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When Giants Walked the Earth


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here's the quote (to save the jump):

So... a long day. Still going on, in fact, as I run from it for a moment to write this. Not that the copy editor is evil or stupid or even particularly wrong. But as my wife pointed out, the copy editor has spent a few intense weeks on this, I have spent over two cunt-filled years. The copy editor might have lost a bit of sleep. I appear to have lost the 20-year friendship of Jimmy Page (how dare I try and write a better book than the bog-awful Hammer Of The Gods), Robert Plant (he'll change his mind when he sees it) and related friends like - apparently - Cookie, who ceased all communications the moment I fessed up and told her what I was doing. (Please come back Cookie, I miss you...)


I am really disappointed to read this. I thought that Wall was a good writer and, for some reason, I thought this book was going to be "quasi-authorized" in that, because he was one of Jimmy's friends, the author might have interviewed him and gotten the information he was seeking for his book directly from Jimmy rather than from outside sources. When I read the phrase "better book" than HOTG, I thought that, in some twisted way, he meant "better" as in more salacious or scandalous. I ended up talking about this with my husband who, while he has no interest in the personal lives of the LZ members, does have fairly strong feelings about "selling out" a friend in order to write a book. To be honest, I have bought so many Zep books over the years and have been so disappointed in so many of them that I am now having second thoughts about this one. There were plenty of people who were firsthand observers of and participants in many of the antics that the Zep guys engaged in but, out of respect for the band, they wouldn't dream of writing about them. At this stage in my life, I would much prefer to read, if not a book written by one of the surviving LZ members, at least one that they had authorized. JMHO

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I got the impression he was saying Jimmy rated HOTG (which I admit makes no sense), and was challenging Wall's hubris in thinking he could improve on it. Wall certainly isn't known for salacious journalism; I can't imagine that's what he's produced here.

There's a problem whether a book is authorized or unauthorized, seems to me. The authorized kind have a tendency to be sanitized and to leave out inconvenient facts--in other words, to be "spun" from the artist's viewpoint. But the unauthorized kind, while freer to tell the truth, often lean too far in the opposite direction, and include unnecessary, muck-raking truths. The best kind is, of course, the rare kind where the subject is willing to let him/herself be frankly revealed, warts and all.

Also JMHO!

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^ I thought that what MH was saying, with no little irony, was that he was being faulted by Jimmy for trying write a better book than HOTG, a book with which Jimmy obviously has always had problems (and rightly so!). In other words, he seemed to me to be saying "and this is the thanks I get for trying to write a more responsible book." This would be much in keeping with his blogs over the past several months.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Through the years of reading his blog I recall him mentioning "Cookie" on occasion. He would include some of the content of her e-mails to him in his blog. He seemed to value her advice/friendship. Of course I have no way of knowing how close they may have been. It seems to me that he mentioned her last name "Vance", widow of Tommy Vance, I think? Does she work with or for Bill Curbishly? I'm sure there are others on this forum who would know better than me and would correct me if I'm wrong about this.

Yes, Cookie works at Trinifold. :)

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Just who is Mick Wall?


Mick Wall was the founding editor of Classic Rock Magazine. He's the author of numerous music titles, including books on Iron Maiden, Don Arden and Black Sabbath. He ghosted XS All Areas: the autobiography of Status Quo, and is a former dj on Capital Radio. In the late eighties he was a regular guest on Andy Kershaw's Radio 1 show -- it was then, one night at the BBC that he first bumped into John Peel. Peel helpfully showed him how to use the coffee machine.

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If anyone happens to know this about Mick Wall:

I would like to know what Led Zeppelin concerts Mick Wall has personally seen.

And, just to know a little bit more who Mick Wall is, I would also like to know what concert acts he took the trouble to go and see as a teenager.

In all of the many many articles and writings that Mick Wall has published throughout his life, has Mick Wall ever detailed the concerts he attended as a teenager??

If not, Why ? ? ? So, is Mick Wall proud, or very ashamed at the concerts he did, and did not go and see.....

Yes, folks, this is the information that I would like to know about Ross Halfin's buddy, Mick Wall....

Edited by The Rover
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Luis Rey never attended a Led-Zeppelin concert and he was old enough to. but I can't seem to find a better person when it comes to reviewing a Zeppelin show.

Now that's nice.... but I'd really just like to know some facts... about Mick Wall..... For The Record. :)

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I always read Jimmy has said he would never write an autobiography, basically saying (I'm paraphrasing here) he'd take many secrets with him to his grave.

