomic bomb technology secret but our government has been able to keep little green men and flying saucers secret for over 50 years...

Yeah sure.

There ain't no space aliens people. At least not any that have ever been here or sent any spaceships.

The hyper-secrecy around military technologies in this country and in the former Soviet Union all spawned many rumors and government cover ups for decades. Every supposed UFO encounter has had a logical basis in either natural phenonomen or other man made effects. Even the famous incident in Russia that spawned their "X-Files" was simply a secret government rocket program that even most of their militiary was unaware of. And our "Rosewell incident" was the result of military aircraft development to create a vehicle used for spying missions over the Soviet Union. The fact that the military and the government had allowed rumors and conspiricies to continue, was only to muddle up the facts of what was occurring. Basically they have lied about stuff and that has only continued to fuel the mythology.

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I'm not sure where the notion that aliens are 'little green men' came from. I mean how can we claim to know anything about them, if they're out there..? I like to believe in the possibility. But I won't claim they do, or do not exist. As for evidence of UFOs, though.. I'm not sure.

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I think Larry King is an alien. But I would guess that the type of people who watch his show probably would believe in UFOs...

and Sasquatch and Elvis sightings too.

Yep, we couldn't even keep atomic bomb technology secret but our government has been able to keep little green men and flying saucers secret for over 50 years...

Yeah sure.

There ain't no space aliens people. At least not any that have ever been here or sent any spaceships.

The hyper-secrecy around military technologies in this country and in the former Soviet Union all spawned many rumors and government cover ups for decades. Every supposed UFO encounter has had a logical basis in either natural phenonomen or other man made effects. Even the famous incident in Russia that spawned their "X-Files" was simply a secret government rocket program that even most of their militiary was unaware of. And our "Rosewell incident" was the result of military aircraft development to create a vehicle used for spying missions over the Soviet Union. The fact that the military and the government had allowed rumors and conspiricies to continue, was only to muddle up the facts of what was occurring. Basically they have lied about stuff and that has only continued to fuel the mythology.

Uh Oh...you're one of them aren't you Del!? Admit it!! That's their official statement! :lol:

Kidding aside, I wonder why Dr Mitchell would make such a claim? As absurd as it seems to 'us' I also think it's absurd to think that in this entire Universe Earth is the only place that has life form. Either way, it's hard to believe...YIKES!

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Uh Oh...you're one of them aren't you Del!? Admit it!! That's their official statement! :lol:

Kidding aside, I wonder why Dr Mitchell would make such a claim? As absurd as it seems to 'us' I also think it's absurd to think that in this entire Universe Earth is the only place that has life form. Either way, it's hard to believe...YIKES!

He's old and probably suffering from the latent effects of breathing pure oxygen for too long in his space suit.

Either that or he is selling a book... the usual reason for this kind of thing.

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Seen more what......life.....outer space? Just because he's lived a few years doesn't mean there are aliens roaming around.

Just because you haven't seen one and don't believe in them doesn't mean they don't.......

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Seen more what......life.....outer space? Just because he's lived a few years doesn't mean there are aliens roaming around.

I'm saying, someone who has worked with NASA and gone into outer space, is not likely to make up anything he has seen in outer space. Whereas Del has not been in outer space, has he?

And us Humans are roaming around, who's to say there aren't similar lifeforms somewhere roaming around?

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The government(s) have got a lot of good reasons to cover up

a- new technology

b- the existence of extra-terrestrials

For example, if the US government has the technology which is being mistaken for UFOs, they want to cover that up. If it's a foreign government which has the technology, the will want to cover it up.

One great way to throw the public down the wrong track, if you are worried they may have discovered proof of new technology (Roswell) is to make some crackpot theory about aliens.

If aliens do exist, governments need to cover that up, because people will be afraid if they knew, but also the existence of ET would precipitate the formation of a global government and the re-evaluation of all systems of government at national level. Do you think there is a government in the world which would be happy to give up its power to a global body?

Edited by Cactus
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Oh dear.

:) They're just theories Elizabeth. You know I respect your opinion and dedication to them tons, and your opinions are mostly fact based. You don't always see the gray in life though....there is gray!! :)

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:) They're just theories Elizabeth. You know I respect your opinion and dedication to them tons, and your opinions are mostly fact based. You don't always see the gray in life though....there is gray!! :)

Yeah get off your high horse - I am just offering theories, not saying that I believe them.

The problem with UFOlogy is there are too many crackpots (people who believe everything), and too many debunkers (people who believe nothing) and few who are prepared to do scientific research into the phenomenon, in the search for the truth.

Certainly governments all over the world have done research into this. Very few have ever released their findings. This does not mean that there are aliens - but there is more to it than we have been told. The common statistic is that 99% of UFO sightings by the public can be explained - weather balloons, bright stars/planets, conventional aircraft etc.

However there have been credible sightings, verified by multiple parties, which remain unexplained. Objects which trained pilots cannot identify, which have been captured on film/video and RADAR.

Most likely these unexplained objects are of terrestrial origin, new technology which is kept secret by governments.

I also believe the government has used the explanation of UFOs to its advantage. If people are believing in aliens and flying saucers, they are way off the truth of the matter.

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At least until you actually see one with your own eyes with witnesses :unsure:

My ex husbands brother and his girlfriend did see a UFO. He doesn't even like to talk about it because he knows how absurd it sounds. I'm sure there could have been any number of explainations but they could never come up with anything logical to what they saw/experienced. They were 'parking' out in the middle of nowhere when they saw a 'shooting star', they were just commenting on it "Hey, look! A shooting star!" when all of a sudden it went from a falling speck in the sky to a huge circular object hovering above them...very very close...and it moved in very strange patterns....not like a slow descent, it just was here and then it was there and it 'hovered'. They were stunned....they couldn't even speak...they were like 'Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Also, they noticed that all the sounds of nature, crickets, night creatures, the sounds you hear at night in the country became deadly silent.....he couldn't start his car up fast enough and get the heck out of there!

Now I didn't see this and it's a second hand story but I believe him. He wouldn't make it up, he was reluctant to even tell anyone what they both saw....

Dee dee dee dee...twightlight zone music :blink:

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