But now I see this supposed quote by him after he was honored with a British Walk of Fame (in August 2004):

Page also said he was planning an autobiography chronicling Led Zeppelin’s years of rock’n’roll excess. "There are a lot of stories to be told about what went on and insights to give into things that people don’t really know about. So there’s a good book to be written and I’m thinking about writing it."

So who knows what his motivation is for being pissed at Mick Wall.

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Maybe that's exactly it! Jimmy wanted to write a book and he's worried that Mick will tell all the best "untold" stories. Plus we all know how Jimmy likes everything to be "just exactly perfect". It could just the loss of privacy, I mean I'd hate to have someone write a book about all my past transgressions. Wouldn't you?

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^ I thought that what MH was saying, with no little irony, was that he was being faulted by Jimmy for trying write a better book than HOTG, a book with which Jimmy obviously has always had problems (and rightly so!). In other words, he seemed to me to be saying "and this is the thanks I get for trying to write a more responsible book." This would be much in keeping with his blogs over the past several months.

Oh I see. That makes more sense. I just reread it and realized that the comparison to HOTG came from Wall, not from Jimmy. All is now clear! :D

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I always read Jimmy has said he would never write an autobiography, basically saying (I'm paraphrasing here) he'd take many secrets with him to his grave.

But now I see this supposed quote by him after he was honored with a British Walk of Fame (in August 2004):

Page also said he was planning an autobiography chronicling Led Zeppelin’s years of rock’n’roll excess. "There are a lot of stories to be told about what went on and insights to give into things that people don’t really know about. So there’s a good book to be written and I’m thinking about writing it."

So who knows what his motivation is for being pissed at Mick Wall.

When Mick Wall asked him during the interview for Outrider, Jimmy said he thought 'it would be banned before it got on the shelves.' He would 'put it in time capsal and take it out when everyone had forgotton Led Zeppelin.'

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Hi Knebby,

Thanks for confirming that. Obviously, since she works for Trinifold and they manage RP, she has been placed in a difficult position by Mick writing this book.

Well I guess so - if it's anything bad. Dave Lewis has made his reputation writing Zeppelin books and still has contact with Trinifold. I think the amount of people who respect and protect their privacy is phenomenal. I don't think we or Cookie should judge Mick's book until we have read it.

And I know you didn't (judge). :beer:

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^ I thought that what MH was saying, with no little irony, was that he was being faulted by Jimmy for trying write a better book than HOTG, a book with which Jimmy obviously has always had problems (and rightly so!). In other words, he seemed to me to be saying "and this is the thanks I get for trying to write a more responsible book." This would be much in keeping with his blogs over the past several months.

Ooops! It seems that I misunderstood the quote too. :bagoverhead: Thanks for the explanation.

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Well I guess so - if it's anything bad. Dave Lewis has made his reputation writing Zeppelin books and still has contact with Trinifold. I think the amount of people who respect and protect their privacy is phenomenal. I don't think we or Cookie should judge Mick's book until we have read it.

And I know you didn't (judge). :beer:

Yes, that's a fair statement. IMO I think the book will be good, based on his reputation and his previous work. When I read his blogs I can't help but feel for the guy, it seems he has been beating his head against the wall trying to write this book.

It seems that he has a tremendous amount of archived material for reference. I'm hoping for a good book, from a different perspective than other books previously written about Zep. Only time will tell!

Oh and by the way, beer to you too! :beer:

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Which doesn't really fit with him being a HOTG fan.

I am getting the feeling that the comment this guy made about that was in the vein of, "Well at least mine isn't as bad as that one Jimmy hates, so what's the problem??" Kinda deal.

ETA: Spanked several times. Oooooh. :D

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^ I thought that what MH was saying, with no little irony, was that he was being faulted by Jimmy for trying write a better book than HOTG, a book with which Jimmy obviously has always had problems (and rightly so!). In other words, he seemed to me to be saying "and this is the thanks I get for trying to write a more responsible book." This would be much in keeping with his blogs over the past several months.

This is also how I read that remark. We can take as a given that HOTG is not well loved in the Zeppelin community.

It's easy to imagine feeling betrayed by someone who has been your friend for 20 years and then decides to write a book about you. One could be forgiven for feeling used for the profit of the author, even if the book is even-handed and truthful. I think many authors have faced this dilemma... write about what you know and you will be writing about people in your life, not always to their delight.

What price art?

I'm waiting for the reviews. :mellow:

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